Gaiser Middle School Home of the Grizzlies November 2014 3000 NE 99th Street Vancouver, Wash 98665 (360)313-3400 Dear Gaiser Families: Thank you to everyone who joined us for parent-teacher conferences. We had a huge turnout, especially on Thursday night. We appreciate your time and your partnership as we strive to improve learning for all students. Speaking of improving learning for all students, we are introducing two new programs designed to do just that: IMPACT is a lunch time study hall designed to provide extra time for students to complete their school work. Students are assigned to this program if they are failing one or more of their classes. Here’s why we do this. Students with a middle school GPA of 2.0 – 2.49 have only a 57% chance of graduating from high school on time. Students with a GPA of 1.5-1.9 have only a 48% chance. IMPACT will occur during the following weeks: 9/29-10/10, 11/12 - 11/25, 1/14 - 1/27, 3/2 - 3/13, 4/20-4/30, 6/1 - 6/12. The goal of Tutorial is ensure that all students learn at high levels by providing targeted interventions and extensions based on classroom assessment data. Twice per week Tutorial will occur for 35 minutes. During this time all students will report to classrooms and receive re-teaching of essential skills and concepts, deeper exploration & instruction of concepts already mastered, or time for re-taking assessments and/or additional practice. Tutorial will begin during 2nd Trimester. This program is based on the research behind Response to Intervention (AKA RtI). A special round of thanks goes to our awesome PTSA Board and all of the volunteers who supported our Fall Fundraiser, the Book Fair, and the Teacher Conference Dinner! Your tireless efforts are making such positive impacts at Gaiser! Thank you! Take Care, Mike Lane, Principal Messages: Education is very important and class time is valuable. In order to protect valuable instruction time we will only interrupt classes to deliver messages in an emergency. If you have an appointment or other issue, please make arrangements with your student before or after school. Deliveries: We want families to know that the office is unable to accept deliveries for students during the school day. This includes: flowers, balloons and food. In keeping classroom learning our #1 priority, the office does not interrupt the classroom unless it is an urgent situation. Administrative Staff: Principal: Michael Lane Associate Principal: Sheri Backous Associate Principal: Casey Greco Secretary: Charlyne Clark Closed Campus Once students have arrived on campus, they are not to leave without a dismissal from the attendance office. Positive identification is required when enrolling and picking up your child. Thank you for your cooperation. School Information Gaiser Middle School 313-3400 Gaiser’s Fax number 313-3401 24-hour Attendance line 313-1452 Want to e-mail a teacher? Upcoming Dates Nov. 2 Turn Clocks Back (Standard Time) Nov. 07 Veterans Day Assembly 2:30 Nov. 10 Early Release One Hour Nov. 11 NO SCHOOL – Veteran’s Day Nov. 20 School Thanksgiving lunch Nov. 24 Early Release One Hour Nov. 26-28 NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Holiday Dec 2 End of First Tri Dec. 15 Report Cards Go Home Attendance Information It is very important that parents call the school when their student will not be in school. 24 hour attendance line: 313-1452 Homework and questions: 313-3422 If your student has an appointment during school time, please write a note and have him/her bring it to the attendance office first thing in the morning. Please note - if your student is 10 minutes late for class or for any absences, you will be still receive a call from the automated attendance program. Cafeteria News The Flu Vaccine is Available NOW! According to the Centers for Disease Control’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, The Flu Vaccine is recommended for all school age children. The Flu vaccine is recommended to prevent illness, missed school, lost work time for parents and to decrease risk of grandparents, and infants becoming ill. Getting vaccinated is the single best way for people to protect not only children against flu, but their loved ones as well. The holiday’s are coming. November 20 is the all- school Thanksgiving dinner. Adults are welcome at a cost of $2.90. We accept cash or check. We cannot make change. You may also use your student’s account . Everyone is doing a great job in keeping their accounts positive. If your students account is not in the positive, we would appreciate you making it positive asap. No student goes hungry. No money or negative account results in a cheese sandwich, fruit and milk. Students are allowed this emergency lunch for only 3 days. Hope all is well and we enjoy serving your students. To prevent illness, be sure your children dress appropriately for the weather, wash hands frequently, and cover coughs and sneezes. When children are ill they need to stay home until they are fever free without anti-fever medication (Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen) for 24 hours. For more information about influenza and influenza vaccine visit To get your flu vaccine, contact your health care provider, or local pharmcy. Gaiser Middle School 2014-15 Yearbook Sales Student Chest Drive Gaiser Middle School will now be selling a hard cover, full color yearbook through out the school year. Please purchase your yearbook as early as possible as we pre-order a set amount. Once we are sold out there are no more available to purchase. The 2014 STUDENT CHEST campaign, will take place in our school November 17th – 21st. This annual event gives students an opportunity to help others less fortunate who live within our community. Each year our student leadership team decides where to dedicate the funds that are contributed during the campaign; the Foundation for Vancouver Public Schools, United Way of the Columbia-Willamette, or to a combination of both agencies. We hope you will encourage your child(ren) to participate. This fundraising activity is endorsed by the Vancouver Public Schools Board of Directors and will be conducted in all schools between November 10– 21. Thank you for your continued support of this annual campaign. Your