tlclBine (hildrrn betrcr (ofi ñuñr(.ttc Supportlng ¿døtird a¡¿tg úcrrlt rdil¿t Presents... The Zones of Regulation': A Concept to Foster Self-Regulation and Emotional Control Presented by Leah Kuypers, M.A. Ed., OTR/L Date & Location: Course Descriotio ITarpet Audience: This course is designed for Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Physical Therapists, Teachers, G uida nce Counselors, Social Workers, School Administrators, Behavior Therapists, & Parents. Self-Regulation is a skill everyone needs in order to manage daily trials & tribulations. Sometimes we become incapacitated to cope, and with all the pressures on our youth, all too often we are seeing more self-regulation needs in this general population. Managing emotions & monitoring behaviors is a particular challenge for some. Self-regulation skills need to be taught & learned so that our youth have the capacity to manage everyday conflicts, persevere under stress, & maintain a mentally healthy state of being. Friday, May 15th,z0ts at Roosevelt University 1400 North Roosevelt Boulevard Schaumburg,lL6Ot73 (This course is not a function of Roosevelt University.) About the lnstructor: The Zones of Regulotion (2011) curriculum comprises of lessons & activities designed by Leah Kuypers, M.A. Ed., OTR/Lto help students gain skills in the area of self-regulation. The lessons & learning activities are designed to help the students recognize when they're in the different Zones (states of alertness/moods), as well as learn how to use strateg¡es to regulate the Zone they are in. ln addition to addressing self-regulation, the students will be gaining an increased vocabulary of emotional terms, skills in reading facial expressions, perspective on how others see & react to their behavior, insight on events that tr¡gger their behavior, calming & alerting strategies, & problem solving skills. Leah Kuypers, M.A. Ed., OTR/L earned a Bachelor's degree to become more aware of & independent in controlling their emotions & impulses, managing their sensory needs & improvíng their ability to problem solve conflicts. Practical ideas are provided that can easily be incorporated into the classroom or home. and ASD. She has authored a curriculum and app to teach Zones trainings provide strategies to teach students in Occupational Therapy from the University of Wisconsin- Madison, a Graduate Certificate in Autism and a Master's in Education from Hamline University in St. Paul, MN. She has practiced as an OT/autism specialist in the school and clinical settings for the past 12 years, specializing in self- regulation and social learning. She has worked with students of all ages and challenges, including anxiety, ADHD, self-regulati on, The Zones of Regulotion (www.zonesofregu m). Lea @ h consu lts with fam i ies I and schools, as well as provides trainings on self- regulation, challenging behavior and The Zones of Learninq Obiectives: Learner will demonstrate knowledge of self-regulation, including: r o o o o ¡ . ldentify sensory processing systems, integration, & its impact on modulation Outline executive functions that frequent impact selfregulation Definition of emotional regulation Develop insight into a systematic way to teach student to self-regulate Cite strategies to identify one's level of alertness & emotions & describe how social & contextual cues are used to decipher expected behavior Demonstrate strategies to use to adjust one's level of alertness/emotions to match the demands of the environment ldentify ways to integrate The Zones into practice & generalize skills across settings Regulation to groups throughout North America. Leah Kuypers has the following relevant financial relationships to disclose: royalties from Social Thinking book sale, profits from Kuypers Consulting, & a speaker honorarium from Wee Bits, NFP. THE ZONESoF REGULATION' 6.5 Contact Hours edule: Course Reqistration for Basic Zones Traininq 8:00 AM Sign-in 8:30 Please complete this form and mail with payment to: lntroductiontoSelf-Regulation What is self-reeulation? -DeveÏooment of self-reeulation -com pon-ents or ;"Jiiif,ili:Bli,.,,ha," WeeBits, NFP 15 Commerce Dr¡ve, Suite 119 Grayslake, lL 60030 on their señsory lifestlfe -Executive Functioning Fax: 847-278-0458 10:00 Morning Break (15 Minutes) Registration Fee: $175 on or before $195 after 3113115 10:15 Continue discussion on self-regulation -Emotional Regulation -Social Cognition -How we view Behavior -The Zones of Resulation Framework -lntesrãtine theories and aooroaches -oefiñing tñe four Zones 3113115; Name: (Ihls ls how your name will be printed on the course completion certificate.) 