Phirimane 200: 16 May 2015 Northern Regions Off-road Championship – Round 2 Northern Regions Junior Off-road Championship – Round 2 1. PROMOTERS NAME ADDRESS TEL NO CELL EMAIL FAX Social Media SPONSORS DirtRacing Promotions 11 Klapperbossingel, Melkhoutkruin, Stilbaai 082 337 6286 Adolf Botes 082 337 6286 086 648 4628 Facebook: Dirt Racing/ Twitter: @DirtRacingSA Barnard Vervoer 2. JURISDICTION: Held under the General Competition Rules and Standing Supplementary Regulations of Motorsport South Africa (MSA), these Supplementary Regulations and final instructions which may be issued to competitors and any relevant MSA Circulars of 2015, which will take precedence to these SR’s. These regulations must be read and understood by all competitors. 3. MOTORSPORT SOUTH AFRICA PERMIT NUMBER: Please note that the MSA Flag will be prominently displayed at MSA 13841 Start/Finish 4. EVENT AND STATUS: The event will be known as the Phirimane 200 and will be round 2 of the Northern Region Regional Championship as well as Round 2 of the Junior Northern Regions Off-road Championship for motorcycles and quads. Venue is situated: Make sure your GPS format is ddd° mm’ ss.s” Pits, Phirimane, Vredefort GPS Coordinates Start / Finish S 27° 05’ 40.48” E 27° 04’ 04.65” 5. PROGRAMME OF EVENTS: Seniors 30 April 2015 Entries open Wednesday 12 May 2015 Entries Close@ Midnight Friday 15 May 2015 Late Entries Close @ Noon Saturday 16 May 2015 Senior Quads Documentation Quads 6:30 to 7:40 Line-up for Quads – Open 6:30 Line-up for Quads Close 7:55 - If you are late you start at the back – no exceptions Riders Briefing on Start Line 7:55 - Compulsory Leading Quad Departs 8:00 Timebar Quads 11:30 Results 13:30 – Posting of provisional results. Protests must be submitted at Race HQ as per GCR 200viii) Senior Bikes Documentation Bikes Line-up for Bikes – Open Line-up for Bikes Close Riders Briefing on Start Line Leading Bike Departs Timebar Bikes Results Prizegiving 10:00 to 11:30 10:15 11:55 - If you are late you start at the back – no exceptions 11:55 - Compulsory 12:00 15:30 17:30 – Posting of provisional results. Protests must be submitted at Race HQ as per GCR 200viii) 18:15 PROGRAMME OF EVENTS: Juniors 30 April 2015 Entries open Wednesday 12 May 2015 Entries Close@ Midnight Friday 15 May 2015 Late Entries Close @ Noon Junior Quads Documentation Quads Line-up for Quads – Open Line-up for Quads Close Riders Briefing on Start Line Leading Quad Departs Timebar Quads Results Junior Bikes Documentation Bikes Line-up for Bikes – Open Line-up for Bikes Close Riders Briefing on Start Line Leading Bike Departs Timebar Bikes Results 6:30 to 7:40 6:30 7:55 - If you are late you start at the back – no exceptions 7:55 - Compulsory 8:00 10:00 at Finish 11:30 – Posting of provisional results. Protests must be submitted at Race HQ as per GCR 200viii) 10:00 to 11:30 10:30 11:55 - If you are late you start at the back – no exceptions 11:55 - Compulsory 12:00 14:00 at Finish 15:30 – Posting of provisional results. Protests must be submitted at Race HQ as per GCR 200viii) 6. ELIGIBILITY OF COMPETITORS: Please refer to SSR 325 and SSR 329 of the of the 2015 MSA Senior Non Circuit Off-road Motorcycle and Quad Regulations, and point 2 in the NR 20/15 Off-road Regulations Juniors - Please refer to SSR 357 and SSR 359 of the 2015 MSA Junior Non Circuit Off-road Motorcycle and Quad Regulations. 7. COMPETITOR CONDUCT: Please refer to SSR 347 of the 2015 MSA Senior Non Circuit Motorcycle and Quad Off-road Regulations, and point 17 in the NR 20/15 Off-road Regulations. Under no circumstances will competitors or helpers be allowed to ride their machines once they have completed the event. Failure to adhere to this will result in exclusion from the event. 