WALTON Page Two ADVERTISER, Walton, Kentucky WALTON ADVERTISER Mr. and Mrs. James Snow and ond family of Williomstown, Mr. Mrs. J. B. McCubbin ond son, and Mrs. Floyd Humphrey and daughters were Sundsfr guests of Mrs. Julia Pennington and son of High Street. Mrs. John B. Walton, Burlington, was the Sunday guest of her mother, (Established In 1914) As Second Entered January Class Matter 1916, at the Post Walton, Kentucky 1, Office In MARK M. MEADOWS and Owner Editor Mrs. Lula Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howard, Acra and Russell Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Paula, were in Lebanon, Ohio, Saturday calling on Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Culbertson and fam- Malcolm Simpson, Assistant Editor Maynard Meadows, Shop Foreman Subscription Rate: $2.50 Per Year — Advance In ily. Mr. and Mrs. Bice of Lexington, spent the weekend with Mr. and MEMBER Mrs. William Roberts and family. Mrs. Nannie Lee Siekman and doughter and Mrs. Viola Roberts spent Sunday in Richmond, Ky. EKTOCKY PRESJ ASSOCIATION/' " inimn Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Younger and son were guests Saturday evening of m* ji«uir. Mr. and Mrs. Announcement ill U. S. REPRESENTATIVE ond Schadler Andy Jarman, who has been very the past week, is some better at this FOR Harold - son. Political Bill writing. Mr. ond Mrs. Albert Parker en- with a family dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parker ond fomily of Milton, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Houston and family, Mr. ond Mrs. William Parker, and Mr. ond Mrs. Joe Woods and son. Circle II of the Methodist Church held its regular meeting last Friday evening at 7:30 in the church. Mrs. tertained The Walton Advertiser ed authoriz- is announce that to BRENT SPENCE a candidate for renomination for Representative in the Congress of the Democratic States on the ticket from the Fifth District of Kenis United tucky in the Primary Election to be held on Tuesday, May 24, 1960. Nick Welsh was hostess. ident, Mrs. Welsh, had The pres- charge Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stephenson were Sunday dinner guests of and Mr. son and wife, Stephenson. their Mrs. Joe Prescriptions A Specialty Games - Candy - Toys Hundreds of Other Items Notions PHONE: FLEETWOOD 7-3931 PHARMACY NIE'S of Devotional was given by Miss Louise Conrod, and the program leader was Mrs. Carl Topic, "Matches to Light Conner. the Candle," was given by Mrs. the business session. LLL Highway between Independence & Nicholson Cameron Doggetf, Mrs. Brakefield, and Mrs. Graver Young. New officers were elected ond a Arthur very inspiring installation service was presented by Mrs. Clorence Stephenson, installing officer. Those enjoying the delightful refreshments were: Mrs. J. R. Whealdon, Mrs. Cameron Brakefield, Mrs. Carl Conner, Mrs. Grover Young, Mrs. Lucile Hudson, Mrs. Morcus Corey, Mrs. Robert Sturdivent, Mrs. Hoytgrd Stephenson, Mrs. Arthur Doggett, Mrs. William Roberts, Mrs. Charles Carlisle, Mrs. Nick Welsh, Mrs. Scott Lancaster, Mrs. Mrs. Williom Brown, Andy Penn, Mrs. Miss Louise Conrod, Charles Ammer, and Mrs. Clarence Stephenson. Richard Howard, Miss Flora Howard ond Paula Acra spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Noaman Cook ond son of Mt. Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Motthews ond son, Dale, of Cynthiana, ond Mrs. J. T. Loughlin of Connersville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dennie Jones and family. Mrs. Mr. ond Mrs. Jock Dalton, Ludwere Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hetzel. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Carlisle ond daughters, Christy ond Connie, spent the weekend at Cumberland Foils. low, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ryan ond fom- Sunday entertained ily REPLACE THAT GAS HEATING New REPAIRS ing, Replacements and Automatic Controls, Cleanand 24-Hour Service. Air Conditioning, No Fulflo Water Softeners Water An Estimate For Your New Replacement of Your Old Equipment CALL— HEMLOCK GIVE US A C. is and dinner, Mr. as guests ond Mrs. Jim Allphin Mr. ond Mrs. Tommy Ednobelle Thornton and Cook, Miss Miss Frances Chopman. Mrs. Gertrude Daniels, Mrs from in troction at suffer- two dislocated discs. r - to $10,000.00 FREE MOTH Mag Chopman hod fomily, PERSONAL Independence, Kentucky Accounts Insured Up All Moisey and children "Foxy," who works for the Ayers Drug Co, has lust won o ten-day trip to Miomi, Flo., for he ond his wife. Mrs. Dora Fields is confined to her home with a bock ailment. PROOFING Bess Conrod ond Mrs Moude Wilson on Mrs. Grace Renoker of Verona, Thursday afternoon. colled home Marvin Pennington ond son, Doug, of Clarksville, Ind., ond Mr ond Mrs. R. B. Daniels and children of is COMMERCIAL Bank of Independence Mrs. Truett DeMoisey ond daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeMoisey, Mr. and Mrs. "Foxy" De- Mrs. Sunday, PERSONAL ACCOUNTS ond and AUTOMOBILE SAVINGS Mr. and Mrs. "Dike" Vest spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. ond Mrs. Marvin Kendall. Rev. ond Mrs. R. F. DeMoisey hod os guests Sunday, Mr. ond Mrs. Charles Allphfh of Crittenden, Mr. were the Sunday guests of Mr. ond Mrs. Mark Meadows. Mrs. Richard Howard, Mrs. John Ryan, Mrs. Stanley