CRANFORD (N.J.) CITIZEN AND dHRONICLE—THURSDAY, .28, 1966 .• PagO ™ri,'s Bowling, League. ; bridge, 2%-%, in the third match high Ot|ier high series'-wefe* r-oired'by: " ln""the fifth,f Tom CBiieri; (48) game, ^Suburban Trust, 926T 'Bessj.'Lemke, Persians, 442; Char- defeated Bonnie of Woodbridge te&h, series; Suburban :t ruBt,~ 2,« lotte | Tuccip, LeopardSj 433; Dot(148), 2y2-y2. George Wright (49) 397. ;•; \ ATcencr League Ellarh, Lynx, 429; Carol Gapodice, took the last match, 3-0, • from • '< \ '• ^ \ •' •• ' ' tv r, '.....;. 54 ' o0 Lynx, 418, and Adele Wasilowiez, Sheets of Woodbf^idge. The only Garwood -PEA \ . Garwood Lahes V ...:....'.. 52 • .'S2 • . Kevin Hopkins of - the Martin GARWOOD — The battle for first place iri the Garwood Woman's. L y n x ! , 4 1 6 , , • .••. . -y \ \ YMCA which successfully defendCougar loss, was sustained by Bill ; Jewelers Orioles pitched a one-hitBowling League went down to the wire; with; Enz! Bros; winning two : Team standings are: ed, its title. * i- ;: Hayjes (53) who lost to Cljancy (49), Cranwood \.i . \ . - •»• '.. ':4Q' - I J 8 • • ter as his team blanked the Sportsgames;from Garwood Bey'erages> in bumper night action at Garwood Lynxpraig Bros, .ix.-....;..^..^.'.'.'.""".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.: 40Va 43',7. 3O: • '': ; \ • >6 1 -• 3 2 man's Shop Senators, 8-0, last,SatLanes last Thursday to take the league championship by one-hallf game. Minks 46>/ 46^4 Thatcher Furnace ...,X'. ''37 47 urday in American League action. Porsiaps :.^.............• 39i/ Gloria E nz rolled .a 206 game to lead the attack for the chamjjipns. Kinahan's KanoV Kp'rner 25 . 59 Leopards 39 54 John jMcHiigh cracked out a pair The GranWjOod scored .the only .|Iigh. games, William Danyus, of singles.1 Ron Manhardt had a 233, and Kathleen DelConte, 193; sweep pi the evening, taking three triple: and Kevin Brown connected high' series, .William Danyus, ,562,: for a!double to pace the Birds at games Horn Middlesex Stainless and Joyce- Dulock, 410; high 'team;; the plate. Dave Thome took the JPittings. Chobrn's Florist, won two Cherokees game,. Garwood Lanes, .9&J; high Gary Clark of DiFabio loss for the" Senators with Dean The Cranford High School ] Junfrom the Career! Girlsy and team series, Garwood. PBA, ^.648. struck cmt 12 batters and gave up lpaje:Brinkerhoff led the; action Sommers and George Davis workjor Varsity baseball te!am bo<j>stedr VFW wias on the w&ning end only one hit but lost a 5-4 decision this |week in the Cranford VFW . ing in relief. • 'its record to, 5-1-1 with a tie! andagainst Bodyart. when the Suburban Trust Apaches Ladies'; Bowiing League with a 233 GARWOOD — Results in- GarThe; Builders' General Yankees rallied in the last inning and put By a win this week. T j ^amejinia 589 series. •:'.•< , v broke; up a tie game in their half across, the tying and winning runs High series were posted asVfol- Mike Jones and Paul Baiter each % Junior Bowling League comOthers;who bowled high" series On Thursday, the JVk tied West- |ows: gloria Enz, 508; Evelyn of the sixth to take a 3-1 win .over scored two firsts as t h e Cranford were:! 