2015 Call to Conference DSB - District Eleven

Governor’s Message
Your New District Governor
Board of Directors Nominees
Committee Chair Nominees
From District & International
Extra Extra Read All About It!
Mission Dignity-Altrusa of Central Coast District Project
Treasures of the Central Coast-District Eleven Conference
District Eleven Board of Directors 2013-2015
From Your Editor, Robin Gorley
Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in
democracy. You vote in elections once a year,
but when you volunteer, you vote every day
about the kind of community you want to live in.
Majorie Moore
Denice Gilb
Hello Fellow Altrusans!
On behalf of Altrusa International District Eleven, I would like to extend to each and every
one, an invitation to our upcoming District Conference to be held May 14-17 at the Radisson in Santa Maria, CA. The Altrusa Club of Central Coast, our host club, is working hard
to make this the best conference so far. Governor Elect Judy Sorensen’s chairs are working diligently on their workshops to help each club become the best they can be. The
weekend will be full of information, socialization and fun. This is an excellent opportunity
to learn more about Altrusa and to share your ideas and projects
Remember your first Conference? Remember meeting members from other clubs? And I’m sure that most of
those friendships you forged “way back when” are still going strong. Just think, those of you who have attended a District Conference, can become that first time attendee’s mentor; his/her new Altrusa friend; and
the one with whom this new found friendship will last a lifetime.
We have the honor of having International Director Kathy Carmack. Kathy comes to us from Hamilton, Ohio, in
District Five. She has been an Altrusan since 1988.
This issue of the DSB (District Service Bulletin) is full of information and forms for the upcoming Conference.
Please read the pages carefully, as they contain all the information you need in planning your trip to Santa
Maria. We will be holding elections for the District Board of Directors. You will note the list of candidates for
all the positions. Read their biographies carefully as they will be our new leaders next biennium. Each one of
our clubs will want to be sure to send their allotted number of delegates to cast their vote for our next District
This is my last Governor’s DSB message that I will be writing to you, as Judy Sorensen will Governor when the
next issue comes out. I want to take the time to thank the District Board for all their support and encouragement these past two years; the District Chairmen who worked so hard to give you the best workshops they
could; and a special thanks to all of you, my Altrusa Sisters and Brothers, for your inspiring words, encouraging
actions and warm friendship you gave unconditionally to me throughout this biennium. But don’t think you are
going to get rid of me too easily. I will remain on the District Board through the next biennium as Immediate
Past Governor, and I will always be available for all of you, so keep those emails, phone calls and warm smiles
It has been my pleasure to have served as your District Eleven Governor. My biggest wish is to see Altrusa International, and especially District Eleven prosper in all ways possible – membership, service projects and
leadership. To quote my favorite bear, Winnie the Pooh, “We will be friends until forever, just you wait and
See you all in May!!!
In the Spirit of Altrusa,
Denice Gilb, District Eleven Governor
Arizona~California~ Hawaii~Nevada~Baja California Norte~Baja California Sur~Sonora, Mexico
Judy Sorensen
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, the members of District
Eleven of Altrusa International, Inc., for your confidence in my ability to
lead our district during the 2015-2017 biennium. With your participation, I look forward to two years of membership growth, outstanding
community service, increased partnerships and, yes, fun along the way.
What better way to start than at Conference. Our gracious host, the Central Coast club, has been working diligently to make this a memorable
event. The outstanding new District Chairs have some wonderful workshops planned. And heeding comments from previous conferences, we
have a few new things to offer. I especially want to encourage you to try "Wine and Design" on Thursday afternoon. Artistic talent is not required. I have never been mistaken
for an artist and I enjoyed a similar experience immensely. On Friday night a trip to Avila
Beach for its popular Farmers' Market is on the schedule -- good eats, good shopping
and "Don't forget the wine." And if we have a clear night, I can promise you a most beautiful sunset. I'm told that even Sunset magazine was impressed. This is another "Don't
miss event!"
For those whom I have not yet met, let me tell you a little about myself. I have lived on
the California Central Coast since 1960. I am a recent widow, the mother of four sons
and "Grammy" to eight grandchildren. I retired as an operations manager for the Santa
Maria Superior Court in 2010. I love volunteering at my local hospital and at my local
library. I celebrated my 25 year Altrusa anniversary last year, having belonged originally
to the Santa Maria club and now to Cinco Ciudades. I have served my clubs in every
chair and office, except treasurer, and was first elected to the District Eleven Board eight
years ago. I really believe that you do not just join Altrusa, you become an Altrusan. I
cannot imagine my life without Altrusa. I look forward to visiting all 21 of our clubs and
getting to know each of you as we share Altrusa together.