11:30 Break for Lunch Title/Position: 12:30 Zones Curriculum -lntroducine the Zones to students -ldentifuins-the Zones in self and others -Zones ánd oersoective takine -Exploratiori of tbols for the Zones -Sensory supports Organization Org. address: -öáimìnä iöðt6nioùes -Thinkin-e stratedies -Reflection on peisonal 1-oolbox City: 2:00 Afternoon Break (15 minutes) -When and how to use tools -ldentifuins trissers -Stop, dpt-andõo problem solving lmolementins the Zones ' zip State: 2:15 Zones Content Continues Business phone: -Adaþ'.ting to different population/Group Discus- slon -Usine with other aooroaches -AsseËsment and Däta Collection -Multi-disciplinary colla borative a Home address: pproach Gity: 4:00 End Notes/Questions 4:30 State: Finish Home phone: Continulng Educolion Credils ASHA Continuing Educatíon units are offered through cooperation with Easter Seals DuPage & the Fox Valley Region. This cooperative offering is offered for 0.65 CEUs (Beginner level; Professional area). for PT and OT are provided through event collaboration Seals DuPage and the Fox Valley Region. CEUs zip:. w¡th Easter E-mail: For credit card payment, please complete: Continuing education credits for O.T., P.T., & Socíal Workers will be offered through the lllinois Department of Professional Regulation. Type (please circle): Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover Early lntervention Credits: Pending Gredit Card #: CPDUs must request prior approval from their district or regional office and will need to subm¡t evidence after the workshop to have CPDUs confirmed. All participants will receive a course completion certificate upon successful completion of the conference. No certificates will be awarded until course completion is verified on the final date of the conference. ISBE School Personnel Occupational Therapv: qË APPROVED PROVIDERø COITNNUil\IG EDUCANON bv lh. Am.dcm Occr¡prdonrl thrnpV A¡ocl¡do¡r, l¡r. Expiration Date: _ CW: Registration fee includes the Basic Zones conference, continental breakfast, and afternoon refreshments. For Advanced Day of Training, please complete separate registration form & send to Easter Seals DFV. Space rs limited- early registration is encouraged Registration deadline: May 1,20'15. Cancellations must be in writing and will incur a $50 processing fee. No refunds granted after May 1,20'15. Speech Therapv: CONTACT INFO: Phone: 847-223-7433, ext. 105 Provider opprovol does not imply endo¡sement of course contênt, spæ¡fic producls or clinicol prcedures. This course is offered for 0.65 CEUs (Beginner level, Professional area). Web Site: www.ped¡ Email: sarah r@ pediatrici Easter Seals DuPaæ.: ** ValleY Putting the Zones into Practice: An Advanced Day of Training Presented by Leah Kuypers, M.A. Ed., OTR/L Course Description /Target Audience: Date & Location: This advanced course is designed for OccupationalTherapists, Speech-Language Pathologists, Physical Therapists, Teachers, G uidance Cou nselors, Socia I Workers, School Ad m i n istrators, Behavior Therapists and Parents who have taken a full day basic training on the Zones of Regulation or have read the book The Zones of Regulation by Leah Kuypers. Saturday, May 16th, 20L5 Course content will emphasize coming to a uniform understanding on challenging behavior and will include detailed instruction on executing Zones' learning activities, videos clips of Zones concepts being taught, and new activities and supports to complement The Zones. Discussion Topics will include: o Adapting the curriculum to reach additional populations, including pre-school, lower functioning students, and o . . o adolescent/ad u lts Working as a multi-disciplinary team lmplementing The Zones across settings Problem solving hurdles Question and answer session Learninq Obiectives: Learner will demonstrate knowledge of the following: o Develop a uniform understanding on challenging behavior an dysregulation o o o . o o ¡ Ability to coach others to look at underlying causes of dysregulaiton How to set up the Zones Curriculum Develop a deeper understanding