'Jean,. Koenig, 525; • Marion petition at Garwppd Lanes on Satfield, 3-3, at Memorial iField. i Ken the Albert J. Afitoine Tigers. Lan- this' past week . in . If omah^gan s *Lawler, 476; Marie Hartung, 455. League action. . ! . : were reported as follows: v varsity track team defeated Ro- Cjjmbaluk, '523; Mae Wadle, 514; urday Munkel led the Cougjars with a caster; gained the win for the : :. In his 'firs%_ trip to the mound, High | games for the evening selle, 7749, a t i h e losers' track on ,Marge Eitzeh, 499; Ethel Romano, K of C League; , ' in his two-run homerun inthekhird, ^fter Yanks with Washbourne having Len Dolan^struck out! 12 ; Scott KamiVthrew-a one-hitter at 480; ! Claire ,Garrity, 472; Minna Wedco, Inc. 1 4'4Va .the only hit. Washbourne saved winning' effort. The .loije Apache Gary Kamin walked; LThe other were: Gloria Enz, 20B-152-150; Mai-Friday. Jpnes won the 100 (10.5 the ShoplRite of Cranford] Crees pf c .:;...... ..:..;. .:;< 41V3 $ X m an extra base by spearing a line hit was a single by Kevin O'Brien Cranford run. €ame in the first vie Hartung, 199; Evelyn Lawler/ .seconds);and t h e 220 (23;5). Bau- Snyd6r, 471; Betty Butler, 455; KMeyerhoff .as the MiiltiA P -Lenapes ^hut Welding 40 ; ;. Accurate Bushing :. 39 • : 3 5 • out; the drees, 5-0, this week in . drive [off Johnson in the fourth. while for the Cherokees, Bob Hahn' when Radis walked,..stjple second; 166-164; iBelle MacMillan, 165;, Jo er won 'the high hurdles (15.3) Beveifly .Sanitate,. 452. 36' 3SV3 3GV4 Alsp, Ann Van Brunt, 445; Ma-Jdhansen ;Co. ..i Kresge- took the loss and also had had a.double and Terry JMeCarthy, and scored on. a double by Craig DiGicco, 164-158; Hazel Zukasky, and the low hurdles-(21.5). Uhami League aclipn. , ; Tabloid Lithographers ............ 36 \ ; 3& 157; Lydja Carrajat, 156; Ann Ger- Bob Donnelly w.on the 400 in 51.6 rie Moloriey, 444; Marianne Co- Asbestos Corp. .... .../,.. ; - 3 5 ^ 39V2 • a double along with Baytala. Kres- Alan Jacobs and Gary Clark each Sands. ' •". Kamin also led the Offensive at--'' Market 25 ; . 50' ge gave up just one hit and struck had singles. Gary Newljard made Westfield scored in t i e first and rity, 154, and Gloria Kochera, 151. seconds. John Bodnar took a first larigeip,442; Helen Arrants, 439; Quality, tack with!i two' doubles; /He---was" Difficu t splits were converted in t h e 880] (2:07.4). The mile was Jackie Timinsky; 434; Ann Bird, High games, Steven Griesj 119r out 14. Heads up base running by several outstanding plays- at first the seventh. In the first, Sehaible 9-10; Eleanor Pel- won by" Dave" Ladanye (4,;35.8). 429; jjlpria Bpyer, 422; Pa^ Kor-r and Kathleen Setzer, 109; high seV helped . by! Richard Kpmorowski, Lancaster and KramkowsM ac- base for the Apaches. ;'] bingled, and stole second. He took by: ies, \Jeffrey Payne, 321, and Kath- Roijeit: Sojtjlomora and James Zielcounted for all three Yank runs. The Cranford Elks; Navajos third on a grounder, an^j scored on usio, 24; Marie Hartung, 2-7; Mike DeMicco won in the two mile her, j£18;'/Lorraine Nemeth, 118- leen Setzer, 285; high team game, enbach, all lof whom chippe'd in with ' Jenny; Newcomb, 417; Helen Ogden, ' . The! Packing Engineering In- pushed over three .runs in