- First Christian Church

Statistical Report for 2014
March 1
April 5
April 12
Elder: 9:00 - Connie Hance
Elders: 11:00— Doug Atkinson & Marilyn Cardwell
Acolyte— Gillian Pruitt
Fellowship Time— Deacons
April 19
Elder: 9:00— Janice Taylor
Elders: 11:00—Jim & Trish Eubanks
Acolyte— Spencer Nelson
Fellowship Time— CWF
April 26
Elder: 9:00— Dan Traylor
Elders: 11:00—Paul & Lee Anne West
Acolyte— Austin Hudspeth
Fellowship Time— Library Class
Responsibilities for the Month
Elders: 9:00— Patsy Traylor
Elders: 11:00— Paul & Judy Gillespie
Acolyte— Bowen Werner
Fellowship Time– Elders
Deacons for April 2015—Team
B.J. & Bettie Carmichael, Doug & Pam Bowen, Jim Calder & Grant
Junior Deacons
Emma Allison, Cameron Archer, Jacob West, Makenzie West,
Spencer West, Paisley DiGiacobbe,
Pledge receipts
No pledge receipt
Loose offering
March 8
Pledge receipts
No pledge receipts
Loose offering
March 15
Pledge receipts
No pledge receipts
Loose officering
Mach 22
Pledge receipts
No pledge receipt
Loose offering
Mach 22
Pledge receipts
No pledge receipt
Loose offering
Total of Pledges for 2015 — $213,002.00
Pledged amount to date: March 29
Pledges received to date:
Check out the Web site for upcoming events—www.disciplesofchrist.com
First Christian Church
Disciples of Christ
2320 Country Club Rd.
Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27104
April 2015
Senior Pastor –Reverend Ryan Thrasher
Associate/Youth Minister: Chris Rinker
Administrator/ Financial Secretary: Sharry Davis
Director of Music Ministry: Regina Pozzi
Custodian—Ronni Hunter
Telephone: 336-722-2714 Fax 336-722-5868
E-mail: churchonedoc1@gmail.com
Web Page: www.disciplesofchrist.com
Creative Palooza Director: Rev. Sue Halford
PHONE—Creative Palooza 336-970-5102
Special Events in April
April 2nd Maundy Thursday, Seder Meal- 6:00 p.m. & Maundy Thursday Communion at 7:30 p.m
Good Friday, April 3rd, will give us an opportunity to engage in a variety of mission projects…..
. . . .see Christian Action article in this Insight
Saturday, April 4h at 9 a.m. we will have our annual Memory Garden Memorial Service. . . . . . . . . . . this will
be followed at 10 a.m. by the Blessing of the Animals, after which the Easter Egg Hunt will be held.
Sunday April 5th- 6:30 a.m. Sunrise Service….. followed by Contemporary Worship at 9:00 a.m.
Church Members
Fairfax, Michelle
Gillespie, Jim
Hudspeth, Ben
Stephan, Paula
Homebound Members
Angel, Gilbert
Herring, Bobby
Ledwell, Barbara
Brown, Leona
Hodge, Millard
Leonard, Mary
Glenn, Mildred
Kirkpatrick, Betty Moser, Peggy
Pardue, Faith
Family and Friends of Members
Banks, Elizabeth—grandmother of Monica Banks
Birchfield, Bill – friend of FCC
Bodford, Angie – friend of Connie Hance
Bowden, Barry – friend of Vicky Presley
Bowen, Ronnie – father of Nada Werner
Crossman, Ginger – friend of Faye Calder
Davis, Hope—aunt of Drew Davis
Gillespie, Edith – mother of Paul Gillespie
Gullet, Matt – friend of John and Lora Sessions
Hagee, Rev. George – friend of Bob and Barbara Fox
Hall, Bobby – friend of Drew Hill
Hendricks, Joe – regular visitor of FCC
Hunter Michael—nephew of Ronni Hunter
Hopkins, Stacy – friend of Kathy Sink
Johnson, Evelyn – sister of Lou Morris
Jones, Joyce – friend of Trish Eubanks
Kazmarak, Kaylee – friend of Shellie Veschio
King, Troy – son of Cathryn Teer Hodge
Kiser, Connor – friend of Askew Family
Kruczek, Jim – friend of Shellie Veschio
McCraw, Monroe – father of Vickie Pressley
Morgan, Louise – sister of Mary Hudspeth
Morton, Linda—friend of Kathy Sink
Owens, Drew – friend of Myrna Law’s family
Parsons, Jerry – father of Shelia Sellers
Patterson, Chip – friend of Anne Hodges
Shaw, Rebecca and Ed – daughter and son-in-law
of Joan Gillespie
Sostakis, Brittany – former student of Connie Hance
Teer, Catherine – mother of Cathryn Teer Hodge
Veschio, Rick – brother of Shellie Veschio
Wade, Mary Jane – aunt of Cheryl Askew
Weidemann, Peg– mother of Brad Weidemann
White, Doris – friend of John and Lora Sessions
Military Service
Brammer, Roger & family – friends of Brenda Smith
Hance, Drew – nephew of Charlie & Connie Hance
Hudspeth, Jacob – grandson of Howard and Mary Hudspeth
Christian Women’s News
Reminder !!! DWM/CWF Day Group The CWF Day
Group will meet on Monday, April 20th, in the church
library at 3:00 p.m. Please join us as we continue study
of the book, “Prayer, Does It Make A Difference?”, by
Phillip Yancey
Disciples Mission Fund
We are a little late getting brochures for the Easter Offering, this Sunday you will find a brochure and an envelope; to assist you in making your Special Easter offering to DMF. Please come prepared to make that offering Sunday.