8. OFFICIALS OF THE MEETING – The following officials will be on duty: OFFICIALS NAME & SURNAME CLERK OF THE COURSE / SAFETY Adolf Botes OFFICER ASSISTANT COC ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER MSA Steward Club Steward TBA TBA Eldrid Diedericks TBA GRADE LICENCE NUMBER A 18220 A 33468 SECRETARY TIMEKEEPERS CHIEF TIMEKEEPER CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER ROUTE DIRECTOR Elza Thiart-Botes Pro Timing Andre Furby MCS – Cornelis van Schalkwyk Banie Barnard / Ferdie Seegers 33841 9. COMPETITION NUMBERS Competition numbers for all classes will be those as issued by Motorsport S.A (Head Office) only. Contact Carmen Hill (011 675 2220 / – Number allocation forms will be available on the MSA Website. Please refer to SSR 330 of the 2015 MSA Senior Non Circuit Motorcycle and Quad Off-road Regulations, and point 9 in the NR 20/15 Off-road Regulations for colours and backings. Juniors - refer to SSR 358 of the 2015 MSA Junior Non Circuit Motorcycle and Quad Off-road Regulations. 10. ENTRIES: Online entries to be done on Please refer to SSR 326 of the 2015 MSA Senior Non Circuit Motorcycle and Quad Off-road Regulations, and point 16 in the NR 20/15 Off-road Regulations for colours and backings. Juniors – refer to SSR 363 of the 2015 MSA Junior Non Circuit Motorcycle and Quad Off-road Regulations. Refer to 2015 MSA GCR 121 & GCR 122 Entries Close - Entries Open - 30 April 2015 Late Entries Close Entry Fees are as follow: Regional Entry Fee Junior Regional Entry Fee 12 May 2015 @ Midnight 15 May 2015 @ Noon R650.00 R450.00 Riders that participated in the FIRST Northern Region SENIOR (21 Feb 2015 _ Rysmierbult) event will receive a subsidy of R400.00 towards their entry fee. See list of riders on (This is applicable to SENIOR entries only) Banking Details: Bank Branch Code Account Number Account Name Fax OR E-mail Deposit Slip to ABSA 632005 4078123133 DirtRacing Promotions Fax 086 648 4628 or email 11. ENTRANTS LICENCES: Where the entrant is NOT the rider (Team Entrant), an entrant’s licence must be obtained from MSA and submitted together with the entry form, failing which the Entrant’s name will not be published in the programme. CLASSES: REGIONAL QUADS (Minimum of a Regional REGIONAL MOTORCYCLES: (Minimum of a Q1 Class: Open to competitors from the year of their 16th birthday and older. Any capacity quad may be used. Refer SSR 325(d) for competitors up to and including the year of their 18th birthday. Q2 Class: Open to competitors from the year of their 28th birthday and older. Any capacity quad may be used. Senior Class: Open to competitors from the year of their 35th birthday and older. Any capacity quad may be used. Ladies Class: Any capacity quad. Refer SSR 325(d) OR3 Class: Two stroke motorcycles with an engine capacity not exceeding 201cc and four stroke motorcycles with an engine capacity not exceeding 251cc. Refer SSR 325(d) for competitors up to and including the year of their 18th birthday. OR2 Class: Two stroke motorcycles with an engine capacity greater than 201 cc but not exceeding 251cc and four stroke motorcycles with an engine capacity greater than 251 cc but not exceeding 401cc. Refer SSR 325(d) for competitors up to and including the year of their 18th Licence or one event Regional licence only) Regional Licence or one event Regional licence only) for competitors up to and including the year of their 18th birthday. Master Class: Open to competitors from the year of their 46th birthday and older. Any capacity quad may be used. High School Class: Open to competitors from the year of their 15th birthday, to 31 December of the year in which their 17th birthday occurs and restricted to quads with an engine capacity not exceeding 300cc two stroke or four stroke with an engine capacity not exceeding 451cc. birthday. OR1 Class: Two stroke motorcycles with an engine capacity in excess of 251cc and four stroke motorcycles with an engine