Gaiser Middle School Home of the Grizzlies May/June 2015 3000 NE 99th Street Vancouver, Wash 98665 (360)313-3400 Dear Gaiser Families: I want to extend a thank you to all of our wonderful PTSA Officers who put in so much time and effort this year to help Gaiser staff and students. We owe these officers, and all of our PTSA members, and huge dose of gratitude. Thank you for your support! Danelle Schaff – President Madonna Underland Vice President Ginger Barnwel, Secretary Tori Bryson, Treasurer As the school year draws to a close, here are some end-of-the-year details. On Tuesday, June 16th, the 8th grade awards assembly will be from 10:30 – 11:30 AM and parents are welcome to attend. The PTSA 8th Grade Party will then take place from 11:30 – 1:30. In order to attend the party, 8th grade students must meet the following requirements: Academic: No failing grades Full effort on assessments Behavior No excessive tardiness No suspensions Citizenship All fines paid All library books and iPad returned We are on a two-hour early release schedule on June 15th & 16th. One final note, backpacks are not allowed on the final day of school. As the weather continues to warm, please help us ensure an appropriate learning environment by monitoring your student’s clothing. Thank you in advance! Messages: Education is very important and class time is valuable. In order to protect valuable instruction time we will only interrupt classes to deliver messages in an emergency. If you have an appointment or other issue, please make arrangements with your student before or after school. Deliveries: We want families to know that the office is unable to accept deliveries for students during the school day. This includes: flowers, balloons and food. In keeping classroom learning our #1 priority, the office does not interrupt the classroom unless it is an urgent situation. Closed Campus Once students have arrived on campus, they are not to leave without a dismissal from the attendance office. Positive identification is required when enrolling and picking up your child. Thank you for your cooperation. School Information Administrative Staff: Principal: Michael Lane Associate Principal: Sheri Backous Associate Principal: Casey Greco Secretary: Charlyne Clark Gaiser Middle School 313-3400 Gaiser’s Fax number 313-3401 24-hour Attendance line 313-1452 Want to e-mail a teacher? Upcoming Date Checks not Accepted in June, District Wide Per Vancouver School District Business Office directive, checks will not be accepted for any payment of fees, fines or other school purchases beginning May 29, 2015 and ending when we open Gaiser's office August 11, 2015. We will accept cash or money orders and credit cards at our business office or on-line payments at Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions you may call 313-3404 and ask for Mrs. Luce, our business office clerk. Please remember that free/reduced lunch forms Need to be filled out each new school year! May 27 June 5 June 09 June 11 June 12 June 15 June 16 June 22 Aug. 11 Aug. 24 Sept. 1 Sept. 2 Sept. 24 5th Grade Parent Night 6:00-7:00 5th Grade Visitation 9:00—10:30 6/7/8 Grade Choir Concert Orchestra /Band Concert Talent Show 2-hour Early Release Days Last Day of School 2 Hour Early Release Report Cards sent home Gaiser Office Opens Sport Practices Begin Ice Cream Social First Day of School Open House Attendance Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Parents, please remember to bring your picture ID to the Attendance window when picking up your student during the school day. Also, remind those on your Emergency Pick-up List about bringing their picture ID. Finally, those Robo-Calls! We know they can be irritating, but please understand that they are centrally sent from the District and are for the protection and safety of your students. Attendance Clerk's Email address: Stacy.Bundt@vansd/org Pertussis is cyclical and peaks every 3 to 5 years. This year Pertussis is on the rise. You can reduce the risk of getting Pertussis by keeping immunizations up to date. Pertussis is part of the DTP for children and the Tdap for children 10 years or older and adults. Infants < 1 year old and pregnant women (particularly in their third trimester) are considered "High RisK". It is recommended that anyone who may expose infants or pregnant women to Pertussis be vaccinated. Gaiser Middle School 2014-15 Yearbook Sales Ask your doctor if you need a booster for Pertussis. You should consult your doctor if: 1) Your infant has a persistent or worsening cough with no fever or low grade fever. 