Pastoral Vicariate Region 2 DIOCESE OF PITTSBURGH He has Risen! April 17, 2015 1401 Hamilton Road PITTSBURGH, PA 15234 (412) 456-5645 (412) 882-0272 FAX Note from Father Cain: Thanks to my fellow clergy for attending the Spring Vicariate meetings and the Convocation. Your support is vital to the On Mission effort spearheaded by our Bishop. Remember the main focus now is that this is a time of prayer. Let us remember one another and all of our people in our daily prayer. Pastors: Please hold employees and Lay Leaders exempt so that they may be encouraged to attend the Information Meeting for Parish Staff Members: The two in our vicariate are scheduled for next Wednesday, April 22 at St Bernadette Parish, 245 Azalia Drive, Monroeville, 15146 and on the following Thursday, April 30 at St Benedict the Abbot, O’Brien Hall 120 Abington Drive, McMurry PA 15317. Both meetings will run from 1:30-3PM. Urge them to RSVP by emailing with the date and location they will attend. As promised at the convocation the video and web site are up and running so please learn more about Bishop Zubik’s vision by visiting the internet site at From now on Mary Ellen will include the dates of the “Please Advise” meeting where the Forms A & B are to be reviewed. To get yours on the agenda please try to get the form to the Vicar’s office 3 business days prior to the bi-monthly meeting. The next 4 Please Advise meeting dates are Friday April 24th, Monday May 11th, Friday May 22th and June 12th. Happy Birthday to our April and May birthdays! April 6th, Rev. John R. Haney, Saint Gabriel the Sorrowful Virgin, Whitehall April 20th, Rev. Daniele Vallecorsa- Saint Benedict the Abbot, Peters Township April 21st, Rev. Phillip P. Pribonic- Saint Joan of Arc, South Park April 26th, Rev. J. Matthew Elanjileth- Retired th April 26 , Rev. Shibi Devasia- Saint Thomas More, Bethel Park April 27th, Deacon Alexander J. Poroda- Saint Damien of Molokai, Monongahela April 29th, Deacon Thomas B. Mills- Saint Valentine Parish, Bethel Park April 30th, Rev. Albert L. Zapf- Our Lady of Joy, Holiday Park May 1st, Rev. Richard J. Tusky, St Francis of Assisi, Finleyville May 3rd, Rev. James G. Young, Mary Mother of the Church, Charleroi May 5th, Rev. Martin L. Ene, St Maximilian Kolbe, Homestead/Munhall May 7th, Rev. Kenneth W. Marlovits, St Bernard, Mount Lebanon May 11th, Rev. Ralph M. Tajak, Our Lady of Grace, Scott Township May 14th, Rev. Emmanuel Agbakwuru, 2347 Patterson Ave, 15218 May 15th, Rev. Joseph B. Codori, St Thomas More, Bethel Park May 25th, Rev. Victor J. Molka, Jr. St Valentine, Bethel Park May 25th, Rev. Terrence P. O’Connor, St Therese of Lisieux, Munhall May 28th, Deacon Brian M. Podobnik, Holy Child, Bridgeville May 29th, Rev. Michael J. Maranowski, Corpus Christi, McKeesport May 30th, Rev. Henry A. Szarnicki, Marian Manor Vicariate 2 April 2015 Newsletter Page 1 Priests and Deacons-Upcoming Events Remaining Spring District meetings are: DISTRICT 3: Tuesday April 21st at Sts Simon and Jude, Greentree Parishes (St Barbara, St Benedict the Abbot, St Elizabeth Ann Seton, Holy Child, St John Capistran, St Louise de Marillac, St Margaret of Scotland, Our Lady of Grace, Sts Simon and Jude, St Thomas More) DISTRICT 4: Thursday April 23rd at St Angela Merici, White Oak Parishes (St Angela Merici, Corpus Christi, St Jude the Apostle, St Mark, St Michael, St Patrick, Queen of the Rosary, St Robert Bellarmine) DISTRICT 5: Tuesday April 28th at St Thomas a Becket, Jefferson Hills Parishes (St Clare of Assisi, Holy Angels, Holy Spirit, St Damien of Molokai, St Francis of Assisi, St Isaac Jogues, Mary Mother of the Church, St Thomas a Becket, Our Lady of the Valley) DISTRICT 6: Thursday April 30th at St Maximilian Kolbe, Homestead (St Agnes, Holy Trinity, Christ the Light of the World, St Joseph, St Maximilian Kolbe, Resurrection, St Rita, St Therese of Lisieux) Continuing Education for Priest and Deacons For information or to register for any programs contact The Department for Post-Ordination Formation at 412-456-3052 or (Many presentations are available as webinars) Developing the Parish Staff and Advisory Councils as Servant Leaders Teams Tuesday, April 21st, 1-3PM- Presenter Ms. Sharon