DIVINE MERCY OF OUR LORD CATHOLIC CHURCH MESQUITE, TX May 3, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Easter / Quinto Domingo de Pascua Sixth Sunday of Easter / Sexto Domingo de Pascua Acts 9:26-31 1 Jn 3:18-24 Jn 15:1-8 (53) Saul witnesses the risen Jesus and boldly proclaims his Lordship (1). We proclaim our belief in Jesus by our love for one another (2). He is the vine and we the branches (3). Together let us praise his name in our assembly and worship (Ps). Acts 10:25-26, 4-35, 44-48 1 Jn 4:7-10 Jn 15:9-17 (56) Let us love on another as Christ has loved us (3) by offering himself for our sins (2). His love is to be revealed to all the world (Ps), as Peter himself taught (1). SATURDAY, May 2, 2015 SATURDAY, May 9, 2015 Priests are preaching this weekend /Los sacerdotes predicaran este Domingo Fr. Ernie is preaching this weekend /P. Ernesto predica este Domingo 5:00 PM Natalie Alacon (Thanksgiving) ..……………………. Fr. GM 7:30 PM Julio y Juana Diaz ++ ……………………………….. Fr. ET 5:00 PM 7:30 PM Micheal & Annie Kujawa ++ ……………………… Fr. EO Pueblo de Dios ………….……...……………………. Fr. GM SUNDAY, May 3, 2015 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 7:30 AM AM PM PM PM PM PM Simon Matias + ……………….…...……..……..……. Chico Okoro + ……………...………...………….…… Jose Garcia Jr. (Accion de Gracias) ………...…........ Familias de la DM (Accion de Gracias) ………….…. Agape Mass (James Long-Healing) ……………..… People of God …………………….…..……………… Francisco Herrera (SI) ………………………………. Easter Weekday (5) May 4, Monday Acts 14:5-18 Jn 14:21-26 8:00 AM Church EN 6:15 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP Easter Weekday (5) Jn 14:27-31a Nilda E. Pineda (Thanksgiving) …….....…. Ciki Chaeko + …….……………………….. Maria L. Chavarin (Accion de Gracias) …. Easter Weekday (5) May 6, Wednesday Acts 15:1-6 8:00 AM Church EN 6:15 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP Jn 15:1-8 Jeena Tomson (Thanksgiving) ……....….... Geraldine Aucoin + ……………………….. Adislado Rico + ..…………………………. Easter Weekday (5) May 7, Thursday Acts 15:7-21 8:00 AM Church EN 6:15 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP Jn 15:9-11 Ray Kujawa (SI) ………….…………..…… Vic Thomas (SI) …………………………... Maria Ofelia Bonilla (SI) ………..………... May 8, Friday Easter Weekday (5) Acts 15:22-31 8:00 AM Church EN 6:15 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Church EN Jn 15:12-17 Kadance Abalos (Birthday) ……………..…… Paulino V. Fornea Jr +……………………...…. Chaparro (Birthday) ………………..………… May 9, Saturday Easter Weekday (5) 8:00 AM Church EN Pss I (286) Fr. EO Fr. GM Fr. ET Pss I (288) Fr. EO Fr. EO Fr. ET Pss I (289) Fr. ET Fr. EO Fr. GM Essethia R. Isidro ……...……...…………… Fr. ET Marriage Preparation for Civilly Married Couples Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas Schedule of Available Classes Our Lady of the Lake St. Francis, Lancaster St. Ann, Coppell St. Elizabeth of Hungary Marriage Ministries Office—available Monday—Friday 9:00 am—5:00 pm 214-528-2360 Mother’s Day .…………………………………….…. Jean Ignacio + ……………..………………………… Dia de las Madres ………….………………………… Joseph R. Hodge + …...……………………………… Filipino Mass (Ella Guimapang—Healing) ……….. Mother’s Day ………...……………………………… Dia de las Madres …….…………………………….. Fr. EO Fr. EO Fr. ET Fr. GM Fr. GM Fr. EO Fr. GM ATTENDANCE: Saturday, April 25, and Sunday, April 26, 2015 5:00 PM 150 7:00 PM 353 Pss I (287) Pss I (290) June 20 August 8 October 3 December 12 AM AM PM PM PM PM PM 8:00 AM ….…..…….....240 10:00 AM …..…..…….....395 12:00 PM…...………….1076 2:00 PM………………..840 4:00 PM ……………….072 6:00 PM………………..258 7:30 PM………………..335 Fr. GM Fr. GM Fr. ET Jn 15:18-21 Acts 16:1-10 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 7:30 Pss I (285) Ciki Chaeko + …………...