Alan Ramos, Principal - Discovery Intermediate School

The Explorer
Parent Newsletter
May 22, 2015
Alan Ramos, Principal
S. Henderson, Asst. Principal
S. Kastanis, Asst. Principal
5350 San Miguel Road
Office Hours
8:15 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
(407) 343-7300
Kissimmee, FL 34758
Principal’s Message
Thank you to parents, staff, and most of all our
students for making this year another fabulous year at
Discovery Intermediate School. To our 8th grade
students who are moving on, I wish you all the best. For
6th and 7th grade students who will be returning, we are
pleased that we have expanded our curriculum to
include additional electives that include S.T.E.M.
(Medical Detectives) and Navy JROTC.
The Navy JROTC program will focus on: Developing selfreliance and responsiveness to all authority; improving
the ability to communicate well both orally and in
writing; developing an appreciation of the importance
of physical fitness; developing a knowledge of team
building skills and basic military skills; introducing STEM
career opportunities, experiences and challenges that
the Navy and workforce have to offer. Please contact
the Guidance Department if your child is interested in
taking JROTC as an elective.
As discussed during our April and May SAC meetings, in
addition to the recent honor roll ceremony, we are
honoring our successful 8th grade students with an
awards ceremony and a field day. The 8th grade awards
ceremony will be taking place on June 3. Students who
are being recognized are receiving an invitation this
week and may bring their immediate family members.
The 8th grade field day will take place on June 2 during
the school day; only students who are passing all of
their classes with a D (60%) or higher and have not
received a referral this month will be able to
participate. If any parent is an OASIS volunteer and
would like to help with the field day, please contact
Mrs. Karen Spencer (
Have a great summer!
Alan Ramos, Principal
Algebra EOC
There have been some recent changes to the impact
the Algebra1 EOC will have on your child’s grade this
school year. For the 2014-2015 school year only,
because of the unavailability of independently
validated statewide assessment results in Algebra 1,
the statutory requirements to include these results in
the final course grade are inoperative. As a result,
Discovery Intermediate School will calculate the final
course grades and make promotion decisions without
regard to the 30 percent requirement that typically
applies. The 30 percent requirement still applies for
EOC results in Civics, as the results will be released in
June. For additional information please visit
er.pdf or contact our Guidance Department.
Please note Algebra 1 is a high school graduation
requirement, and in order to receive high school
credit for Algebra 1, a student must still pass the
Algebra 1 EOC. If an 8th grade student receives a
score report indicating they did not pass the Algebra 1
EOC they should contact their zoned high school
immediately to learn about opportunities in place to
receive remediation and retake the Algebra 1 EOC.
Hours of Supervision
Discovery Intermediate School provides supervision for
students 1/2 hour before the first bell (8:25 AM) and
1/2 hour after the dismissal bell (4:10 PM). Please
make every effort to ensure your child is dropped-off
or picked-up within these timeframes.
The Explorer Parent Newsletter 5/22/15 Page 2
Dress Code Updates
Gang Awareness
After meeting with the School Advisory Council
(SAC) on May 21, the following updates will begin
in the 2015-16 school year:
• DIS will only allow full zippered or
buttoned jackets/sweaters on campus so
that uniform shirts are visible. Pullover
hoodies will not be acceptable attire.
Hats/hoods are never permitted to be
worn on campus.
• Monday - Thursday students are expected
to follow the district dress code: Solid
school color collared shirts (Navy blue,
white, and gray) with dark blue or khaki
bottoms of denim, corduroy, or twill
fabric of appropriate size and length
should be worn.
• Students will wear their personal schoolissued ID on a lanyard that is visible at
ALL times.
• Examples of appropriate school uniform
shirts and bottoms will be available on our
school website
• Athletic shorts including spandex-style
“bicycle” shorts, cut-off jeans, frayed
jeans or pants, cut-off sweat pants, shortshorts, running shorts, and see-through
boxer-type shorts are not permitted.
• A complete copy of The Osceola District
Student Appearance and Dress Code Policy
can be found in the Code of Student
Conduct booklet.
According to the Florida Department of Education,
gangs and gang violence are on the rise in Florida,
as in many parts of the country. Parents,
educators, and communities as a whole, must
band together to influence the problems known to
lead to gang crime and violence. Last month,
members of the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office
Gang Unit, provided an informative training for
our staff. The training discussed the latest trends
in the Central Florida area and taught staff how to
recognize possible gang activity. Parents are a
major factor in preventing gang crime and
violence. For additional information on actions
parents can take to prevent gang involvement
Course recovery is being offered during the
summer at Discovery Intermediate for students
who failed courses that are required in order for
students to move forward into high school. Eighth
grade students who are zoned for Liberty High
School, and are in need of course recovery,
received letters containing all necessary
information. Please contact Mr. Dunham at Liberty
High School for additional information. Students
who do not attend or who fail to meet program
requirements will need to repeat these courses
during the school year or be retained. Please
contact the Guidance Department if you have any
Important Dates
8/10 – 8/14
Poinciana Neighborhood Crime Watch Mtg.,
7:00 PM at the APV Community Center
8th grade field day, 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
(reward for 8th grade students who are
passing all of their classes and have not
received a referral since 5/5/15)
8th grade awards ceremony, 6:30 PM 8:30 PM at DIS (by invitation only)
Last day of school
Course recovery begins
Report cards available for pick-up
Discovery Education STEM Summer Camp
at Discovery Intermediate School
Open House, 4:00 – 7:00 PM
Congratulations to Mr.
Swanson and ALL of the
Discovery Intermediate
School band students on
a wonderful performance
this month!
The Osceola School District's OASIS School Volunteer
Program provides the opportunity for parents, businesses,
and the community to enrich the education of students.
To apply to volunteer at Discovery Intermediate please
visit or
contact Ms. Davis at