contribution, whatever the amount, will help make a difference for those who need a hand. Yearbooks cost $15.00 if you have purchased an ASB card. Yearbooks cost $20 if you have NOT purchased an ASB card and they will cost $20.00 for everyone if purchased after May 8th. Please bring cash, or check, made out to Gaiser Middle School, to the Business office window to order your yearbook. Credit and debit cards are now accepted in the business office. Yearbooks cannot be ordered without a payment. Your payment will hold the yearbook. Yearbooks are distributed the day before the last day of school Vancouver Public Schools Announces Three Opportunities to Tour District Parents and community members will have three opportunities to discover the dynamic learning opportunities available in Vancouver Public Schools. Free patron tours, hosted by Superintendent Steven Webb, are among the best ways to find out what’s new in the district. Friday, Nov. 7—Fruit Valley Community Learning Center and Peter S. Ogden Elementary School Visitors will learn how an elementary school creates a culture based on respect and clear behavioral expectations. They’ll also see early learning in action and discover how a Family-Community Resource Center provides food, clothing, information about community resources and other services. Friday, Jan. 23—Vancouver iTech Preparatory middle and high school campuses On this tour, participants will visit the district’s science, technology, engineering and math–focused magnet school, where every student has his or her own laptop to use in a project-based learning environment. Friday, March 13—McLoughlin and Thomas Jefferson middle schools Tour-goers can witness the increased engagement that results when every student has his or her own iPad. In addition, they’ll have opportunities to explore a Family-Community Resource Center and learn about a program that helps students be successful in school while working toward college enrollment. Tour sites and highlights are subject to change. All tours are from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tours begin and conclude at the Bates Center for Educational Leadership, 2921 Falk Rd., Vancouver, WA 98661. Transportation is provided between schools. Afterward, participants will be treated to a student musical performance and delicious luncheon prepared by students in the district’s awardwinning Culinary Arts Program. The cost of the optional luncheon is $4 per guest. Everyone is welcome but space is limited. Pre-registration is required and can be completed at ### Contact: Sue Knable, patron tours and volunteer clearances coordinator, 360-313-4720 or Tour Fruit Valley Community Learning Center and Peter S. Ogden Elementary School On Friday, November 7, Vancouver Public Schools Superintendent Steve Webb will host his first patron tour of the 2014-2015 school year. The tour will provide an in-depth look at the dynamic learning opportunities at Fruit Valley Community Learning Center and Peter S. Ogden Elementary School. Both schools will showcase applications of the district’s strategic plan, Design II, and commitment to preparing students for college, careers and life. The tour of Fruit Valley Community Learning Center will highlight its Family-Community Resource Center, community partnerships and full-day kindergarten program. At Ogden, visitors will learn how an elementary school creates a culture of respect and caring by implementing clear behavioral expectations, bullying-prevention programs, social-emotional learning and academic interventions that increase student engagement and build positive relationships among students and staff. The free tour will begin and end at the Bates Center for Educational Leadership, 2921 Falk Rd. The tour starts at 8:30 a.m. and concludes at 1 p.m. After visiting Fruit Valley and Ogden, guests have the option of enjoying a student musical performance and a delicious lunch prepared by culinary arts students. Lunch is available for $4 per person. Everyone is welcome, but space is limited. Visit or contact Sue Knable at 360-313-4720 to sign up. We hope to see you on November 7! Gastrointestinal Illnesses (Vomiting and/or Diarrhea) : Vancouver Public Schools is now following these guidelines developed by the Clark County Health Department: ** Children, staff, and volunteers will need to stay home for 48 hours after the last time they vomited or had diarrhea.** Please assist us in keeping potentially contagious illnesses from spreading to others in your child’s school, by keeping your child home from school for 48 hours. Remember, you still need to call the school to excuse your student daily. Jim Parsley Community Center Gaiser Activity Sweatshirt Sale Pool Schedule Friday $3.00 Public Swim 4:15-5:45 p.m. $3.00 Public Swim 6:00-7:30 p.m. Saturday $3.00 Public Swim 11:00-12:30 p.m. $3.00 Public Swim 12:45-2:30 p.m. Public Swim 5:30-7:30 pm. Sunday $3.00 Public Swim 12:00-1:30 p.m.. $3.00 Public Swim 1:45-3:30 p.m. $3.00 Public Swim 4:00-5:30 p.m. Rock wall Friday 5:30-7:45 p.m. Saturday 12:30-3:00 p.m. & 6:00-7:45 p.m. Sunday 1:00-4:00 p.m. Gaiser will have two Activity sweatshirt sales during the 2014-15 school year. The first activity sweatshirt sale will be November 17th through November 28nd. They will be a hooded charcoal gray sweatshirt with a front logo. They will cost $24.00 each. For an additional $5 you may have your name printed on the back. (only one name, first or last) For an additional $3.00 each, you may have an activity logo printed below your name on the back. Activity logos are: football, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, bowling, track, ASB Leadership, Drama, AVID, DL(dual language,) National Jr. Honor Society and Music (Band/Orchestra/Choir). Please bring your payment to the Gaiser Business Office to preorder your sweatshirt. We accept cash, a check made out to Gaiser M.S. and debit or credit cards. The second sweatshirt sale will be in the Spring. Swim lessons Saturdays October 18th- December 6th $56.00 for 8-1/2 hour lessons Tuesdays/Thursdays October 21st-November 13th $49.00 for 7 1/2 hour lessons (no lessons 11/11) Evening Lap Swim @Propstra Aquatic Center Fridays 6:00-8:00 p.m. Please see additional information such