capacity in excess of 401cc. Refer SSR 325(d) for competitors up to and including the year of their 18th birthday. Senior Class: Open to competitors from the year of their 38th birthday and older. Any capacity motorcycle may be used. Master Class: Open to competitors from the year of their 46th birthday and older. Any capacity motorcycle may be used. High School Class: Open to competitors from the year of their 15th birthday, to 31 December of the year in which their 17th birthday occurs and restricted to motorcycles with an engine capacity not exceeding 201cc two stroke or four stroke with an engine capacity not exceeding 251cc. Ladies Class: Any capacity Bike. Refer SSR 325(d) for competitors up to and including the year of their 18th birthday. JUNIOR NORTHERN REGIONS CHAMPIONSHIP QUADS (Minimum of a Regional Licence or one event Regional licence only) JUNIOR NORTHERN REGIONS CHAMPIONSHIP MOTORCYCLES (Minimum of a Regional Licence or one event Regional licence only) Junior Quads: The maximum permissible capacity is 240cc Air cooled 2 stroke, 200cc water cooled 2 stroke, or 400cc 4 stroke. 400cc quads Engine and chassis configuration to stay as per manufacturer specifications, including bore and stroke. No further restrictions. No 450cc quad that is downgraded to 400cc may be used. For riders under the age of 12 the maximum permissible capacity is 200cc Air cooled 2 strokes or 350cc air-cooled 4 strokes Engine and chassis changes are unrestricted. Engine and chassis configuration to stay as per manufacturer specifications. Senior 85cc motorcycles: Open to competitors from the year of their 13th birthday, to 31st December of the year in which their 15th birthday occurs. The maximum permissible capacity is 105cc 2-stroke or 150cc 4-stroke. The 105cc 2 stroke will be phased out for 2016 when only 85cc 2 stroke will be allowed. Chassis suspension and engine modifications unrestricted. (Minimum wheel size 14” rear 17” front, Maximum 16” rear and 19” front). Junior 85cc motorcycles: Open to competitors from the year of their 8th birthday, to 31st December of the year in which their 13th birthday occurs. The maximum permissible capacity is 85cc 2-stroke or 125cc 4-stroke air cooled. (Minimum wheel size 14” rear 17” front, Maximum 16” rear and 19” front). Junior 65cc motorcycles: Open to competitors from the year of their 7th birthday, to 31st December of the year in which their 11th birthday occurs. The maximum permissible capacity is 65cc 2-stroke or 110cc 4-stroke. GENERAL RACE INFORMATION: DOCUMENTATION AND SCRUTINEERING: Refer to Programme of Events above Self Scrutineering will apply – Refer to SSR 351 (a) v in the 2015 MSA Senior Non Circuit Motorcycle and Quad Offroad Regulations Juniors – refer to SSR 359 of the 2015 MSA Junior Non Circuit Motorcycle and Quad Off-road Regulations. RIDERS BRIEFING: Refer to Programme of Events above All riders must be present at the briefing at the stipulated time and venue. Please refer to SSR 335 of the 2015 MSA Senior Non Circuit Motorcycle and Quad Off-road Regulations. OFFICIAL NOTICE BOARD: Phirimane, Vredefort PITS The pits will be on a first come first serve basis JETTING No Jetting will be allowed before documentation has been done. RACE HEADQUARTERS Phirimane, Vredefort PRIZE-GIVING Prize giving will take place once the results are final. Competitors who do not attend the prize giving to receive their prizes / awards will forfeit them unless they have received permission from the COC. DSP’S AND REFUELLING Main DSP will be at the Race Headquarters and there will be no outside refuel points Please refer to SSR 345 of the 2015 MSA Senior Non Circuit Motorcycle and Quad Off-road Regulations FINISH AND ROUTE CHECK CONTROL CARDS Helmet stickers will be supplied and must be on the left hand side of the helmet. The onus rest with the competitor to hand