6135 McGIRR ROAD, NANAIMO, B.C. V9V 1M1 Newsletter Telephone: (250) 756-4595 / Fax: (250) 751-3405 Website: www.doverbay.ca Follow Dover on twitter@dover_bay Principal: Ms. Jill Bailey Vice-Principal: Ms. Theresa Kraeker and Mr. Darcy Hoff FEBRUARY 19, 2015 ERASE Bullying A confidential and anonymous, online reporting tool for students. Online parent resources at: www.erasebullying.ca DOVER BAY SECONDARY The School Newsletter will be available to students and parents on-line ONLY. A telephone message will notify you that it has been posted on the Dover Bay website www.doverbay.ca If you do not have access to a computer, there will be some copies available in the office for you or your child to pick up. PRINCIPAL’S COMMENTS: Dear Parents and Guardians, February has been a busy month. In the first week we completed final assessments for first semester, including Provincial exams in some grades 10, 11, and 12 courses. Then all staff and students switched to second semester courses. This week we held grade assemblies, welcomed our grade 7 parents and teacher in two separate meetings, and hosted the first of three District “Your Voice” review / input meetings. (See the following page for further information.) We also welcomed to Dover Bay some new or returning teachers: Ms Lafleur, Mr. Cathcart. Ms Sterner, Mr. Holmes, Ms Gvojich, Ms Macalister, and Mr. Slater. Dover Bay staff members are committed to ongoing professional learning and teamwork. PLC (Professional Learning Community) groups continue to work collaboratively, developing and implementing plans, and gathering data to improve student learning and social development. One project, called “Gotcha Good!” involves recognizing when students perform acts of kindness for others, or do something to improve our school environment. This initiative is being launched this week by a group of staff. This newsletter contains useful information for senior students as they prepare their scholarship and post-secondary applications. Grade 12 students are reminded that Graduation Transitions Standards, a Ministry requirement for graduation, should be completed by March 31st in time for the third report card. We remind Grade 12 students interested in applying for scholarships, bursaries, and entrance to post-secondary institutions, that it is important to meet application deadlines. Counselors have completed course selections for next year with students in grades 8 – 11, and this month they will be visiting grade 7 classes in our feeder schools As always, I invite parents and guardians to contact me with your questions or concerns. Jill Bailey IMPORTANT DATES Feb 19 Feb 23 Feb 24 Mar 20 Mar 23-27 Mar 11-12 Mar 30 Apr 3 Apr 6 Apr 21 Apr 22 Apr 29 Apr 30 May 4 May 18 Jun 18 Jun 19-24 Jun 23 Jun 26 Jul 6-10 Semester 1 Report Cards Issued District Non-Instructional Day School Based Non-Instructional Day Last day of classes before Spring Break Schools Closed for Spring Break Interim Reports Schools Re-Open Good Friday Holiday Easter Monday Holiday Semester 2 Term 1 ends Beginning of Semester 2 Term 2 Semester 2 Term 1 Reports issued Parent Teacher conferences School Based Non-Instructional Day Victoria Day Holiday Last Day of regular classes Assessments / Provincial Examinations Graduation Ceremonies Dry Grad Celebration Final Report Cards Issued YOUR VOICE 2015 Hello Parents, Your Voice 2015 recently launched in the Nanaimo Ladysmith Public School District. This an engagement process where the Board of Education wants the community to review and provide input for the Enhanced Facilities for Learning Plan and the 2015-16 budget. There are a number of ways to get involved: Complete the online survey Fill out the online booklet and email it to yourvoice@sd68.bc.ca Print the booklet and drop it off at the school office Attend one or all of the public round table discussions Public Meetings will be held from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. on the following dates: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 – Dover Bay Secondary Thursday, February 26, 2015 – John Barsby Secondary Thursday, March 5, 2015 – Ladysmith Secondary The purpose of the round table meetings will be to hear directly from those in the community. The session will be led by a facilitator and you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts at one of the many table settings at each venue. During the meeting, there will be multiple opportunities to share with your table and also with the entire group. Trustees will be there to listen and gather your feedback. Your