April 10 & 11 with Leah Kuypers, OT & Kerry Mataya presents... Address: City: Province: Phone: Postal Code: Fax (Including area code) Email: (We will only send you emails about upcoming conferences or other important information in your area.) PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY REGISTRATION FEE SCHEDULE Professional Before March 25, 2015 After March 25, 2015 2 Days 1 Day Only $330.00 + $49.50 HST = $379.50 $255.00 + $38.25 HST = $293.25 Day Attending $300.00 + $45.00 HST = $345.00 $225.00 + $33.75 HST = $258.75 Friday _____ Saturday _____ Parent or Para-professional Before March 25, 2015 After March 25, 2015 $250.00 + $37.50 HST = $287.50 $165.00 + $24.75 HST = $189.75 Friday _____ Saturday _____ $280.00 + $42.00 HST = $322.00 $195.00 + $29.25 HST = $224.25 $__________ $__________ TOTAL ENCLOSED $__________ 2 Days 1 Day Only Day Attending DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATIONS APRIL 2, 2015 METHOD OF PAYMENT $__________ $__________ 56 Sussex Crescent SW Calgary, AB T2W 0L5 Organization: www.autismawarenesscentre.com Name: APRIL 10 & 11, 2015 HALIFAX NS CONFERENCE Featuring Speakers... Leah Kuypers, OT The Zones of Regulation Please Make Cheque Payable To Autism Awareness Centre Inc. Fees Must Be Paid Prior To Event Visa MasterCard Cheque Enclosed Purchase order #: _______________________ Card Number: ________________________________ Expiry Date: _________________________________ Name Of Cardholder: Signature of Cardholder (Must be signed) ______________________ ______________________ ___________________________________________ SEND COMPLETED FORM WITH PAYMENT TO: Autism Awareness Centre Inc. 56 Sussex Cres. S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2W 0L5 Phone: (Toll Free) 1-866-724-2224 or 403-640-2710 Fax: 403-451-9011 E-mail: maureen@autismawarenesscentre.com Register Online at: www.autismawarenesscentre.com Problem Solving: A Step-by-Step Process for Success 7174353 Do you have any special dietary needs? Yes No If yes, please describe:__________________________________________________________________________ Special Needs: Kerry Mataya Register Online or Call: www.autismawarenesscentre.com FreeToll Free: 1-866-724-2224 Friday, April 10 The Zones of Regulation LEAH KUYPERS, OT This presentation provides teachers, therapists and parents with hands-on knowledge on the nature of self-regulation and strategies for improving self-regulation and emotional control in individuals of all ages. The presentation addresses topics such as: the brain’s involvement, typical development, sensory processing, emotional regulation, and executive functioning. Audience participants will learn an explicit, stair-stepped method and tools to guide individuals in utilizing The Zones framework across situations and environments to regulate sensory needs, impulses, and emotional states to social demands. Visuals and student work samples are highlighted to illustrate numerous learning activities. A variety of tools (sensory supports, calming techniques, and thinking strategies) are explored to help individuals recognize their internal emotions, sensory needs, and thinking patterns in each zone, when shifting from one zone to another, and then to self-regulate within zones. Participants explore ideas on how to teach, when, why, and how to use tools effectively. The Zones of Regulation presentation also incorporates core concepts from Michelle Garcia Winner’s Social Thinking® framework to help teach individuals about perspective Saturday, April 11 KERRY MATAYA taking so they better understand how being in the different zones impacts the thoughts and feelings of other people around them. Leah Kuypers, OT earned a BS in Occupational Therapy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a Graduate Certificate in Autism, and a MA in Education from Hamline University in St. Paul, MN. She has practiced as an OT/autism specialist in school and clinical settings, specializing in self-regulation and social learning, and has worked with students of all ages and challenges, including anxiety, ADHD, and ASD. Leah created The Zones of Regulation®, a curriculum designed to teach self-regulation, and is author of the book by the same name (2011, Social Thinking Publishing). In addition to working with students, she provides trainings and consultation to parents and professionals, and offers workshops on the Zones to groups across the country and Canada. She currently resides in Minneapolis, MN with her husband, son, daughter and dog. To have fun, Leah loves traveling, playing with her children, hiking, skiing and most anything outdoors. Problem solving is a skill that we all need and a skill that many of us take for granted. Most of us do not even realize that we are scanning our surroundings, considering all of our options, or moving on to the Plan B if Plan A did not work. If you work with a high functioning individual with ASD, this workshop is for you. This presentation will offer ideas to help teachers, counselors, service providers, and parents identify the need for increased collaboration and teamwork to provide a step-by-step framework for the development of problem solving skills across all contexts, including home, school, and community. Furthermore this presentation will include topics such as how to correctly identify the root cause of outward behavior and how to understand the role of problem solving in the development of social skills and the prevention of bullying and meltdowns. Because executive functioning skills are involved in development of problem solving skills, goals for development in this area will be discussed as well. Problem Solving: A Step-by-Step Process for Success Kerry Mataya, M.S.Ed. is the creator and visionary behind Bridgeway Services providing intervention based services including school consultations, summer camps, after-school social groups, and individualized programming for high functioning individuals with ASD. With a Master’s in Education with emphasis in Autism and Asperger Syndrome from the University of Kansas, Mrs. Mataya holds many contracts with school systems for individualized teaching, social skills programming, executive functioning skill development, behavior support, and academic support. Most recently, Mrs. Mataya authored Successful Problem-Solving for High-Functioning Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and is currently working on additional projects that systemize learning for students with ASD. Mrs. Mataya has presented at numerous conferences and workshops around the United States. She is also involved with Asperger Connection, a small non-profit organization that provides funding to improve the quality of life for high functioning individuals with ASD. Register Before March 25, 2015 To Receive Early Bird Pricing Registration Deadline For This Conference Is April 2, 2015 Learn practical skills that can be immediately implemented into existing curriculum and training programs, at home or in school. CONFERENCE DETAILS THE AUTISM AWARENESS CENTRE Registration Includes Sessions, session materials, and refreshment breaks. Delegates are on their own for lunch. If you do not receive a confirmation within 7 business days prior to the conference, please contact Autism Awareness Centre. Registrations received after the deadline may not be sent a confirmation prior to the conference. Cancellation Policy Cancellations must be in writing and received prior to March 25, 2015. There will be a $50 administration fee applied to all cancellations until March 25th. No refunds will be issued after March 25, 2015. Conference Venue Lord Nelson Hotel & Suites www.autismawarenesscentre.com Phone: 902-423-5130 Reservations: 1-800-565-2020 Visit our online store to view our complete selection of over 650 books and resources. All products are available for purchase through the online store. Phone: 403-640-2710 or Toll Free:1-866-724-2224 Email: info@autismawarenesscentre.com Join our email list to receive up to date information on new books and products, upcoming conferences, featured articles and resources. Register Online at: www.autismawarenesscentre.com 1515 South Park Street, Halifax, NS B3J 2L2 Delegates are responsible for booking and paying for their own accommodation. Mention Autism Awareness Centre Conference and reserve by March 9th, 2015 in order to receive the conference rate. Visit our website to access valuable information, exclusive articles, weekly blogs, and to register for upcoming conferences in your community. Contact Us Autism Awareness Centre Inc. 56 Sussex Cres. S.W. Calgary, AB T2W 0L5
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