2) Cough illness >7 days that is accompanied by gagging, vomiting after coughing, or a whooping sound when breathing in, for people of all ages. 3) Any cough illness >2 weeks with no alternative diagnosis for people of all ages Gaiser Middle School will now be selling a hard cover, full color yearbook through out the school year. Please purchase your yearbook as early as possible as we pre-order a set amount. Once we are sold out there are no more available to purchase. Yearbooks cost $20 if you have NOT purchased an ASB card and they will cost $20.00 for everyone if purchased after May 8th. Please bring cash, or check, made out to Gaiser Middle School, to the Business office window to order your yearbook. Credit and debit cards are now accepted in the business office. Yearbooks cannot be ordered without a payment. Your payment will hold the yearbook. Yearbooks are distributed the day before the last day of school. Warm Weather Dress Code Orchestra Shorts and skirts: A general guideline for shorts and skirts is that the hemline is no shorter than the fingertips when the student stands upright with good posture and the arms are extended downward. Shirts and Tops: No skin should show on the back, belly or midriff areas. Sleeveless shirts should cover most of the shoulder area. No undergarments should be visible. On Tuesday, April 21st the Gaiser Beginning and Advanced Orchestras performed at the All-District Orchestra Concert at Hudson's Bay High School. All of the orchestras from the Vancouver School District joined together to form 3 super orchestras in one amazing, gigantic musical event. The Gaiser Beginning and Advanced Orchestras will be performing in our last concert of the year on Monday, June 9th at 7:00pm at Gaiser Middle School. News from the Nurse: Parents please note the following items: If your student has medication at school, make plans to retrieve it on the last day of school – June 16, 2015. Medication that is not picked up will be discarded immediately (exceptions may apply – contact the nurse with questions). All medication authorization forms (for any and all medications) must be updated each school year – there are no exceptions. This applies even if your student had a new authorization the last few months of school. Medication forms for next year are available on the district website, or in the school office. For students with serious health conditions, look for the updated individualized health plans (IHPs) in the mail. These IHPs - plus medication forms and medication, if necessary- need to be submitted to the school office prior to the first day of school in the fall. Current 7th graders – must have a second varicella vaccination, or physician verification of disease/immunity for fall attendance. Letters have already been sent out. As soon as the student has the shot, submit forms to the school office. Students who do not have proper vaccinations or verification will be excluded from school per Washington State and VPS guidelines. Current 8th graders – Will need a second varicella vaccination, or physician verification of disease/immunity for fall of 2016. Letters were sent out to give plenty of notice for that new requirement. As soon as the student acquires the vaccination, submit forms to the school office where you attend. Grizzly Boot Camp prepares 8th graders for the increased rigor and responsibility of high school. Camp runs from May 11st to June 16th and culminates with the 8th Grade Party. Students must meet the following criteria to attend the party: Gaiser MESA This year Gaiser boasts eight MESA teams of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who participated in the regional Youth Apps Competition in March at WSUVancouver. MESA (Math, Science, Engineering Achievement) is an after school program whose mission is to provide a pathway to college and careers in the STEM fields for traditionally underrepresented students. One of Gaiser's MESA teams, Team Stress Relievers, took first place for their app at the regional competition and will be attending the State Championships this May with the club advisors Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Luna. The app that Team Stress Relievers built was designed to help relieve stress by providing the user with jokes, pictures, or inspirational quotes when needed. Team Stress Relievers (Alan Gama-7, Eliza Martorano-8, Joshua Mundo-8, Eloy Lopez Morales-8) receiving the first place trophy from Mayor Tim Leavitt. Please try looking for your overdue book in the following places. You never know, it might actually be there! In your desk or backpack In your friend's desk Behind the bookshelf In all of your classrooms Under your car seats Near or under the TV On your kitchen counter At your friend's house On your teacher’s desk Packed with Christmas decorations In every closet in the house In the school's lost and found In one of your home’s bathrooms On the back porch In the dog house In the baby’s stroller In a toy chest Behind the bed table Under the bed At your after-school program On top of your dresser Under every bed in your house At Grandma's house or the baby-sitter's Wedged down inside the recliner In the garage or in the family car In a magazine rack or on the coffee At your parent's place of work On the teacher’s bookshelves Behind your chest of drawers Under the dirty clothes seen it In the dresser drawers In the refrigerator or freezer On top of the refrigerator Under the couch or a chair Behind the refrigerator Ask your school bus driver if they have In the gymnasium or wrestling room On the floor of your closet In the trunk of your family car In the P.E. locker room Summer Swim Swim Lessons Tuesday/ Thursday evenings Next sessions starts May 12-June 4th 8- 30 minute lessons $56.00 Saturday Lessons Next session starts May 30-June 20th 4- 30 minute lessons $28.00 Adult Lessons Fridays @Propstra Aquatic Center Stroke Improvement 6:00 pm.