voice will help guide the Board in planning for the next steps in the budget development process and the future of the Enhanced Facilities for Learning Plan. For your convenience, there will be childcare available at John Barsby Community Secondary and Ladysmith Secondary. You can also make a presentation to the Board by booking your 10 minute presentation with Kelsey Toye: Kelsey.toye@sd68.bc.ca Presentations to the Board will take place Thursday, March 19, 2015 at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre (Shaw Auditorium) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Book today as spots are limited. Finally, if you want to share your thoughts but can’t get to a public meeting, you can send your letter by: Email: yourvoice@sd68.bc.ca Mail: Your Voice 2015 Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools 395 Wakesiah Ave Nanaimo, BC V9R 3K6 For more information, visit the Your Voice 2015 webpage. GRADUATION INFORMATION Grade 12 Update On February 18th, Grade 12 students attended a semester two assembly. During the assembly Grade 12s were reminded about Graduation Transition Standards (GTS), which is a graduation requirement. Students must make an appointment with their advisor and complete the process by March 31st. During this last semester at Dover Bay, all grade 12 students must ensure that they are in a position to graduate. For example, some still have grade 10 and 11 courses that have not been completed. Courses that are often overlooked include: Social Studies 10, Planning 10, Math 10 and 11, P.E. 10. Counsellors will be checking on the graduation status of all students, and working with students on a plan. Parents will be informed if their son or daughter has serious deficiencies that could impact their ability to graduate on time. Ms. Domino again discussed applications for scholarships, awards and bursaries. There are many opportunities for students to be successful, but they must submit applications by the deadlines. For example, applications for the Nanaimo Ladysmith Schools Foundation (NLSF) awards must be submitted to Ms. Domino by February 27th. Dogwood District Scholarship applications are also due on the same date. Dover Bay Graduation ceremonies take place on Tuesday, June 23rd, and the District Dry Grad is on Friday June 26th. MISCELLANEOUS PINK SHIRT DAY Secondary School Apprenticeship (SSA) "Earn while you learn" and get a head start on work-based training for a trade. You could earn 16 high-school credits, earn 480 (or more) work-based training hours towards your apprenticeship, and be eligible for a $1000 SSA Scholarship. For more information please contact Roxanne Boyko at 250-713-4581 or rboyko@sd68.bc.ca. Wednesday, February 25th is Pink Shirt Day Canada wide. Pink shirts are on sale at in the atrium Friday and Wednesday for $3. We hope to see PINK everywhere on Wednesday, to celebrate putting an end to bullying. Work Experience 12A (WEX) Explore a career path, gain employability skills, and earn credit. This 4 credit course provides an opportunity to link classroom knowledge and work place skills. Both employment and volunteer work placements can be used for credit. For more information please contact Roxanne Boyko at 250-713-4581 or rboyko@sd68.bc.ca. DRAMA – PERFORMING ARTS Musical Theatre Academy Do you love to sing, dance, and act? Would you love to get a Language Arts Credit while rehearsing a musical? Have you always loved Avenue Q and want a chance to perform the School Edition? If you answered yes to these three question, then Learn at Home’s Musical Theatre Academy is right for you! Open to all current grade 9 – 11 students, this program will include rehearsing a musical while completing individual English assignments. By the end of the program, students will have completed sufficient work to earn credits in Theatre Performance/Production AND English/Communications. Auditions – Friday, May 8th at NDSS First Read Through – Friday, June 12th at NDSS Rehearsals at NDSS: July 6 – July 30th (Monday – Thursday) Shows: Friday 31st – Saturday 1st (with Saturday matinee) Contact Ms. Barnum kbarnum@sd68.bc.ca for more details. SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE Education Minister, Peter Fassbender, recently sent a letter to Nanaimo Ladysmith School District to congratulate our Aboriginal students on reaching the highest six year graduation completion rate ever achieved in this district. At 64%, Nanaimo now has a higher Aboriginal graduation than the provincial average.
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