Revised June /2008 Kinsmen Zone By-Laws By DG Bill Burtt ZONE A BYLAWS ARTICLE 1: ADMINISTRATION Section 1: Name: The name of the Zone is "Zone A, Kin Canada Atlantic District 7", hereinafter called "the Zone". Section 2: Terminology: In these bylaws, unless the context requires otherwise, "the Association" means The Association of Kin Canada ; "the District" Kin Canada Atlantic District 7 means of the Association; and "the bylaws" means the General Operating By-laws of the Association. Section 3: Boundaries: The Zone includes all parts of the Province of New Brunswick. Clubs now included in the Zone are: Bathurst, Edmundston, Florenceville, Fredericton, Miramichi, Nashwaaksis, Charlotte Fundy and Woodstock, Moncton & Riverview. Section 4: Authority: In accordance with the General Operating By-laws I By-laws, the Zone may provide within its By-Laws for the Zone, such guidelines and regulations that are necessary for the administration of the Zone provided there are no conflicts with the General Operating By-laws. In the case of a conflict between the Zone ByLaws and those of National or District the latter shall take precedence. Section 5: Procedures: Except as herein otherwise provided, in all matters of procedure, the Zone shall be governed by the Rules of Order and Procedure as set forth of the General operating By-laws. Section 6: Amendments: Amendments to these Zone A By-Laws may be made at any Zone A conference on the vote of ¾ of the accredited delegates in attendance. New By-Laws may be added with a resolution forwarded to all clubs 30 days prior to Spring Zone Conference and accepted by 50%+ 1 of the accredited delegates in attendance. Section 7: Updating: It shall be the responsibility of the Outgoing Deputy Governor each year to ensure that these by-laws are updated to incorporate any amendments adopted at Spring Zone, and that a copy of the updated by-laws is sent out to each club in the Zone within 30 days of the conference. ARTICLE 2: ZONE EXECUTIVE Section 1: Officers: The Zone Executive shall consist of the Deputy Governor and officers appointed to perform the following duties: Co-ordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Membership and Service. The Deputy Governor shall determine the size of the Zone Executive. Section 2: Qualifications: / Each Zone Officer shall be an active or Active Life member in good standing, of a club in Zone A in good standing as defined in the General Operating B y -Laws. The Deputy Governor shall be elected at the Kinsmen Spring Zone Conference. The Deputy Governor shall appoint all other officers. Section 3: Chain of Office: The Chain of Office is to be worn by the Deputy Governor at all official functions throughout the term in office. It is to be presented to the Deputy Governor-Elect by a representative of the Kinsmen Club of Bathurst, who presented the chain in I974-I975, upon election and exchanged at District Convention during the Governor's Banquet. Section 4: Duties: The duties of each officer shall be as follows: a) Deputy Governor: shall be the presiding officer at all Zone Meetings and Conferences held in the Zone. Deputy Governor shall be the chief executive officer within the Zone and shall represent the interests of all Zone A Kinsmen on the District Council. b) Co-ordinator: shall substitute for the Deputy Governor and perform any such duties specified by the Deputy Governor. In the event the Deputy Governor is unable to complete the term in office, the Co-ordinator will assume all the duties of the Deputy Governor until such time as the District Executive appoints a new Deputy Governor. c) Secretary: shall be responsible for recording all minutes at all Zone meetings and conferences. The minutes of these meetings are to be forwarded to the Zone Executive, District Governor, District Secretary and each club in the Zone within 30 days. d) Treasurer: shall establish a Zone account and be responsible for receipts and disbursements. And shall prepare a financial statement to be presented to the incoming Deputy Governor no later than September 1 s t . e) Reporter: shall collect information on all activities, events and projects within the Zone and forward them to the District Reporter. f) Service: shall be responsible for the promotion of the District and National Service Programs in the Zone and collect all monies raised for the same and forward to the District Service Chair. The Deputy Governor determines the number of members on the executive and shall assign the above duties to members of the executive, as deems appropriate for the efficient handling of Zone Business. Section 5: Terms of Office: Each Zone Officer shall assume office on the first day of July following his election or appointment and shall hold office until his successor assumes office following District Convention. Section 6: Vacancies in Office: In the event of a vacancy in any of the Zone offices, other than Deputy Governor, the Deputy Governor shall appoint a replacement who possesses the qualifications outlined in Article 2; Section 4. ARTICLE 3: ZONE CONFERENCE Section I : Date of Conference: The Deputy Governor shall call a Zone Conference between March I 51 and April 30'1 • The Deputy Governor shall obtain the District Governor's approval for the date of such conference. Section 2: Location of Zone Conference: Clubs wishing to host the Spring Zone Conference shall present their bids at the