-6:45 pm. Adult Beginner 6:50 pm-7:35 pm. Next session starts in June 4- 45 minute lessons $40.00 Private Lessons Available For All Levels. Contact For more information visit us at ! SUMMER CAMPS 2015JPCC SUMMER CAMPS Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 3:00 pm Snack, Activities, Lunch, Rock Wall Climbing &Afternoon Swim Included! Sessions begin July 6 Ages 6 - 11 and 11 - 13 Green Thumbs S.O.S. Kitchen (Save Our Summer!) Fitness Fun Super Sleuths Junior Lifeguard and Babysitters’ Bootcamp offered for students ages 11+ $120 per week/per child Discount for additional children in family Registration forms available on-line! Jim Parsley Community Center 4100 Plomondon, Vancouver, WA (360) 313.1060 Gaiser Middle School Athletics 2015 The 2015 Fall Sports Season kicks off on Monday, August 24, 2015. Cut-off is September 4. Fall sports include: 7th Grade Flag Football, 8th Grade Tackle Football, 7th/8th Grade Girls Volleyball and 7th/8th Grade Cross Country. Practices will be 3:30 – 5:00 pm starting August 24. Student-athletes must turn in a completed full clearance packet, including a physical (within the last two years), and have health insurance (or sports insurance, please contact the Business Office for information). Returning athlete forms will not be accepted for Fall sports. Clearance packets can be found on the VPS website at: and can be turned in any time after June 2. Free sports physicals are available to those without health insurance or a primary care provider. See attached flyer. Athletic fees are $20 per sport and athletes are required to purchase an ASB card for $10. Fees can be paid at the Business Office starting August 10, 2015. Families are required to provide transportation to and from practices before school starts. Players need to be picked up no later than 5:20 (or 20 minutes after the scheduled end of practices). If your child will be riding home with another player’s parent after practices, please write a note. Attendance at practices is a contributing factor to participation. Athletes must have 10 practices completed (12 for tackle football) in order to be eligible for competition. Additionally, student-athletes must have no more than one failing grade from their third Trimester grades to be immediately eligible to participate. Student-athletes must also maintain a minimum of 6 passing grades to remain eligible to participate. Each sport will have a parent information night where the coaches will review their sport-specific rules and regulations. Please be sure to mark those dates on your calendars. We hope that your child will take advantage of the opportunity to participate in athletics here at Gaiser Middle School! Sports Offered at Gaiser 7 and 8th graders only, except Track th Fall (August 24 – October 21): Tackle Football (8th grade), Flag Football (7th Grade), Girls Volleyball, Cross Country Early Winter (October 26 – December 18): Wrestling, Girls Basketball Late Winter (January 11 – March 12): Boys Basketball (February 9 – March 29): Girls Bowling Spring (April 11 – May 26): Track Sports Physicals 2015 Sponsored by Vancouver Public Schools, Family Medicine of Southwest Washington, and The Free Clinic of Southwest Washington Available to Vancouver Public School students entering 6th through 12Th grades These physicals are provided by volunteers and are meant to target those athletes with difficulty accessing care or who do not have health insurance. These exams are not meant to replace regular health visits with your primary care provider. If you have access to primary care, please have your sports physical performed there. August 20, 2015 at Hudson’s Bay HS 1:00 to 4:45 pm August 24, 2015 at Fort Vancouver HS 1:00 to 4:45 pm 1:00 to 2:45 pm Last name starting with A-K 3:00 to 4:45 pm Last name starting with L-Z at all school locations No Appointment Necessary For uninsured students: August 29, 2015 at Free Clinic of SW Washington 9:00 to 1:00 Please call 313-1390 for an appointment ONLY for the Free Clinic location **STUDENTS, PLEASE BRING WIAA SPORTS PHYSICAL FORM WITH YOU WITH MEDICAL HISTORY PORTION ALREADY COMPLETED, AND WEAR LOOSE FITTING SHORTS AND T-SHIRT** A STUDENT WHO IS NOT ACCOMPANIED BY PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST BRING A SIGNED PERMISSION SLIP. ALL FORMS MAY BE DOWNLOADED FROM OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.VANSD.ORG Students