Bulletin Announcements World Meeting of Families Diocesan

Bulletin Announcements
World Meeting of Families Diocesan Pilgrimage
The Diocese of Kalamazoo, in conjunction with Canterbury Pilgrimages and Tours Inc., is
sponsoring a seven-day pilgrimage to the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, Sept. 2127. Pope Francis has confirmed his attendance at the event. For more information, contact
Jamin Herold or call (800)653-0017.
Ministry to Persons with Disabilities meeting – May 16
Persons with disabilities, their caregivers and families are invited to an informal gathering to
share the experiences, challenges and joys of their faith life with members of the Diocesan
Commission on Ministry to Persons with Disabilities. The gathering will take place on Saturday,
May 16th from 3:00- 4:30 pm in the Parish Center at St. John- St. Bernard Parish, 555 East
Delaware, Benton Harbor (St. Bernard site). For more information, contact Lisa Irwin at 269903-0177 or lirwin@diokzoo.org.
Catholic Cursillo movement coming to the diocese
This summer there will be two powerful, faith renewal weekend opportunities in the Diocese of
Kalamazoo for both men and women through the Catholic Cursillo movement. Both weekends
will be conducted in downtown St. Joseph, MI at Lake Michigan Catholic High School on the
grounds of St. Joseph Catholic Church. This is a three day and three night weekend with
accommodations and meals provided and a suggested cost of $150.
Dates are June 11-14 for women and July 23-26 for men. The weekend gets started at
approximately 6 p.m. Thursday evening with introductions, followed by a prayerful and mostly
silent retreat evening. The weekend then goes through late afternoon on Sunday where it is
highly encouraged to invite spouses and family members to the closing ceremony. For more
information and/or to request an application, contact: Peter Mallett, 269-598-7763.
Position Opening – Ongoing:
The Catholic Diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan seeks a Director of Stewardship and
Development. This position is the primary advisor to the bishop and chancellor of the Diocese of
Kalamazoo with regard to coordinate and managing fundraising efforts to support the mission of
the diocese. This position reports to the bishop and chancellor and manages all stewardship
and development activity to meet the financial needs of the Diocese of Kalamazoo. This
individual will work closely with the bishop and his staff to determine and communicate
fundraising priorities. He or she will effectively manage the office of stewardship and
development staff. A description of this position can be found on the diocesan website;
www.dioceseofkalamazoo.org . A bachelor’s degree is required; a master’s degree is preferred.
Applicants must have a minimum of five years in fundraising, marketing or related field and must
have previous supervisory experience. Priority will be given to applicants holding a CFRE
endorsement or applicants with parish and/or diocesan experience. Individuals with the ability to
read, speak and write in Spanish will be given special consideration. Qualified applicants are
invited to submit a professional resume, cover letter, and salary requirements to
Trauma Recovery Program en Español
La Diócesis de Kalamazoo continúa con el Programa de Trauma Recovery en español. Si usted
conoce a alguna persona que en el pasado o en el presente sufrió cualquier tipo de trauma
(físico, sexual, negligencia, etc.), por favor remítalo para ayuda a las siguientes personas,
Lisette Mira-Amaya (269) 929-7084 o Fanny Tabares (269) 903-0209. El nuevo Grupo de
Apoyo en español, se reunirá en Abril 2015. Es indispensable hacer cita personal ahora en
Septiembre con la consejera Lissette.
Trauma Recovery Program in Spanish
The Diocese of Kalamazoo continues with the Trauma Recovery Program in Spanish. If you
know someone who has suffered any type of trauma (physical, sexual, neglect, etc.) either in
the past or present, please refer them for help to Lisette Mira-Amaya (269) 929-7084 or Fanny
Tabares (269) 903-0209. The new Support Group in Spanish will meet in April 2015. It is
necessary to make an appointment now in September with the counselor, Lissette.
A report of sexual misconduct can be initiated at the Diocese of Kalamazoo’s Sexual
Misconduct Question and Reporting Line: (877) 802-0115. A caller will be requested to provide
his or her name and telephone number. All calls regarding sexual misconduct will be returned,
usually within one hour. This toll-free telephone number has been established as a part of the
Diocese’s effort to protect children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools,
parishes and ministries. This line is for reporting suspected sexual misconduct or child abuse
within Diocesan institutions and ministries only. If you have some other concern about Diocesan
schools, parishes or ministries, please contact the appropriate Diocesan school, parish or office