Features: Turnigy Program Box is one of the easiest devices to program parameters of SuperBrain ESC, AquaStar ESC and Fatboy 300A ESC. It also can read logged flight data from SuperBrain ESC. I The ESC models which Program Box supports to use. ESC RC model Fully program Read data Connecting diagram SuperBrain ESC-20A Airplane Yes Yes Picture 1 SuperBrain ESC-40A Airplane Yes Yes Picture 1 SuperBrain ESC-45A Airplane Yes Yes Picture 1 SuperBrain ESC-60A Airplane Yes Yes Picture 1 SuperBrain ESC-80A Airplane Yes Yes Picture 1 SuperBrain ESC-100A Airplane Yes Yes Picture 2 AquaStar ESC-90A Boat Yes No Picture 1 AquaStar ESC-120A Boat Yes No Picture 1 AquaStar ESC-240A Boat Yes No Picture Y cable2 Fatboy ESC-300A Airplane Yes No Picture 2 Fatboy ESC-300A II Airplane Yes No Picture 2 II Correctly connect ESC to Program Box. A. For ESCs which has built-in BEC, please refer to the below steps and picture 1 for connecting. - connect ESC’s receiver lead to the left socket of program box at correct polarity (brown wire to negative, red wire to positive, orange wire to signal); - connect ESC to battery pack. If connection is right, Program Box would highlight and read ESC’s model. ESC Pay attention to the polarity Battery Program box Picture 1 B. Connect HV ESC which does not have built-in BEC, please refer to the below steps and picture 2 for connecting. - connect ESC’s receiver lead to the left socket of program box at correct polarity (brown wire to negative, red wire to positive, orange wire to signal); -connect the other lead (consisted of red and brown wires) of ESC to the right socket of program box at correct polarity (red wire to positive, brown wire to negative); - connect ESC to battery pack. - Switch ‘ON’ the switch of ESC. If connection is right, Program Box would highlight and read ESC’s model. NOTE: When connect the ESC to TM-Progbox, It is no need to connect ESC to brushless motor. Page 1 SuperBrain ESC-100A Fatboy 300A Fatboy 300A II Battery Program box Picture 2 III Program parameters and Read data When ESC is successfully connected to program box, Program box will firstly display ESC model. Then it is ready to get into Programming. Please operate according to the direction arrow guide. Turnigy ESC SuperBrain 20A Press left arrow ‘←’ to get into main menu Press left arrow ‘←’ to get into parameter setting menu, ‘→’ to last step SuperBrain 20A PARA SETTING Up and down arrow‘↑’‘↓’ to select Parameter options LVC Auto* Aut 5.0V 6.0V 7.2V 8.4V 9.0V 12.0V Press left arrow ‘ ← ’ to get into setting the next parameter CUR LI MI T Standard* sensitivity BRAKE TYPE Close* No brake SuperBrain 20A insensitivity Soft brake Soft brake close ‘Update success’ ... Other settings ... BACK TO DEFAULT standard Press ‘OK’ to update the setting Press‘OK ’back to the default settings of ESC ‘Update success’ Note:‘Read data’ menu will automatically activate when connect SuperBrain ESCs to Program Box. Press right arrow ‘→’ to get into ‘READ SuperBrain 20A READ DAT A DATA ’ menu Input the magnetic poles of motor and gear ratio before uploading the data Pole No. Gear R 00_ 00.00 Press ‘↑’ and ‘↓’ to read out the data SuperBrain 20A Imax 28A Press ‘↑’ and ‘↓’ to input correct Poles No. and Gear Ratio. After input the motor poles number, press ‘→’ to set gear ratio by moving cursor to set the ratio number in turn. Press “OK” to load the data. Poles No. hear indicates magnetic poles of brushless motor, which is a multiplier number of 2. Right Poles No. will affect the accuracy of rpm which be showed. Gear Ratio is a decimal number. If not use gear-box, please keep it as default ‘01.00’. Note SuperBrain 20A Vmin 7.8V SuperBrain 20A Tmax 22 ℃ SuperBrain 20A maxRPM 32,000 1) The memory space of SuperBrain ESC on-board data logger is limited, we suggest to clear data by TM-USB Link on PC before next flying. 2) Program Box always read the latest logged data, such as max current, min voltage, motor RPM and temperature. Page 2
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