卡普兰-巴朗 GRE 超核心词表优化版 Word abate* Definition(* denotes word appeared on both Baron and Kaplan lists) formal to become less strong or decrease 减弱,缓和 / ə be t / We waited for the storm to abate. abdicate / to give up the position of being king or queen æbd ke t / 禅让,退位 King Alfonso XIII abdicated in favor of his eldest son. The king was forced to abdicate the throne. aberrant not usual or normal / synonym abnormal, deviant æbərənt / 异常 aberrant behavior abeyance in abeyance / ə be əns / something such as a custom, rule, or system that is in abeyance is not being used at the present time fall into abeyance (=no longer be used) 暂时搁置 abject 1. / the state of being extremely poor, unhappy, unsuccessful etc æbd ekt / abject poverty/misery/failure etc 赤贫 2. an abject action or expression shows that you feel very ashamed 卑劣 an abject apology abjure /əb’d formal to state publicly that you will give up a particular belief or way of behaving synonym renounce 放弃 ə/ ablution if you perform your ablutions, you wash yourself - sometimes used humorously 沐浴 /əˈbluː ən/ abrogate / æbrəge to officially end a legal agreement, practice etc t/ Both governments voted to abrogate the treaty. abscond* 1 /əb sk abscond from 逃离某地 nd/ 废止 to escape from a place where you are being kept The boy absconded from a children's home. 2 to secretly leave somewhere, taking with you something that does not belong to you abscond with 逃离携带 He has to convince a judge that he wasn't going to abscond with the money. abstemious* careful not to have too much food, drink etc 节制,节食 /əb stiːmiəs/ abstruse /əb struːs/ accretion unnecessarily complicated and difficult to understand 复杂 Maths is a mix of abstruse theory and detailed calculations. a layer of a substance which slowly forms on something 积(尘) 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! /ə kriː n/ acerbic criticizing someone or something in a clever but cruel way 尖刻 /ə s ːb k/ acerbic wit acquiesce formal to do what someone else wants, or allow something to happen, even though you do / ækwi not really agree with it es/ 默许 acquiesce in/to Oil companies have been accused of acquiescing in the pollution of the ocean. acrid / ækr d/ an acrid smell or taste is strong and unpleasant and stings your nose or throat a cloud of acrid smoke 辛辣 acrimonious / ækr an acrimonious meeting or discussion is one in which people argue a lot and get very angry mə niə The meeting ended in an acrimonious dispute. 尖刻的争论 s/ adjoin* a room, building, or piece of land that adjoins something is next to it and connected to it [ə d n] A vacant plot of land adjoins his house. 毗邻 adjure formal to order or try to persuade someone to do something /ə d adjure somebody to do something ə/ Gwen adjured him to be truthful. admonish /əd m formal to tell someone severely that they have done something wrong n admonish somebody for (doing) something / The witness was admonished for failing to answer the question. 告诫 adulterate* to make food or drink less pure by adding another substance of lower quality to it /ə d ltəre 掺假 t/ adventitious / ædvən t Formal happening by chance əs/ aesthetic synonym unexpected ,accidental connected with beauty and the study of beauty 美学的,审美的 /iːs θet k/ From an esthetic point of view, it's a nice design. a work of great aesthetic appeal. affable / æfəb friendly and easy to talk to 和蔼可亲的 synonym pleasant l/ an affable guy aggrandize to increase in power, influence and reputation 夸大 aggregate being the total amount of something after all the figures or points have been added together / ægr g t/ 总 an increase in the aggregate production Alacrity / ə lækr quickness and eagerness 敏捷、急切 ti / with alacrity She accepted with alacrity. alleviate / ə liːvie to make something less painful or difficult to deal with t/ alleviate the problem/situation/suffering etc 减轻 relieve 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! a new medicine to alleviate the symptoms of flu measures to alleviate poverty altruism / when you care about or help other people, even though this brings no advantage to yourself æltru- z m/ 利他主义 Many choose to work in developing countries out of altruism. amalgamate / ə mælgəme 1 [intransitive and transitive] if two organizations amalgamate, or if one amalgamates with t/ another, they join and make one big organization 合并 synonym merge,combine amalgamate something with/into/under something The agency is expected to amalgamate with the National Rivers Authority. 2 [transitive] to combine two or more things together to make one thing The editors will amalgamate all the information into one article. amatory / formal expressing sexual or romantic love 恋爱的 æmətəri / ambiguous something that is ambiguous is unclear, confusing, or not certain, especially because it can / æm b gjuəs / be understood in more than one way 模糊的 opposite unambiguous The language in the Minister's statement is highly ambiguous. ambivalent not sure whether you want or like something or not / æm b vələnt / ambivalent about 矛盾心里 We are both somewhat ambivalent about having a child. ameliorate formal to make a bad situation better or less harmful / ə miːliəre t / synonym improve 改善 It is not clear what can be done to ameliorate the situation. amity Formal friendship, especially between countries / opposite hostility æm ti / a spirit of perfect amity anachronism* /ə nækrən 1. z m/ someone or something that seems to belong to the past, not the present The monarchy is something of an anachronism these days. 2. something in a play, film etc that seems wrong because it did not exist in the period of history in which the play etc is set The film is full of anachronisms. 不和时宜 analogous Formal similar to another situation or thing so that a comparison can be made / ə næləgəs / analogous to/with,comparable 相似 The report's findings are analogous with our own. anarchy a situation in which there is no effective government in a country or no order in an / organization or situation ænəki / The classroom was in a constant state of anarchy . androgen androgynous any substance that promotes masculine characteristics 1. having both male and female parts 雌雄同体 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! /æn dr d nəs / animus formal a feeling of strong dislike or hatred 敌意 / synonym animosity, hostility æn məs / anomalous /ə n Formal different from what you expected to find 异常的 mələs / a highly anomalous situation anomalous results antipathy* formal a feeling of strong dislike towards someone or something / æn t antipathy to/towards dislike,反感 pəθi / a growing antipathy towards the government apartheid / ə pɑːta the former political and social system in South Africa, in which only white people had full t/ political rights and people of other races, especially black people, were forced to go to separate schools, live in separate areas etc 种族隔离 apathy* the feeling of not being interested in something, and not willing to make any effort to / change or improve things 冷漠 æpəθi / The campaign failed because of public apathy. apogee formal the most successful part of something / synonym apex 定点,顶峰 æpəd iː / His political career reached its apogee in the 1960s. apostasy* /ə p formal when someone suddenly stops believing in a religion or supporting a political party stəsi / apotheosis / ə p θi ə the best and most perfect example of something s s / apotheosis of the apotheosis of romantic art appease to make someone less angry or stop them from attacking you by giving them what they / ə piːz / want 安抚 They attempted to appease international opposition by promising to hold talks. apprise formal to tell or give someone information about something 通知 / ə pra z / apprise somebody of something The district chairman was fully apprised of all the details approbation* formal official praise or approval 赞同 / æprə be n / appropriate /ə prə pri- correct or suitable for a particular time, situation, or purpose t/ opposite inappropriate ,appropriate for 适当的 clothes appropriate for a job interview arduous involving a lot of strength and effort 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / arduous task/work ɑːdjuəs / the arduous task of loading all the boxes into the van arrogate (to yourself) something 冒称 arrogate / ærəge t/ formal to claim that you have a particular right, position etc, without having the legal right to it artless / literary natural, honest, and sincere 朴实的 ɑːtləs / artless sincerity ascetic living without any physical pleasures or comforts, especially for religious reasons 苦行者 / ə set k/ an ascetic life assiduous* very careful to make sure that something is done properly or completely /ə s synonym djuəs / assuage meticulous to make an unpleasant feeling less painful or severe 缓和 / ə swe d synonym relieve / Nothing could assuage his guilt. atrophy if a part of the body atrophies or is atrophied, it becomes weak because of lack of use or / lack of blood 萎缩 ætrəfi / therapy to prevent the leg muscles from atrophying attenuate Formal / ə tenjue t/ an attenuated form of the polio virus audacious / showing great courage or confidence in a way that is impressive or slightly shocking 大胆 de ː to make something weaker or less 减弱 əs / 的 the risks involved in such an audacious operation austere* / someone who is austere is very strict and serious - used to show disapproval st ə / ː Her father is a very austere man. 