Newsletter - Discovery Middle School

Discovery News
800 E 40th Street, Vancouver WA, 98663
June 2015
Hello Discovery Parents and Families,
As we come to the conclusion of the school year, I want to thank the Discovery community for making my
second year as principal a rewarding and enjoyable experience. The work of teaching and learning is essential to the
functioning of our society and I am so thankful to help in that work with all of you. As we continue to focus on creating a school that has a kind and respectful culture and ensures high levels of learning for every student, Discovery
Middle School will continue to show improvement. My goal as principal is to help create the conditions where everyone (parents, students, and staff) works together to support each student to meet all measures of student learning
placed before them.
This has been a year of great learning for all of us. Our staff continues to learn and implement a new instructional framework and evaluation system. We have begun the work of implementing Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS) in order to improve the structures and systems we develop to improve the culture and climate
of our school. We have continued our focus on a college going culture and use of AVID strategies to support student
learning and preparation for college and life beyond Discovery. Anna Vernon and the PTSA board have done a great
job re-energizing our PTSA, and the Watch Dogs program is up and running to encourage parent involvement in our
school. Every day, we have worked hard to support students in their social development, academic progress, and
overall preparation to become international minded citizens. It is with gratitude we wind down the school year and
say thank you to our parents and community for your support and partnership. We are poised to continue our growth
and progress as we look ahead to 2015-16.
The Learner Profile focus for the month of June is REFLECTIVE. Students who are REFLECTIVE give
thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to assess and understand their
strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development. We all start from some place,
and regardless of where that place is, we can and should learn and grow from that place to become productive and
contributing citizens. It doesn’t matter where you start from, all of us have the ability to reflect on where we are
and set a course to grow from there. As we look ahead to summer, it is a great time to REFLECT on where we have
come from and where we are going. For those moving on to high school or other adventures, I wish you well. For
those who will return to Discovery next year, rest up and come back ready to roll. I can’t wait to see where we go!
Make a difference for kids,
Mark Cain
Megan Bledsoe—Students A-L
Diana Herman—Students M-Z
Summer is just around the corner and there are a lot of great activities, camps, and
clubs available for students. Vancouver Parks and Recreation has a lot of low cost
There are lots of other options too. Contact your student’s school counselor, check our
website, or come on in to learn more about summer activities for your student.
Did you know that students can experience a learning loss over the summer? Most students
lose about two months of their reading and math skills. The good news is that there are several
ways to keep your student's brain active and learning. Reading is a great way to avoid losing
reading skills over the summer. Check out the teen center at the library or learn more at Practicing math is another great way to avoid losing those great math skills.
Students can practice math through their IXL account (,,, or
All Day Every Day
Attendance is important. Coming to school all day
every day will help your student in middle school
and help prepare them for high school.
Did you know that good attendance (missing less
than 18 days in a school year) in middle school is
the biggest predictor for on time graduation?
Every week in June that your student is here all
day every day, they will be entered into our weekly raffle.
Administrative Staff:
Mark Cain
Assoc. Principal:
Jennifer Holm
Assoc. Principal:
Marjorie McCluer
Contact Us:
Main Office:
Attendance Line
Business Office
Information Line
Important Dates
June 2
The Wildcats Welcome
5th Graders!
June 3
June 4
June 5
We will be welcoming all of the 5th grade students that will be attending Discovery Middle
School in 2015-16 on Friday, June 5th at
9:30am. They will be touring the building and
getting an idea what Middle School is all
about. The students will be coming from Ben
Franklin, Fruit Valley, Harney, Hough, Lincoln,
and Washington Elementary Schools.
The parents of 5th grade students are invited
to Discovery on June 4 @ 6:00 PM.
June 8 & 9
June 11
June 15
June 15 & 16
June 16
Starlight Strings 7 PM
Jr. Rose Parade Discovery
5th Grade Parent Night at
Discovery 6-8 PM
5th Graders Visit 9:30 AM
iPad Check-in (see article)
Band Concert 7 PM
Student Talent Show
NO BACKPACKS 6/15&6/16
Two Hour Early Release
Last Day of School
August 27
iPad Parent Night & Sports
Clearance 6-8 PM
September 2
First Day of School
Sept 10
iPad Parent Night & Watchdogs
Kick Off
Sept 16
Picture Day—All day
Sept 24
Open House 6:00 PM
ASK Marcia Schneider RN CPNP
Please remember to pick up your child’s medication by the last day of school, June 16. Medications not picked up will be discarded. If you are unable to pick up the medication by June 16 please contact the office to make other arrangements.
Medication forms for next year are available in the office. Please remember that medication can not be
administered without the authorization filled out by both the Health Care Provider and the parent.