Spring Zone one year prior to the one they are bidding to host. Clubs in attendance shall then vote to determine the winning bid. In the case of a tie the Deputy Governor shall vote a second time for the deciding vote. In the event that no clubs submit a bid, the Deputy Governor shall accept proposals up until the last day of November and the Zone Executive will vote on the proposals and decide the location. Section 3 Official Call: At least 30 days prior to Zone Conference, the Deputy Governor shall forward to each club in the Zone a call to the conference along with a copy of the agenda and any resolutions received. Section 4 President's Reports: Each club President shall forward to the Deputy Governor, not less than 14 days prior to the Zone Conference, a typewritten report of his clubs activities for the Kin year to date. Section 5 Chairman: The Zone Conference, shall be chaired by the Deputy Governor or, in absence, the Zone Co-ordinator. Section 6 Memorial Gong & Gavel: Prior to the start of business of the Zone Conference the Chairman will accept, from a representative of the Kinsmen Club of Nashwaaksis, the Memorial Gong & Gavel. Section 7 Minutes: Minutes of the proceedings of the Zone Conference shall be kept by the Zone Secretary and shall be forwarded, within 30 days of the Zone Conference, to the District Governor and each club in the Zone. Section 8 Deputy Governor's Expenses: The host club shall pay the registration fee, accommodations and travel expenses of the Deputy Governor. Section 9 Damage: Any member causing damage at a Zone A Conference shall be held personally responsible for such damage. In the event that the member fails to pay for any such damage for any such damage, the club of which he is a member shall be responsible for such payment. Section 10 Non-Smoking: The business portion at Zone Conference shall be non-smoking. Section 11 Resolutions: A Zone Conference may propose, discuss and adopt resolutions for submission to the District Convention and shall also consider and act upon matters submitted to it by the Association and generally discuss matters of interest to clubs within the Zone as may be brought before it by any delegate at the Conference. Section 12 Voting Procedure: (a) The number of delegates for Zone Conference shall be determined by the clubs official membership as of the February 28 1h census. (b) Voting shall be restricted to accredited delegates in the Zone and accredited delegates at large. (c) The number of delegates for each club in the Zone is as follows: Clubs One vote/club member Delegates at large 1 vote (d) The following shall be delegates at large at Spring Zone conference subject to being an Active or Life Member of a Club in Zone A. i) The Present Deputy Governor ii) The Present Governor iii) Each Past Deputy Governor iv) Each Past District Governor v) Each Past National President vi) The National President Delegates at Large are not entitled to proxy their votes. (e) A quorum shall comprise 50%+ 1 of the accredited delegates at the Conference representing 50% of the clubs in the Zone. (f) All questions put to the Zone Conference shall be decided by a show of hands unless, before the next item of business is preceded with, and notwithstanding the taking of a vote by show of hands, a poll or ballot is requested by: i) The Deputy Governor or Meeting Chairman ii) At least two club Presidents iii) At least 10 accredited delegates or delegates at large (g) A delegate or delegate at large shall be an accredited delegate if he has presented himself for conference registration and paid the delegate registration fee. Section 13 Host Club Responsibilities: The host club of Spring Zone shall: (a) Establish a convention committee and appoint a chairman. (b) Provide a budget outlining estimate of revenue anticipated together with proposed expenditures and cost of registration. The budget is to be forwarded to the Deputy Governor 30 days prior to Zone Conference. (c) Submit to the Deputy Governor 30 days following the Zone Conference a statement of receipts and disbursements for the meetings. (d) Provide sufficient personnel to work the registration desk as required for the orderly registration of delegates. (e) Provide all necessary registration forms. (f) Ensure that all hotel, motel, or places of accommodation agree in writing to rates to be charged to the delegates well in advance of registration. (g) Arrange for rooms for meetings, banquets, entertainment, etc.... (h) Prepare all necessary news releases both to the members attending and the news media. Keep the members informed in advance of the Zone Conference so as to stimulate good attendance. (i) Work closely with the Deputy Governor in working out his requirements for an efficient Zone meeting. (j) Arrange for the provision of commemorative crest, pins or mugs as a memento of the event. These shall, when possible, be purchased from Kin Sales. (k) Deputy Governor's and the District Representatives expenses are to be covered in the Host club's budget for Spring Zone Conference. Where possible, to minimize expense, the Deputy Governor and District Representative shall stay in the same room and travel together. (I) Must arrange for a Zone event, to be held in conjunction with Spring Zone, if facilities are available. If not an alternative recreational activity shall be arranged. (m) Other fellowship events may be planned upon approval