严厉的 autonomous* an autonomous place or organization is free to govern or control itself / synonym independent 自治区 t nəməs / ː aver* averred ,averring /ə v ːr / formal to say something firmly and strongly because you are sure that it is true synonym declare 断定、宣传 avocation Something one does in addition to a principle occupation 副业 banal ordinary and not interesting, because of a lack of new or different ideas /bə nɑːl/ synonym trivial 平庸的 belie to give someone a false idea about something /b la / Her pleasant manner belied her true character. belligerent /b l [only before noun] formal a belligerent country is fighting a war against another country d ərənt / beneficent /b nef s bemoan helping people, or resulting in something good 慈善 nt / the beneficent properties of natural remedies to complain or say that you are disappointed about something 哀叹 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! /b mə n / He was bemoaning the fact that lawyers charge so much. bemoan the lack/absence/loss of something an article bemoaning the lack of sports facilities in the area benevolent /b kind and generous 仁慈的 nevələnt / A benevolent uncle paid for her to have music lessons. a benevolent smile benign /b 1. na n / kind and gentle He shook his head in benign amusement. 2. 良性 a benign tumor (=unnatural growth in the body) is not caused by cancer opposite malignant bilateral / ba involving two groups or nations 双边的 læt bilateral relations/trade/agreements/negotiations etc rəl / bilateral negotiations between Israel and Syria bolster also bolster up / 1. bə lstə / to help someone to feel better and more positive He is making a bold attempt to bolster the territory's confidence. 2. to improve something his efforts to bolster his career bombastic* / b m bæst bombastic language contains long words that sound important but have no real meaning 夸 k/ 夸其谈的 He is best known for three rather bombastic poems. boor a man who behaves in a very rude way /b ə/ 粗野的人 burgeon formal to grow or develop quickly / b ːd n/ the burgeoning market for digital cameras burnish / b ːn / 1. to polish metal or another substance until it shines 2. to work hard in order to improve something He missed no opportunity to burnish his image. buttress / to support a system, idea, argument etc, especially by providing money b trəs / The evidence seemed to buttress their argument. capitulate / kə p 1. t le t formal to accept or agree to something that you have been opposing for a long time synonym give in 屈服 / Helen finally capitulated and let her son have a car. 2. formal to accept defeat by your enemies in a war synonym surrender 投降 capricious* / kə pr 1. əs / likely to change your mind suddenly or behave in an unexpected way She was as capricious as her mother had been. 任性的 2. literary changing quickly and suddenly a capricious wind 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! castigate* / kæst Formal to criticize or punish someone severely ge t/ catalyst / kætl- technical st / 1. k ːst a substance that makes a chemical reaction happen more quickly without being changed itself caustic / 鞭挞、惩罚 k/ 催化剂 a caustic substance can burn through things by chemical action caustic soda (=a chemical used for cleaning things) 2. a caustic remark criticizes someone in a way that is unkind but often cleverly humorous caustic wit/comments/remark etc Eliot appreciated Pound's caustic wit. chicanery* / the use of clever plans or actions to deceive people ke nəri / Clearly there is some chicanery going on. 诡计 circuitous / s ː going from one place to another in a way that is longer than the most direct way kjuː təs 迂回 a hard, circuitous hike / circumambulate circumambulation is the act of moving around a sacred object. circumscribe 1. / s ːkəmskra b [often passive] formal to limit power, rights, or abilities 限制 synonym restrict / The President’s power is circumscribed by Congress and the Supreme Court. 2. technical to draw a line around something a circle circumscribed by a square circumspect Formal / 的 s ːkəmspekt / thinking carefully about something before doing it, in order to avoid risk 审慎 synonym cautious The governor was usually circumspect when dealing with the media. coagulate / kə ægj if a liquid coagulates, or something coagulates it, it becomes thick and almost solid 凝固 le t / Blood had coagulated around the wound. coda 1. / 2. a separate piece of writing at the end of a work of literature or a speech kə də / cogent* / kə d an additional separate part at the end of a piece of music Formal if a statement is cogent, it seems reasonable and correct nt / cogent argument/reason/case etc 有说服力的 a cogent argument for banning the drug commensurate matching something in size, quality, or length of time /kə men ər commensurate with 相称 / Salary will be commensurate with age and experience. compendium /kəm pendiəm/ 1. formal a book that contains a complete collection of facts, drawings etc on a particular subject 概要 a cricketing compendium complacent pleased with a situation, especially something you have achieved, so that you stop trying to 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! /kəm ple s nt/ improve or change things - used to show disapproval There's a danger of becoming complacent if you win a few games. complaisant* /kəm willingness to do what pleases other people 逢迎 ple z ns / compliant 1. / kəm pla ənt / willing to obey or to agree to other people's wishes and demands see also comply 温顺的 For years I had tried to be a compliant and dutiful wife. compunction / kəm p A feeling of uneasiness for doing wrong 内疚 ŋk n have/feel no compunction about (doing) something / He had no compunction about interfering in her private affairs. concentric Having the same center 同心 / kən sentr k/ conciliate to do something to make people more likely to stop arguing, especially by giving them /ən s lie t / something they want 调解 proposals designed to conciliate the unions conciliatory doing something that is intended to make someone stop arguing with you / kən s conciliatory approach/tone/gesture etc 和解的 liət ri / Perhaps you should adopt a more conciliatory approach. condone to accept or forgive behavior that most people think is morally wrong / kən də n / I cannot condone the use of violence under any circumstances. 纵容 conflagration / k nflə a very large fire that destroys a lot of buildings, forests etc gre n/ confluence 1. technical the place where two or more rivers flow together 交汇 / 2. formal a situation in which two or more things combine or happen at the same time k nfluəns / 事件的交汇 confluence of a confluence of unhappy events confound / kən fa to confuse and surprise people by being unexpected 使惊讶,混淆 nd / His amazing recovery confounded the medical specialists. congenital / kən d en 1. tl / a congenital medical condition or disease has affected someone since they were born 先天性的 congenital abnormalities a congenital defect 2. a congenital quality is one that has always been part of your character and is unlikely to change He's a congenital liar. Her congenital inability to make decisions connoisseur / k nə s someone who knows a lot about something such as art, food, or music ː/ a wine connoisseur 行家 connoisseur of 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! Fry was a connoisseur of Renaissance art. contention / kən ten formal a strong opinion that someone expresses n/ somebody's contention Her main contention is that doctors should do more to encourage healthy eating. contentious causing a lot of argument and disagreement between people / kən ten əs / contentious issue/area/subject etc Animal welfare did not become a contentious issue until the late 1970s. contravene / to do something that is not allowed according to a law or rule 违反法规等 k ntrə viːn / ᅳsynonym violate Some portions of the bill may contravene state law. contrite / feeling guilty and sorry for something bad that you have done k ntra t / a contrite apology conundrum a confusing and difficult problem 难题 / kə n ndrəm / the conundrum of our purpose on earth convalescent / someone who is spending time getting well after an illness k nvə les nt/ 渐愈的 corroborate to provide information that supports or helps to prove someone else's statement, idea etc 佐 / kə r 证 bəre t / We now have new evidence to corroborate the defendant's story. converge / kən v 1. ːd / o come from different directions and meet at the same point to become one thing 汇合 (动词) opposite diverge The two rivers converge into one near Pittsburgh. 2. if groups of people converge in a particular place, they come there from many different places and meet together to form a large crowd converge on Reporters converged on the scene. 3. if different ideas or aims converge, they become the same Cultural beliefs about the role of women converge with government policies. convoke to tell people that they must come together for a formal meeting / kən və k / Separate meetings had been convoked by the two opposing factions. convoluted* / k nvəluːt complicated and difficult to understand 令人费解的 d/ long paragraphs and convoluted sentences craven formal completely lacking courage 懦夫 / synonym cowardly kre v n / credulous* / kredj ləs / cursory always believing what you are told, and therefore easily deceived synonym gullible Quinn charmed credulous investors out of millions of dollars. done very quickly without much attention to details 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / cursory glance/look k ːs ri / Even a cursory glance at the figures will tell you that sales are down this year. daunt to make someone feel afraid or less confident about something 吓 / d ːnt / He felt utterly daunted by the prospect of moving to another country. decadent / having low moral standards and being more concerned with pleasure than serious matters dekəd nt / Pop music was condemned as decadent and crude. decorum /d formal behavior that shows respect and is correct for a particular situation, especially a k ːrəm / formal occasion 礼仪,礼节 He was disciplined for breaching the Senate's rules of decorum. default /d to fail to pay money that you owe at the right time f ːlt / default on He defaulted on his child support payments. deference* polite behavior that shows that you respect someone and are therefore willing to accept / their opinions or judgment 尊重的 def rəns / Lewis was annoyed that Adam did not show enough respect and deference to him. deferential treatment deign deign to do something 屈尊做某事 / de n / to do something that you think you are really too important to do - often used humorously Travis called after her, but she didn't deign to answer. delineate /d l 1. nie t / to describe or draw something carefully so that people can understand it The document delineates your rights and your obligations. 