Bogusz Formation for Liturgical Ministry of The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion in the Parish, to the homebound or in an intuition Saturday April 25, from 9-11 at Holy Child, Bridgeville District wide news! Left over erasers from the Middle School Faith Rally, if you would like to give them away to anyone who wants them, maybe for a vacation bible school, etc. please contact Jason Zylch at 412-833-1010 or email him to make arrangements at 1st call 1st served. There are plenty so please don’t let them go to waste! Open House on Tuesday, April 21, 4:00-6:00 PM for those interested in exploring the Master’s degree options in the Department of Theology at Duquesne University, contact Dr. O'Brien, Ph.D., Chair and Associate Professor of Theology, Phone: 412-396-6528 Day of Reflection for Women “Women Disciples of Jesus: Bearing the Good News to the World” on Saturday: April 25, 2015 from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm at Cardinal’s Great Hall, St Paul Seminary 2900 Noblestown Road, Crafton. The day will include, Adoration, Confession, and spiritual reflections by the Very Rev. Tom Kunz, VE, JCD and Mrs. Frances M. Tarkett, M.A., M.S. Ed and will conclude with Mass and homily by Reverend Angelus Shaughnessy, OFM Cap. Suggested offering is $25.00. Email: for more information. All are welcome! Society of Saint Vincent de Paul- Appalachian Immersion Week in West Virginia, May 17 May 22, 2015. contact Deacon Keith Kondrich at 412.321.1071 (x-206) or email him at Vicariate 2 April 2015 Newsletter Page 2 Defining Team Values -- As Catholic leaders we often presume that members of our faith community and pastoral leadership share common Core-Values. It is important that our parish leadership bodies name and define the values and behaviors that govern their interaction. Who are the People in Your Neighborhood -- a parish ordinarily “is to be territorial, that is, one which includes all the Christian faithful of a certain territory” (canon 518). Many of our parishes have a college or university within its territorial boundaries – learn more about how to include this reality within your parish pastoral planning. Introductory Trainings for New Advisory Councils – Click here to find upcoming trainings for new councilors Save the Date – A Leadership Day is being set up for June 15, 2015, 6:30 p.m. – 9:30p.m. – this will meet the “retreat” part of the certification process. More information to follow. A parishioner’s guide to Parish Finances -Parishioners guide in relationship to being stewards of the parish resources. DISTRICT 1 Cluster 1, 2&3 DISTRICT 1 Schools- East Catholic School, Forest Hills; North American Martyrs, Monroeville; St Bernadette, Monroeville; St John the Baptist, Plum St. John the Baptist School: Accepting new student registrations for preschool through 8th grade for the 2015-2016 school year please call the school at 412-793-0555 for more information. Our Annual May Crowning will take place on May 8th inside St. John the Baptist Church at 1:00 pm. Super Heroes fundraiser on Saturday May 9th from 11:00am - 2:00pm, Tickets are $15 for 1 child and $25 for multiple children. Ticket price includes a small lunch, character appearances and an inflatable obstacle course. For more information, please call the school at 412-793-0555.We celebrating all things art at our Art Extravaganza on May 21st from 6-8pm in the school. Art projects will be on display as well as musical performances by our students. Cluster One: St. Colman, Good Shepherd, St. John Fisher, Madonna del Castello, St Maurice, Word of God. Good Shepherd Parish will celebrate their 30th Anniversary on Sunday, May 3rd with a Chamber Choir Concert at 3:00 PM in Good Shepherd Church, Braddock. Immediately following the Concert there will be a dinner/dance at the VFW, East Pittsburgh. Calendar Party - May 17th, 12 Noon to 3:00 PM at Good Shepherd Parish Center (School). Donation of $12.50 includes dinner. To sponsor a table, for tickets for more information, call Peggy at 412-736-3507. St. Colman Parish Greif Sharing group meets every third Thursday of the Month from 6:30-8:30pm school cafeteria. All are welcome. St. Maurice Parish- Bereavement