as fees, registration and fliers on our web page, or Cayenne Yarnell Aquatics Coordinator Vancouver Public Schools Vancouver Earns Grant Funding for Safe and Supportive Schools Work already underway in Vancouver Public Schools to create safe and supportive learning environments in each of its schools got a boost this past week with the announcement of a nearly $3 million grant award over five years from the U.S. Department of Education. VPS will use the School Climate Transformation Grant (SCTG) to accelerate and expand its priority to improve student achievement by focusing on positive student behavior and school climate. The SCTG is one of several federal programs designed to work together to help make schools safer and improve mental health services for students and young adults. VPS was the only school district in the Pacific Northwest to receive the competitive SCTG award. VPS began a focused effort to improve learning environments six years ago as part of its strategic plan, Design II. Gains in student achievement were realized within one year after the district began using Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) at six pilot elementary schools. Since then there has been a concentrated effort to train district employees in PBIS and Response to Intervention (RtI) practices at the district's elementary and middle schools. "This grant aligns perfectly with our strategic plan to develop research-based systems of support for creating a culture of respect and equity at every one of our 35 schools," said Sally Charuhas, executive director of special services. "With this funding we now have a five-year plan to scale our efforts to secondary schools." The SCTG award not only puts the expansion of PBIS and RtI in high schools on the fast track, but it also will allow a greater focus on coordinating resources with juvenile justice, mental health, and the Department of Health and Social Services. In addition, the grant will make it possible for the district to offer social-emotional learning opportunities for students through restorative practices--alternatives to suspension and expulsion. "We're excited to see the integration of restorative practices with PBIS," said Special Services Manager Bill Link. "The goal throughout the district is to teach common expectations, positively acknowledge students, and use data-based decision making to improve the climate and culture so every student can experience success. BACKGROUND To help keep students safe and improve their learning environments, the U.S. Department of Education awarded more than $70 million to 130 grantees in 38 states. The Department made the awards under four new grant programs that were among the common-sense proposals included in President Obama and Vice President Biden's "Now Is The Time," a comprehensive plan to make our schools safer, reduce gun violence by keeping guns out of dangerous hands, and increase mental-health services. College Bound Scholarship The College Bound Scholarship offers the promise of tuition and books to qualifying 7th and 8th graders in Washington. Students who meet the family income requirements and sign a pledge by June 30 of their 8th grade year are eligible. As part of the scholarship eligibility requirements, students must graduate from high school with a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA, demonstrate good citizenship, and seek admission to a two- or four-year college or university. How to apply? Visit the College Bound Website and complete online application Paper applications are available in main office. Applications available in Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Arabic, and Cambodian. Contact Kellie Budnick in the counseling department for more information and an application Kellie Budnick School Counselor (360)313-3400 Enterovirus D68 – What Parents Need to Know Every year, millions of children in the United States catch viruses that can cause coughing, sneezing, and fever. This year, a virus that is causing respiratory illness in children across the country is enterovirus-D68 (EV-D68). Most children have mild symptoms, though in some children, this virus can cause severe symptoms that require hospital care. Take some basic steps to keep your child from getting and spreading EV-D68. Know the signs of EV-D68 Mild symptoms include fever, runny nose, cough, body and muscle aches. Severe symptoms may include wheezing and difficulty breathing. Call your doctor if your child has difficulty breathing – this can look like they are working to breathe, breathing very fast, or wheezing when they breathe. Protect your family from EV-D68 Wash hands for at least 20 seconds or as long as it takes to sing the ABC’s, when you return home, after restroom use, before meals and other times you’ve been touching other people, doorknobs, handles or other common surfaces. Handwashing is the most important thing you can do to stay healthy! Avoid close contact – hugging, kissing, sharing utensils with people who are sick. Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth unless you’ve washed your hands. Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or shirt sleeve – not your hands. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces like toys and doorknobs. Stay home when you are sick, keep sick children home from school. There is no specific medical treatment for EV-D68. Lab tests are only done in very severe cases. Talk with your doctor about the best way to control your child’s symptoms. If your child has asthma Infants, children and teens are at higher risk than adults for getting sick with EV-D68. Children with asthma are at particular risk for more severe symptoms. Discuss and update your child’s asthma plan with your doctor. Your doctor may recommend a flu vaccine now. Make sure your child has access to their rescue medication. Please contact your school nurse if your child has asthma and needs to have a rescue inhaler available at school. If your child has new or worsening asthma symptoms despite usual care, call your doctor right away. Please contact your doctor or school nurse with questions. This information was taken from the CDC website – Find out more at
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