of the Zone Executive and Host Committee. ARTICLE 4: FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES Section I : Installations: The clubs within the Zone shall be responsible for the expenses incurred by the Deputy Governor or alternate in connection with installation night. Section 2: Official Visits: The Deputy Governor will make at least one 'Official Visit' to each club in the Zone. The expenses incurred will be the responsibility of the District Executive Council. Section 3: Special Events: If a club within Zone A requests the Deputy Governor or representative to attend a club event, then all reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the visit, i.e. transportation, meals, drinks and accommodations (if required), are the responsibility of the club requesting the visit. Section 4: Payment: All clubs shall pay all monies due under Article 4; Sections 1 & 3 to the Deputy Governor or his alternate during the event. Section 5: Travel: Reimbursement of the Deputy Governor's or alternate shall be prevailed at the District rate. Section 6: Zone Levy: Each Kinsmen and Kin Club in Zone A will pay a levy, to the Zone 6 Executive, based on the September 301 h Census. This levy is $2.00 per Active and/or Active Life member in your club. The levy can only be changed at the business portion of Spring Zone Conference and is due by October 31 in each Kin year. Failure by a club to pay the levy will mean the loss of voting privileges at Zone meetings and being placed not in good standing at the Zone level i.e. not being able to run a candidate or bid for Zone Conference. ARTICLE 5: ZONE EVENTS Section 1: Sale of Tickets: There shall be no sale of tickets among Kinsmen at any Zone event on behalf of any club fundraising project. However, it shall be in order for the host club to sell tickets on a prize to be drawn at the function to assist in financing that function only. However, tickets may be sold for a Zone donation if approved by the Zone Executive. Section 2: Zone Seminar: The Deputy Governor shall hold an executive seminar between June 15th and September 30th of each year. The purpose of the seminar shall be of an educational and instructive nature with particular emphasis on the duties and obligations of each club executive position. ARTICLE A: ZONE AWARDS Zone A awards are as follows, with criteria for each in the appendices: (a) Junior/Senior Bulletin Awards (Appendix 1) (b) History Book Award (c) John Sears Zone Service Award (Appendix 2) (d) Zone A Traveling Kin Award (Appendix 3) Zone a Individual awards are as follows, with criteria for each in the appendices: (a) Speak-Off Award (Appendix 4) (b) Sports (c) Zone A Kinsmen of the Year (Appendix 5) (d) Zone A Kin Doug E. Anthony Fellowship Award *For the Traveling Kin Award, travel will be based from Spring Zone to Spring Zone APPENDIX 1 THE SENIOR AND JUNIOR ZONE BULLETIN AWARD The rules governing this award shall be as follows: a) b) c) d) A Banner Crest shall be presented to each Zone winner both Junior and Senior at their Spring Zone Conference. Zone Bulletins to be judged by the Kinsmen Deputy Governor and the Zone Reporter. The scoring system for the District 7 Bulletin Award shall be used. Zone Winners are to be entered in the district Competition for the George Gamburg Bulletin Award. THE GEORGE GAMBURG SENIOR & JUNIOR BULLETIN AWARD The mles governing this award, which has as its object the stimulating of interest in the improvement of club bulletins to publish them, shall be as follows: ELIGIBILITY: a) To be eligible for the Senior Award, a club shall have a membership of20 or more. While clubs with membership of less than 20 shall qualify for the Junior Award. Membership shall be determined as of October 3 1'1 census date of the Kin year in which it is judged and must have won the corresponding Zone Bulletin Award. b) A personalized plaque shall be awarded each year at the District Convention to the Bulletin Editor of the club whose bulletin aggregates the highest number of points awarded under paragraph (c) and the club of which the Bulletin Editor is a member shall be awarded a Banner Crest. REQUIREMENTS: c) Not less than 5 bulletins (3 copies of each) shall be submitted tot he District Reporter and the zone Reporter, on a regular basis during the year to which the award related provided that in addition to the regular submissions of bulletins any club may submit tot he District Reporter the 5 bulletins (3 copies of each) which the club itself considers its best but in this event such bulletins shall be submitted not later than I 5 days prior to the opening date of the District Convention. JUDGES: d) The judges of this award shall be three members of the District Executive Committee appointed by the District Governor of whom one should be the District Reporter. SCORING: The scoring system shall be the same as that used in the Ritchie Bulletin Trophies as outlined in National Awards Program. Purpose: To provide a guideline for clubs to follow to produce an effective means of club communication, and to recognize the effort of the bulletin editor and club for an outstanding publication. Division of Awards: • Kinsmen Ritchie Senior - clubs of 15 and more members • Kinsmen Ritchie Junior- clubs of 14 and less members • Dawn Freeland Kinette Senior Bulletin Award-clubs of 15 and more members • Kaye Turner Junior Bulletin Award-clubs of 14 and less members 51 Membership taken as of October 31 of the Kin year they are judged and that it be based on the "official" membership in the club as defined in Article 17 of the National By-Laws. Note: Upon the creation of 50 Kin or Kinsmen & Kinette clubs (25 senior and 25 junior, using Kinsmen sizes) a new category of competition would be created. Until such time, Kin or Kinsmen & Kinette clubs will compete in the Kinsmen competition. Submission of Entries: 1. Entries shall only be the winning bulletins for each division from each district in the Association for that year. 2. All entries shall be submitted to the Executive Director within 10 days of the close of the spring district convention or by June 30th, whichever comes first. 