the last jPapaccio's sacrifice .fly. In the sev-Claire D'Agostino, 3-10, 5-10; Edith in 7:54.2. j 4 •#edco, lnc.y.635; high team series, singles. Douglas Dick pitched a Jack Baj^ack took a first in t h e 416; ^lp Jackson, 406; May Block, Wedco, Inc., 1,786. dians Scalped the Reel-Strong Fuel inning to nip the Gibson Assoc- enth, Schaible walked and O'haiis Guerrier<i, -2-7 • Dot Hyduke; 2-7; I ^ good garni for'the losers striking' Co. .White; Sox, 12-8. Thornton iates Semino'les, 6-5., RJusty Lau- doubled. Both came in joti a sipgle Qlpria Eaz, 9-10, 6-9-10; Eleanora discus with! a throw of 134 ft. 4 in. 404, ajnd Ceil Peters^ 403. out: nine, l l n addition he got \the •".'..'. ...-!• VFVV L e a g r u e ... .•' • I • Ifutsera, w.ent kli the way for the Indians tensiager was the winnijng hurler by Papaccio. The javelin was won by P a t Rae Teapnistandihgs are as follows: L ; | ; -,"' sole fof ithe lrCrees. Steve S11i :. VFW 50 Final team standings: 28 and hkd 13 strikeouts. John Gior- while the losers used Bob; Kalinow.r !(172 f t ) . jJim Williams' won t h eAbbe Jr^.. vermaii stood out for the Crees:bi^ „. 59Vi 36% The game was called :on; ac......:...;. Qarwood. House . Restaurant,:... 43 35 "•• x . : , 43' Casale Sheet Metal : 43 pole vault (10 ft. 6 i n . ) , . • S.'. Mr. Charles" Hair Fashions ...53 35 defense, jl . . . - . ' . ' • ' •., -.. "-- \ . dano pad t|hree singles, VBill Stan- ski, Steven Schletelich, Bob King, •coimt of darkness after the seventh Enz Bros. 56% 51 45 Errico's 'Trucking :..... Spray Drying Service .>. 38 40 Oarwood Beverages 56 43 Bbselle tjook three firsts. Fusco Hayeckjs ton had a double and a single, and Tim Clare, Chris Gower land Brad inning. • 48• i • ! 48 M a r k e t •— Behind 6 to 1, the J.B. Williams Bilinskas Bros 38 40 Cranwood ' Payern .45 46% Packing Engineering WI-R-ET 37 „ won t h e shot p u t with a heave of 41 Chuck Innocent! and Ed Goerski Johnson. For the Navjajos, Jeff On Tuesday, j.Cranford defeated Mitldiesex Eta'ihless Fittings :54.' 47 : Comanches; scored six times in,the 52 Blue S^ar;Eealty .........; 45 . 51 B-y Servicr .. ................ 32 t 46 each doubled for the winners. For Thompson, Joe Fitzgibbons and Clark, .4-1, at the losers! geld.! ;The VBodyart 51V2 -'• 4 7 y 44 ft. .10 i i : T h e . h i g h jump was Robinson's .>;........... „.. third inning to edge the Cranford" Town Pharmacy .. .....;... 31 47 • 41 55 ; JPW'---......] ,53 46 „.... rCopk with a leap of 5 ft. Jay-Mar the Scjx, Rinaldi hurled three inn- Tony Pace each had a djouble and winning pitcher ,was lj>enny; jMil- Qareer <Jirl! 4»- ' 56 High games, Patrick Lettiere, Druggist Hurons, 9-7. The uprising •53 41 59 - 8. in. Simm|ons. took a first i n t h e ings with Kirlan and Driscoll work- a single, John Bender had two sin-kpsky, who fanned iO and walked Chobin's'PJ irisfc 40 145, and Bonnie Spera, 134;; high wasr: featured- by. a bases loaded gles and Mark Egan and Mike broad jumpj (20 ft. 2 % in.>. ing in; relief. Cucchi had a brace 1. The loser was NellL ; i- ;: series, John Miccio, 382, "and Janet triple By Joel McCoy; Johnny McCranford jtook a total of 11 firsts, of doubles,' Rinaldi had a triple, Potts each had a single. JThe Sem- ^Cranford scored in th|e first innBuydos, 345; high•{ team game, Hale.was the winning 'pitcher beR, B. Majtwell tied for low j putts inole hitters were ;.