For more information go to
tan M
Gift of the Month
Unsweetened Applesauce
Foo ar, Dish
t Po
wde Towels
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CRISIS CONTROL & Samaritan Ministries are 2 of the many
missions that First Christian Church supports. You can help by adding to your grocery list each month a wish list item, then placing it in
the wooden bin just outside the library.
Good Friday Day of Service, April 3
Each year on Good Friday, our church participates in a day of
service. This year we will once again prepare a noon meal and
an afternoon tea for Hospice. Elaine and Althea will be preparing the lunch, and need volunteers to prepare desserts. Desserts need to be brought to the church Thursday evening or by Friday morning at 10:00am. We are also collecting
items for Senior Services again this year. Please see the wish
list below for items they are in need of, and bring them by the
church between now and Good Friday. We will meet at the
church at 10:00am Friday morning to package the items collected. Additionally, a few volunteers are needed to help set
up playground equipment for Palooza. We will also meet
at 10:00am Friday, April 3rd for this project.
Wish List Items for Senior Services:
Food Items:
Small Canned Hams
Canned chicken
Canned tuna or salmon
Peanut butter
Canned fruit or fruit cups
Nutritional supplements like Boost and Ensure
Personal Care Items:
Denture adhesive
Denture cleaner
Denture holders
Washable or disposable bed pads
Adult diapers
Cleaning wipes
Plastic trash bags
Nail Clippers
Lip Balm
Backpack Ministry Fundraiser:
The Christian Action committee is currently selling gift cards
for the new PDQ restaurant in Hanestowne Village off Stratford Rd. For $6, you get a gift card worth $10 to use at the
restaurant. $3 from every card we sell goes directly to support
our backpack ministry. We will be selling these cards on Sundays. Please contact Paul Gillespie or Lindsey Haddock if you
are interested in buying any or would like some to sell to
friends and family.
Christian Action Committee
April 2015
Birthdays are listed below in italics
Office Closed
6:30 Sunrise Srvc
Memory Garden
9:00 Early Worship
10:00 Sunday
6:30 Men’s AA
10:45 Fellowship
11:00 Worship
James Calder
9:00 Early Worship
10:00 Sunday
10:45 Fellowship
11:00 Worship
1:00 Youth Help
with Community
11:00 Men’s brunch
Clemmons Kitchen
9:00 Memory
Garden Service
10:00Blessing of
the Animals & followed w/Easter
Egg Hunt
Cameron Archer
11:00 Men’s brunch
Clemmons Kitchen
Vicky Presley
Bowen Werner
Bettie Carmichael
5:30 Band Rehearsal
3:00 Tutoring Autistic 6:00 Youth Group
7:00 Choir Reh
Fellowship Wing
Ron Minnix
Renee’ Stephen
Courtney Bowen
11:00 Men’s brunch
Clemmons Kitchen
11:00 Men’s brunch
Clemmons Kitchen
Brenda Smith
Maundy Thursday
24 Hour
5:30 Band Rehearsal
Prayer Vigil
No Youth
6:00 Meal
7:00 Choir Reh.