勾画,描叙 2. to make the borders between two areas very clear The boundaries of these areas should be clearly delineated. 划清 delude to make someone believe something that is not true /d synonym deceive luːd / 蛊惑 I was angry with him for trying to delude me. delude somebody/yourself into doing something It is easy to delude yourself into believing you're in love. denigrate / den to say things to make someone or something seem less important or good gre t/ deride /d people who denigrate their own country 诋毁 to make remarks or jokes that show you think someone or something is silly or useless ᅳ ra d / synonym mock 嘲笑 You shouldn't deride their efforts. derision /d when you show that you think someone or something is stupid or silly r n/ derivative /d r vət His speech was greeted with derision by opposition leaders 嘲笑 something that has developed or been produced from something else v/ derivative of 衍生物 Heroin is a derivative of morphine. desiccate* desiccated food has been dried in order to preserve it 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / des ke t d/ desultory* / 变干 done without any particular plan or purpose 散漫 des lt ri / They talked briefly in a desultory manner. deterrent something that makes someone less likely to do something, by making them realize it will /d be difficult or have bad results 吓唬、却步 terənt / The small fines for this type of crime do not act as much of a deterrent. diatribe a long speech or piece of writing that criticizes someone or something very severely / diatribe against da ətra b / 抨击 a diatribe against contemporary American civilization dichotomy* the difference between two things or ideas that are completely opposite / da 二分法 k təmi / diffident* / d f shy and not wanting to make people notice you or talk about you diffident manner/smile/voice etc 缺乏自信的 d nt / diffident about He was diffident about his own success. diffuse* to make heat, light, liquid etc spread through something, or to spread like this 扩散、弥散、 /d 弥漫 fjuːz / diffuse through/into/across The pollutants diffuse into the soil. digress / da to talk or write about something that is not your main subject gres / Do you mind if I digress for a moment? 离题,闲话 dilatory* / d lət slow in doing something ri / 拖拉 dilettante / someone who is not serious about what they are doing or does not study a subject d l tænti / dirge thoroughly 不求甚解 a slow sad song sung at a funeral / d ːd / 哀乐 disabuse* to persuade someone that what they believe is not true / disabuse somebody of something d sə bjuːz / I tried to disabuse him of that notion. discerning /d showing the ability to make good judgments, especially about art, music, style etc 独具慧 s ːn ŋ/ discordant / d 眼 formal a discordant sound is unpleasant because it is made up of musical notes that do not s k ːd nt go together well 不和谐的 / discredit / d s kred to make people stop believing in a particular idea 怀疑 t/ Some of Freud's theories have now been discredited. discrepancy a difference between two amounts, details, reports etc that should be the same /d 本应相同的差异 skrepənsi / discrepancy in 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! Police found discrepancies in the two men's reports. discrete /d clearly separate 离散 skriːt / The change happens in a series of discrete steps. disingenuous not sincere and slightly dishonest / opposite ingenuous d s n d enjuəs/ disinterested able to judge a situation fairly because you are not concerned with gaining any personal / advantage from it d s ntr st d / ᅳsynonym objective, impartial, unbiased 公正、无私的 A lawyer should provide disinterested advice. disjointed something, especially a speech or piece of writing, that is disjointed has parts that do not / seem well connected or are not arranged well 脱节的 d s d nt disjointed fragments of information d/ dismiss to remove someone from their job 解雇 /d s m synonym fire, sack s/ dismiss somebody from something Bryant was unfairly dismissed from his post. disparage /d to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not think they are very good spær d / or important 贬低 Matcham's theatres were widely disparaged by architects. disparate / d sp consisting of things or people that are very different and not related to each other r t/ 各异的 a meeting covering many disparate subjects the difficulties of dealing with disparate groups of people disport /d sp disport yourself ːt / old-fashioned to amuse yourself by doing things that are active and enjoyable 玩耍 disquiet anxiety or unhappiness about something / d s kwa ət / disquiet over/about/at 忧虑 public disquiet over deaths in police custody(拘留所) dissemble* /d semb to hide your true feelings, thoughts etc l/ 掩饰 disseminate* to spread information or ideas to as many people as possible /d 传播 sem ne t / dissolution the act of formally ending a parliament, business, or marriage 解散 / The president announced the dissolution of the National Assembly. d sə luː See also dissolve n/ dissonance 1. [uncountable and countable] technical a combination of notes that sound strange 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / d sənəns / because they are not in harmony 不和谐 Opposite consonance 2. formal lack of agreement distend Formal to swell or make something swell because of pressure from inside /d distended adjective 撑、胀 stend / a distended stomach distill /d to make a liquid such as water or alcohol more pure by heating it so that it becomes a gas st l/ and then letting it cool. Drinks such as whisky are made this way 蒸馏 distilled water diverge / da if similar things diverge, they develop in different ways and so are no longer similar v ːd The two species diverged millions of years ago. / divest / da divest yourself of something vest, d -/ to sell or give away something you own Dad had long since divested himself of anything valuable. doctrine / a set of beliefs that form an important part of a religion or system of ideas d ktr n/ traditional doctrines of divine power Marxist doctrine document / d kj to support an opinion, argument etc with recorded facts ment / be well/extensively/poorly etc documented It is well documented that men die younger than women. dogma a set of firm beliefs held by a group of people who expect other people to accept these / beliefs without thinking about them d gmə / religious/political/ideological etc the rejection of political dogma dogmatic* /d g someone who is dogmatic is completely certain of their beliefs and expects other people to mæt k/ accept them without arguing Her staff find her bossy and dogmatic. doleful / də lf Formal very sad l/ a doleful song about lost love dormant not active or not growing at the present time but able to be active later / opposite active d ːmənt / 蛰伏、睡眠 sleeping The seeds remain dormant until the spring. dour serious, never smiling, and unfriendly / 不苟言笑的 da ə / dupe* to trick or deceive someone / djuːp / dupe somebody into doing something Consumers are being duped into buying faulty electronic goods. duplicity dishonest behavior that is intended to deceive someone 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / djuː pl s ti / dystrophy / 表里不一 营养不良 d strəfi / ebullient / very happy and excited b liənt / My father is a naturally ebullient personality. eclectic* / 热情洋溢的 including a mixture of many different things or people, especially so that you can use the klekt k/ best of all of them 兼收并蓄 galleries with an eclectic range of styles and artists an eclectic mixture of 18th and 19th century furniture efficacy* formal the ability of something to produce the right result / synonym effectiveness 功效 ef kəsi / effigy / a statue of a famous person 雕刻的肖像 effigy of ef d i/ an effigy of Saint Francis effluence liquid waste, especially chemicals or sewage / 流出、溢出 efluənt / effrontery rude behaviour that shocks you because it is so confident / have the effrontery to do something 厚颜无耻 fr ntəri / She had the effrontery to ask me for more money. elegy* / a sad poem or song, especially about someone who has died el d see also eulogy 挽歌 i/ elicit / to succeed in getting information or a reaction from someone, especially when this is l s t/ difficult When her knock elicited no response, then she opened the door. elicit something from somebody The test uses pictures to elicit words from the child. elocution good clear speaking in public, involving voice control, pronunciation etc 技巧性演说 / elocution lessons elə kjuː n/ embellish / m bel to make something more beautiful by adding decorations to it / embellish something with something 装饰 The dress was embellished with gold threads. empathy the ability to understand other people's feelings and problems / 换位思考、同理心 empathy with/for empəθi / She had great empathy with people. empirical / m p based on scientific testing or practical experience, not on ideas r k l/ opposite theoretical, hypothetical 经验的 empirical evidence emulate / emj to do something or behave in the same way as someone else, especially because you admire le t / them 效法 synonym imitate Young had hoped to emulate the success of Douglas Wilder. endemic an endemic disease or problem is always present in a particular place, or among a particular 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / en dem k / group of people 特定区域的 see also epidemic, pandemic Violent crime is now endemic in parts of Chicago. enervate* / to make you feel tired and weak 使嬴弱 enəve t/ The hot sun enervated her to the point of collapse. engender* formal to be the cause of a situation or feeling 引起(情况),产生(感情) / the changes in society engendered by the war n d endə / engender something in somebody relationships that engender trust in children enhance / to improve something n hɑːns / The publicity has done little to enhance his reputation . enigma someone or something that is strange and difficult to understand / synonym mystery 迷一样的人或者事物 n gmə / The neighbors regarded him as something of an enigma. ephemeral* / fem existing or popular for only a short time rəl / Fashion is by nature ephemeral. 