I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint and that the best
way to succeed is to discover what you love and then
find a way to offer it to others in the form of service,
working hard, and allowing the energy of the universe
to lead you.
Oprah Winfrey
Melanie Hodges
Governor Elect
Melanie Hodges joined Altrusa in 1996 to fulfill her desire to serve her
community. She has worked as a paralegal with her lawyer husband,
John, for over 20 years. She also does the bookkeeping for the family
business, California Cubs, a Cub Crafters airplane sales company, and
manages The Victorian Estate, a wedding ceremony and reception site.
Melanie has served in all leadership capacities for her own club, Altrusa
Club of Cinco Ciudades. She was an active participant in the planning of
the 2006 District Eleven Conference in Santa Maria, California and served as District
Eleven Membership Chair from 2005-2007. She began her service on the Altrusa District Eleven Board of Directors in 2009 serving as Director, then in 2011 was Second
Vice-governor and now serves as First Vice-governor. During her time on the Board of
Directors she headed the fundraising at District Eleven Conferences in 2010 and 2011
raising over $18,000 for the Altrusa International Foundation through the generous donations from our District Clubs and their members. She has been an active participant
at all District Eleven Conferences as a Board member by presenting the Presidents’
Workshop and co-hosting several Café Conversation Round Tables. She has made numerous Club visits and participated in District Eleven Area Workshops. She is currently
assisting those District Eleven Clubs to comply with Altrusa International’s request that
they incorporate.
She is committed to assisting all District Eleven Clubs achieve their goals.
The role of leaders is not to get other
People to follow them,
But to empower others to lead.
Bill George
Pat Zoller
First Vice-Governor
I was invited to join Altrusa 18 years ago and what a ride it has been. A little
bumpy at the beginning since I wasn’t as committed or involved as I should
have or could have been, missing meetings and not attending conferences
but my club never gave up on me. I was encouraged to become the editor
for the club newsletter which was a great way to really get to know my club
and club members. I finally went to my first conference and what an eye
opener that was. Everything my club members had been trying to tell me about Altrusa
and everything that I had been trying to understand about Altrusa suddenly made so
much more sense. The comradely, the sense of service to community and the essence
of Altrusa all became so much clearer.
Once I retired from public education, after 35 years, I found myself even more involved
with the club and getting so much more out of the whole Altrusa experience. I have
been club president for two terms and have continued as editor of the club’s newsletter. In 2013 I had the honor of becoming second- vice governor of District Eleven. My
term as second-vice governor has been exciting and memorable. There was so much to
learn and so many questions to ask. Governor Denice and the rest of the board were
ever so helpful and patience. They are a wonderful group of women that I truly enjoyed
having the opportunity to meet. I enjoyed my many club visits, as second- vice governor
and came away from each of those visits feeling as though I learned more from their
club members than perhaps they learned from me. It was very rewarding to see how
each club was making a difference in their communities. I would be, once again, honored to have the opportunity to serve on the board as first- vice governor, given the opportunity.
I encourage each of you to come to Conference in May. It will allow you to learn from
other clubs, to share your club with others and to meet a group of wonderful people
dedicated to the principals of Altrusa. I hope to see and meet many of you at the 2015
Conference in Santa Maria, California.
Pat Zoller
Melinda Aguirre
Second Vice Governor
My name is Melinda Aguirre and I am with the Altrusa of Central Coast
Club. I have been a member since 2003. I have served on our board as
President, secretary, treasurer and director. I have also chaired different
committees throughout my 12 years as an Altrusan. I own my business,
Compuclaims, since 1993. I joined Altrusa when my two children went off
to school. I needed to find a positive meaning in my life that had not been
fulfilled and that’s when I was introduced to Altrusa of Central Coast.