…………......…. Fr. GM Odie & Grace Estrella (Thanksgiving) …… Fr. EO Ma. Dolores Bustos (SI) .…………………. Fr. GM May 5, Tuesday Acts 14:19-28 8:00 AM Church EN 6:15 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP SUNDAY, May 10, 2015 Fr. EO Fr. EO Fr. GM Fr. GM Fr. ET Fr. EO Fr. GM TOTAL .…………………..…...3,719 Regular Collection: Building Fund: Rice Bowl Catholic Home Missions: $ 16,116.73 $ 460.00 $ 105.18 $ 3,443.51 Total of Collections : $ 20,125.42 Please make out checks in Black or Blue ink only. Favor de escribir cheques con tinta negra o azul solamente. Loan Balance: $ 818, 968.97 The Vocation Chalice To reduce confusion—it has been decided that the Vocation Chalice will be sent and returned to the Sunday 8:00 AM mass only. This devotion is still open to all members of the parish. La Cáliz de Vocaciones Para reducir la confusión, se ha decidido que el Cáliz de Vocaciones será entregado y devuelto únicamente en la misa 2:00 PM cada domingo. Esta devoción sigue abierta a todos los miembros de la parroquia. MESSAGE FROM JESUS “All souls who will glorify My mercy and spread its worship, encouraging others to trust in My mercy, will not experience terror in the hour of death. My mercy will shield them in that final battle…” ( from the 1540) Servants of the Divine Mercy FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER / QUINTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA SATURDAY, May 9 9:00 10:00 11:00 3:30 5:00 6:30 AM AM AM PM PM PM SCAP Training in English (Church) Bible Classes (Bethany) DM Cenacle (Bethany) Confessions (Church) Renovacion– Familiar (Bethany) Concert for Carnival (Exodus) SUNDAY, May 10 8:00 9:00 5:00 6:30 AM AM AM PM Toddlers Sunday School Sunday Concessions - Volunteers Filipino Fellowship (SFH) Coro del PREP (Capernaum) SUNDAY, May 3 8:00 9:00 4:00 4:00 5:00 5:00 6:30 AM AM PM PM PM PM PM Toddlers Sunday School Sunday Concessions - Sagrada Familia Pre-Confirmation (Bethany / Capernaum) Confirmation (Nazareth / Emmaus) English Renewal Fellowship (SFH) Coro del PREP (Capernaum) Estudio de Biblia / Conclusion (SFH) MONDAY, May 4 5:30 5:45 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Sport Group –Chelsea (Fields) Devotion to Saint Joseph (Church) Millennium Classes (Leviticus, Emmaus) Cenáculo de la DM (Nazareth, Capernaum, Bethany) Coro de Jóvenes (Exodus) Confessions (Church) Seminario Jerusalem (Church) Niños de Renovacion (Pentateuch, Genesis) English Intercessory (Ladies Altar Room) Bible Class (SFH) TUESDAY, May 5 9:30 5:30 5:45 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:45 AM PM PM PM PM PM PM Método Natural Billings (Pentateuch) Sport Groups– U-90, Inter and Dynamos (Fields) Devotion to Saint Anthony (Church) Niño's de Renovacion (Pentateuch, Genesis) Renovacion– Emmanuel (Capernaum) Pastoral Care & Capital Campaign Meeting (SFH) Love & Mercy and New Jerusalem Comm. (Emmaus) WEDNESDAY, May 6 5:30 6:30 7:00 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Holy Rosary and Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Church) Youth Group (SFH) Pre-Confirmation (Capernaum) Confirmation (Nazareth, Pentateuch) Jovenes de Renovacion (SFH) Practica de Lectores (Leviticus) Confessions (Church) Men’s Group Meeting (Emmaus) Hora Santa (Church) Parish Council Meeting (Pentateuch) Capital Campaign Meeting (Exodus) THURSDAY, May 7 10:00 5:30 5:45 7:00 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Cenaculo DM (Nazareth) Sport Groups –Chelsea, U-90, Inter and Dynamos (Fields) Devotion to Saint Jude (Church) RCIA (Capernaum) Ministerio Jesed (Church) Practica del Coro Shalom (Pentateuch) Building