DUCATI MONSTER instrumental cluster repair Explore DIGITEK D04B6R4 Figure 1 S2R/S4R functional instrument panel designed as compact analog-digital unit and it is operate as a real 1 on-board computer. S4R instrumental panel shown on Figure 1. S2R800-100 you’ll see on Figure 2. It’s two identical instrumental panels with built-in main MC908LJ24 /CFQF-0L83S/ 80QFP microcontroller. Figure 2 2 Typical troubles: A. Recovery memory program totally erased after welding works B. Replacing broken target MCU to the new one C. Set (restore) original or zero mileage after repair works Troubleshooting: Restore FLASH memory with B.Y.K.E programmer re-program procedure (ISP access to the MC68HC908LJ24) 1: Connect power supply wires for check procedure /turn OFF external power supply source/ (Figure 4) 2: Connect programmer board to the target instrumental panel (Figure 5) 3: Restore FLASH memory and set ODO to ‘0 km’ (Figure 9) 4 : Restore original mileage by under-winding method and set ODO to ‘15905 km’ (Figure 1) 5 : Disconnect ISP MON08 interface 6 : Turn ON external power supply source than check displays messages Note: The mask set is identified by a 5-character code consisting of a version number, a letter, two numerical digits, and a letter, for example 0L83S. All standard devices are marked with a mask set number and a date code. FLASH memory consists of an array of 24,576 bytes for user memory plus a block of 48 bytes for user interrupt vectors. An erased bit reads as logic 1 and a programmed bit reads as a logic 0. The FLASH memory page size is defined as 128 bytes, and is the minimum size that can be erased in a page erase operation. Program and erase operations are facilitated through control bits in FLASH control register (FLCR). The address ranges for the FLASH memory are: • $9000–$EFFF; user memory, 24,576 bytes • $FFD0–$FFFF; user interrupt vectors, 48 bytes 3 B.Y.K.E. programmer board Serial port Target isp connector Power connector Power switch Reset button Figure 3 4 Test power supply connection Figure4 5 B.Y.K.E. programmer and target cluster connection: B.Y.K.E. Programmer Target instrumental cluster Figure 5 6 MON08 ISP connection front view Figure 6 7 MON08 ISP connection back view Figure 7 8 Service warnings Figure 8 Note: DON’T TURN ON TARGET POWER SUPPLY TO THE TARGET INSTRUMENTAL PANEL FROM AN EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY SOURCE AND B.Y.K.E. PROGRAMMER SIMULTANEOUSLY. OSC1 CONNECTION WIRE MUST BE REMOVED AFTER MCU PROGRAMMING. TROUBLES: PANEL DON’T OPERATE PROPERLY AFTER WORKS - MAKE SURE (DOUBLE CHECK REQUIRED) THAT OSC1 WIRE DISCONNECTED FROM THE TARGET MCU AND PTA, PTC, IRQ, RST PINS DISCONNECTED FROM ISP INTERFACE (TURNED OFF). 9 Factory settings restored Figure 9 10 MC908LJ24 80 CFQE package Figure 10 11 Crystal oscillator connection OSC1 – pin 65, OSC2 – pin 66 Figure 11 Note: An internal FLASH memory (EEPROM properties emulation) is used to store odometer and data. Internal page 128 Bytes used “2-byte data array method”, it’s provides 60 times programming before the an erase is required. Warning: If the FLASH memory data is incorrect (check sum error) you should see on display error messages. To restore normal operate write correct data into the FLASH memory. Web.: http://www.etlweb.com ; http://www.etlweb.net ; http://www.etlweb.net.ua e-mail: alex_etl@yahoo.com 12
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