I thank the
people who have supported me along the way. I want to “grow old” with my Altrusa
Beth Brouillette
I'm Beth Brouillette, I was born in NJ. I'm married to Bob and have 3 grown
and married children and 3 grandchildren. I have a degree from Upsala College in Psychology and returned to the University of Wisconsin for another major in Accounting. After raising our children I returned to work doing mostly tax
work. I worked for 2 CPA firms and later had my own tax business that specialized in working with realtors to prepare for and minimize their taxes. My husband and I bought several grocery stores in the 1990s and while he did the
food part I took care of the accounting systems, and financial issues. After we sold the last
store I took a position as Business Manager of a local newspaper/print operation in Gig Harbor, WA. After we moved to Arizona in 2002 I worked for a local alternative paper in Tucson
doing the same job. As Business Manager I oversaw all the HR, IT, AP, AR, budgeting, forecasting preparing financials, buildings and grounds as well as overseeing the accounting
staff, and the circulation, legal and reception staff at the Washington paper. I have been an
Altrusan since 2002 and have been President, Fundraising Chair and Treasurer and Recording Secretary. If elected, I would be glad to serve as treasurer of District Eleven for the
next biennium and hope that I will be able to keep the financial functions as a background
support system so that individual clubs will be able to continue the wonderful work they do in
Bonnie McPherson
I, Bonnie McPherson, was born and raised in Ohio. I earned BS/MS degrees
from The University of Arizona and spent 35 years teaching Home Economics
and Computers. During my 10 years as an Altrusan, I have served the Tucson
Club in many capacities including Club President. I was a co-presenter at the
District Eleven Workshop on Grant Writing in 2014. Currently I am co-chair of
our Young Authors Competition sponsored by our Club in conjunction with the
Tucson Festival of Books. I enjoy spending time with friends, petting my kitties, reading and
quilting. My passion is playing ukulele music and I take every opportunity to do so!
Dawn Young
I became a member of Altrusa in December 2009. Before joining Altrusa I was very
active with the American Cancer Society’s “Relay for Life” in Santa Maria. The generosity of our community has always amazed me, so I thought joining Altrusa would
be a wonderful way to give back to those who supported a cause close to my heart. I
have found that being a committed Altrusan is truly rewarding. At the club level I
have served as President, President Elect, and Vice President. I have also served as the
Membership/Leadership chair. As most of you know, it’s really hard to say no to Judy, but I
am really looking forward to serving as the District Eleven Secretary. I have been employed
with the Santa Barbara County Superior Court - Santa Maria Division since April 2005. I am
also an active member of the Santa Maria Legal Professional Association. I recently celebrated my 20th wedding anniversary with my husband Eric. Without his endless support I
don’t know what I would do. I love hanging out with my family especially my 4 nephews and 2
nieces and of course my friends. Their support is invaluable as well.
Isa Ponce
Literacy Chair
Greetings to all of you, esteemed members. My name is Isa Ponce-Jimenez, President
elect of the Altrusa International of Santa Maria, CA. I am taking this opportunity to
introduce myself as your new Literacy Chair. One of my passions has always been literacy and as such it seems my life has mostly danced around the many rhythms nature gives us. I am fortunate to have been involved in teaching for many years at different levels and circumstances, from elementary to postsecondary education. My
most recent job was as the executive director of the Central Coast Literacy Council.
And so, I believe my incursion into the nonprofit world helped me have a broader and stronger hold
of what literacy really encompasses. My hope is that the next two years we can continue to expand
our efforts, perhaps finding new ideas in helping literacy to become more of a changing factor in the
lives of many in our communities. Let us remember that we will never know how far the ramifications of our altruism will travel.
Helyn Sloan
Communications Chair
I worked 44 years for the same company in the Customer Service division. So
“service” is definitely right up my alley. When my friend asked me to join Altrusa International of Chula Vista I never even hesitated. Here I am 10 years
later. I’ve held every position in our Club (except Treasurer) from President to
Director. I’ve also been the District Eleven Service Chair under Past Governor
Ann Bauman, and District Eleven Director under Past Governor Sandi Miller. It’s now my
pleasure to be the Communications Chair, focusing on social media, under Incoming Governor Judy Sorensen.
Teri Switzer
District Service Bulletin (DSB) Chair
Currently I serve as the Co-President of Indian Wells Valley and work as a teacher.
I am originally from Washington state, but have been living in California since 1984,
where I have been an elementary school teacher for the past 30 years. After joining
Altrusa in 2002, I have been able to be involved in so many wonderful projects that
make our small community a better place. The people I have met through this organization have a special place in my heart and will remain dear friends forever. Altrusa is not
a chore, it’s a choice!
Sheila Hugunin
Sheila Hugunin has been a member of Altrusa since 1997 and has held the office
of Recording Secretary, President and Communications Chair in the Tucson Club.
On the District level she has been the Communication Chair and DSB Editor. She
is presently the Webmaster and will continue in the position for 2015-2017. She
holds a bachelors and masters degree from the University of Arizona and was a
secondary school science teacher for 32 years prior to retirement.
Hillary Sloan
Service Chair
My name is Hillary Sloan. I belong to the Chula Vista club and I will be your new
Service Chair. I am a mother of a beautiful daughter. I am a graduate is San
Diego State University with a BA in psychology. I work in the social work field
with foster youth and I have been a program director with my company for 10
years and have worked with foster youth for 17 years.