短暂的 epigram a short sentence that expresses an idea in a clever or amusing way / 妙语 ep græm / epithet a word or short phrase used to describe someone, especially when praising them or saying / something unpleasant about them 誉称/贬称 ep θet / He hardly deserves the epithet 'fascist'. equanimity formal calmness in the way that you react to things, which means that you do not become / upset or annoyed 泰然 iːkwə n m t He received the news with surprising equanimity. i/ equivocate* formal to avoid giving a clear or direct answer to a question / 支吾,说模棱两可的话 kw vəke t / erudite* showing a lot of knowledge based on careful study / 精学博思的 er da t / esoteric* / esə ter known and understood by only a few people who have special knowledge about something k/ 高深莫测的,曲高和寡的 the esoteric world of scientific supercomputing estimable / est məb Formal deserving respect and admiration l/ eugenics / juː d en 值得褒奖的 the study of methods to improve the mental and physical abilities of the human race by ks / choosing who should become parents - used in order to show disapproval 优生学(一般表贬义) eulogy* a speech or piece of writing in which you praise someone or something very much, / especially at a funeral 悼词 juːləd i / The minister delivered a long eulogy. 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! euphemism a polite word or expression that you use instead of a more direct one to avoid shocking or / upsetting someone 委婉语 juːf m z m 'Pass away' is a euphemism for 'die'. / euphony pleasantness of sound 悦耳之音,谐音 exacerbate* to make a bad situation worse= worsen 加剧 / g zæsəbe t / The recession has exacerbated this problem. I don't want to exacerbate the situation. exculpate* formal to prove that someone is not guilty of something / 开脱,证明无罪 eksk lpe t / execrable formal extremely bad / synonym terrible eks krəb l / exigency / formal the things you must do in order to deal with a difficult or urgent situation 危机处理 eks d nsiz / exigent / synonym demands an exigent situation is urgent, so that you must deal with it very quickly eks d nt / 紧急的 expound formal to explain or talk about something in detail / expound on 详细阐述 k spa nd / She's always expounding on the latest dogmas of feminism. extrapolation / k stræpəle to use facts about the present or about one thing or group to make a guess about the future t/ or about other things or groups extrapolate (something) from something 推演 It is possible to extrapolate future developments from current trends. You're extrapolating from your own feelings to mine. extrapolate (something) to something 衍生至 These results cannot, however, be extrapolated to other patient groups. exult formal to show that you are very happy and proud, especially because you have succeeded / in doing something g z lt / exult at/in/over 为。。。而欢腾,春风得意 She exulted in her new discovery. 'We made the front page!' Jos exulted. facetious saying things that are intended to be clever and funny but are really silly and annoying / fə siː əs / Don't be so facetious! 弄巧成拙的 facetious comments! facilitate / fə s Formal to make it easier for a process or activity to happen 使方便 l te fallacious / fə le t/ Computers can be used to facilitate language learning. Formal containing or based on false ideas 错误的,基于错误的 əs / Such an argument is misleading, if not wholly fallacious. fatuous very silly or stupid 昏庸的 / synonym idiotic fæt uəs / Fawning* to praise someone and be friendly to them in an insincere way, because you want them to 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / f ːn $ f ːn / like you or give you something 摇尾乞怜 fawn on/over I refused to fawn over her or flatter her. felicitous /f l s formal or literary well-chosen and suitable 精挑细选的,适合的 təs / fervor / a felicitous choice of candidate very strong belief or feeling f ːvə / religious fervor revolutionary fervor fiduciary Of a trust; held or given in trust flag droop; grow feeble; to decline in vigor or strength 渐趋萎靡的 fledgling [countable] a young bird that is learning to fly / fled l ŋ/ 受托的 雏鸟 flout [transitive] to deliberately disobey a law, rule etc, without trying to hide what you are doing / fla t / Some companies flout the rules and employ children as young as seven deliberately/openly flout something 公然违反 The union had openly flouted the law. foment* foment revolution/trouble/discord etc / fə formal to cause trouble and make people start fighting each other or opposing the ment / government 煽动 synonym stir up They were accused of fomenting rebellion. forestall* /f ː st Formal to prevent something from happening or prevent someone from doing something by ːl / doing something first 先发制人 a measure intended to forestall further attacks fractious someone who is fractious becomes angry very easily 易怒的 / synonym irritable fræk əs / Children become fractious when they are tired. frugal careful to buy only what is necessary 节俭的 / opposite extravagant fruːg l / As children we were taught to be frugal and hard-working. He led a remarkably frugal existence. frugality / fruː fusillade / fjuːz gæl ti / noun [uncountable] a quick series of shots fired from a gun, or a quick series of other objects that are thrown le d / fusillade of 连珠炮,齐发 a fusillade of bullets futile actions that are futile are useless because they have no chance of being successful / synonym pointless 徒劳的 fjuː tl / a futile attempt/effort a futile attempt to save the paintings from the flames past tense and past participle gainsaid / -'sed / gainsay / ge n se / formal to say that something is not true, or to disagree with someone 否认,反驳 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! synonym contradict No one dared to gainsay him. garrulous always talking a lot 饶舌的 / synonym talkative gærələs / goad to make someone do something by annoying or encouraging them until they do it / gə d / 激将的,鼓励的 see also provoke goad somebody into (doing) something Kathy goaded him into telling her what he had done. goad somebody on They goaded him on with insults. 鞭策 2. gouge to push animals ahead of you with a sharp stick (以棍棒)驱赶的 to make a deep hole or cut in the surface of something 刻洞,刻 / ga d / He took a knife and gouged a hole in the bottom of the boat. grandiloquent* Formal using words that are too long and formal in order to sound important 辞藻浮华的 / græn synonym pompous d ləkwənt / gregarious 1. / gr synonym sociable geəriəs / 2. friendly and preferring to be with other people 好社交的 opposite solitary technical gregarious animals tend to live in a group (动物)群居的 guile Formal the use of clever but dishonest methods to deceive someone 诡计 / ga l / synonym cunning With a little guile she might get what she wanted. guileless behaving in an honest way, without trying to hide anything or deceive people 光明磊落的 / synonym open ga l-ləs / gullible / g l too ready to believe what other people tell you, so that you are easily tricked b l/ Plastic replicas of the Greek pottery are sold to gullible tourists. 轻信的 harangue to speak in a loud angry way, often for a long time, in order to criticize someone or to / hə ræŋ / persuade them that you are right 声讨,高谈阔论 harangue somebody about something He stood on the street corner, haranguing passers-by about the stupidity of the forthcoming war. heterodox / het rəd Formal heterodox beliefs, practices etc are not approved of by a particular group, especially ks / a religious one 非正统的 heterogeneous consisting of parts or members that are very different from each other 各异的 / het rə opposite homogeneous d iːniəs/ heterogeneous collection of buildings homogeneous consisting of people or things that are all of the same type / 同样的,均匀的 hə mə d iːn iəs / hyperbole a way of describing something by saying it is much bigger, smaller, worse etc than it 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / ha p ːbəli / actually is 夸张的,加油添醋的 synonym exaggeration It was not hyperbole to call it the worst storm in twenty years. hypocritical behaving in a way that is different from what you claim to believe 虚伪的,伪善的 / opposite sincere h pə kr t k it's hypocritical (of somebody) to do something l/ It’s hypocritical of these universities to call their football players student-athletes. iconoclast* Formal someone who attacks established ideas and customs /a 反抗陈规旧俗者 k nəklæst / idolatry /a d lətri / immutable / when you admire someone or something too much This decision should not be seen as immutable. to damage something or make it not as good as it should be 损害、消弱 m peə / The illness had impaired his ability to think and concentrate. m pæs not showing any emotion 冷漠的 v/ impede / 2. mjuːtəb l / impassive* / the practice of worshipping idols 偶像崇拜 Formal never changing or impossible to change 一成不变 impair / 1. Her impassive face showed no reaction at all. to make it difficult for someone or something to move forward or make progress 阻碍 m piːd / Storms at sea impeded our progress. impermeable Technical not allowing liquids or gases to pass through / opposite permeable 不透水的 m p ːmiəb l/ No paint is impermeable to water vapor. imperturbable remaining calm and unworried in spite of problems or difficulties / 镇静 mpə t ːbə b l/ impervious* Technical not allowing anything to enter or pass through / impervious volcanic rock 防渗的 m p ːviəs / impervious to materials that are impervious to water impetuous* tending to do things very quickly, without thinking carefully first, or showing this quality / synonym impulsive m pet uəs / 冲动的,草率的 She might live to regret this impetuous decision. implacable / m plækəb l / very determined to continue opposing someone or something implacable enemies 不共戴天的 implicit suggested or understood without being stated directly 含蓄的 / opposite explicit m pl s t / implicit criticism/threat/assumption Her words contained an implicit threat. implode Technical to explode inwards 内爆 / opposite explode m plə d / The windows on both sides of the room had imploded. 