-Bradr Johnsonsix seconds^ and four thirds. BeKirlafi had:a double and a single, ing. Liming singled and scored with 30. Casale.Sheet Metal,;751; high team sidfel ^Weighing in with three hits'. sides its. thjree firsts, Roselle took „ ..,T .. ... , , ., .. and ijrnch and Currie each came with three singles and aJjriple, Bob on MunkePs double. M.tinkel istole. seriesrVFW, 2,131, v '• . Michael La Ferrara had a big day In Clas s.'B, IVIrs. Henry L. Ort-eight seconds and ten thirds. v King a triple and Dennis] DeJianne third-and came in on Mark Deterthrough with singles. , -' PAIi' League" ' '• ; at the plate; with two key hits. Craig ^Bobj Luethold shot a 39 to lead lepp, Mrs ' .Edwin Thlert and Mrs. L Bogardus had two fine defensive the Cijanford varsity golf team \4{ a Hidi's John Schmidt had an infield hit and Todd Gibson each j a single. ing's sacrifice &yr. The- Cougars John .0. Collins tied with 42, while w 22Y2 ............:v, 58«£i r Brad Johnson, Bob King! and -Denplays to his credit. Jonathan 14-4 victory over. WoQdbfidge ' iat Suburban Trust 3 4 for th,e Rankin Fuel Co. Red Sox tallied- twice more in ;the third. Irs. F. W. Thomas and Mrs. G. "F.. 47 ; A. ;Pilltaan Roof ins •...;. nis DeJianne were outstanding in 5 4 ^ : 35 Vz Brown pitched for the Idsers and Gallop|ing H | l l on Monday. Luetdriving in the tying ran then ran doubled, and seared on^-s" Zahn cam in second with 45. Low/ Quality Market ...........^..'..M..., 39 42 the Held for the losers. . had one of ^{hethree hits. Paul Helholdr in ;the first match,' won 3-0 Garwood Woman^ Club ........ 37 44 the bases on errors ;by the Medics single by Munkel. Poptk-reached putts wen t t o Mrs L. M. Hale with Bowliiig Results Petro Plastics ...„ ;„ :45 , Brown's Mohicans outs'cored the frich and David Schurer had the over Vetere of Woodbridge, who Athletics to win the ball game, 5?£. base on a fielder's choice! which] got 29. Cranwood Catering ......„., 47 34 Kay Tonialavage of; the first Cheyenne Body & Fender! Shop, 13-, other hits/; " ^ had a J45. " • .". Bob's Gulf."..„ ...;.. 27 27 54 Al Aitoine started for the Sox Munkel a t 2nd. j Popik! {took:; isecJ In Clas ; C, Mrs. James Lierman and Jeff Van De Mark came on in 6,^in a free-scoring garnie. Chuck ond on a fly by Detering, and scor- took first with 39 followed by the high series of i In^ |thte second match, Doug '-, High g^ames, John .Vogel, 187, In the first, game of the day, The : ! and Lynn Kellerman/ 154; high 447 while Adele Wasilowiez, also Nordstrom (42) blanked O'MaUey Union County Trust Co. Shawrelief ito win the game. Walters f Stevens pitched all the; way for ed on p l a n ' s single, u i W. H. Old with 41. Mrs. E. S. Pear- of the: loop! leaders, had the••high (46), }3;0. Vic Newmark; (47) series, Mark Matusiefsky, 487, andnees overwhelmed'the Republican had a!good:day at the plate with the victors and struck out 12. MaYk' Clark's lone tally ca|ne in!the sall won-3 ow putts with 31. ; game of 179; this week in the St. Mi-dowtfejl Panko (5a>! of