Feel Good—Age Well Multicultural Seniors Community Expo When? Wednesday 29 April 2015 Aged Care, Community Care and Health related information Healthy Cooking Demonstration Multicultural Dancing Tai Chi Demonstration and much more... *Light refreshments will be served on the day ******************* Visitors will receive a free copy of our newly released DVD Feel Good—Age Well (translated into Arabic, Chinese, Somali, Swahili and Vietnamese) *********************** For more information or if you would like us to arrange for an Interpreter or Auslan Interpreter please contact: Ljiljana Macura 07 3343 7499 or 0419 796 897 lmacura@diversicare.com.au Diversicare is a division of The Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland Limited Where? South Sports Club Brandon Park Mortimer Road ACACIA RIDGE *This venue is wheelchair accessible What Time? 10:00am to 2:00pm Cost Free Funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services Feel Good—Age Well Multicultural Seniors Community Expo 10:00AM -2.00 PM 29 APRIL 2015 South Sports Club, Brandon Park, Mortimer Road ACACIA RIDGE EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR EXHIBITORS / STALL HOLDERS Working with community members and service providers to increase awareness of well-being information within our Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities. Improving access to and awareness of inclusive aged care information. Name:_________________________________ Position:________________________________ Organisation:___________________________________________________________________ Postal address:__________________________________________________________________ Phone:________________Mobile:___________________Email:__________________________ What is your main business?_______________________________________________________ What will you provide at your stall? Please tick Information / flyers / brochures Promotional Items Demonstrations Workshops Other—Please tell us what you would like to do with your stall! ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... Please specify any dietary requirements ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Set up time: 09.00am—10.00am / Pack up time: 02.00pm—03.00pm Please send in your registration no later than Friday 17th April to: Email: lmacura@diversicare.com.au or Fax: 07 3343 7599 For more information please contact Ljiljana Macura on 0419 796 897 or 07 3343 7499 One table and two chairs will be provided per registration unless otherwise requested.
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