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! importune Formal to ask someone for something continuously in an annoying or unreasonable way / 无赖的,纠缠不清的 see also beg mpə tjuːn / impugn / Formal to express doubts about someone's honesty, courage, ability etc m pjuːn / I did not mean to impugn her professional abilities. inadvertently without realizing what you are doing 无意识地,疏忽地 / synonym accidentally nəd v ːtəntli / 质疑,质询 Viruses can be spread inadvertently by email users. inamorata Literary the woman that a man loves - sometimes used humorously / a female lover næmə rɑːtə / inchoate* / Formal inchoate ideas, plans, attitudes etc are only just starting to develop n kə t/ 初步的,早期的 incongruity [uncountable and countable] the fact that something is strange, unusual, or unsuitable in a / particular situation 不协调的 nkən gruː t The incongruity of her situation struck Gina with unpleasant force. i/ inconsequential / n k not important 无关紧要 synonym insignificant ns kwen inconsequential but amusing chatter l/ incorporate / n k to include something as part of a group, system, plan etc 并入 t ːpəre / incorporate something into/in something We've incorporated many environmentally-friendly features into the design of the building. Our original proposals were not incorporated in the new legislation. inculpate to charge with fault 使负罪,控诉 incursion Formal / n k n ː / 1. a hostile entrance into a territory 入侵 a combined British and French incursion into China in 1857 2. an entering in or into (as an activity or undertaking) 登堂入室 his only incursion into the arts incursion into indeterminate impossible to know about definitely or exactly 不确定的,含混的 / a girl of indeterminate age nd t ːm n t/ indigence poverty 贫穷 indigent Formal very poor / nd d nt / indoctrinate / n d ktr t/ indolent* to train someone to accept a particular set of beliefs, especially political or religious ones, ne and not consider any others 灌输,洗脑 People were indoctrinated not to question their leaders. Formal lazy 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / ndələnt / 懒惰 induce formal to persuade someone to do something, especially something that does not seem wise / 劝诱(不明智之举) n djuːs / induce somebody to do something Nothing would induce me to vote for him again. ineffable / Formal too great to be described in words n efəb l/ ineffable joy 难以言表的快乐 ingenuous* an ingenuous person is simple, trusting, and honest, especially because they have not had / much experience of life n d enjuəs / inert / 1. n ːt / 直率的,稚气未脱的 technical not producing a chemical reaction when combined with other substances inert gases 惰性气体 2. literary not moving, or not having the strength or power to move He lay, inert, in his bed. 有气无力的 3. not willing to do anything The government was perceived to be inert and inefficient. 无作为的 infusion / n fjuː 1. n/ [uncountable and countable] the act of putting a new feeling or quality into something 注入(新鲜事物) infusion of Further education badly needs the infusion of more resources. inherent something is a natural part of it and cannot be separated from it / inherent in 固有的 n h ərənt / I'm afraid the problems you mention are inherent in the system. Every business has its own inherent risks. inimical / n m k Formal making it difficult for something to exist or happen 来者不善的 l/ innocuous / a cold, inimical climate not offensive, dangerous, or harmful 人畜无害的 n kjuəs / an innocuous remark he's a perfectly innocuous young man. insensate not able to feel things / 无知觉的,难以去感知的 n sense t / insensible / n sens b not knowing about something that could happen to you (对可能的事物)迟钝的 l/ synonym unaware insensible of She remained insensible of the dangers that lay ahead. 2. unable to feel something or be affected by it 无动于衷的 insensible to/of insensible to the cold 3. literary not conscious 失去知觉的 He fell to the ground, insensible. insidious Formal an insidious change or problem spreads gradually without being noticed, and causes / serious harm 不被注意蔓延而有害的 n s diəs / an insidious trend towards censorship of the press 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! insinuate / 1. n s njue t / to say something which seems to mean something unpleasant without saying it openly, especially suggesting that someone is being dishonest 含沙射影地说 synonym imply 暗示,意指 insinuate that 暗示 Are you insinuating that the money was stolen? What are you trying to insinuate? insipid* / food or drink that is insipid does not have much taste 味如嚼蜡的 n s p d/ synonym bland an insipid pasta dish insolent / rude and not showing any respect nsələnt / an insolent tone of voice 张狂的 insularity interested in your own group, country, way of life etc and no others - used to show / disapproval nsj lə / 偏狭的 see also parochial an insular community interloper someone who enters a place or group where they should not be / 闯入者,干涉他人事务者,无执照营业者 ntələ pə / intractable / an intractable problem is very difficult to deal with or solve n træktəb l/ the seemingly intractable problem of human greed 难治的 intransigent unwilling to change your ideas or behaviour, in a way that seems unreasonable / 顽固的,固执的 n træns d synonym stubborn nt/ an intransigent attitude inundate be inundated (with/by something) / to receive so much of something that you cannot easily deal with it all 泛滥的 nənde t / After the broadcast, we were inundated with requests for more information. inured to make someone become used to something unpleasant, so that they are no longer upset by / it 使习以为常(不好的事物) nj ə / Nurses soon become inured to the sight of suffering. invective* / n vekt rude and insulting words that someone says when they are very angry v/ irascible* / He let out a stream of invective. 谩骂 Written easily becoming angry 暴躁的 ræs b l / an irascible old man irresolute Formal unable to decide what to do / 举棋不定的 rezəluːt / itinerary /a t a plan or list of the places you will visit on a journey 行程 n rəri / laconic / lə k His itinerary would take him from Bordeaux to Budapest. using only a few words to say something 语言简洁的 n k/ 'She left,' said Pascoe laconically. lassitude tiredness and lack of energy or interest / 疲惫而对事物缺乏兴趣的 læs latent tjuːd / something that is latent is present but hidden, and may develop or become more noticeable 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / le t in the future 潜藏的,隐现的 see also dormant nt / latent in The virus remains latent in the body for many years. laud formal to praise someone or something / l ːd / 赞美 lethargic feeling as if you have no energy and no interest in doing anything /l θɑːd k/ synonym lazy The hot weather was making us all lethargic. 昏昏沉沉的 levee a special wall built to stop a river flooding / 大堤 levi / levity formal lack of respect or seriousness when you are dealing with something serious 轻率 / opposite gravity 严肃 lev ti / litigate / l t law to take a claim or complaint against someone to a court of law ge t/ 诉讼,对簿公堂 log 1. /l g/ a thick piece of wood from a tree a roaring log fire 2. an official record of events, especially on a journey in a ship or plane The captain always keeps a log . loquacious / lə Formal a loquacious person likes to talk a lot kwe əs / lucid / expressed in a way that is clear and easy to understand luːs d / You must write in a clear and lucid style. 明晰的 luminous / synonym talkative shining in the dark 发光的 luːm nəs / luminous paint Her large dark eyes were almost luminous. magnanimity / mægnə n generosity m 宽大为怀 ti/ magnanimous kind and generous, especially to someone that you have defeated /mæg 度量大的,不盛气凌人的 næn məs / magnate a rich and powerful person in industry or business 富豪,大亨 / synonym tycoon mæg ne t / steel/oil/shipping etc magnate a powerful media magnate maladroit / mælə dr Formal not clever or sensitive in the way you deal with people t/ 拙于社交的 malevolent Formal malevolent person wants to harm other people / mə levələnt / synonym evil 恶毒的 opposite benevolent 仁慈的,乐善好施的 malevolent look/stare/smile etc He gave her a dark, malevolent look. malfeasance law wrongdoing or misconduct especially by a public official 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / mæl fiːz ns / 不法行为,渎职 malign to say unpleasant things about someone that are untrue 诽谤 / mə synonym slander laɪn / She had seen herself repeatedly maligned in the newspapers. a much maligned politician malinger / mə l to avoid work by pretending to be ill 装病以逃避工作 ŋgə / He accused Frank of malingering. maxim / a well-known phrase or saying, especially one that gives a rule for sensible behavior mæks m/ 箴言,至理名言 malleable / 1. mæliəb l/ technical something that is malleable is easy to press or pull into a new shape 可塑的 malleable steel 2. formal someone malleable can be easily influenced or changed by other people 易被 影响的 a malleable child maverick / an unusual person who has different ideas and ways of behaving from other people, and is mæv r k/ often very successful 特立独行(褒义) He's always been a bit of a maverick. Formal given to or characterized by deception or falsehood or divergence from absolute mendacious / men de əs / truth 虚假的 * mendacious tales of his adventures metamorphosis formal a process in which something changes completely into something very different / synonym transformation 彻底转变 metə m ːfəs s / It took me some time to undergo the metamorphosis from teacher to lecturer. meticulous /m t kj very careful about small details, and always making sure that everything is done correctly ləs / He kept meticulous accounts. 