Give your hands to SERVE
And your hearts to LOVE.
Mother Teresa
……….and the WINNER is!
We are approaching that time of year to be thinking about Conference and Awards.
I encourage each club to submit their club projects for the 2015 Conference Awards.
You not only have the opportunity to win an award, but your club projects are printed
for all attendees to see and perhaps obtain ideas for their own club. All clubs have
outstanding projects and part of the Altrusa Conference experience is to share these
ideas with other clubs.
The forms for the Dr. Nina Fay Calhoun, Mamie L. Bass and the Letha Brown Awards
can be found on the Altrusa International website. Club Presidents will be receiving
information for the Marilyn Atwood Award and the years of membership forms by email
and US Postal Service.
If you are ready to send in your submissions now, the following are a list of awards,
and names and addresses of the members coordinating the award. The postmark
deadline, as well as email deadline is APRIL 15, 2015. Please send three (3) copies of
your entry to the coordinator, if submitting by mail.
Marilyn Atwood
Barbara Crawford
1125 N Pass Ave
Burbank, CA 91505
Dr. Nina Fay Calhoun Int'l Relations ReMaria Hoffman, New Club Building
810 W Wilhelmina St
Anaheim, CA 92808
Mamie L Bass Service Award
Cheryl Stewart, Service Chair
2621 Glenbrook Way
Bishop, CA 93514
Letha H Brown Literacy Award
Isa Ponce-Jimenez, Literacy Chair
4371 Coachman Way
Santa Maria, CA 93455
Membership (Years of Service)
Sue Leonard
89 Banner Ave
Ventura, CA 93004
Wouldn’t it be great if every club submitted for the awards? Let’s surprise our Governor and the powers that
be at International. See you at Conference!
In the Spirit of Altrusa!
Beau Stocking
Submitted by Sue Larkin, District Eleven Treasurer 2013-2015
The Board of Directors of District Eleven has announced the annual club conference fee
will increase to $30. Previously, the fee was $20. The fee will be collected along with District Eleven membership for the Club year 2015-16.
District Conference Funds Available
Judy Tharp
A conference attendance incentive fund was established in 2014 to assist members, especially first timers with the costs associated in attending conference. Awards are
$100.00 and are not transferable. Applications may be obtained from your club president
or from Judy Tharp, 1047 North Inyo Street, Ridgecrest, Ca. 93555 (760) 382-0035
All applications must be received by April l, 2015.
From International...Changes
Thanks to the Chula Vista club and their recommendation to International to have the top
age limit removed for ASTRA members in college/university, the International Board
made the following change:
Approval Policy 4: ASTRA, new paragraph (b) be inserted to read:
(b) The age limitation in section (a) above is not applicable to ASTRA Clubs organized
within post-high school educational institutions. [subsequent sections to be renumbered]
A few reminders to District Eleven Clubs:
 Please bring your silent and raffle baskets to conference. Bring them to the foundation room. The money raised goes towards the Disaster Relief Fund, Club 21,
Grants Program; I invite you to also pay tribute to someone special. Your gift is a
unique way to celebrate a special occasion, honor an achievement, share good
wishes or acknowledge the memory of a loved one.
 Story Boards will be displayed in the foundation room and possibly throughout the
The District Eleven Grant recipients for the September 15, 2014 grant cycle were:
Chula Vista- “Christmas Posada for Casa Campos de San Miguel”
Santa Maria- “Literacy Project”
Congratulations Altrusa clubs! The next GRANT CYCLE deadline is March 15 and the fall
GRANT CYCLE application is due by September 15, 2015. Applications are available
online and need to be sent to International Office.
Altrusa FUN RUN/WALK has been named after Tammy Fournier. Tammy is a 12 year
(December 2015) member of the Altrusa of Santa Maria Club and proudly walks to raise
money for Altrusa Foundation. Tammy has inspired us all to “walk” for a good cause.
Every year she collects donations from her friends and family to support her “walk” and
by golly she always seems to raise over $1,000. Do I hear an “I can raise more” challenge? Prove it. Please join us at Treasures of the Central Coast Conference, Saturday
May 16th and walk with Tammy!
Altrusa of Oxnard: "Oxnard member, Elizabeth Jose, recently made her annual visit to the Dra. Ruperta G. Caluag Elementary School in Guigunito, Bulacan, Philippines. She monitors the progress of these young students with
the literacy program sponsored by Oxnard club."
"Elizabeth Jose, originally from the Philippines, and Araceli
Villanueva, an Oxnard member who lives in the Philippines, (serves
on City Council Member and former Principal of the Christian School)
conducts the annual meeting that provides an update about Altrusa
International's current goals and objectives, as well as the Oxnard
club's literacy, scholarship and service programs."