This includes both prescription and over the counter medications.
Thank you and have a safe summer.
Save the date!
August 19
Go Ready!
The Family-Community Resource Centers of Vancouver Public Schools (VPS) will host a back-to-school
readiness festival this summer. “Go Ready!” will be held Aug. 19 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at at Hudson’s
Bay High School, 1601 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Students and families will find food, entertainment, and get help
with haircuts, immunizations, clothing and access to resources
Go Ready! is free and open to VPS families and students of all ages. For more information call 313-4733 or
go to
Не пропустите!
Этим летом Центры ресурсов для семей Ванкуверского школьного района (VPS) будут проводить
праздник по подготовке к новому учебному году. Фестиваль «На старт!» состоится 19 августа с 10:00
утра до 2:30 дня в старшей школе Hudson’s Bay по адресу: 1601 E McLoughlin Blvd. Учащимся и их
семьям будет предложена еда и развлекательные мероприятия, а также будет оказана следующая
помощь: услуги парикмахера, прививки, одежда и информация о доступе к необходимым ресурсам.
Это мероприятие проводится бесплатно. Приглашаются все семьи нашего школьного района с
учащимися всех возрастов. За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь по телефону 313-4733
или на сайт .
¡Marquen la fecha!
Los Centros de Recursos para las Familias del Distrito de las Escuelas Públicas de Vancouver (VPS) estarán ofreciendo este verano un festival de preparación para el regreso a la escuela. El festival ¡Prepárate
YA! o GO Ready! se celebrará el miércoles, 19 de agosto de 10:00 de la mañana a 2:30 de la tarde en la
escuela Hudson’s Bay High School, localizada en 1601 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Los estudiantes y sus familias
encontrarán comida y entretenimiento así como ayuda con cortes de cabello, vacunas, ropa y acceso a recursos.
¡Go Ready! es un evento gratuito para las familias y estudiantes de todas las edades del Distrito de las Escuelas Públicas de Vancouver (VPS). Para más información, favor de llamar al 313-4733 o visite
Discovery PTSA News
The Watch DOGS (Dads Of Great Students) program is off to
a running start. The Watch DOGS program works to promote education and safety through the volunteerism of fathers, grandfathers, step-fathers, uncles, friends, or other
adults that would like to participate during the school day.
For more information, please contact
Please turn in your BOX TOPS to the box in the office.
This year your Discovery PTSA has facilitated or sponsored
the following activities; Back to School Night, Teacher
Grants, Pictures, Training, Math Night, Honor Roll Breakfast,
Book Fair and Socials. Your membership and fundraising
efforts have allowed us to support these programs. Please
consider joining the PTSA next fall. Every member counts!
Who is the most powerful influence in your child's life? You.
Believe it or not, Parents and caregivers have more
influence on your children than friends, music and
celebrities. Teens say the #1 reason they don't use
alcohol or marijuana is that they don't want to disappoint their parents.
Now that you know the influence you have open up
the conversation with your child. Summer often offers more freedoms and opportunities to make negative or positive choices. Help your child by telling
them that they are important to you and valued. Let
them know what positive activities and choices you
would like to see them involved in this summer.
Take time to monitor and be aware of what your
child is involved in. You matter to your child.
Leanne Reid
Prevention Intervention Counselor
Project Success Coordinator
Discovery Middle School
Great resource for parents
Friend Grams are Coming!
Our final fundraiser of the year will be held June 8-12th.
Purchase Friend Grams for $1.00 during your lunch period.
Discovery Middle School
Mission Statement
In the Discovery Middle Years Program community, we will use all available resources to:
Engage students in their learning.
Empower all students to reach their highest levels of learning.
Encourage the development of positive relationships within a learning community that fosters international understanding, compassion and respect.
Starlight Strings—June 2
“Starlight Strings” will be held on Tuesday,
June 2 at 7:00pm in the Commons. The students have been working hard so please come
and enjoy the night and support our students.
June 3
Jr. Rose Parade, Portland, OR
Discovery Marching Band
Volunteers are still needed please call
the school if you are available
Boundary Exceptions
Renew Annually
Due June 5
To assure that your student maintains their
enrollment at Discovery for the 2015-16 school
year, you will need to renew the Student
Transfer form (in-district /out-of-district) no
later than June 5. Otherwise, your student will
be enrolled at the resident school for the 201516 school year. Questions call Gary Wiram @
Band Concert—June 11
7:00 PM
Please join us for the last concert of the
year which will be held on Thursday, June 11
at 7:00 PM in our gym downstairs. The
“Concert on the Couch” features Michael Jackson, The Lego Movie, Transformers, Bohemian Rhapsody and much, much,
more. Please come and enjoy the evening
with our students, they are very excited
about the performance and have been practicing very hard.