一丝不苟的 Their planning and preparation were meticulous. minatory Formal threatening to hurt someone or something / 威胁的 m nət ri / misanthrope* one who hates or distrust mankind 厌恶人类者 miscegenation formal when people of different races have a sexual relationship or have children together / 混血 m s d ne n / mitigate* / m t Formal to make a situation or the effects of something less unpleasant, harmful, or serious ge t / synonym alleviate 缓和 Measures need to be taken to mitigate the environmental effects of burning more coal. mollify* / m l to make someone feel less angry and upset about something 安抚 fa / synonym placate A policewoman attempted to mollify her. morose / mə rə s / mundane bad-tempered, unhappy, and silent 郁郁寡欢的 Daniel seems very morose and gloomy. ordinary and not interesting or exciting 平凡的,世俗的 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / m n de n / synonym boring Initially, the work was pretty mundane. nascent / Formal coming into existence or starting to develop næs nt / their nascent manufacturing industries 新生的 neophyte* / niːəfa t/ negate 1. someone who has just started to learn a particular skill, art, job etc 2. a new member of a religious group 新人 1. to prevent something from having any effect 使无效 初学者 Efforts to expand the tourist industry could be negated by reports that the sea is highly / nɪˈgeɪt / polluted. 否定 2. to state that something does not exist or is untrue synonym deny obdurate / Formal very determined not to change your beliefs, actions, or feelings, in a way that seems bdj r t/ unreasonable 执拗,倔 synonym stubborn They argued, but he remained obdurate. obfuscate / formal to deliberately make something unclear or difficult to understand bfəske t/ (故意地)使模糊 oblique 1. / ə bliːk / synonym indirect not expressed in a direct way 间接的 an oblique reference to his drinking problem 2. not looking, pointing etc directly at something 斜的,拐弯抹角的 an oblique glance 3. oblique line/stroke etc a sloping line etc obsequious* very eager to please or agree with people who are powerful - used in order to show / əb disapproval 低三下四的 siːkwiəs / synonym servile an obsequious smile obsolescent Formal / 过时的了 bsə les nt / going out of use obstreperous Formal noisy and refusing to do what someone asks / əb see also awkward strep rəs / obtuse / əb tjuːs / 吵闹而不服从的 Formal slow to understand things, in a way that is annoying 愚钝(而令人生烦)的 'But why?' said Charles, being deliberately obtuse. Obtuse angle - an angle between 90 and 180 degrees see also acute angle obviate formal to prevent or avoid a problem or the need to do something 避免,不需要 / synonym eliminate bvie t / The new treatment obviates the need for surgery. occlude stop; close; to prevent the passage of 使闭塞,封闭,(牙齿)咬合 officious volunteering one's services where they are neither asked nor needed 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! /ə f = əs / meddlesome 爱 管 闲 事 的 excessively pushy in offering one’s services omnivorous 1. / see also carnivorous, herbivorous m n vərəs / 2. onerous* / an animal that is omnivorous eats both meat and plants 杂食动物 formal interested in everything, especially in all books 兴趣广泛的(尤指对书) work or a responsibility that is onerous is difficult and worrying or makes you tired 繁重的 nərəs / an onerous task opprobrium* formal strong criticism or disapproval, especially expressed publicly /ə prə (尤指公开的)批评 briəm / oscillate / 1. s le t / formal to keep changing between two extreme amounts or limits 摆动 The stock market is oscillating wildly at the moment. oscillate between His income oscillated between £1500 and £2000 a month. ostentatious 1. / something that is ostentatious looks very expensive and is designed to make people think that its owner must be very rich stən te əs / (常带炫耀性质的)奢华的 She carried her car keys on an ostentatious gold key ring. an ostentatious display of wealth panegyric formal a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something a lot / 溢美之词 pæn d r k/ 1. panoply / pænəpli / an impressive show of special clothes, decorations etc, especially at an important ceremony 壮丽的陈列,盛装,防护物 panoply of a glorious panoply of colors paragon* someone who is perfect or is extremely brave, good etc - often used humorously 模范 / paragon of pærəgən / a paragon of virtue partisan / pɑːt 1. zæn / strongly supporting a particular political party, plan or leader, usually without considering the other choices carefully 盲目崇拜某党派的 British newspapers are highly partisan. pathogen / technical something that causes disease in your body 病原体 pæθəd n/ pathological / pæθə l d pathogenic / pæθə d en k◂ / adjective a mental or physical condition that is pathological is caused by disease pathological conditions such as cancer 病理的 k l/ paucity* / p ːs ti / [singular] smallness of number = fewness 少量 smallness of quantity= dearth 缺乏 paucity of a paucity of information pedantic paying too much attention to rules or to small unimportant details 学究式的 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! /p pedantic about 咬文嚼字 dænt k / Some people can be very pedantic about punctuation. penchant a/somebody's penchant for something / if you have a penchant for something, you like that thing very much and try to do it or have pent ənt / it often 嗜好 a penchant for fast cars penury formal the state of being very poor 拮据,贫困 / synonym poverty penj ri / He died in penury in 1644. percipient quick to notice and understand things 敏锐的,洞察力强的 / pə s piənt / synonym perceptive 知觉的 perennial 1. / pə reniəl / continuing or existing for a long time, or happening again and again 长期的,不休的 Lack of resources has been a perennial problem since the beginning. Teddy bears are a perennial favorite with children. 2. a plant that is perennial lives for more than two years 多年生 see also annual perfidious* someone who is perfidious is not loyal and cannot be trusted 背信弃义的 / pə f synonym treacherous diəs / perfunctory* / pə f ŋkt Formal a perfunctory action is done quickly, and is only done because people expect it 敷 ri / 衍的 She gave him a perfunctory smile. The applause was perfunctory. peripatetic Formal travelling from place to place, especially in order to do your job 四处游历的 / a peripatetic music teacher per pə tet k ◂ / permeable / Technical material that is permeable allows water, gas etc to pass through it p ːmiəb l/ opposite impermeable the permeable cell membrane permutation / 1.1. often major or fundamental change based primarily on rearrangement of existent p ːmj te n/ elements 交换 a sandwich shop that sells every possible permutation of meat and bread 1.2. the act or process of changing the lineal order of an ordered set of objects 2. an ordered arrangement of a set of objects perquisite / p ːkw 排列 额外补贴,临时津贴 z t/ perspicacious Formal good at judging and understanding people and situations 有洞察力的 / synonym perceptive p ːsp ke əs/ pertinacious Formal continuing to believe something or to do something in a very determined way / 坚持的,执拗的 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! p ːt synonym tenacious ne əs / pervasive / pə ve existing everywhere 遍布的 s v/ the pervasive influence of television petulant / behaving in an unreasonably impatient and angry way, like a child pet lənt / 暴躁的,任性的 philanderer old-fashioned a man who has sex with many women, without intending to have any serious /f relationships 花花公子 lænd rə / philanthropy [uncountable] the practice of giving money and help to people who are poor or in trouble /f 慈善事业 lænθrəpi / philology /f l the study of words and of the way words and languages develop ləd i/ 语言学 phlegmatic / fleg mæt calm and not easily excited or worried 无悲无喜的 k/ The taxi driver, a phlegmatic man in middle age, showed no surprise at this request. piety when you behave in a way that shows respect for your religion 虔诚 / see also pious pa əti / an act of Christian piety placate Formal to make someone stop feeling angry 抚慰,平息 / plə ke synonym appease t/ These changes did little to placate the unions. plasticity / plæ st technical the quality of being easily made into any shape, and of staying in that shape until s ti / someone changes it platitude / plæt 可塑性 a statement that has been made many times before and is not interesting or clever - used to tjuːd / show disapproval 老生常谈 His excuse was the platitude 'boys will be boys.' plethora* a plethora of something 过多的 / formal a very large number of something, usually more than you need pleθərə / a plethora of suggestions plummet also plummet down [intransitive] / 1. pl m t / to suddenly and quickly decrease in value or amount 暴跌(数量或价值) synonym plunge plummet from something to something Profits plummeted from £49 million to £11 million. 2. to fall suddenly and quickly from a very high place 突然从高处跌下 The plane plummeted towards the earth. porous / 1. p ːrəs / porous material pragmatic / præg mæt allowing liquid, air etc to pass slowly through many very small holes 多孔的 dealing with problems in a sensible, practical way instead of strictly following a set of ideas k/ 实用主义的,务实的 see also dogmatic 教条的,武断的 Williams took a more pragmatic approach to management problems. 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! preamble / pri æmb formal a statement at the beginning of a book, document, or talk, explaining what it is about l/ 前言 preamble to the preamble to the American Constitution precarious / pr 1. keəriəs / a precarious situation or state is one which may very easily or quickly become worse 居危 的,危险的 Her health remained precarious, despite the treatment. the company's precarious financial position precept formal a rule on which a way of thinking or behaving is based / basic moral precepts 信条,训诫 priːsept / precipitate / pr formal to make something serious happen suddenly or more quickly than was expected s p te t 骤成,促成 (其他含义:沉淀;降雨量;坠落;凝结;冰雹) synonym hasten / The riot was precipitated when four black men were arrested. preclude / pr formal to prevent something or make something impossible 阻止,排除 kluːd / rules that preclude experimentation in teaching methods preclude somebody from doing something Age alone will not preclude him from standing as a candidate. precocious / pr a precocious child shows intelligence or skill at a very young age, or behaves in an adult kə əs / way - sometimes used to show disapproval in British English 早慧的,少年老成的 a precocious child who walked and talked early precursor formal something that happened or existed before something else and influenced its / pr development 先驱,前任,前兆 k ːsə / predilection / priːd formal if you have a predilection for something, especially something unusual, you like it lek very much 偏爱 predilection for n/ Mrs. Lane's predilection for gossip prescient Formal able to imagine or know what will happen in the future / 先见之明的 presiənt / presentiment [countable] formal a strange feeling that something is going to happen, especially / pr something bad (不祥的)预感 zent mənt / synonym premonition presentiment of a presentiment of disaster presumptuous /pr z mpt Formal doing something that you have no right to do and that seems rude uəs is it presumptuous (of somebody) to do something 冒昧,放肆 / Would it be presumptuous of me to ask why you are so miserable? prevaricate* / pr vær ke Formal to try to hide the truth by not answering questions directly t 'I'm not sure,' he prevaricated. 