The Official Entry Form (overleaf) must be received by Friday 08 May 4pm via: Filled in Online - Vendor Registration Online Form Dropped off in person (M-F, 9am-5pm) or MAILED (please allow time for mailing by registration deadline): Nanaimo Heritage Days Office: Suite 405, 256 Wallace Street, Nanaimo BC V9R 5B3 Downtown Nanaimo BIA Office: A-10 VICTORIA CRESCENT, Nanaimo BC V9R 5B8 Email: Via Fax: 250-754-8108 Nanaimo Heritage Days Street Festival – Critical Path Deadline for Registration: Fri 08 May 2015, 4:00pm Commercial Street Festival (Terminal Ave to Bastion St): Sat 16 May, 11.00am-9.30pm Set up – 8am – 10am Sat 16 May Clean up – after 9:30pm Sat May 16 Fireworks @ Harbourfront & Maffeo Sutton Park: Sat 16 May, 9 – 10:30pm Entries are encouraged to stay in keeping with the 2015 event themes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Community Spirit Pride of Place Coal Connection Railroad Connection Harbour Connection Contact us at Nanaimo Heritage Days – we would love to hear from you! Let the story unfold of how our great people roamed and discovered Nanaimo from ancient traditions to our Railroad, Coal and Harbour connections. Hear the echoes of the old railway and mine whistles, the bustle of music and artists, and the sounds of coal miner’s hobnailed boots and youthful laughter reverberating through time. Angie Barnard, Event Coordinator, 250-713-9409 Kristen Lloyd, Sponsorship Coordinator, 250-713-4661 Pre-Event Requirements: ALL ENTRIES must be approved by the Nanaimo Heritage Days Steering Committee and entered on an official entry form. The Committee will not approve any units depicting any political or social issues of a controversial nature, and the Committee’s decision regarding all entrants is final. Location spaces are limited, so final location is at the discretion of the Committee. INSURANCE: All entries must have insurance for bodily injury & property damage liability with combined single limits of $1 million, & provide evidence of it as requested; OR receive an insurance exemption from the Committee in advance. COPYRIGHT: Copyright fees are responsibility of all entertainers/performers. Participating in the Nanaimo Heritage Days Street Festival is fun and easy! Tell your story, share your edibles, wares, and talent related to Nanaimo’s past, present or future; and, use your imagination to showcase your people, organization or business! OFFICIAL VENDOR/EXHIBITOR/ENTERTAINMENT ENTRY FORM Please print clearly and fill out the entire form. Add details as needed. Name of entry & publicity name: ______________________________________________Contact Person____________________________________________________________ Check one: Exhibitor (does not sell) Food/Beverage Vendor Merchant Vendor Entertainment Other _____________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________ Town_____________________________ Prov. _______ Postal Code ____________________ Email:_____________________________________________________ Primary Phone (________) ___________-_____________ Time & Place of Entry: Sat 16 May @ Commercial Street - Time _________________________________________ Alt Phone (_______) _________-____________ Sat 16 May @ Maffeo Sutton Park , 9pm – 10.30pm Note the Street Festival on Commercial Street is 11am – 9.30pm; however if you are unable to stay for the duration please note time available above and we will consider your entry. Description of Entry: (products sold, theme, style, # participants, etc.) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Requested Items. Power (availability is limited & allocated at the discretion of the Steering Committee) Water Other Request _____________________________ Please note that you are all entries are to provide, set-up, and take-down your own tents, tables, chairs, etc., and where possible remove all waste from your site on clean up. Vendor Fees: Please check the relevant box, and by checking you understand that fees are due at time of registration via Paypal (VISA, MC, Direct deposit) onlineLoad in/out details and booth number will be emailed as soon as possible after the registration deadline of 08 May 2015. $25– Vendor/Exhibitor/Entertainment entry only Please send me more information about additional marketing opportunities with our media partners to drive sales pre and post event (*additional fees apply) Please send me more information about FREE* participation in the 50% off VOUCHER program* to drive sales pre & during the event (*details will be sent separately) A “Nanaimo Heritage Days Shop” has been set up to accept all fee payments – visit Supported by: I/We the undersigned person, organization, business, or officer, of the above noted entrant in the Nanaimo Heritage Festival, accept full responsibility for the actions of the person(s) or group(s) involved with our entry in the event and acknowledge having read all pre-event requirements. I/We release from any and all liability, and waive all claims against the City of Nanaimo, the Nanaimo Heritage Days Steering Committee, and their staff, members, associates, volunteers, or any official or third party acting on their behalf, resulting from any loss, damage, injury, or other expense resulting from our participation in the event due to any cause whatsoever, including negligence; and hold harmless and indemnify them from any and all liability for property or personal damage or injury to any third party caused by my/our participation in the event. This release shall be effective and binding on the heirs, nextof-kin, executors, administrators, and assigns in the event of the death of me/us or the participants representing me/us. Signature of above applicant______________________________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________________________________
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