If you are moving over the
summer or are planning to
move, please stop by the
school office and let us
know your new address and
phone number. We want our
students to receive the updated school information
and for parent contact in
case of an emergency.
Yearbooks were pre-sold this year. Orders were due by December 19. They
will be delivered to the classrooms on
June 15.
A limited supply of yearbooks were purchased for students who enrolled after
December 19. Yearbooks will be available for those students (on a first come,
first serve basis) the cost is $25. You will
need to make the purchase before June
12. (While supplies last).
Any of the remaining unsold yearbooks
will be available for sale on June 15.
Please remember effective June 1,
checks will not be accepted. Cash,
money order or Credit/Debit Card payment may be made at the business office.
June 15 & 16
Students should not bring
their backpacks to school
the last two days of
Thank You
iPad Returns: June 8 & 9
Students & Families,
It’s the time of the year to prepare for iPad returns!
When do iPads get checked in?
Monday, June 8th – All 8th graders and 6th/7th graders with last name A-Gr*
Tuesday, June 9th – 6th/7th graders with last name Gu-Z*
*scheduled times to arrive in the Toolbox will be sent to students by email
What do students need to return?
1. A charged iPad in the VPS black case
2. An Apple brand charging brick
3. An Apple brand charging cord
If a student will be absent the week of June 8th, please contact the library before leaving.
Any iPads, charging bricks & cords, or cases not returned will be issued a fine for the replacement value. Replacement chargers can be purchased in the library prior to the check-in dates in order to avoid a fine.
iPad Check Out: Fall 2015
In Fall 2015, students at VPS middle and high schools will again be able to receive a device for use in school
and at home. This is part of the Vancouver Public Schools weLearn 1:1 program funded through the 2013
Technology Levy. You will receive more information at the iPad Parent Orientation evening on either August 27th or September 10th at Discovery (attendance at one is requested).
In the meantime, if you would like to learn about how iPads will continue to be used at school and what is
already happening in our schools, please visit our weLearn 1:1 website. You can access the website at, or use the QR code to pull it up on your mobile device.
By September, all students/families will have to complete two pieces of paperwork in order to receive an
iPad. These will need to be done even if a student had an iPad in the 2014/2015 year.
1) The Responsible Use Policy (RUP) outlines VPS rules, policies and expectations for iPad use.
2) The Vancouver Assurance Program for iPads is a program to offset the cost of potential damage or loss of
your student’s iPad. Assurance is not mandatory and you can opt out. This program will be explained in detail at the parent nights in August and September.
You can review the current versions of both forms on the weLearn 1:1 website. The forms for next school
year will be available after June 1st. After that date, you can begin turning in paperwork for your student. You
can also pay for Assurance after June 1st, if you choose to enroll in that program. Payment will also be accepted online using a credit or debit card.
We look forward to continuing our successful weLearn 1:1 program at your school next year!
8th Grade Field Day & BBQ is
June 16th 11:00 AM—1:00 PM
Help is needed to prepare and serve food and assist
with activities between 10:00-1:30 PM Please contact
Tanya at to volunteer. This
event can’t happen without your help.
We would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Summerland Catering
(360)957-1025 for their generous donation to the 8th Grade Field Day
lunch. We would also like to thank Jimmy Jon’s Restaurant. We could
not do this without their generous donations. We appreciate your support!
End of Year Recognition and Celebration
If you are the parent of a current 8th grade student at Discovery, you are
very welcome to join us at our end of the year gathering the last day of
school Tuesday June 16 as we recognize the contributions and performance
of our 8th grade students. At this celebration we also announce the recipient
of the “Colonel Terry Nelson Award” – given to an 8th grade boy and girl who
has exemplified the characteristics of MYP Learner Profile traits and completed their community service requirements. If you plan on joining us for
our last assembly of the year, scheduled to start approximately 9:30am,
please give our office a call (313-3300) and let us know, so that we can appropriately plan for the number of 8th grade parents.
Fall Sports Start Early
Cross Country grades 7/8, Flag Football grade 7, Tackle Football grade, 8 and Volleyball grades 7/8 practice will begin Monday, August 24, 2015 for the next
school year. The first contests will begin approximately the third week of September. Schedules will come out at a later date. Students are required to have an updated physical. If your son or daughter is interested in being eligible for the first
games of the season, they will need to be cleared and eligible to practice as soon
Sports physicals are good for two
Make sure your student is cleared by August 24 so they may be
eligible to practice. Clearance packets will be available in the
business office and on-line beginning August 17, please see
Mrs. Hinthorn in the business office.