支吾 / pristine 1. extremely fresh or clean 无暇,质朴 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / pr stiːn / a pristine white shirt 2. something that is pristine is in the same condition as when it was first made 一如当 初的 The car has been restored to pristine condition. 3. not spoiled or damaged in any way 无损的,无污染的 pristine African rainforest probity* / formal complete honesty 正值 prə b ti / I have always found Bentner to be a model of probity in our dealings. problematic involving problems and difficult to deal with 问题多出的 / The reforms could turn out be highly problematic. pr blə mæt k / prodigal* / 1. pr d g l/ prodigal son/daughter someone who leaves their family and home without the approval of their family, but who is sorry later and returns 浪子 2. spending money, wasting time etc in a careless way 败家子 synonym extravagant a prodigal lifestyle profound / prə fa 1. having a strong influence or effect 深远的 profound effect/influence/impact/consequence etc nd / Tolstoy's experiences of war had a profound effect on his work. The mother's behaviour has a profound impact on the developing child. profound changes in society prohibitive 1. / prə h b t v/ prohibitive costs are so high that they prevent people from buying or doing something 令人望而却步的 The cost of land in Tokyo is prohibitive. 2. a prohibitive rule prevents people from doing things 威严的 prohibitive regulations proliferate* / prə l if something proliferates, it increases quickly and spreads to many different places fəre t / promulgate / pr m lge Computer courses continue to proliferate. 1. t/ 迅速增长蔓延 to spread an idea or belief to as many people as possible 广为传播(思想、信念) 2. to make a new law come into effect by announcing it officially 颁布 propensity formal a natural tendency to behave in a particular way 倾向,习性 / prə pens ti / propensity to do something the male propensity to fight propensity for He seems to have a propensity for breaking things. propitiate* / prə p formal to make someone who has been unfriendly or angry with you feel more friendly by ie t/ doing something to please him 取悦,和解 synonym appease propound formal to suggest an idea, explanation etc for other people to consider 提出 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / prə pa nd / The theory of natural selection was first propounded by Charles Darwin. propriety* he accepted rules of correct social behavior 适当;得体 / prə pra əti / strict in observing the proprieties proscribe* / prə proprieties:礼节,礼仪 formal to officially say that something is not allowed to exist or be done 取缔 skra synonym forbid, prohibit b/ The Act proscribes discrimination on the grounds of race. proselytize formal to try to persuade someone to join a religious group, political party etc - used / especially when you disapprove of this 传教(贬义) pr s ləta z / protracted used to describe something that continues for a long time, especially if it takes longer than / prə trækt d/ usual, necessary, or expected 延长的 synonym lengthy protracted negotiations/discussions/debate etc the expense of a protracted legal battle provident / Formal careful and sensible in the way you plan things, especially by saving money for the pr v d nt / future 有计划的,为未来理财的 prudence / a sensible and careful attitude that makes you avoid unnecessary risks pruːd ns / * financial prudence 谨慎 puerile Formal silly and stupid 孩子气的,幼稚的 / synonym childish,immature pj əra l / a puerile joke pugnacious /p g ne very eager to argue or fight with people 好争论的,好斗的 əs / The professor had been pugnacious and irritable. punctilious Formal very careful to behave correctly and follow rules 谨小慎微的 / p ŋk punctilious about t liəs / Joe was always punctilious about repaying loans. pungent / stinging; sharp in taste or smell; caustic 尖锐的,泼辣的 p nd ənt / pusillanimous Formal frightened of taking even small risks 懦弱的,胆怯的 / synonym cowardly pjuːs læn mə s/ 1. qualified / kw l fa d/ having suitable knowledge, experience, or skills, especially for a particular job 有资历的 well/suitably/highly qualified Dawn is well qualified for her new role. querulous Formal someone who is querulous complains about things in an annoying way 满腹牢骚 / 的 kwer ləs / 'But why can't I go?' he said in a querulous voice . quibble / kw b to argue about small unimportant details 吹毛求疵 l/ quibble about/over Let's not quibble over minor details. quiescence n. the condition of being at rest, still, inactive 静 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! quiescent* not developing or doing anything, especially when this is only a temporary state / kwi 静态,静止 es nt / rarefied / reər 1. fa d/ rarefied air is the air in high places, which has less oxygen than usual 稀薄 the rarefied atmosphere of academia 2. a rarefied place, organization, or type of activity is only available to or understood by a small group of people - used to show disapproval 稀少的,不为外人道的(贬义) recalcitrant refusing to do what you are told to do, even after you have been punished 老油条的 /r synonym unruly 顽固的 kæls trənt / a recalcitrant pupil recant formal to say publicly that you no longer have a political or religious belief that you had /r before (公开地)宣布,放弃,认错 kænt / recluse someone who chooses to live alone, and does not like seeing or talking to other people /r 隐匿者,低调者 kluːs / She became a recluse after she failed the last compete! recondite / formal recondite facts or subjects are not known about or understood by many people rekənda t/ 高深莫测的 synonym obscure recumbent /r k Formal lying down on your back or side 侧/背卧的,休息的 mbənt / refractory* /r 1. frækt ri / formal deliberately not obeying someone in authority and being difficult to deal with or control 刺头的 synonym unruly 2. refute /r 1. medical a refractory disease or illness is hard to treat or cure 难治的 to prove that a statement or idea is not correct 驳斥,证伪 synonym rebut 反驳 fjuːt / refute a hypothesis/a claim/an idea etc an attempt to refute Darwin's theories rejoinder /r formal a reply, especially a rude one (粗鲁的)应答 d ndə / relegate / rel ge He tried to think of a snappy rejoinder. Banish to an inferior position; delegate; assign t/ 使降级,流放,移交,委任 remonstrate Formal to tell someone that you strongly disapprove of something they have said or done / 表示异议,强烈抗议 remənstre t / reprehensible / repr Formal reprehensible behavior is very bad and deserves criticism hens b I find their behavior morally reprehensible. 应受谴责的 l/ reprisals something violent or harmful which you do to punish someone for something bad they have /r done to you pra z l / 报复 see also revenge, retaliation They didn't tell the police for fear of reprisal. reproach 1. criticism, blame, or disapproval 责备 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! /r prə t / 'You don't need me,' she said quietly, without reproach. reprobate* formal someone who behaves in an immoral way - often used humorously / 堕落者,恶棍;邪恶的;非难 reprəbe t / repudiate* /r 1. pjuːdie t / to refuse to accept or continue with something 拒绝接受,拒绝继续执行 synonym reject 否认 He repudiated all offers of friendship. rescind /r to officially end a law, or change a decision or agreement s nd / 废除(法律),改变(主意、协议) resolution / ▶DECISION◀ [countable]a formal decision or statement agreed on by a group of people, rezə luː n especially after a vote pass/adopt/approve a resolution 决议 / The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority. a resolution calling for a ban on dumping nuclear waste New Year resolution resolve /r 1. z lv / to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a problem or difficulty synonym solve, settle 解决 resolve a dispute/conflict/problem etc The crisis was resolved by negotiations. Barnet was desperate for money to resolve his financial problems. reticent* unwilling to talk about what you feel or what you know / synonym reserved 沉默寡言,保持沉默 ret s nt / reticent about She's strangely reticent about her son. reverent Formal showing a lot of respect and admiration / 敬畏,敬重 rev rənt / revile /r 1. [transitive verb ] to subject to verbal abus= vituperate 唾骂 va l/ 2. [intransitive verb] to use abusive language = rail 责骂 synonym hate The President was now reviled by the same party he had helped to lead. sage / se d / 1. [uncountable] a herb with grey-green leaves 鼠尾草 2. literary someone, especially an old man, who is very wise 圣人 3. proceeding from or characterized by wisdom, prudence, and good judgment 明智的 salient the salient points or features of something are the most important or most noticeable parts / of it 突出的 se liənt / the salient points of the report salubrious a salubrious area or place is pleasant and clean, especially compared to other places - often / sə luːbriəs / used humorously 宜人的 the less salubrious area near the docks sanction / sæŋk sanctions [plural] official orders or laws stopping trade, communication etc with another n/ country, as a way of forcing its leaders to make political changes 制裁 sanctions against 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! US sanctions against Cuba a resolution to impose sanctions (=start using sanctions) on North Korea the threat of trade sanctions The UN security council may impose economic