Support Group meets the first Wednesday of the month in the Parish Center at 7PM. Facilitated by Dr. Barbara Coyne and sponsored by Lanigan Funeral Home is open to anyone who has experience the loss of a love one. Cluster Two: St. Bernadette and North American Martyrs North American Martyrs- The Called and Gifted Workshop for the Mission to the World, Friday May 29th 7-9PM and Saturday May 30th 9-4PM, Call 412-373-0330 Ext 10 or email the parish at for more information. Vicariate 2 April 2015 Newsletter Page 3 St. Bernadette - Parish Scripture Study with Deacon Mike Kelly on the Gospel of Luke Tuesday evenings May 5th - June 2nd. Registration is not required however please notify the Parish Office at 412.373.0050 or email Deacon Mike at for planning purposes. Forming Intentional Disciples work shop, Wednesday or Thursday evenings, if interested contact Roseanne at Latenight Catechism at St. Bernadette Lourdes Center, Friday April 24, $35.00 Contact Tim at - Catholic Young Adults conference on Saturday, May 23, 2015 The Young Adult Disciples Rally is a gathering of young Catholic adults (single, married, and couples without or without children) for an afternoon of prayer, formation and vision casting. Further information, including registration details, can be obtained by visiting the St. Bernadette Parish website at Theology on Tap, April 21 and May 19 at the Pour House in Monroeville. for information contact Caribbean evening at St. Bernadette, Saturday May 30. Dinner and show, details to follow or call Fr. Tony at 412-373-0050 Cluster Three: St Januarius, St John the Baptist and Our Lady of Joy St. John the Baptist Church- ChristLife: SHARING CHRIST Session 3 -- Begins Thursday, April 9 at 7:00PM in the Annex, and continues each Thursday through May Thursday, 21. Call the Parish Office to register. Teens (Contact; Joann Giuffre at Sr. High students meet Sunday, 7-9PM in the Convent. Our Lady of Joy - Stage Two of All Hearts Afire Program with the book “One Thing” and its accompanying group-study Program continues Wednesdays, April 22- May 20th from 78:30PM. To attend please call the Religious Education office: 412-795-4389. Vacation Bible School will be June 22nd - 26th from 9-11:30AM ages 4-yearold 5th Grade, Cost is $25.00 one child/$40.00 two children/$50.00 three or more children (price includes a VBS t-shirt for the children to wear throughout the week) our theme this year is EVERST!!! Call the Religious Education office to register at 412-795-4389. Bible Study on the Book of Revelation after Easter on Wednesday evenings for continuing on April 22nd through May 27th (except Wednesday April 29). The series is a DVD series taught by Jeff Cavins, a Scripture scholar, and proves to be very entertaining and exciting as we travel together through this much misinterpreted book of the Bible. Please call Greg Callaghan (412) 795-3388 to make reservations. A Pastorial Approach to Behavioral Services Wednesday April 29th 7 pm with Fr. Hal Baily- helping people who are experiencing depression, stress, anxiety, fears, bipolar, paranoia, schizophrenia and other health issues using the Sacraments and Sacramentals. Catholics can reach out and support people with mental health issues in a charitable way. Fr. Hal has over 40 years of experience in health care and campus ministry and as a contract Chaplain for the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County and with Pennsylvania. He is also instrumental in introducing the Mental Health First Aid program throughout our diocese. Please call the Our Lady of Joy Religious Education Office at 412-7954389 to register. Vicariate 2 April 2015 Newsletter Page 4 DISTRICT 2 (Clusters 4, 5&6) DISTRICT 2 Schools St Anne, Castle Shannon; St Bernard, Mount Lebanon; St Elizabeth, Pleasant Hills; St Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin, Whitehall; St Sylvester, Brentwood Cluster Four: St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin, St. Sylvester St. Elizabeth of Hungary- On the 2nd Wednesday of the month Bereavement Support Group meets from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm in Pius X, Room 107. The facilitator will be Phillip Lavery, Chaplain