Summary of key note speech for 6th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazards Mitigation Debris-flow hazard assessment and methods applied in engineering practice Dieter RICKENMANN 1 1 Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland Debris flows constitute a major natural hazard in mountainous regions. The main elements required for a practical hazard assessment include the following steps: (i) estimation of potential initiation zones and sediment sources; (ii) establishment of a relation between the magnitude and frequency of expected future debris-flow events; and (iii) assessment of the flow behavior and delineation of areas potentially endangered by flowing debris. In the first part I will discuss some approaches that are being used to estimate the magnitude of a so-called “design” debris-flow event. Some studies proposed to determine a (water) runoff hydrograph based in rainfall-runoff simulations, and then to use a bulking factor to estimate the entrained sediment volume, assuming that the resulting debris-flow “sedigraph” has a similar shape as the runoff hydrograph. Although water input may be a limiting factor in very small catchments regarding total sediment entrainment by debris flows, the mechanisms leading to debris-flow formation are typically more complex than implied by the above simplified approach. As a result, the maximum discharge of a debris-flow surge may not be linked to the peak runoff discharge produced by the triggering rainfall event. Quantitative methods to estimate the magnitude of contributing point sediment sources (slope instabilities) or to determine sediment erosion and entrainment along a channel are still very limited. Therefore, it appears to be a common engineering practice to a perform a field-based geomporphologic assessment of these two main processes to arrive at a “design” event magnitude with an assumed occurrence probability. It is often an equally challenging task to establish a link between debris-flow magnitude and event frequency. For this, historical information on past debris-flow activity is important, even if event sizes are often only known semi-quantitatively at best. Other techniques exist for debris-flow dating of past events but they are typically costly and may only provide part of the required information. In the second part I will focus on the flow “behavior”, first looking at simple models of runout modelling and then discussing the application of numerical simulation models. Simple empirical approaches to estimate the runout distance are often based on the potential volume of a debris-flows event. The use of simple approaches demonstrates the importance of the total debris-flow volume and of the topography on the runout distance and on the depositional pattern. More detailed information on potentially affected areas may be obtained by using more physically based numerical simulation models. It is recognized that the flow behavior is very complex. A difficulty related to selecting an appropriate simulation model is the 1 large variability of material compositions and water contents. Rigorous criteria are largely lacking to distinguish between appropriate flow regimes for the spectrum of debris flows which can be expected in a given catchment. Most simulation models require some calibration of the parameters. Before performing simulations to predict the flow intensity and the affected areas on a fan, it is highly recommended to make a prior calibration of the model parameters based on observations of past field events on the same fan if possible. An example application for a Swiss debris fan illustrates the variability of the results when using three different debris-flow simulation models, even though all three models were first calibrated based on the observed deposition areas of a past event. 2
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