CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL D U R WA R D J O NACCOUNTANTS E S BARK WELL CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS & C O MPA N Y L L P Big enough to know. SMALL ENOUGH TO CARE. Big enough to know. SMALL ENOUGH TO CARE. Business Transition & Family Enterprise Advisory Services Family Business Assessment The Family Business Assessment provides family business owners with a practical roadmap in key areas of their business to successfully transition to the next generation of management and ownership. Carefully crafted, easy-to-read, practical reports are generated covering six key areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Strategic Planning Financial Management Workforce Management Family Governance Succession Planning Professional Advisors The Client Report you receive is complete with accurate, personal observations about your company, suggestions for improvement, ideas for consideration, and resources for on-going education and support. The report provides high value for a minimal investment. Your Advisor will use the results of this report to help you move towards achieving your business and transition objectives. DJB is passionate about making a difference by providing family businesses with the information and services they need, in a cost-effective manner, to thrive today and successfully transition tomorrow. This web-based assessment takes less than an hour to complete. It is user-friendly, costeffective, and value packed. Need help to focus? On your business... On your family... On your legacy? Ask about the Family Business Assessment and how this comprehensive report can assist you. Did you know that? According to the University of Alberta, family business generates 60% of Canada’s GDP. Contact a member of DJB’s Business Transition & Family Enterprise Advisory Services team to arrange for your Family Business Assessment. In the next 5 years, 53% of family businesses in Canada plan to pass on the ownership and management of the business to the next generation. Only 20% of Canadian family businesses have a documented succession plan in place. Paul G. Stringer, CPA, CA, FEA Partner 905.945.5439 Andrew Walker, CPA, CA Partner 905.735.2140 BURLINGTON | GRIMSBY | HAMILTON | ST. CATHARINES | WELLAND 04-2015
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