Altrusa of Golden Valley completed another very successful Magical Christmas Tree event in
December. Almost $50,000 was raised that will be used for various projects that support literacy and our neediest youth in the community.
Altrusa of Golden Valley is especially happy for one of our most dedicated members, Guille
Nava. Guille will be getting married soon! Unfortunately, we will be extremely sad to see her
leave as her new life will be in the Seattle area. We wish only the best for Guille!!
Altrusa of San Diego Mary Welch of the Altrusa Club of San Diego received
her 45 year Membership Award at a club meeting. Mary was unable to attend
last year's Conference where her award was given out."
"Jane Minshall, a member of the Altrusa Club of San Diego for the past
57 years, received a Lamplighter pin from her club members in appreciation for her monetary contribution to the club and her many years of
service to Altrusa. The pin was presented by Pat Zoller, who was sponsored by Jane 18 years ago."
Altrusa of Golden Valley Makes the News
On Thursday, February 12th, Altrusa of Golden Valley members were
invited to a "grand revelation" of new books at Ontiveros Elementary
and Tommie Kunst Junior High School in Santa Maria. The new books
were purchased with money that our Club donated to the Santa MariaBonita School District to be used to purchase books for all 19 school
sites. Each site's library specialist was able to select titles that met the
needs of their school. These books can be identified as each has a
label on the inside that identifies our Club as the donor. This event
was covered by our local TV station and we were on the 6
o'clock news.
New Member
Amy Lopez
Barbara Giachetto
Central Coast
Mia Lopez
Barbara Giachetto
Cara McGray
Barbara Giachetto
Lupe Maldonado-Alvarado
Leticia Villanueva
Tyler Dickinson
Norma DeBernardi
Raye Vega
Leticia Villanueva
Dayna DeBernardi-Watson
Norma DeBernardi
Kathy Girard
Nansea Wolff, Susannah Berning
Deborah Carr
Tamara McKinney
Deborah Tinajero, Sidney Bond
Mary Riordan, Sheila Hugnunin
Central Coast
Central Coast
Central Coast
Central Coast
Central Coast
Central Coast
San Diego
The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own
image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.
Steven Spielberg
Here at Altrusa International of the Central Coast we have a
mission to get Bras, Pads and Tampons to women and girls
in our local Shelter for Battered Women.
SAFETY, SHELTER, WARMTH. These are just a few of the
concerns that these women have daily. But imagine being
a woman or girl living and sometimes hiding on the street
or in a shelter and having to ration out or go without pads
and tampons every month. It seems like such an obvious
need, but unless you’re familiar with the shelter system,
and what shelters do/don’t provide, these types of femalespecific essentials might not come to mind.
While most of these types of shelters do offer beds and
meals, safety and shelter to our sister in need, only some
also give out hygiene related items to residents (shampoo,
toothbrushes, soap), and showers can be scarce
even harder to come by, so women in shelters often have to
made do or go without. GO WITHOUT!! Just think about
that for a second. Think about the mental and emotional
toll, not to mention the physical discomfort. It’s devastating
to us.
Please help us here at Altrusa Central Coast with our new
cause. Bring with you to the conference Bras, Tampons
and Pads to help at our local shelter for battered women.
We, and they say “THANK YOU”
“Every life deserves a certain amount of dignity, no matter
how poor or damaged the shell that carries it.”
Kathy Carmack will be serving as our International Representative for
our 2015 District Eleven Conference.
Kathy is a newly appointed International Director for 2013-2015 and
has been a member of Altrusa club of Hamilton, OH since 1988. She
was elected as President of the Club (1994-1996), and chaired nearly
every committee when asked to help. Kathy served as District Membership Chair in 1999-2001, and this started a 12 year journey as a District Director, Second Vice Governor, Vice Governor, Governor-Elect, and
finally Governor in 2009-2011. She was elected to the International
Nominating Committee for the 2005-2007 biennium.
Jean is an engaging and enthusiastic speaker, whose universal appeal
makes her message timely and timeless. She has a knack for providing
information in a humorous way. Her belief is that laughter and learning
are not mutually exclusive. Her motivational talks are in high demand,
"to have Jean present guarantees a successful event" claims Dr. Mary
Parker, Director of Nursing and Allied Health (Ret.) at Cuesta College.
Wellness is the integration, balance and harmony of an individual's mental, physical, emotional, social and spiritual self, resulting in a positive state of well-being.