Committee Meeting (Emmaus) Capital Champaign Meeting w/ Renovacion (SFH) FRIDAY, May 8 6:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 PM Sacred Heart Devotion with Benediction (Church) PM Renovación– Seminario (Church, Pentateuco, Génesis) PM Cenaculo—DM (Exodus, Leviticos) PM Renovacion– Sagrada Familia (Nazareth) Please support our Sunday Concessions Concessions for this Sunday May 3 will be by the Sagrada Familia, and May 10, will be by Volunteers. Please continue supporting our Sunday Concessions and help our church. Anointing of the Sick If you or a member of your family are in the hospital, and need a priest URGENTLY, please contact the hospital’s Pastoral Care Department or the Catholic Hospital Chaplain to call a minister or priest. Otherwise call the Church office for one of our priests to visit your loved one in the hospital. Also call to schedule a Lay Eucharistic Minister to visit and give communion to your sick loved one at home on a regular basis. Please call the parish office during office hours for any emergency. Or call the parish office number after office hours to obtain our emergency numbers. Please use church after hours emergency numbers for urgent pastoral needs only. Unción de Enfermos Si por alguna razón usted o algún miembro de su familia se encuentra internado en el hospital, y necesitan ver a un sacerdote inmediatamente, le pedimos que notifique al departamento de Cuidado Pastoral o el Capellán del Hospital. También pueden hablar a la oficina de la parroquia durante horas de oficina si quieren que uno de los sacerdotes vaya a visitar a sus enfermos en el Hospital. Después de las horas de trabajo, llamen al numero de la iglesia para obtener el numero de emergencia de la parroquia por cualquier necesidad urgente. Favor de usar estos números solo para EMERGENCIAS! Hay ministros de Eucaristía asignados para visitar y dar comunión a los enfermos en las casas. Solo llamen a la oficina para que uno de ellos visite a sus enfermos en los hogares. DIVINE MERCY OF OUR LORD CATHOLIC CHURCH MESQUITE, TX SCAP Prayer Leaders / CDAS Líderes de la Oración PARISH RENEWAL COMMUNITIES For Next Weekend / Próximo Fin de Semana Sixth Sunday of Easter / Sexto Domingo de Pascua Mass May 9 and May 10, 2015 Prayer Leaders Sat. 5:00 PM Ted Perez Sun. 8:00 AM Steven and Reyna Clark Sun. 10:00 AM Frank and Robyn Griffin Sun. 6:00 PM Dr. Rodríguez Sab. 7:00 PM Celso López y Lupita Mata Dom. 12:00PM Mario Méndez y Isabel Carpio Carlos y Alejandra Egure 2nd Dom. 2:00 PM Pepe y Flor Chavira Víctor Tinoco y Nelly Corral 2nd Dom. 7:30 PM Carlos y Carmela Palacios Sexto Domingo de Pascua 9 de Mayo y 10 de Mayo de, 2015 Misa Dom. 12:00 PM Dom. 2:00 PM Dom. 7:30 PM Lectores/Comentaristas Monaguillos 1. María Jaramillo t. 2. Zaida Esquivel 1. C. Triny Ávila 2. 1. Francisco García Sun. 10:00 AM Sun. 6:00 PM A todas la Comunidades se les anima que sigan asistiendo a sus enseñanzas de cada semana. Favor de llamar a sus dirigentes para que les proporcionen un calendario de actividades del mes de Mayo 2015. (Se les anima a todas las comunidades a que hagan planes para apoyar nuestro Carnaval Parroquial el fin de semana del 16-17 de Mayo.) t. Iniciando la Semana del 2. Danny García 1. C. Liliana García 2. 3 de Mayo, 2015 Pss I For the week beginning May 3, 2015 Pss I 1. José Martínez t. 2. Raquel Ocaña 1. C. Daniel Flores 2. 