ofThe Zones lessons' learning goals Execute various teaching strategies to meet The Zones' learning goals Adapt the curriculum to reach additional populations, including pre-school, lower functioning students and adolescent/adults Develop insights on how to implement The Zones with a multi- disciplinary team Cite strategies on how to implement The Zones school-wide, as well as across environments at Roosevelt University 1400 North Roosevelt Boulevard Schaumburg, lL 60173 (This course is not a function of Roosevelt University.) THE ZONESoF REGULATION' About the Instructor: Leah Kuypers, M.A. Ed., OTR/L earned a Bachelor's degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of WisconsinMadison, a Graduate Certificate in Autism and a Master's in Education from Hamline University in St. Paul, MN. She has practiced as an OT/autism specialist in the school and clinical settings for the past 12 years, specializing in self-regulation and social learning. She has worked with students of all ages and challenges, including anxiety, ADHD, and ASD. She has authored a curriculum and app to teach self-regulation, The Zones of Regulation @ ( Leah consults with families and schools, as well as provides trainings on self-regulation, challenging behavior and The Zones of Regulation to groups throughout North America. Leah Kuypers has the following relevant financial relationships to disclose: royalties from Social Thinking book sale, profits from Kuypers Consulting, & a speaker honorarium from Easter Seals DuPage & Fox Valley. 6,5 Contact Hours Course Schedule: Resistration for Advanced Zones Traininq Please complete this form and mail with payment to: 8:00 Sign-in 8:30 Review to Self-Regulation r o o o o Multi-disciplinaryteamapproach Easter Seals DuPage & Fox ValleY Continuing Education DePartmenfi 830 South Addison Avenue Villa Park, lL 60181 ExecutiveFunctioningStrategies FAX: 630.620.1148 Sensory Friendly Environments Registration Fee: $175 on or before 3113115; $195 after 3113115 Understanding Behavior and small group discussion Break-out session on Meeting Students Needs 10:00 Morning Break (15 Minutes) Name: 10:15 Zones Curriculum in Depth o o o llhrs,s how your name will be printed on the course completion certificate.) Set up Lessons and Adaptations Title/Position lndividual Reflection Activity Organization: 11:30 Break for Lunch 12:30 Zones Curriculum o o o o Additional tools to support the Zones Equipping students and staff for The Red Zone Org. address: Gity: Use in the educational, home and clinic settings zlp: Consultation and Education around Self-Regulation State: and The Zones Business phone: 2:00 Afternoon Break (15 minutes) Home address: 2:15 Zones Content Continues ¡ o Self-Monitoring and Data Collection Team discussion on Action Plans 4:00 Notes/Questions 4:30 Finish City: zip: State Home phone: E-mail: Conlinuing Educolion Credits Continuing education credits f or O.Í., P,7,, & Sociol Workers will be offered through tñe lllinois Department of Professional Regulation. For credit card payment, please complete: Type (please circle): Visa, MasterGard, AmEx, Discover CPDUs ISBE School Personnel must request prior approval from their district or regional office and will need to submit evidence after the workshop to have CPDUs confirmed. All participants will receive a course completion certificate upon successful corñoletión ofthe conference. No certificates will be awarded until course comþletion is verified on the final date of the conference. APPROVED PROVIDERø I]UG EDUCANON Occupational CO]IT¡IU Therapv: byTlrAmdan f¡c¡rpdoîd fh.rftA..ochllo¡L lnc' U Eq¡tcr Sæl¡ DuPcgc ond lhc Speech Therapv: Credit Gard #: Expiration Date: _ GW: Registration fee includes the Advanced Zones conference, continental breakfast, and afternoon refreshments. Forthe Basic Training Day, please complete separate registration form & send to Wee Bits, NFP. Space is limited- early registration is encouraged. Registration deadline: May 1, 2015. Cancellations must be in writing and will incur a $50 processing refunds granted after May 1,2015. fee. No CONTACT INFO: Phone: 630-620-4433 This course is offered for 0.65 CEUs (lntermediate level, Professional area). Email : ce@ EasterSea www. ea st e rse a sd fv r. o I rg/co n ti n u i n ge d u ca ti o n
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