Package A – WMOF & Papal Visit PACKAGE A: World Meeting of Families and Papal Visit Six Nights - Tuesday, September 22, 2015 – Monday, September 28, 2015 $825.00 PP BASED ON QUAD OCCUPANCY – DOUBLE QUEEN ROOM $1,100.00 PP BASED ON TRIPLE OCCUPANCY – DOUBLE QUEEN ROOM $1,650.00 PP BASED ON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY – DOUBLE QUEEN ROOM $1,375.00 PP BASED ON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY – KING ROOM The DIOCESE OF PITTSBURGH has secured round-trip motor coaches and hotel rooms at a centrally located four star hotel in downtown Philadelphia for those wishing to attend the World Meeting of Families Congress and the weekend activities anticipated with Pope Francis. Each bus will be served by a priest or deacon and a lay leader to meet the spiritual needs of pilgrims, and to facilitate the overall experience of the World Meeting of Families. Tuesday, September 22, 2015: Depart early morning from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. Upon arrival, y our luggage will be securely stored with the concierge at the hotel and you will proceed to the World Meeting of Families at the Philadelphia Convention Center. The hotel is walking distance t o t h e c o n v e n t i o n c e n t e r (½ mile – approximately 15 minutes). Official hotel check- in is 3:00 p.m. Wednesday – Friday, September 23 - 25, 2015: During the days of the Co ngress , you will be completely free to enjoy the workshops and presentations purchased with your Congress ticket, celebrate Mass, participate in activities, etc. The C o n g r e s s officially ends on Friday afternoon. Saturday – Sunday - September 26 -27, 2015: On Saturday and Sunday, you will be free to attend the many events and activities of your choice organized by World Meeting of Families and the City of Philadelphia with Pope Francis including the Festival of Families. Your hotel is within walking distance of the currently proposed locations for M a s s a n d activities. Monday, September 28, 2015: On Monday morning, you will enjoy some leisure time before checking out of the hotel. Departure back to Pittsburgh will be late morning, depending on traffic conditions. Saturday – Sunday: The Diocese of Pittsburgh will host all Pittsburgh pilgrims at a centrally located meeting space in Philadelphia during the weekend. This space will be a hub for communication and prayer gathering, as a respite, or for possible programs. While in Philadelphia, you may also consider visiting the Cathedral, located adjacent to the convention center. There are also several wonderful shrines, the Liberty Bell, and many other points of interest in the area. The program is non-refundable, if Pope Francis is not present in Philadelphia on Sept 26-27, 2015, we will still stay in Philadelphia over the weekend. We will organize spiritual activities, possibly walking tours and celebrate Mass together. Package A – WMOF & Papal Visit PILGRIMAGE DETAILS HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS AND TRANSPORTATION Your choice of two types of rooms at a four star property in Philadelphia within walking distance (1/2 mile, approximately 15 minutes) to the Philadelphia Convention Center and all of the currently proposed activities. Please choose a KING room (one bed for one or two people) or a QUEEN room (2 beds - maximum 4 people). Breakfast is included. The Pilgrimage includes your hotel room choice for SIX nights (Sept 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 check out Monday 28th) and the roundtrip coach transportation - departing Pittsburgh, Tuesday Sept 22 and retuning Monday Sept 28th for one or two people in a KING room, or for two, three or four people in a QUEEN room. Philadelphia has advised that they will be enforcing the occupancy of the hotels during this time and all travelers for your room reservation must be listed and included on the attached form. 1. 2. 3. THERE ARE A LIMITED NUMBER OF ALL ROOM TYPES (ESPECIALLY QUEEN ROOMS) AND MOTOR COACH SEATS AVAILABLE. RESERVATIONS WILL BE FILLED ON A FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED BASIS. PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE OF OTHERS WHEN MAKING YOUR SELECTION. IF THERE IS A POSSIBILITY THAT YOU CAN BE ACCOMMODATED IN A KING ROOM - PLEASE CHOOSE A KING ROOM. RESERVATIONS WILL BE TIME STAMPED UPON RECEIPT. PAYMENT BY CHECK ONLY. UNFORTUNATELY, DUE TO THE NATURE OF THIS EVENT, AND IN ORDER TO SAFEGUARD OUR BLOCK OF ROOMS WITH THE HOTEL - WE CANNOT ACCEPT CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS. YOU MAY SEND FULL PAYMENT IMMEDIATELY, OR YOU MAY USE THE FOLLOWING