sanctions. Any talk about lifting sanctions (=ending them) is premature. satiate / Literary to satisfy a desire or need for something such as food or sex, especially so that you se ie t / feel you have had too much saturate / sæt Soak thoroughly 使浸透,使饱和 əre t / savor / 使满足,使厌腻 1. se və / to fully enjoy the taste or smell of something 品尝 She sipped her wine, savoring every drop. 2. to fully enjoy a time or experience 体味 She savored her few hours of freedom. He hesitated, savoring the moment. secrete /s 1. if a part of an animal or plant secretes a liquid substance, it produces it kriːt / sedition /s 分泌;隐匿 The toad's skin secretes a deadly poison. speech, writing, or actions intended to encourage people to disobey a government d n/ 煽动叛乱之举 Trade Union leaders were charged with sedition. shard a sharp piece of broken glass, metal etc 碎片 / shard of ɑːd / a shard of pottery skeptic / skept a person who disagrees with particular claims and statements, especially those that are k/ generally thought to be true 怀疑论者 Skeptics argued that the rise in prices was temporary. sociopath someone whose behavior towards other people is considered unacceptable, strange, and / possibly dangerous 反社会者;不爱社交者 sə siə pæθ / solicitous / sə l s very concerned about someone's safety, health, or comfort təs / 热切的,殷勤的 soporific* / making you feel ready to sleep 催眠的 s pə r f specious* / k/ His voice had an almost soporific effect. seeming to be true or correct, but actually false 似是而非 spiː əs / a specious argument spectrum a complete range of opinions, people, situations etc, going from one extreme to its opposite / 系列;幅度;范围;光谱 spektrəm / sporadic / spə ræd happening fairly often, but not regularly 不定期的,间歇的 k/ synonym intermittent There has been sporadic violence downtown. stigma* a mark of shame or discredit / 耻辱 st stint gmə / to restrict or limit, as in amount or number; be sparing with 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / st nt / 限制,节省 stipulate if an agreement, law, or rule stipulates something, it must be done / synonym state 规定 st pj le t / Laws stipulate the maximum interest rate that banks can charge. stolid* / st impassive; unemotional; lacking sensitivity l d/ striated / stra Technical having narrow lines or bands of color e t d/ 有条纹的 strut / str 感觉迟钝的 past tense and past participle: strutted; present participle: strutting 1. t/ to walk proudly with your head high and your chest pushed forwards, showing that you think you are important 高视阔步 strut around/about/across etc I strutted around Chicago as if I were really somebody. subjugate / s bd Formal to defeat a person or group and make them obey you ge t The native population was subjugated and exploited. 征服 / subpoena law a written order to come to a court of law and be a witness / sə piːnə / 传票 subside if a feeling, pain, sound, etc subsides, it gradually becomes less and then stops / səb sa synonym die down d/ Simon waited until the laughter subsided. 平息 The pains in his head had subsided, but he still felt dizzy and sick. substantiate formal to prove the truth of something that someone has said, claimed etc / səb stæn ie t / subterfuge / s btəfjuːd Katzen offered little evidence to substantiate his claims. 证实 formal a secret trick or slightly dishonest way of doing something, or the use of this / by subterfuge 托辞,伎俩 Sereni was lured to Moscow by subterfuge. supercilious / suːpə s behaving as if you think that other people are less important than you - used to show liəs / disapproval synonym self-important 高傲的(贬义的) supercilious wine waiters supersede if a new idea, product, or method supersedes another one, it becomes used instead because / it is more modern or effective suːpə siːd / 更新换代 synonym replace Their map has since been superseded by photographic atlases. supplicate To make humble and earnest entreaty 哀告,求得 supposition something that you think is true, even though you are not certain and cannot prove it / 遐想,臆测 s pə z n His version of events is pure supposition. / tacit tacit agreement, approval, support etc is given without anything actually being said 默许的 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / tæs t/ a tacit agreement between the three big companies taciturn / tæs Formal speaking very little, so that you seem unfriendly t ːn / 沉默寡言的 tangential / tæn formal tangential information, remarks etc are only related to a particular subject in an d en l/ indirect way 擦边的,相切的 tangential to The matter you raise is rather tangential to this discussion. tenable / a belief, argument etc that is tenable is reasonable and can be defended successfully tenəb l/ 站得住脚的 an idea which is no longer tenable tenacious /t 1. ne əs / determined to do something and unwilling to stop trying even when the situation becomes difficult 顽强的,坚决的 a tenacious negotiator tendentious Formal a tendentious speech, remark, book etc expresses a strong opinion that is intended / ten den əs / to influence people 有目的的,有倾向的 tenuous / 1. tenjuəs / For now, the band's travel plans are tenuous. 脆弱的 tirade / ta a situation or relationship that is tenuous is uncertain, weak, or likely to change a long angry speech criticizing someone or something 长篇的攻击性演说 re tirade against d/ He launched into a tirade against the church. torpor* / formal a state of being not active because you are lazy or sleepy 不活泼 t ːpə / She tried to rouse him from the torpor into which he had sunk. tortuous / 1. t ːt uəs / a tortuous path, stream, road etc has a lot of bends in it and is therefore difficult to travel along 曲折的,转弯抹角的 a tortuous path over the mountains to Kandahar tractable* Formal easy to control or deal with 好对付的 / opposite intractable træktəb l / The issues have proved to be less tractable than expected. transcendent / træn Formal going far beyond ordinary limits 超然的 sendənt / transgress to do something that is against the rules of social behavior or against a moral principle / trænz gres / Orton's plays transgress accepted social norms. 逾越,违背 truculent / the transcendent genius of Mozart bad-tempered and always willing to argue with people 蛮横的 tr kj lənt / a truculent attitude unconscionable Formal much more than is reasonable or acceptable 过度的,不和情理的 / The war caused an unconscionable amount of suffering. n k n nəb l/ vacillate to continue to change your opinions, decisions, ideas etc 犹豫的 / synonym waver væs le t / vacillate between Her parents vacillated between different approaches to discipline. 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! venerate to honour or respect someone or something because they are old, holy, or connected with / the past venəre t / 尊崇 a symbol of Arab courage, to be venerated for generations veracious* truthful,marked by truth 诚实的,精确的 veracity the fact of being true or correct 真实性,诚实 / və ræs ti / synonym truth veracity of Has anyone checked the veracity of these allegations? verbose /v ː using or containing too many words 啰嗦 bə s / For once, his usually verbose wife was content to listen. Legal writing is often unclear and verbose. verisimilitude Formal the quality of being true or real / questions about the verisimilitude of the document 逼真 ver m l s tjuːd / verity / an important principle or fact that is always true 真理,真实性 ver synonym truth ti / the eternal verities of life viable / a viable idea, plan, or method can work successfully 可行的 va əb l/ viable alternative/proposition/option etc The committee came forward with one viable solution. vicarious experienced by watching or reading about someone else doing something, rather than by /v doing it yourself 代替性的,同感的 keəriəs / vicarious pleasure/satisfaction/excitement etc the vicarious pleasure that parents get from their children's success vilify / formal to say or write bad things about someone or something 中伤 v l fa / vilify somebody/something for (doing) something Johnson was vilified in the press for refusing to resign. viscous / technical a viscous liquid is thick and sticky and does not flow easily v skəs / As the liquid cools, it becomes viscous. 粘性的 vituperative /v Formal full of angry and cruel criticism tjuːp rət 怒骂的,尖锐批评的 v/ vociferous / və s f Formal expressing your opinions loudly and strongly rəs / volatile / a vociferous opponent of the plan (表达观点)响亮的 a volatile situation is likely to change suddenly and without warning 易变的,易挥发的 v ləta l / of your own volition 意愿,自主 volition / və l an increasingly volatile political situation n/ formal if you do something of your own volition, you do it because you want to, not because you are forced to Helena left the company of her own volition. voracious 1. eating or wanting large quantities of food;having a great appetite 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币! / və re əs / Pigs are voracious feeders. 贪吃的 Kids can have voracious appetites. 2. having an extremely strong desire to do or have a lot of something a voracious reader 求知欲强的 Her appetite for information was voracious . warranted a legal document that is signed by a judge, allowing the police to take a particular action / 法令;保证的 w rənt / warrant for The magistrate issued a warrant for his arrest. wary someone who is wary is careful because they think something might be dangerous or / harmful 机警的 weəri / be wary of (doing) something I'm a bit wary of driving in this fog. wary of We must teach children to be wary of strangers. welter a welter of something / a large and confusing amount or number of something 杂乱无章的,沉迷的 weltə / There is a welter of information on the subject. whimsical / w mz k l / unusual or strange and often amusing 怪诞的,异想天开的 He has a wonderful whimsical sense of humor. zealot someone who has extremely strong beliefs, especially religious or political beliefs, and is / too eager to make other people share them 狂热信徒,热心者 zelət / religious zealots 留学掌中宝,最好用的手机留学 APP 留学掌中宝——手机留学助手:海外名校免费申请;5 秒智能选校评估、留学专家、海外院校招 生官实时在线语音答疑;海外院校专业、排名、入学条件快速查询;最新真题、机经免费推送; 立即安装注册,可获 100 留学币!
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