The themes in Jean Steel's presentations—self-responsibility, looking at the bright side, finding
your passion and having a zest for living were issues she learned firsthand early in life. She and
her siblings moved overseas at an early age, following her father's passion. Being raised in Africa and Asia gave her an appreciation of life very different than most Americans. That environment created the person Jean is today—able to appreciate "the good things we have going on"
that we most often take for granted and recognize the perfect moments in our lives.
Subject to change - Check Conference Program for final schedule.
........................ District Board Meeting
......................... President’s Workshop
........................ Treasurer’s Workshop
............................. "Wine and Design"
............................ Int’l Rep Reception
.......................... First Timers Meeting
............ Delegates/Alternate Instruction
9:00am–10:15am: ................................Opening Session
10:15am–11:30am: .............................. Business Session
11:45am–1:30pm: .............................. Awards Luncheon
1:45pm-3:00pm: ..................... All Conference Workshop
...................................... “MEMBERS -- OUR GREATEST TREASURE”
.................... All Conference Workshop
5:15 pm–8:45pm: ......................... Sunset Coastal Party
6:30am–7:30am: .................................... Fun Run/Walk
7:30am–8:30am: ..................... Past Governor’s Breakfast
8:00am–8:15am: .................... Banquet Table Assignment
8:00a+m–8:30am: ................................ Delegate Voting
10:30am-11:30am: .................................... Marketplace
12:00pm–2:00pm: ..........................Foundation Luncheon
6:00pm–7:00pm: ...................... Reception (No Host Bar)
7:00pm–9:30pm: ........................... Governor’s Banquet
9:30pm–10:30pm: ..........................Governor's Reception
.............................. Memorial Service
9:00am–11:00am: ..................... Closing Business Session
11:30am–2:30pm: ........................ District Board Meeting
Are you a leader or is a leader just someone who is famous and has her picture on
the cover of a magazine? Is a leader that person being interviewed on CNN, PBS,
the Charlie Rose’s or the Travis Smiley’s programs. The gems of your various talents
are LEADERSHIP. Through your Altrusa membership, you share and give leadership
to your club and your community. The treasures of your knowledge and experiences,
makes our sphere a better place.
At the Leadership Treasures Workshop being held at Conference, you will be asked to discuss your
thoughts on why even consider or care about being a LEADER. Please come and give us your guidance and your answers and views. ALTRUSA can lead and help not only locally, but internationally. It’s your treasures of successes, laughter, and even your failures that can help us grow during
And about me, I am a fourth general Californian, born in Salinas, California and attended schools
in San Luis Obispo and Ventura, California. Have an AA degree from Ventura College, only because mentors from women’s organizations inspired me to go to college classes at night while
working full time. In February, 2012, I retired as a field representative from Social Security after
working 50 years (3 ½ with Department of Defense and 46 ½ years for the Social Security Administration.) Over the years I have volunteered time with various club, charity, government, and
church organizations. Have a terrific family that is supportive and understands when they get a
3:00 A.M. e-mail from me.
Mary Ann Foushee
Altrusa District Eleven Incoming Presidents, Come & Learn!
Melanie Hodges, First Vice -Governor
Altrusa District Eleven Incoming Presidents, Come & Learn!
Mark your calendars Altrusa District Eleven Incoming Presidents for the upcoming
President’s Workshop on Thursday, May 14 at 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel
in Santa Maria. Make new friends, share and learn with other District Eleven Incoming
Presidents, and create relationships with other Altrusa Leaders that will last a lifetime. You will gain the tools necessary to achieve your goals through our discussions of organization, calendaring, delegating, motivation and problem solving. This is your opportunity to develop
winning strategies for leading your club. Come join your First Vice Governor, Melanie Hodges for
this valuable afternoon of learning!
First Timer Fun!
Conference is a fun way to develop lifelong Altrusa relationships while multiplying the positive experience of Altrusa service. Don’t be shy! Come join Melanie Hodges your First Vice Governor
on Friday, May 15 at 8:00 a.m. for our First Timers session where you will receive a Conference
roadmap and orientation that will increase the value of the Altrusa District Eleven Conference.
Take the plunge and join us for your first Altrusa District Eleven Conference where you will be inspired by the bigger picture of Altrusa! There will be many valuable seminars that will enhance
your experience of Altrusa leading to a better community. Don’t miss it!
Treasurers Workshop Provides Important Lessons
Submitted by Sue Larkin, District Treasurer 2013-15
The Altrusa Club Treasurer has TWO major record-keeping and reporting responsibilities:
1) The Club's FINANCIAL records and
2) The Club's MEMBERSHIP records.