PAYMENT SCHEDULE. WE WILL NOT SEND REMINDERS - IT WILL BE YOUR RESPONSIBLY TO MEET THE DEADLINES. PAYMENT INITIAL NON-REFUNDABLE AMOUNT DUE $100.00 DUE ON OR BEFORE IMMEDIATELY DEPOSIT SECOND NON-REFUNDABLE PAYMENT FINAL NON-REFUNDABLE PAYMENT 4. ½ of Remaining Balance Remaining Balance April 1, 2015 May 1, 2015 Any deposits received after our room block is exhausted will be returned. Package A – WMOF & Papal Visit OUR PILGRIMAGE DOES NOT INCLUDE THE TICKET FOR THE WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES CONGRESS. THERE ARE MANY CHOICES RANGING FROM $95.00 - $325.00. Upon receipt of our email confirming your reservation, you are responsible for purchasing your tickets for the World Meeting of Families through their website PLEASE NOTE: REGISTRATION CLOSES MARCH 1, 2015 - We are extremely fortunate to have this block of rooms, at this well located hotel, at this price! Hotels are completely sold out in Philadelphia - especially for Saturday night - therefore it is necessary that we confirm our use of this block of rooms at this rate immediately. This is a Pilgrimage – only pilgrims reserving the entire package may travel and/or stay with our group. Entire package is non-refundable. Breakfast is included. Other dining options information is available on the World Meeting of Families website - ONLY round-trip transportation to Philadelphia is included. The World Meeting of Families Congress tickets offer some local transportation options with your ticket purchase. However, please note our hotel is within walking distance of all currently proposed activities. Obviously, we cannot predict the conditions especially when Pope Francis is present in Philadelphia. We will do our utmost to facilitate your enjoyment of your pilgrimage, however, many things will be controlled by the City of Philadelphia for safety reasons, etc. We are bound by their regulations. Experience with similar Papal events in Rome (the Canonizations of the Popes) has taught us that individuals have many different experiences at these type of events. Everyone feels blessed by the Pope’s presence whether they catch a glimpse of the Holy Father close up, or from afar. We will be where we are meant to be and will feel blessed just to be in Philadelphia for the Papal visit. QUESTIONS EMAIL Return your Registration Form with deposit as soon as possible to: Diocese of Pittsburgh Associate General Secretaries Office ATTN: WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES 111 Boulevard of the Allies Pittsburgh, PA 15222 *GRANT MONIES AVAILABLE – SEE GRANT GUIDELINES *SPACE IS LIMITED Package A – WMOF & Papal Visit DIOCESE OF PITTSBURGH PILGRIMAGE TO PHILADELPHIA FOR WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES PLUS WEEKEND ACTIVITIES WITH POPE FRANCIS TRANSPORTATION AND HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS REGISTRATION FORM THE PREFERRED METHOD OF CONTACT IS EMAIL - PLEASE CLEARLY PRINT NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER OF THE PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON FOR THIS RESERVATION _____________________________________________________________________________ Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Email /Phone ENCLOSED FIND FULL PAYMENT OR THE INITIAL DEPOSIT OF $100.00 (Circle One) FOR A Queen Room – 4 Pilgrims - $825.00 pp x 4 people (Total Due $3,300.00) Queen Room – 3 Pilgrims - $1,100.00 pp x 3 people (Total Due $3,300.00) Queen Room for Two Pilgrims - $1,650.00 pp x 2 people (Total Due $3,300.00) King Room for Two Pilgrims - $1,375.00 pp x 2 people (Total Due $2,750.00) AND TRANSPORTATION FOR THE FOLLOWING PILGRIMS (Keep a copy for your records) FULL NAME MAILING ADDRESS HOME TELEPHONE CELL PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS HOME PARISH Package A – WMOF & Papal Visit FULL NAME MAILING ADDRESS HOME TELEPHONE CELL PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS HOME PARISH FULL NAME MAILING ADDRESS HOME TELEPHONE CELL PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS HOME PARISH FULL NAME MAILING ADDRESS HOME TELEPHONE CELL PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS HOME PARISH I/WE AGREE TO RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS THE DIOCESE OF PITTSBURGH, ITS EMPLOYEES OR REPRESENTATIVES FROM ANY LIABILITY ASSOCIATED WITH, OR ARISING FROM MY TRANSPORTATION TO OR FROM, OR MY PARTICIPATION IN THE GATHERING FOR THE WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES IN PHILADELPHIA, PA, SEPTEMBER 22 – 28, 2015 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE DATE
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