Kocobo ond Elsie were calling on Stewart Deotheroge of Kenton, Monday afternoon. Kelly Kennedy, employee ot the Cincinnati, Cincinnati. Miss Donna Wright of Cumberland College, was the weekend guest her mother, Mrs. Vera Wright, and Mrs. Grace Knox. of LOANS! REAL ESTATE Mrs. Wilbur Lynn entertainer! her mother, Mrs. Melvin Jones, ond her niece, Poulette Chance, by seeing the film, 8ea, Hur, lost Friday eve- Maryalice Conrad, Mr. ond Mrs. Walter Zuloger ond daughters, Cheryl and Linda, of Lexington, Co., StosKe of sons. Louisville. Jones. nington. Hospital, Bush. ot Mr. ond Mrs. Clifford- Chance ond daughters were Sunday guests of his mother, Mrs. Melvin Jones, and Mr. daughter of Mr. ond Mrs. Levi Pen- Ky. Olivet, Our 'Another* Service to Loyal Customers" Mrs. Gertrude Daniels entertained dinner Sunday, Mr. ond Mrs for Artistic Erlanger. i Mrs. Hottie Percivol returned home Friday from Ashlond, where she had spent several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ted Anderson, and Mr Cleaners 16 South Main Street WALTON, KY. HUdson 5-4494 We S&H Green Stamps Give Anderson He requests the prayers of friends. Miss Patty Conrad of Dayton, O., was the Friday night guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allen and Jimmy Stone, and attended the Prom ot High School that evening. Mr. ond Mrs. Ed Osborne of Covwere weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cooper, Jr. ond Did You Say family. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sanders ond Mrs. Noncy Spencer of Cincinnati, were Sunday guests of his mother, Mrs. Lena Sanders, and Louise. Low Cost? Home 1-7056 SCHLOSSER INDUSTRIES, INC 12th & & C. O. Covington, Kentucky R. R. BARTH MOTORS! as you Yes... we said at our "We Give TOP VALUE 1.95 Stamps" Place of Bargains" 1948 Studebaker IVi-ton truck 1949 DODGE 1951 BUICK 1953 o O; 2 4-door PLYMOUTH — Free ROAST BEEF CHICKEN * 20 SALADS & RELISHES FISH • DESERT VEGETABLES BEVERAGES Ir coses less thin you think to be com- fortable . 1948 — : Git tb* Robertson's fmu m dsy No tact a Restaurant %; uvi sitti-n Dixie Sovfli Motors safe . . . with electric efficient heating system home can save you bearing dollars ELECTRIC No W*dll*\* HEAT aUctrical jomr co-op. bailor with Rued Eltctric Co-ops. A 42 L3232 * Room Lunch Service * Dining Owen County Rural Electric Dinner ALWAYS OPEN Private Eat In Or to- Corn- Mitchwlf Ky* Ft* EDison Breakfast oUdrtc bom* Highway U. S. 25 Regular Dioolng ' m your obligation. ttrtifiod contractor 24-Hour Wrecker Service General Repair and Body Work i . M. P. baating 2216 BARTH MOTORS . An many 11:30 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. Mftw HUdao* 5-4890 • PL 7-51 IS 134 N. oVUIN, WALTON, KY. . throughout tout home. designed for your (Our Famous Apple Pie) 5:00 to 8:30 PORTABLE WELDING :— BARTH sure SERVED DAILY 2-door, real clean To-The-Job Specials CHEVROLET 4-door, powerglide WILLYS Jeep . electric heat SUNDAY 1950 . 10— $1.00 Under Under 3 Children "The LOW COST! GOURMET TABLE USED CARS Rooms Co-op., Inc. Your Car or Carry Out Alcoholic Beverages Setyed 1960 this writing. atives at Mt. Mrs. 12, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Groger had as weekend guests, Mr. ond Mrs. Joe John Robinson of Danville, Ky., son of Mrs. Beulah Robinson, is seriously ill in the Veterans Hospital, Mills, ill Leight Filters Obligation For or parents, Mr. ond Mrs. C. of Lexington. Mr. Mills Stanley McLoney, Mrs. Mildred Clark, ond Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sizemore. On Saturday, guests were Mr. and Mm. Bill ington, Installations, Repairs. And — OIL — COAL Thompson. Mrs. Ethel Rogers is now ot her getting o much-needed rest. Mrs. Ralph Marsh is a patient in St. Elizabeth Hospital, Covington, os is Mrs. Aubrey Eckler, of Ludlow, Walton-Verona FURNACE or BOILER now S. Mrs. Stanley Allen ond Mrs. William Roberts attended inspection of Eastern Stor Order at Williomstown, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Asa M. Rouse ond children were Sunday guests of her the dine ond son. Mr. ond Mrs. Eorl Salyers ond family spent the weekend with rel- ing and for Mr. ond Mrs. Richard Ryan ond fomily, Mr. ond Mrs. George Ryon and fomily, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Seng and daughter, Williom Ryon, and Mrs. Russell Ryan. Mr. ond Mrs. Jim Burdine and son, and Mrs. Arthur Kimberlin ond fomily of Hamilton, Ohio, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bur- Christ FURNACE Forest May ond Mrs. John Honks spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Gola Johnson and family in Covington. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Osborne and children of Cincinnati, were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. ond Mrs. Mr. Mr. ond Mrs. Gordon Phillips hod as guests Sunday, Mrs. Christine Husnik, Miss Saundro Smith, Ernie ning. ond Mr. Walton Lumber House Cleaning Time Thursday, Mrs. Edna Massle was a weekend guest of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Horry Massie, Covington. Roscoe Denny of Berea, was the Sunday guest of his mother, Mrs. Thomas Griffin, ond Mr. Griffin. Mrs. Margaret Wilder of Boone ville, Ky., was the Tuesday night guest of her relatives, Mr. ond Mrs. Owentoi, Ky.
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