in his sticker on completion of the event. THIS STICKER IS TO BE PLACED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THE EVALUATION FORM SWEEPS AND RECOVERY It is intended that there will be sweep vehicles on all racing sections to pick up competitors who are injured or stranded. Competitors are to note that the organisers are not obliged to provide any service for the recovery of motorcycles / quads but will endeavour as far as possible to assist where ever possible RESULTS As per Programme of events ROUTE – SENIORS ROUTE - JUNIORS All competitors will have to complete 3 loops of approx 60km. All competitors will race for 2 hours on a route of approx. 20km. RETIREMENT AND EVALUATION REPORT FORMS: Refer to SSR 348 of the 2015 MSA Senior Non Circuit Motorcycle and Quad Off-road Regulations REFRESHMENTS: There will be food and beverages for sale. 12. POSTPONEMENT, ABANDONMENT OR CANCELLATION: The Organisers reserve the right to postpone, abandon or cancel the meeting or any part thereof. In the event of any of the above, the Competitor/Entrant has no right to claim against the Promoter/Organiser in respect of any loss or damage he/she may incur, other than that specified in GCR 244. The meeting will not be postponed, abandoned or cancelled without the consent of the Jury President/MSA Steward in accordance with GCR 152. 13. ADVERTISING: Must display advertising decals supplied by the overall championship sponsor / and/or individual event sponsor/s which makes it a condition of entry to display the sponsor’s advertising material - As per SSR 329 a) ix) 2015 MSA Senior Non Circuit Motorcycle and Quad Off-road Regulations 14. PROTESTS: All protests and appeals will be dealt with as set out in GCR Appendix R, Parts IX and X. 15. TRANSPONDERS: Transponders are compulsory and will be issued at documentation. Riders remain responsible for transponders once issued are liable for any costs incurred for loss or damage. 16. RIGHTS OF THE CLERK OF COURSE: The Clerk of the Course and/or the Jury of the Meeting have the right to call a halt to an event due to “force majeure” for any of the following, but not limited to, reasons: i) Extreme weather conditions ii) Serious or fatal accident iii) Sections of the route being deemed impassable owing to recent extreme weather or other unforeseen circumstances. iv) Dangerous circumstances for riders involving spectators or bystanders. v) Any other circumstances which the Clerk of the Course, in his sole discretion, deems to be dangerous or prejudicial to competitors. vi) In the event of an event being halted as above or for any other reason, the Clerk of the Course will inform all marshal points to stop competitors. The riders will be scored back to the last timing point they passed before the event was stopped. 17. CROSSING OF PUBLIC /DISTRICT ROADS: As the organizer we have fully acquainted ourselves with SSR 341 of the 2015 MSA Senior Non Circuit Motorcycle and Quad Off-road Regulations with regards to crossing of public/district roads. We the organizers are also aware and have acquainted ourselves with the provisions of Section 317 of the Road Traffic Act and confirm that the event officials have been made aware of the above section. By allowing the event to proceed we accept that all requirements are complied with and where applicable all relevant permissions are in place. 18. DIRECTIONS: Directions from Pretoria / Johannesburg : Travel on the N1, take exit 498 Parys/Sasolburg. Turn right onto the R59, continue approx. 19km to Parys, turn right into Water str, continue on the R59 for approx. 47km. Pits will be on the left. 19. GENERAL: SAFETY PLAN FOR THE EVENT WILL BE AVAILABLE FROM THE RACE SECRETARY, AS PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SAFETY & RECREATION ACT 2 OF 2010
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