1. Margarita Leal t. 2. Rosy García 1. C. Juan Valero 2. Oramos Lunes-Viernes a las 5:30am y 6:30pm Lectors/Commentators Liturgy prayed 6:00 am weekdays 7:00 am Sundays and weekdays after the 8:00 am and 6:30 pm masses. The following devotions are being prayed before the evening mass each day following the Holy Rosary. We invite everyone to participate. Sixth Sunday of Easter Sun. 8:00 AM El Nuevo Seminario de Renovación Parroquial continúa con las clases el Lunes, 4 de Mayo, 2015 a las 7:45pm en la Iglesia. Se les anima a todos los Hermanos que continúen con sus enseñanzas. Liturgy of the Hours May 9 and May 10, 2015 Sat. 5:00 PM Remember the next Agape Mass is Sunday May 3, 2015. This is the last Agape mass for the English PREP. The CFC-FFL will begin holding their monthly Agape mass on June 7 at 4:00 pm Everyone is strongly encouraged to participate in the Monthly Holy Hour on June 5 in the Church, and Praise and Worship with Healing on May 15 the third Friday of the month. Liturgia de las Horas Altar Ministers for Next Weekend Mass The next teaching for the New Jerusalem Community will be May 5, 2015. The Love and Mercy Community members are invited to this to plan activities after PREP—the Community. COMUNIDADES CRISTIANAS DEL PREP Ministros del Altar para el Próximo Fin de Semana Sab. 7:00 PM May 3, 2015 Altar Servers 1. Barbara Jasmin 1. Jack Jochum 2. Fel Solana 2. Samantha Suante C. Blanche McClinton 3. Sophia Suante 1. Orly Euperio 1. Noelle Foster 2. Lena Euperio 2. Marissa Martinez C. Alice Ramirez 3. Julianna Garcia 1. Reckson Enero 1. 2. Marietta Enero 2. Emediong Asuquo C. Bing Pineda 3. Lucero Esquivel 1. Teresa Tresp 1. Vincent Egwuonwu 2. Barbara Jasmin 2. Elias Yari C. Tessie Dizon 3. Lawrence Evangelista Akanimo Aquino Monday-for St. Joseph at 5:45 PM Tuesdays-St. Anthony of Padua at 5:45 PM Wednesday– Our Lady of Perpetual Help 5:30PM Thursdays-St. Jude at 5:45 PM Fridays—Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 5:45 PM Prayers for the Sick / Oraciones Por los Enfermos Let us pray for all the sick in our Parish and for their families who are caring for them presently, Oremos por los enfermos de nuestra parroquia, en especial por /especially Phelana Foster, Lupita Galindo, Dulce Silva, Martha García, Raquel Martínez, Andrew Foster, Johnny Divin and Guadalupe Luis. God bless and heal all our sick. May He strengthen them in their weakness, and may He bear with them their infirmities. Amen Fr. Ernie Prayers for the Deceased / Oraciones Por los Difuntos Let us also pray for those who recently passed away, También oremos por las personas que recientemente han fallecido. FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER / QUINTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA The Prophets I Father Ernie has continues a series of teachings on the Prophets. Date Lesson May 4 — 11 Books of Lamentation Fr. Ernie And Baruch May 11— 12 Conclusion and Evaluation May 18- Certification / Fellowship Fr. Ernie Los Hechos de Los Apóstoles (todos los Domingos del 12 de Abril – 17 Mayo, 2015) Fecha 3 de Mayo Lección 7– Los Últimos anos y Martirio de Pablo 8– Conclusión, Evaluación, y Certificación FOOD FOR THOUGHT There is no tale ever told which men would rather find was true, and none which so many skeptical men have accepted as true on its own merits. For the art of it has the supremely convincing tone of Primary Art that is of Creation. To reject it leads either to sadness or to wrath. (on the resurrection) -J.R.R. Tolkien "O Death, where is your sting? O Hell, where is your victory? Christ is risen, and you are overthrown. -St. John Chrysostom "Faith in the Resurrection of Jesus says that there is a future for every human being; the cry for unending life which is a part of the person is indeed answered." - Pope Benedict XVI Men’s Study Group (5/6/2015 Concluding Fellowship for Parking in the Firelanes is illegal “Christ our Compass”) Illegially parked cars may be ticketed