Wood- Joyce -. Yawlak, 364; high, team Club Crows, 23-6. - • two singles and a double with help Schultz and Don Serventi pitched fourth. Healer took jfost when for the Cheyennes and; had 14 from jMurphy and Antoine who Detering tipped his bati, He stole each jiad doubles. For the A'sstrikeouts between ' them. Dave second and scored on Mulec's Biunn6 went six innings and Occi Foppert with a double aind single gle. came on in relief to take the loss. and Chuck Stevens with! two sinCranfora ; gles led the;Mohicans at ibat while AS B H . Occi had a pair of singles and BiunRadis 2b 2 1 Schaibie. rjf cf A 3 B 2E H Don Sexventi with two doubles and Liming of 3 0 no an& Coyle each had a single. O'iiaus 21} : 4 J 3 1 p 4 b Don Daniels did some great field- two singles, Robin - McCbrmick a Sands 3 0 2!X)eCiLelles!of 4 o if double and M£ke LaForge a single <2 0 ing, for the A's. opifr rf X o accounted for the Cheyennes' hits. Detering 2 0 OfPair If c' i o : JVMne ;•;;:;; Raises Seastfn Slate to 5-14 I One-Hitter . 2 2 Brinlierhoff Hits 0 p 0 in VFW Loop ' • ' • ' • ' ' • . ' : \ \ • • ' • • • " -', ' ' \ W I - • 2 GolfersDefeat 3 6 Faith is not a sense, nor sight nor reason, but talrin.g God at hi. word.—IA. B. Evans Braves, Cubs j Stay Undefeated In National lioop 2 DJiUni p Milko.sjfey JP . 0 Polidori lb 2 1 aKnauer Kamin 3b o p 6 o o 0 OJbMcjames ..OlMewll c; .OJDanco -pi JEckhart \ •••' 3 :o 1 o 1 0 1 0 1 O 2 0 yU- \i Totals' 26 3 4|. Totals' i3 5 aPinch hit for Polldorl in & 7ih Pl i fe liPinch hit for Atkins in the Cranford102 Westfield -..„... ...... 1 o 0 O 0 2.—S JOrantwA | ABBH| j.A£ E H Radis 2b y. 4 0 IJHealer ss Lifting cf ~ 4 2 2|Step'hens Munkel ss 4" 1 :2|Miller 3b Popik -rf 2 1 liifoyle lfi 3 0 O|Saley lbi beterine c 3 O ijNelli ,p i Nolan If- ' 1 0 DiRlni l b Hoyer c ; 0 Herbste? l b Schiafanp cf 3 0 BonJiovafi Cf; 1 y Yuengell!4f 2 The Cranford Savings §rid Loan Braves and the Cranforid Lodge, BOR0UGH OF KENILWORTH No. 175 K .of P C u b s both won! j Kenllwortb, New Jersey their second straight games -andi j Boa^-d of Adjustment i NOTICE OP . DECISION came out of this week's action .as . TAKE NOTICE THAT on the 20th day of the only undefeated teams in thei April, 1S66, the Board. of'Adjustment of the Borough of KENILWOBTH, N. J., after National League.,. • • \ i a public1 heading, GRANTED' the applicaThe Braves scored a come-from-i tion of-;PasqpE.le Vizzoni, 228 No. 19th Street, Kenilvcdrth, N. J., for a variance behind -victory- as they downed the to erect :•• one ftmily dwelling on lot having area of 3.900 feet and fronta'ee on 3& Robbins and Allison Phiillies 6-4.' Totals 27 4 9 Totals'! 24 1 (5 It. located at 54 So. 24th Street, Kenil- After '.trailing, ".2-1,- the! Braves Cranford. . 2*0 21 0 0 0 0-4 vrorth, N. J., Lots 12B - 13, Block 111, Clark ...... 