with known cardiac, asthma, diabetes and/or seizure related issues or other conditions of concern cannot be served. If an abnormality is found, you will be referred to your primary care provider before being cleared for your sport. Your child may be eligible for free or low-cost medical, dental and vision coverage through Washington Apple Health for Kids. You can find out more information or apply at the sports physicals. If you would like to apply please bring proof of all your household income, birth certificates for your children, and picture ID for your children 16 years and older. May, 2015 Dear Parent/Guardian, We hope this letter finds your student enjoying the school year and highly engaged in learning the content of his/her grade level. The purposes of this letter are several. First, I want to notify you that your school, Gaiser Middle School, will continue as a Focus school based on an analysis of student achievement as compared with other schools in our state. This analysis specifically identified that our special education subgroup have not met our goals or expectations over the past three years on state assessments in reading and mathematics. We are proud to announce that our English Language Learners (ELL) improved in the areas of math and reading over the past three years and are no longer identified as a subgroup meeting Focus status. An equally important purpose of this letter is to reaffirm our commitment to the success of ALL students and to inform you that we are still working to improve. To increase learning outcomes for all of our students, we are taking the following action steps over the next few months: Participate in a Needs Assessment to identify strengths and challenges in our school; the assessment will also include recommendations for improvement. Identify next steps we will take to improve learning outcomes for our students, by completing our “Student and School Success Action Plan”; the plan must be submitted to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for review and approval in the fall of 2015. Engage parents/guardians and our school community in our improvement efforts. During the 2015-16 school year, we will continue to implement our plan and examine a variety of data to ensure we are making progress. More details about the movement of our state, district, and school in pursuit of ongoing improvement for all our students can be found at: We are committed to continued growth as we work together to support our most valuable resource, our children. Thank you for your continued partnership with us in improving our school system to support your child’s learning. We are committed to continued growth as we work together to prepare all of our students for college, careers, and life. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Mike Lane Principal Back to School Readiness Festival Tri Language Save the date! The Family-Community Resource Centers of Vancouver Public Schools (VPS) will host a back-to-school readiness festival this summer. “Go Ready!” will be held Aug. 19 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at at Hudson’s Bay High School, 1601 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Students and families will find food, entertainment, and get help with haircuts, immunizations, clothing and access to resources Go Ready! is free and open to VPS families and students of all ages. For more information call 313-4733 or go to Russian Не пропустите! Этим летом Центры ресурсов для семей Ванкуверского школьного района (VPS) будут проводить праздник по подготовке к новому учебному году. Фестиваль «На старт!» состоится 19 августа с 10:00 утра до 2:30 дня в старшей школе Hudson’s Bay по адресу: 1601 E McLoughlin Blvd. Учащимся и их семьям будет предложена еда и развлекательные мероприятия, а также будет оказана следующая помощь: услуги парикмахера, прививки, одежда и информация о доступе к необходимым ресурсам. Это мероприятие проводится бесплатно. Приглашаются все семьи нашего школьного района с учащимися всех возрастов. За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь по телефону 313-4733 или на сайт . Spanish ¡Marquen la fecha! Los Centros de Recursos para las Familias del Distrito de las Escuelas Públicas de Vancouver (VPS) estarán ofreciendo este verano un festival de preparación para el regreso a la escuela. El festival ¡Prepárate YA! o GO Ready! se celebrará el miércoles, 19 de agosto de 10:00 de la mañana a 2:30 de la tarde en la escuela Hudson’s Bay High School, localizada en 1601 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Los estudiantes y sus familias encontrarán comida y entretenimiento así como ayuda con cortes de cabello, vacunas, ropa y acceso a recursos. ¡Go Ready! es un evento gratuito para las familias y estudiantes de todas las edades del Distrito de las Escuelas Públicas de Vancouver (VPS). Para más información, favor de llamar al 313-4733 o visite
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