and towed at the owners expense. Deacon Bill is continuing the series on Catholicism. It will include a DVD presentation by Father Robert Barron followed by discussion. No book is required for this teachEstacionarse en la zona contra incendios ing. All men and gentlemen guests 18 years or es ilegal. older are invited to attend. Please plan to at- Autos ilegalmente estacionados pueden ser multend and bring a friend. The dates and topics tados y remolcados a expensas del propietario. are as follows: 5-13-15 - Mary, The Mother of God 5-20-15 - NO CLASS, Deacon out of town 5-27-15 – Peter, Paul and the Missionary Adventure 6-3-15 – The Mystical Union of Christ and the Church 6-10-15 – The Communion of Saints 6-24-15 – Prayer and The Life of the Spirit 7-1-15 – The Last Things 7-8-15 – Fellowship come and see. "The Cross had asked the questions; the Resurrection had answered them...The Cross had asked: "Why does God permit evil and sin to nail Justice to a tree?" The Resurrection answered: "That sin, having done its worst, might exhaust itself and this be overcome by Love that is stronger than either sin or death." -Bishop Fulton J. Sheen "In fact, everything that exists and moves in the Church - the Cenáculo de la Divina Misericordia sacraments, doctrine, institutions - draws it's strength from Christ's El nuevo grupo del cenáculo recién a comen- Resurrection." zado y todavía se están aceptando nuevos miembros. Si a usted le gustaría pertenecer a - Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa este grupo es bienvenido. Esta cenáculo se “If Christ has not been raised, reúne todos los viernes a las 7:30 PM. Los your faith is futile and you are esperamos. still in your sins.” Jesús en ti confió -(1 Corinthians 15:17) DIVINE MERCY OF OUR LORD CATHOLIC MESQUITE, TX May 3, 2015 Sunday May 24, 2015 at 6:00 PM Announcing the Inaugural Youth Mass at Divine Mercy. We are now scheduling YOUTH MINISTERS for this mass. If you are between the ages of 13 and 18 and would like to serve as a youth minister—A lector, commentator, usher. Please contact the church office. Help to provide a more youthful face to our worship service, help to celebrate the Holy Spirit in the liturgy and music of the Mass. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats™ Retiros del Viñedo de Raquel™ 2015 Rachel's Vineyard™ Retreats for women and men in English: May 15-17 July 24-26 November 6-8 Retiros del Viñedo de Raquel™ de 2015 para mujeres y hombres en español: junio 5-7 octubre 23-25 214-544-CARE (2273) English/Inglés (Dallas, TX) 972-679-4760 Spanish/Español 469-416-2101 Project Joseph / Proyecto José healing@racheldallas.org sanacion@racheldallas.org (Español) Rachel’s Vineyard™ is an extraordinary opportunity for any person who struggles with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The weekend is a unique and effective process designed specifically to help you experience the mercy and compassion of God. This process is extremely helpful for those who struggle with forgiving themselves or others. The weekend will help your soul find a voice, and transform the pain of the past into hope! El Viñedo de Raquel™ es una oportunidad extraordinaria para cualquier persona que lucha con el dolor emocional y espiritual del aborto. El fin de semana es un proceso único y efectivo diseñado específicamente para ayudarle a sentir la misericordia y compasión de Dios. Este proceso es extremadamente bueno para ayudar a los que luchan con el perdonarse a si mismos o a otros. El fin de semana ayudará a que su alma encuentre una voz, y a transformar el dolor del pasado en esperanza!
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