0 0 Oi k 0 ,0 -Residential "A" Zone, subject to conditions pushed across four runs! on four &s listed j in Resolution".No. 6-66, and that hits and three walks in ]the\fifth determination o: said Board of Adjustment .has' been1 filed in the office oX said Board frame to wrap up the contest. Yan- Pcho Lake Resiiitis at the (Municipal Building, Borough of Brunt paced the winners with four Mrs. Natalie Jones carried off KENILWPRTH,: New Jersey, and is availhits while Doyle connected for a firsf honors with a .43 ift Class A able -for 1 inspection. THOMAS BENINATI tournapair of. doubles. Durningj was the Tuesday in a "surprise" r , .;• Secretary, Board of Adjustment borough of KSNILWORTH, N. J winning hurler and Jacob took the ment fpr the l8-h6le i -women's Dated: Abril 27, 1966 • group at Echo Lake Counjtry Club, loss. ' •i . 4-28 Adv. Fee; $6.38 Harry Linderoth homered in the Westfield. Butts and hanqfeap were fifth frame to pace the Cubs to 1 subtracted from gross swre, Mrs. BOR0UGH OF KENILWORTH 6-3 win over the Cranford ";Elks No A. D. Vaxbn took secohdj with '45 . ' j Kenil worth, New Jersey 2006 Reds. M. Palmer had three and Mrs; C. K. Beddowslind' Mrs. ' i Board of Adjustment safeties f o r the Cubs .while the 'NOTICE OP DECISION TAKE NOTICE THAT on the 20th day of combined 'pitching of Linderoth April, 1966, the Board of Adjustment of the Soroush of KENILWORTH, N. J., after and Rich Mazzeila held the Reds to ••" '• a public {hearing, DENIED the application two bingles. of -David! J. Gluck, 29 So. 20th St., Ken- The Cranford Realtors: Pirates ilisrorth, jt. J., for a variance to enlarge existing jiublic gara&e located sX 493 Boul- evened their slate at 1-1, by win? £vard, Block 106, Lot 45, Business "A" ning a nine-inning encounter with Zone, and that determination of said Board of 'Adjustment h a s been filed In the the. American. Legion Cards, 2-1. office of j said.- ..Board at the Municipal Chuck Pryor and Keith Munkel Euildins.! Borough of KENILWORTH, New combined to hurl a one-hitter for • Jersey, a i d is available for inspection." J THOMAS BENINATI the Pirates. Munkel and Pryor Secretary, Board of Adjustment also had two safeties each fpr the Borough, of KENILWORTK, N. J. Dated: April 27, 1966 winners while Joe Rickwalder had Adv. Fee: |S5.50 . , 4-28 the only hit for the losers. John Coulter drove in the winning mark er in the ninth with atdouble> BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH jkenilwortii, N'eve Jersey" The Cranford Kiwanis Club took I Board of Adjustment advantage of four hits and six KOTICE OF DECISION * TAKE NOTICE THAT on the 20th day of errors •' to down the Hedenber April, 1965, the; Board of' Adjustment oi the Borough of KENIIAVOKTH, N.'-J., after MacBean Dodgers, 5-1. T. Donovan a public hearing, recommended to the Gov- was the / winning pitcher while erning Body of '.KENILWORTH, that tl|e ; -applicatiori'.of Pe:-er Simonelli," 26 So. 23rd Newman took the loss, Street, Kgnilworth, K. J., for a variance to use premises • for the purpose of two famiiy dwelling, Lots 43-44, Block 112 In, . Residential "A" !Zone, with conditions as se: forth i in Resolution No. 4-66, be Granted rind t h a t ' determination" by' said Board of ]Adjustment has been filed in the office oi said Board at the Municipal Building, borough of KENILWORTH, NewJersey, and is available for inspection. : | THOMAS BENINATI Secretary, Board . of Adjustment Borough 'Of KENILWORTH, N. J. Dated: Aprp 27, 1866 Adv. Fee: £&38 ' ; •] . Hoffucker Places in ' National Swim Meet Jay Hoffacker son of Ijlr. anMrs. A.