3. Entries must contain three sets of five issues. Each set must contain the same issues. 4. All entries shall become the property of the Association. 5. Electronic version in printed format. Judging: 1. Entries shall be judged by a national committee of judges named by the national executive committee. 2. Entries shall be judged according to material and appearance. The mandatory requirements and maximum allowable points for the various items to be considered shall be as outlined below. 3. All entrants shall receive a written critique within 60 days of National Convention. 4. The committees shall determine a winner and a runner-up for each award. Judging Criteria: A. Mandatory Requirements (each issue) 1. Outside front cover, inside front cover or first immediate page following. a) Club name, zone and district b) Names, addresses and phone numbers of club president and bulletin editor 8. c) Date, time and place of meeting d) Issue number of bulletin 2. Minutes of last general meeting 3. President's report 4. Calendar of events 5. Current member roster Content .....................................................................points 1. Club Activities a) Activities of club members, birthdays, etc.......... 5 b) Reports on social events................................... 5 c) Reports/Updates on service projects .................5 2. a) Articles submitted by club members (other than bulletin editor) b) Kin profiles/Kin Kid section................................5 Editorials (5 points each to a maximum of 10) a) Must be original and be labeled as editorials b) Can be submitted from anyone in the club or community 5 3. Kin Education.......................................................... 15 4. Association News a) Zone news ....................................................... 10 b) District news .................................................... 10 c) National news .................................................... 5 d) A Kin Sales ad be placed in the club bulletin ..... 5 Total Section 8....................................................................... 80 C. Presentation 1. Layout and quality of production.............................10 2. Quality of content; readers interest, humour and good taste................................................................15 Total Section C ......................................................................25 GRAND TOTAL 105 APPENDIX2 KIN JOHN SEARS SERVICE AWARD Kin John Sears joined this Association in March of 1968 by becoming a member ofthe Kinsmen Club of Nashwaaksis. He soon became involved on the executive, holding the office of Bulletin Editor in the 68-69 Kin year. The next year (69-70) he held the office of Vice President and was the International Relations chair at the District level. He was then elected club President for the 1970-71 Kin year. In May of 1971 Kin John moved to Newfoundland, where he joined the Kinsmen Club of Cornerbrook. After being diagnosed with MS, Kin John moved back to Fredericton and rejoined the Nashwaaksis Kinsmen in May 1973. He was elected Zone 6 Deputy Governor for the 1974-75 Kin year. In 1978 the Kinsmen Club ofNashwaaksis honoured Kin John with the highest award in our Association, his Life Membership. Not only was Kin John active with the Kinsmen, he also joined the MS Society in January of 1975. In his initial year as a member, Kin John was elected to the Board of Directors and in 1977 he was elected the President of the MS Society, Atlantic Division. At the Fall Council meeting in 1977 Kin John moved that the Kinsmen and Kinettes of District 7 accepted the MS Society as a recipient of our assistance, of course this motion was carried. He was elected President of the Fredericton MS Chapter of the MS Society in 1976-77 and again in 1979-80. To no surprise Kin John served on the National Board of the MS Society from 1976-82. In 1978 Kin John was elected to the NB Board of the Canadian Rehabilitation Council (CRCD), which he served as President for the years 1986-88 then again form 1988-90. He was instrumental in involving the NB Snowmobile Association with CRCD in 1986 and the NB Golf Association in 1989. He was also Atlantic Vice-President for the CRCD from 1988-90 and was elected and served on the National Board from 1986-1992. In sports Kin John excelled as well. He was named the top golfer for the first 50 years of the NB Golf Association. In 1984 he was inducted into the NB Sports Hall ofFame for his accomplishments in golf, and was inducted to the Fredericton Sport Wall of Fame in 1992. ZONE A JOHN SEARS SERVICE AWARD CLUB NAME: ------------PRESIDENT: --------------------------- MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS: A DONATE TO MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS B DONATE TO CYSTIC FIBROSIS C SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MARCH 1 D PROJECTS ARE TO BE DONE FROM SPRING ZONE TIL DEADLINE BONUS POINTS: A SUBMIT WRITTEN MS REPORT (UPTO 25 POINTS) _ B SUBMIT WRITTEN CF REPORT (UPTO 25 POINTS) _ C DONATE TO HREF BURSARY _ D DONATE TO CHILDREN'S TRUST (UPTO 5 POINTS) E SUBMIT A WRITTEN SERVICE PROJECT REPORT (UPTO 10 POINTS) F MS DONATION PER CAPITA (UPTO 5 POINTS) _ G CF DONATION PER CAPITA (UPTO 5 POINTS) _ DATE: (UPTO 5 POINTS) SUBMITTED BY: PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION APPENDIX3 ROAD RUNNER AWARD AWARD _ _ 3. Place of competition: at the National Conventi on i m m e d i a t e l y following t h e district competition a t which the district winners are determined 4. Coordinator: the coordinator of the competition will be the national director in charge of awards, whose duties will include hosting a speaker’s reception, chairing the competition and providing a written critique to all participants following the competition Judging: 1. The national presidents shall appoint two panels of three judges, one panel to judge Kinette presentations and one to judge Kinsmen presentations. 2. At least one member of each panel will have no affiliation with the Association. 3. Each panel will select a chair who will oversee the tabulation of results and advise the coordinator of same. 4. Each panel shall determine a winner and a runner-up. Criteria for Judging: The marking system below will be a guide for both speakers and judges alike: PART 1- Material (40 points) A) Treatment of Topic Introduction ............................................................................... 3 Knowledge of subject................................................................ 4 Idea content ............................................................................... 3 Organization of material ............................................................ 3 Development of material........................................................... 3 Recapitulation a nd conclusion................................................... 4 B) Language Choice of words ......................................................................... 5 Sentence structure ...................................................................... 5 Grammatical us a ge..................................................................... 5 Originality and inventiveness..................................................... 5 PART 2- Delivery (60 points) A) General Effectiveness Audience attention ..................................................................... 4 Audience reaction ...................................................................... 5 Achievement of purpose............................................................. 5 Challenge to thought .................................................................. 5 Sincerity and conviction ............................................................. 8 Methods to impress audience. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 B) Appearance and Voice Approach .................................................................................... 3 The "Road Runner Award" will be presented at each District Seven Fall Leadership Conference to the Kinsmen Club that had made the most visits (combination of kilometers and members) to other Clubs in the District. ELIGIBILITY DATES: The period of judging this award shall be the Kin year (July 1st to June 30 1h). JUDGES: The outgoing District Co-ordinator. CRITERIA: Submissions for the award must be sent to the outgoing District Co-ordinator no later than September lO'h. All visitations including club visits, Founders Night celebrations, interclubs, zone and district events, shall be considered as long as at least three eligible Kinsmen from the same club attend. Spring Zone, Fall Leadership, District, National and other conventions shall not be considered as a visitation. Points shall be determined by multiplying the return mileage (in kilometers) by the number of eligible Kinsmen who attended the visit. Candidates for Deputy Governor, Vice Governor, etc., along with their immediate proposed team are ineligible, if they are on a campaign visit. District Officers visiting as a District Officer (Official function) are ineligible. Visitations will not be considered unless they are properly submitted to the District Co-ordinator on time, with the proper form. The Club that has the most points will win the award. ROAD RUNNER AWARD This is to certify that the Kinsmen Club of _ made a visitation to the Kinsmen Club of __________________________________ On the day of and that , 200_, for _______ (Specify Event) eligible members of our Club were in attendance and that the return mileage in kilometers is (*Eligible members x return kilometers) Club President: _ for a total of points*. Club Secretary: _ APPENDIX4 THE RUPERT KETHRO MEMORIAL PUBLIC SPEAKING TROPHY a) b) c) d) e) f) The rules governing this award shall be as follows: A representative of the Kinsmen Club of Miramichi shall award a trophy to the winner of the public speaking contest at District Convention. Contestants must be winners of Zone speaking contests held in Spring Zone Meetings preceding District Convention. Judges to be chosen by the District Executive Committee