6:30 Service
10:00 A Day
of Service
See articles in
Fay Hoskins
Christie Martin
5:30 Band Rehearsal
3:00 Tutoring Autistic 6:00 Youth Group
7:00 Choir Reh
5:00 Alpha Kappa
Opportunity ClassFellowship Wing
9:00 Early Worship
10:00 Sunday
10:45 Fellowship
11:00 Worship
1:00 Youth to
Adventure Landing
9:00 Early Worship
10:00 Sunday
10:45 Fellowship
11:00 Worship
Bob Mathews
3:00 Tutoring Autistic
5:30 Band Rehearsal
6:00 Youth Group
Fellowship Wing
7:00 Choir Reh
6:00 Palooza Committee Mtg
Joan Gillespie
5:30 Band Rehearsal
3:00 Tutoring Autistic 6:00 Youth Group
7:00 Choir Reh
Fellowship Wing
Kathleen Richey
David Sessions
“Faith Seeking Understanding”. . . .
Happy Holy Week to you all!
I wonder if that greeting is an appropriate gesture or not. Nevertheless, by the time you all read this, we will have concluded
our Journeying with Jesus Lenten small groups, waved our palm fronds, shouted our ‘hosannas’, and will begin our final leg
of following in the footsteps of Jesus, an emotional and heartbreaking journey that will take us to the upper room of the last
supper, betrayal and arrest in the garden, trial, crucifixion, entombment, and finally resurrection!
This Thursday, April 2nd at 6pm we will commerate, as a congregation, the meal that Jesus shared with his disciples, the
meal we celebrate every Lord’s Day as we remember the totality of Jesus’ life and ministry. On this evening we will enjoy a
meal not unlike one that would have been served in that upper room. Additionally, we will witness what is called a Tenebrae
service. This service will feature the reading of scripture and the extinguishing of eight candles as we hear words of sadness
as well as hope.
And this Friday, each of us is invited to participate in a congregation-wide day of service for our community as well as our
congregation. Here at the church, we will prepare meals for Senior Services as well as do some odd jobs around our building. Your enthusiastic presence would be greatly appreciated as we gather in service to the one who gave his life for us.
Saturday shall be a day of remembrance, blessing and hope as we gather at 9 in our memory garden for a service of remembrance to commemorate those who have passed away this past year. Following that we will share a moment of blessing of
our animal friends. And following that will be a joy-filled Easter Egg Hunt on the front lawn of the church.
Wow, there is so much happening for us all to celebrate and remember this week. I hope you will find time to be a part of it
See you in church, Ryan
Youthful Information . . . . . From the desk of Chris Rinker. . . . . . . . .
Well, April is upon us, as is Easter! As with the rest of First Christian Church, the Youth have been extremely active this
Lenten season. In addition to participating in our Lenten Small Group sessions along with the rest of the congregation on
Wednesday nights, several of us enjoyed a nice relaxing evening at the movies on Friday, March 20 th, only to wake up early
the next morning and get to work cleaning up our stream on Country Club Rd as a part of the Great American Cleanup here in
Winston-Salem. These fine young people (along with a few adults) collected 9 bags of trash, a for-rent sign, a piece of rebar,
and a radiator! Take a look as you drive by the stream, located between Food Lion and Salem Gymnastics, and you’ll see
what a wonderful job our Youth did! Looking ahead to April, the Youth will be helping out in the community garden Sunday,
April 12th after church, around 1pm. Then, the next week, we will all take a trip to Adventure Landing on Stratford Rd – Sunday, April 19th, around the same time (1pm). As for our regular Youth gatherings, we will continue to meet on Wednesday
nights, beginning to prepare for Youth Sunday, which will be on May 31st at 10am in Taylor Hall, so mark your calendars!
The Youth are also looking forward to their annual Mission Trip at Christmount Work Camp from July 13 th through the 18th.
If you would like any additional information on these activities, or if you are not on the Youth email list and would like to be,
please email Chris Rinker at cbrinker19.23@gmail.com.
Chris Rinker, Director of Youth Ministry
Dear friends of Creative Palooza,
The end of school year is in sight! Our staff and students are working hard to the finish! On May 15 we will have our annual
spaghetti dinner fundraiser for the Palooza program. Be sure to stick around after dinner for several musical numbers by the
kids and a talent show. Please come support our program and take advantage of this opportunity to meet some of our Creative
Palooza parents and families.
Snacks needed this month: EasyMac & Cheese Nips
Donations are greatly appreciated! Thank you for your continued support of our Creative Palooza programan outreach and
ministry of First Christian Church.
Sue Halford, Director of Palooza