•'J. Hoffacker oi 201 6 Lane, placed sixth and seventh i n the 220-yard .backstroke ajnd t h e 100-yard hackstroke races, respectively, last week at t h e National 4-28 YMCA Swirnming and ; Diving BOROUGH O F KENILWORTH Kenilworth, New Jersey ! • ORDINANCE NO. 66-8 AK ORDINANCE TO A1£END AND AI>D A SUPPLEMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 60-18 ENTITLED !"AN. ORDINANCE CONCERNING LOCAL TRAFFIC IN THE BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH." , ' • i. . ' • ' • • ' . BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the Borough of Kenilwortii: SECTION 1: "that Section 9 of Ordinance No. 60-18 entitled "An Ordinance —concerning jLocal Traffic in the Borough of Kenilworth" be and the same is hereby amended so j that the entire Section 9 shall read as follows and not as heretofore: Section 9: The streets or parts of .streets hereinafter described are' • hereby designated as one way streets in the directions designated and .it £|hall be unTawiul to operate any .vehicle thereon in any direction other thac that so designated: '• Location _ Direction Name of Street North 15th fetreet Between Lafayette Avenue and Springfield Road .' Northbound North 18th Street Between Boulevard and Washington Avenue Northbound North 19th Street Between Boulevard and Washington Avenue Southbound North 20th Street Between Boulevard and Washington Avenue Northbound North 22nd Street ._ Between Boulevard and Washington Avenue Northbound SECTION .2: This Ordinance shall take effect in the manner provided by law and after approval by the Director of Motor Vehicles of the State of New Jersey. ! i . • •. • WILLIAM J. AHERN, JR., x '| •' ; ' " • ' • ' " • OF YOUR COMIC FRIENDS USJE, EU1QX AtiQ HjEiP OUTDOORLAND Here's how to become b Golden Eagle family - . : . • ] , $7 u'all you pay for your Annual i'-'Golden PassporK" If opens iJo you and your 7,000 glorlouj feS recreation ;o Jies .and identifier yoi qi on important'[Cob1 Iribufor to Jhe conserva' tion of your outjdojjr heritage. =- : j 'When you buy yobr "Golden Passport" tiy mail, you will also receive a handijs.m;© lapel pin and a Golden Eagle family Make check ,©r ,n\one>y order p a y a b l e to Bureau of Outdoor ;RecreatJon ,Qnd send, with your .name and address, to: Operation Golden ^agte, Bu^eciu of Outdoor !Recrec|tion, Box 7763, Washington, ;D. C. 20044 ' • / • At Unidfi County Trust Companyf service ismore than just a pronipe • . • • • A ' • • i: . • I""- SERVING YOU IN > Mayor. IllZABEfH « j LINDEN : .Attest: ! ' i . • 'MARGARET ilcGEVNA, ' . Borough Cierk. •, • , i ' i . " STATEMENT . Taki notice t h a t the ebove Ordinance was passed a t a regular meeting of the r 7 Bod'v oit.he Borough of Kenilv^'orth, and was approved by the Mayor on the rr^e n.m' ' ' i 26th DAY OF APRIL, 1966 - 1 ' i .MARGARET lyJcGEVNA, : I Boroueh' Clerk" of "the , : j Borough of Kenilworth, N. J. April [2G, ISSS , • • • . . - | . •..- SUMMIT • .BERKEtEY HEIGHTS Member ^ Federal Reserve System o federal peposit Insurance'corporatiorj. •• Cpinies.char*«tert »re Wii'i&Aii bj j the following syndicates: CT-NYN, Hall, KFS,^NS and UfS i i • -
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