Both must be reported to International AND to your District Treasurer. Reporting to International does not take care of reporting to the District! Every club should send their incoming
Treasurer (even those who have been Treasurer before) to the workshop. You will receive information on:
-Deadlines and fees for missing them
- Half-year dues vs. full year dues and effective dates
- Tax filing deadlines
- State raffle laws
- Beware of 50/50 raffles
- Proper forms when reporting District and International dues and
new members
- Reporting changes in membership status
And finally there will be a discussion of best practices for keeping club financial records, including
budgets and monthly financial reports. This workshop will be offered ONLY ONCE at the Conference. Please indicate on your registration form if you will be attending, or send an email to me at
larkins@ceteranetworks.com. Please check the schedule in this DSB for exact date and time of
this workshop.
Hunting for the Unknown Treasure
Hillary Sloan
My workshop for this year’s conference is called “Hunting for the unknown treasure". I
am going to focus on how clubs can go outside of their comfort zone with service projects to be able to reach more of their community. Clubs get have wonderful service
projects. There are times when those projects become sustainable. When this happens this creates opportunities for the clubs to connect with their community for new
service projects.
Sharing The Treasures 101 & 102
Communications Workshop
Sheila Hugunin, Helyn Sloan & Teri Switzer
The Communications Workshop at Conference 2015 will cover the DSB (District Service Bulletin), websites, and social media. We will cover the District Eleven
Social Media Guidelines, Instagram, website creations and updates. The
workshop will be split into two separate workshops - the 101 Workshop for
basic information will be in the morning and the 102 Workshop for additional information and questions will be in the afternoon. Join us to learn
different ways to share your Club’s news, service projects, fundraisers and how you
are making your community a better place to live.
Altrusa's Sparkling Trinkets, Radiant & Alluring
April Smith, ASTRA Chair
Is this the Year. . .to start an ASTRA Club, if you don’t already have one? Even
if you aren’t sure your club is ready maybe it is the time to explore the possibilities by coming to the ASTRA Workshop and getting more information, ask
questions and get ideas from other clubs who already have ASTRA Clubs. We
may even be lucky enough to have a few members from the local Santa Maria
ASTRA Clubs to share their experiences and enthusiasm. I will provide information and handouts on sponsoring a club as well as guidelines on how to
get one started in your community.
Friday Evening
3455 Skyway Dr., Santa Maria, CA 93455
Room Rates: $139.00 Single/Double Occupancy
Includes Free Parking, Breakfast for 2 and Wi-FI
Special rate is offered pre and post to above dates
based on the hotel’s occupancy. The hotel will hold
rooms at these rates only until April 19, 2015.
To make reservations call the hotel at 805.928.8000
Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
Please mention the name “Altrusa” to receive the special
rates. For online reservations go to
camaria Use code Altrus
Check In at 4:00 pm
Check out is 12:00 pm
Rates do not include tax.
60th Annual Conference
May 14-17, 2015 Radisson Hotel
Santa Maria, California
2015 Conference Marketplace Application
Proceeds benefit YOUR Altrusa Club. Share your talent(s) with fellow Altrusans and generate funds for your club. Knit? Sew? Bake? Build? Craft? Let your creativity show!
Marketplace Fee: Fee $10.00
Add a $10.00 late fee for all applications postmarked after May 1, 2015
Altrusa Club: _________________________________________________________________
Contact Name: _______________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________E-mail: _________________________________
Describe items to be sold:
Please include payment. Make payable to Altrusa International District Eleven
Conference and mail to:
Pat Zoller
Second Vice Governor
5159 Avenida Playa Cancun
San Diego, CA 92124
858- 874-6738
MAY 14-17, 2015
YES! I/we will advertise in the 2015 District Eleven Conference Program
Camera ready copy is attached
Please design my ad for me. Here is what I want to say:
If more room is needed please use the back of this form
Back Inside Cover/Back Cover/Sponsor
$ 100.00
Full Page Ad
1/2 Page Ad
1/4 Page Ad
Business Card Ad
Name: ____________________________________________________________
E-mail: __________________________
Please include payment. Make payable to "Altrusa Int'l District Eleven Conference" and
mail to: Robin Gorley, PO Box 202; Casmalia, CA 93429
DEADLINE: April 15, 2015
60th Annual Conference
May 14-17, 2015
Radisson Hotel
Santa Maria, CA
First Annual “Tammy Fournier”
International Foundation Fun Run/Walk
Saturday, May 16, 2015, 6:30 - 7:15 a.m.
