Newsletter 11 - 29 April 2015

29 April 2015
Welcome to Week 2!
Two representatives from our Social Justice committee have been invited to the Archbishop’s Pre-Launch Event of
This will be an opportunity for the Archbishop and Bishop to engage with the students and answer questions.
Lifelink is an organisation established by the Archdioceses of Perth. They provide ongoing financial support for
agencies established or asssisted by the church.
The Social Justice committee, together with the Leadership Team, decides where money raised from SSP Day is
donated. Lifelink is one of the organisations we support.
St Simon Peter Catholic
Primary School community
will provide challenges for
the growth of the whole
person. Within a framework
of Catholic values, we will
strive to live in harmony
with each other and our
environment living our
motto “Love One Another.”
Sad News
Our thoughts and prayers go to Sebastian and Caitlin Northmore and their family who have recently lost their beloved grandfather, John Northmore.
John was an active member of our school community and will be missed.
Thought for the Week
Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending - Carl Bard
Kind Regards
Clodagh Manifold
Assistant Principal
29 April
30 April
30 April
7.00pm Parent Info Night Reconciliation in the Church
7.00pm Parent Info Night Reconciliation in the Church
10.00am Lifelink Launch Good Shepherd
Winter Sport Year Five and Six
In preparation for the Interschool Lightning Carnival held on Friday 5th June this term the year five and six students compete against each other in winter
sport sessions on Monday 11th May, 18th May and 25th May. These sessions run from 9.00am to 10.00am and include Football, Boys’ Soccer, Girls’
Soccer, Flag Belt Rugby and Netball. We need parent helpers from any year level in our school for these sessions to umpire the games. You
don’t need to be AFL standard or have refereed Perth Glory, you just need to have a basic knowledge of the game and be keen to blow a whistle. If
you can help please email Mr Thompson at and of course your time will contribute to the Give Ten project at our
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR MERIT AWARD WINNERS from the Senior Assembly held today:
Cohan Organski, Harley Zoric,
Sean Hart, Joseph Martino
Declan Cassidy, Sebastian Sayers
Taj Singh, Hannah Hawke, Kyle Richardson,
Kyle Richardson, Edward Wilcock
Georgia Elphick, Patrick McQuillen
Kieran Arnison, Stefan Nath
Kate Edward, Jasmine Fitzpartick
Mara Bergemann, Trent Duncan
Interschool Cricket Champions
The SSP boys’ team won the grand final of the Interschool Cricket Carnival.
Members of the Champion Team are:Standing L – R:
Kane Aylward, Keelan McDowell, Ben Singh, Daniel Faichney, Declan Killeen, Massimo Bresciani, Declan Morris.
Joshua Shaw and Kobi Richards!
Our Kids do Great Things…
Scott Guerini from 4WB is the Telethon’s
Young Ambassador for the HBF Run for a
Reason. Fantastic work Scott.
This article was published in yesterday’s The
West Australian.
Please see the attached flyer for all the details of our Mother’s Day Breakfast and Mass, which is on
Thursday 7th May.
Breakfast is at 7.30am in the Hall, followed by Mass at 9.00am in the church.
We hope lots of Mums and their children can join us on this special occasion.
Entertainment Books
You can now order your new Entertainment Book online using this link:-
When you purchase an Entertainment Book, SSP receives a donation from the sale of each book, so by purchasing an Entertainment Book you are
supporting the fundraising efforts at SSP. For any further queries, please contact Michelle Martin on 0403 770 115.
Book Club
Scholastic Book Club ordering is now online!
Due to a delay with some brochures, we have extended the order due date to Friday 8th May
Grab your book club catalogue which will be distributed in the 1st week of Term 2 (and then again in Term 4), and go
Click on ORDER OR Register first to save your details for next time
Select our school, Issue 3 and your child’s class
Add your child’s first name and last initial (so the school knows who the book is for)
Enter the item number from the Book Club catalogue
Complete payment
Afterwards, there is no need to return paper order forms or payment receipt details back to school!
All orders are sent directly to the school and then distributed to classes by the Scholastic book club parent volunteers
School Banking
Jenni Lee from the Commonwealth Bank will be attending School Banking this Friday, 1st May from 8.00am near the canteen to offer parents the
opportunity to open School Banking accounts for their children. Applications will take a few minutes to complete and students will receive their deposit
books and everything they need to bank immediately. All you need to bring is your Driver’s Licence or Passport for photo ID.
Don’t forget, students who bank at school go into the draw to win an all-expenses-paid family holiday to Disneyland in California with $2,000.00
spending money. They just need to bank at school 25 times this year to be automatically entered into the draw.
Commonwealth Bank
Dr Arne Rubinstein Presentation for Parents of Teenagers
Sacred Heart College are hosting a presentation by Dr Rubinstein to provide clear guidelines regarding what boys and girls need at different ages and
to give practical solutions to help deal with the issues that teens are confronting today, including technology, drugs, alcohol, porn and mental health
Dr Rubinstein will be covering topics on how parenting needs to change once children become teenagers; how to help teenagers become motivated
and inspired about life; latest research around adolescence; how to help teenagers avoid going off the rails; the impart of technology; how parents can
help their teenagers develop a healthy personal identity and the need to create appropriate coming of age rites of passage ceremonies.
The presentation will take place at RNDM Performing Arts Centre, Sacred Heart College on Tuesday 2nd June 2015 from 7.00pm to 8.30pm. Tickets
are $10.00 each.
Please contact Mrs Nola Fraser at Sacred Heart College by email at for more information.
FIRST RECONCILIATION / PARENT INFORMATION NIGHTS will be held Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th of April at 7.00pm. This will involve a
short presentation and general information about this Sacrament.
It is expected that an adult representative from each Candidate’s family attend either of these meetings where you will receive your Enrolment
Form. Any Queries, please call 93004885 or email
Update on Parish Social Events:
- Mother’s Day Raffle on Sale
- Coffee Morning Teas to be held 1st Sunday of each month after 10.00am Mass
- ‘Aloha Winter’ Get-together on Saturday 30th May with a spit roast and music by the ‘Northern Nukes’.
Catholic Faith Enrichment Course in the Parish: Dr Margaret Scharf, OP, from the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation will be presenting
“On Earth as it is in Heaven: The Living Liturgy of the Church” in the Parish Centre on Wednesdays 6th May - 27th May, 7.00pm - 9.00pm. This short
course offers an overview of the Church’s liturgy and sacraments in a friendly environment – with no exams or assignments! EVERYONE is welcome
to attend.
The course costs $25.00 with payment to be made on the first night. To register, or for more information, call the Maranatha Centre on 9241 5221 or