and Bereavement Coordinator at Compassionate Care Hospice. For more information, please contact Karen Michaux at 412-207-1655. Cluster Five: St Germaine, St Joan of Arc, Nativity, St. Valentine Nativity Parish will be sponsoring a bus to attend the Papal visit in Pennsylvania. The trip to the eastern part of the state will be September 25-28. This will include motor coach transportation, and hotel in Lancaster PA. Four meals (3B and 1D) are included, and the trip is fully escorted from Pittsburgh. For more information or to secure your reservation with a $50 per person deposit, call Greg Bucci at 412-714-4025. Space is limited; first come, first served. St. Valentine Parish Preschool is marking their 25th Anniversary with an Open House Celebration on Saturday, May 9th from 10:00AM-2:00PM. The celebration will give the community the opportunity to tour and explore their new, larger space. Guests will also enjoy refreshments, music and crafts. The Preschool invites all former, current and future students and families to visit and see all they have to offer and how the Preschool has grown. For more information, email or call 412-835-5539. 2015-2016 Registration is open. Classes for 2, 3, and 4yr. old students, with half and all-day programs available, Please call us at 412-835-5539 or email us at for more information or to schedule a tour of our facility. St. Valentine Music Ministry presents solo bell ringer Sue Garton on Friday, May 15, 2015, beginning at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary as she presents her program "Ring in Spring." Ms. Garton will be joined by Mary Rita Rosetti on piano as they perform sacred and secular works for handbells. This is not a program to miss! Cluster Six: St Anne, St Bernard, St Winifred St. Anne Parish- Spring Grief Ministry series continues on Thursday, April 23rd at 7pm in the dePalma room for 5 consecutive weeks. If you or someone you know has experienced the loss of a loved one, please consider joining us in this private, sacred space. It is not necessary to be a member of Saint Anne's to attend and there is no charge. Please call Pegi Wright at the Social Ministry office @ 412-531-1193 (Tues/Friday) OR Kathy Raimondi, 412-344-9690 to register or for more information DISTRICT 3 (Clusters 7, 8 & 9) DISTRICT 3 Schools Our Lady of Grace, Scott, Township; St Louise de Marillac, Upper St Clair; St Margaret of Scotland, Greentree; St Thomas More, Bethel Park Ss. Simon & Jude Preschool, Mommy & Me, Toddler Two, PreK-3 and PreK-4 year old classes and enrichment programs. “Come tour our facility, learn about our exciting programs, meet the staff and register for the 2015-16 school year”. Reservations are suggested Call 412563-1199 or email us at Vicariate 2 April 2015 Newsletter Page 5 Cluster Seven: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St Margaret of Scotland, Our Lady of Grace, SS. Simon & Jude Cluster Eight: St. Barbara, Holy Child St. Barbara Parish, Bridgeville has monthly First Saturday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from Noon until 2:00 PM with Reconciliation from 1:00 until 1:30 PM. Holy Child Parish- St Anthony Novena and Mass Tuesday June 9th. 7:00pm followed by Saint Anthony Novena Prayers. Cluster Nine: St Benedict the Abbot, St John Capistran, St Louise de Marillac, St Thomas More St. Thomas More Parish Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Lamb of God Adoration Chapel Support for the Homeless Members of the St. Thomas More, music ministry have recorded a CD entitled Homeless No More with proceeds benefiting the work of St. Joseph House of Hospitality, To order, please contact Tom Kneier at St. Joseph House of Hospitality by calling 412-471-0666 or emailing him at A live play titled Therese – The Story of a Soul –performed by Audrey Ahern at St. Thomas More Church on Sunday, April 26th at 7:30 p.m., 126 Ft Couch Rd, Pgh, PA 15241. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the STM parish office, after Masses, or at the door. This play is suitable for all ages. For more information please call 412-833-0031 or email DISTRICT 4 (Clusters 10, 11 & 12) DISTRICT 4 Elementary School Mon Yough Catholic, White Oak DISTRICT 4 High School Serra Catholic, McKeesport Cluster Ten: St Angela Merici, Corpus Christi, St Patrick, Cluster Eleven: St Mark, St Michael, and Queen of the Rosary Cluster Twelve: St Jude, St Robert Bellarmine St. Robert Bellarmine. Pre-marriage class on Friday April 17th 7-9PM and Saturday April 18th 10-3PM, $35.00 per couple, includes all materials and food. Please leave a message at 412.823.1580 if interested. DISTRICT 5 (Clusters 13 & 14) DISTRICT 5 School -Madonna Catholic Regional, Mid Mon Valley Mon Yough Catholic School presents The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra Sunday, April 19, 2015 at the Youghiogheny Country Club. $50.00 per person includes valet parking, a sit-down dinner, soft drinks, dessert, followed by dancing to a live orchestra. Cash bar/cocktails beginning at 4:30 To purchase tickets please contact Amy Sullivan at or at 412 672-2360. Proceeds to benefit Mon Yough Catholic School--Open enrollment Preschool 3 - Grade 8 contact school office 412 672-2360 TIME FOR TWOS- Singing, stories, group activities and fun in a toddler-friendly environment is every other Thursday - April 30, 2015. Registration is free! Vicariate 2 April 2015 Newsletter Page 6 Cluster Thirteen: St Clare of Assisi, Holy Angels, Holy Spirit, St Thomas a Becket Holy Spirit Vacation Bible School June 23 to June 26 from 6:00 pm - 8:35PM in Horner Hall Registration forms can be found at Click on the Religious Education tab (View) and then the "Files" tab. The form is at the bottom. They are due to the Religious Education Office by May 24.Cluster Fourteen: St Damien of Molokai, St Francis of Assisi, St Isaac Jogues, Mary, Mother of the Church, Our Lady of the Valley DISTRICT 6 (Clusters 15 & 16) DISTRICT 6 Schools- St Agnes, West Mifflin; St Therese of Lisieux, Munhall St. Agnes School is accepting registration for the 2015-16 school year at this time for Pre 3 through 8th grade. Please call the school office (412-466-6238) to set up an appointment and visit our website ( for information about our school. Cluster Fifteen: St Agnes, Holy Trinity, Resurrection, St Rita Cluster Sixteen: Christ the Light of the World, St Joseph, St Maximilian Kolbe, St Therese of Lisieux St. Maximilian Kolbe, Homestead- Purse Bash Saturday, May 9th in the Church Hall, 363 W. 11th Avenue Extension, Homestead Tickets are $25 and include buffet dinner and drinks as well as three numbers for the drawings. Doors open at 5 p.m. and drawings begin at 6 p.m. Numbers will be drawn every 15 minutes until 9 p.m. Grand prize drawing at 9:15 p.m. for a Michael Kors purse plus $500! For more information, please call 412-461-1054. Night at the Races Saturday, May 23rd. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Admission is $10. Proceeds benefit Appalachia Work Camp. Seniors group meets 1st Thursday of the month, new members are always welcome, and you don't have to belong to St. Max Parish. Blessed Sacrament - Every Friday, Blessed Sacrament exposed from 12- 4PM. Divine Mercy is prayed at 3:30 p.m. St Therese of Lisieux Bereavement Ministry Support Sessions you can join us as often as your schedule allows. Our remaining sessions are Wednesdays: April 22– Journey Through Grief April 29– Tear Soup; May 6– Thankful for What?; May 13 – Sitting Shiva7-8:30 PM in the Rectory Meeting Room, Please call the rectory at 412-462-8161 or e-mail to RSVP. Red and White Gala on April 25th at the Westwood Golf Club, Doors open at 5 o’clock. Join us in honoring alumni and friends of St. Therese School. This year’s honorees are Fr. Dan Sweeney, Sr. Carita Shields, Emily Ackerman, Sr. Mary Clark, Ed McCallister, Mary Ellen Imhoff, Dr. Dan Spellman, Rick Brennan, and Dave Sullivan. Come to Reunite, Reminisce, and Return to St. Therese (the other 3 R’s). Tickets are $40. Dinner is a choice of Chicken Marsala or Baked Boston Cod. Call Darcy at 412-216-0832 or Cindi at 412-464-9725 before April 10th for reservations. CPR Class will be held on Saturday, May 2 from 9AM -1PM. The cost is $20. Please call Lori at 412-462-8161 to register or Holy Hour and Taize will be on Monday, May 4 from 7-8:00 PM. Vicariate 2 April 2015 Newsletter Page 7
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