Come join the fun on a Fun Run/Walk where you can get your exercise for the day and help the
Foundation too! We have a beautiful walking route right along the hotel. We will gather in the hotel’s lobby where you can pick up water and join the other Altrusans. If you would like to ask
friends, family, co-workers, etc., to sponsor you, just fill out the sponsor pledge at the bottom of
this sheet. Every penny counts!
If you would rather roll over and hit the snooze button, you can still be a virtual walker!
______ Yes, I want to participate and make a pledge of $____________
______ I’ll be there in spirit, but still snoozing. Here’s my pledge of $25.
Altrusa Club: _____________________________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
City: __________________________________State: ______ Zip: _________________
Phone: _______________________ Email:__________________________________
I agree to sponsor _________________________ as a participant in the “Treasures of the Central
Coast” Fun Run/Walk for the benefit of the Altrusa International Foundation.
Pledge Amount
Please include payment. Make payable to Altrusa International Foundation and mail to:
Melinda Aguirre
2710 Arbor View Lane
Lompoc, CA 93436
Denice R Gilb (Arcadia)
3709 Wrightwood Dr.
Studio City, CA 91604
818.762.8198 H ) 818.398.2487 ( C )
2nd Vice Governor
Pat Zoller (San Diego)
5159 Avenida Playa Concun
San Diego, CA 92128
Judy Tharp (Indian Wells Valley)
1047 N Inyo
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
Judy Sorensen (Cinco Ciudades)
561 Security Court
Oceano, CA 93445
805.270.4533 (H) 805.680.3890 ( C )
Melinda Aguirre (Central Coast)
2710 Arbor View Lane
Lompoc, CA 93436
805.733.1122 ( H ) 805.448.6268 ( C )
Barbara Lindquist (San Buenaventura)
PO Box 3734
Ventura, CA 93006
805.647.2448 ( H ) 805.795.2704 ( C )
1st Vice Governor
Melanie Hodges (Cinco Ciudades)
789 Valley Rd
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
805.481.4735 ( H ) 805.441.3504( C )
Sue Larkin (Sun Cities)
6973 W Firebird Dr
Glendale, AZ 85308
Immediate Past Governor
Sandi Miller, Santa Maria
423 Ferndale Dr.
Santa Maria, CA 93455
805.937.4122 ( H )
April Smith (Chula Vista)
826 Orange Ave #441
Coronado, CA 92118
619.395.2151 ( C )
Sue Daniels (Los Angeles)
288 S. Oak Knoll Ave. #1
Pasadena, CA 91101
626.793.1649 ( H ) 626.673.0016 ( C )
New Club Building
Maria Hoffman (Anaheim)
810 W. Wilhelmina St.
Anaheim, CA 92805
714.284.0322 ( H ) 714.342.3536 ( C )
Beau Stocking (Arcadia)
2915 W Magnolia Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91505
818.353.4688 ( H ) 818.841.3840 ( Off )
Laura Horvath (Tucson)
8712 E Shiloh Pl
Tucson, AZ 85710
520.731.3391 ( H ) 520.975.9544 ( C )
Cheri Stewart (Eastern Sierra)
2621 Glenbrook Way
Bishop, CA 93514
760.873.9150 ( H ) 510.912.5520 ( C )
Barbara Crawford (Glendale)
1125 N Pass Ave
Burbank, CA 91505
808.566.8693 ( H ) 818.209.2815 ( C )
Sue Leonard (San Buenaventura)
89 Banner Ave
Ventura, CA 93004
Sheila Hugunin (Tucson)
1540 W. Calle del Media
Tucson, AZ 85704
520.297.0474 ( H ) 520.471.7430 ( C )
Robin Gorley (Central Coast)
PO Box 202, Casmalia, CA 93429
805.934.3013 ( H ) Call first 805.363.5216 ( C )
Robin Gorley, DSB Editor
PO Box 202
Casmalia, CA 93429
From the Editor...Robin Gorley
Dear Fellow Altrusans,
I cannot express the joy I have had doing your DSB for the past two years. Over the
past two years I have learned a lot from you as we worked together to make your club
newsletters stand out, and I hope you have learned something from me. If I have
been able to help one club achieve their goal with their newsletter, then I have done
my job. But I hope I have helped more than just one club...I hope I have helped all of
I want to thank all of you for giving me the opportunity to serve you in a bigger
capacity. The work I do for you is rewarding, and yes, I do have fun.
In the new you will have the honor of working with Teri Swizter as your DSB Chair. I will
be working with her with the transition, and any areas that she may need help with. I
know that she will do a good job for you, and will bring you a great publication.
I am still here for you if you need any help.
In the Spirit of Altrusa,
Robin Gorley, DSB Chair for 2013-2015