Speaking rules shall be the same as the National "Founding Members Speaking Trophy" outlined in the Constitution and By-Laws. The winner of this award shall be the District 7's entry in the competition for the "Founding Members Speaking Trophy". A plaque will also be presented to the winners of their Zone Speak-off at their Spring Zone Conference. g) The District Speak-off shall be held in conjunction with the President's Luncheon where possible and practical. FOUNDING MEMBERS AWARD AND KINETTE PUBLIC SPEAKING AWARD Purpose: To stimulate self-development in Kin by means of public speaking. Eligibility: I. A contestant at the national level will have been a winner in his/her club, zone, and district competitions all in the same year. In the event of illness or other inability to attend National Convention, the district runner-up shall be deemed to qualify. 2. Present and incoming members of the national board of directors are not eligible to compete in the current competition. 3. The competitors of a national public speaking competition will be considered ineligible to compete at any level the following two Kin years. Note: All male members of the Association shall participate in the Kinsmen Founding Members competition, and all female members of the Association shall participate in the Kinette Public Speaking competition. General Criteria for Speeches and Competitions: I. Topic: preferably, but not necessarily, on some phase of Kin 2. Length: speeches shorter than five minutes and longer than ten minutes will be disqualified 3. Timing: a speaker's light shall be used in the following manner: a) first light - 5 minutes b) second light - 9 minutes c) third light- 10 minutes 4. Continuity: speeches will be materially the same as presented at District Convention 5. Authenticity: speeches must be authored by the speaker National Competition: I. Notification procedure: immediately following the determination of the district winner, each winner should immediately notify the national executive via the Executive Director of his/her name, address, phone number(s), fax number (if any), email address and preferred travel arrangements to the National Convention 2. Participant's expenses: the following will be provideda) One single return air fare (lowest available rate) between the closest major cities. (Participants are not to purchase their own tickets). Air tickets will be forwarded or alternate travel arrangements made. b) Single convention registration. c) Four nights shared accommodation. Stance ......................................................................................... 3 Voice and tone quality ............................................................... 6 Platform manners and gestures................................................... 5 Fluency of speech....................................................................... 7 Composure ................................................................................. 4 TOTAL .......................................................................................... 100 APPENDIX5 ZONE A Kenny MacDonald Kin of The Year A ward The Zone A Kinsmen of the Year must work diligently and unselfishly in the improvement of their clubs and communities and all clubs recognize that certain members make special contributions or demonstrate outstanding efforts for these causes. The award consists of a Dinner Badge and plaque indicating 'Zone A Kenny MacDonald Kinsmen of the Year' and the winning members name. The Zone A Executive will pay the cost of these and the Zone Levy will reflect the cost for the award. The Charlotte Fundy Kin Club will donate a trophy that will be presented to the Winner and it will be stay at the winners club until the next Spring Zone Conference. At that time the winner will present the trophy to the next winner. If the winner is not present a member of his club will make the Presentation, or if there is no one present from his club the presentation will be made by the Deputy Governor. The Deputy Governor will be part of the presentation in any case. The Home club of the winner will be responsible for the cost of the shield and will ensure that shield is on the trophy and that the trophy is returned to Spring Zone. ZONE A Kenny MacDonald KINSMEN OF THE YEAR APPLICATION Note: Please print or type all information. Applicants Name: ________________________________ Home Club: ____________________________ Address: _______________________________ Mandatory Requirements: 1. 2. 3. Submission made by Club President (maximum 1 per club) The Deputy Governor must receive submission before M arch 1. Criteria to be achieved from Spring Zone to Spring Zone. 4. 5. Applicant must be a member in Good Standing. Applicant's Home Club must be in Good Standing. Optional Points: 1. Sponsor new member(s) 5 Points/Member 2. Chaired or Co-Chaired club Service Projects 5 Points/Project 3. Chaired or Co-Chaired club Social events or projects 5 Points/Project 4. Has Perfect Attendance at time of submission 10 Points 5. Attends inter-club visitations 5 Points/Visit 6. Has made outstanding contribution to Club and/or Association. (Please attach a full description of accomplishments) Up to 60 points 7. Has made outstanding contribution to his Community. (Please attach a full description of accomplishments) Up to 60 points Date: : Submitted by:
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