Fort de son expérience de Foire // Salon concept c
organisateurs, toujours en quête du
pour les galeries
Une foire dédiée au Solo Show du 10 au 13 septembre 2
la Biennale d’Art Contemporain
Lyon se prolonge
The FifthdeEdition
septembre au 4 octobre 2015
Installée depuis 2013
par l’architecte Odile Decq et accueillie par son partenai
offre aux galeristes et aux visiteurs un écrin exceptionnel.
September 10th - October 4th, 2015
More than three weeks to discover about thirty
international galleries exhibiting emerging artists
Solos Shows during the Art Contemporary
Biennale of Lyon.
Founded in 2007, Docks Art Fair is held every two years
during the Contemporary Art Biennale of Lyon opening. Over
the editions, Docks Art Fair has become establish as a friendly
fair, human-sized fair, known for its rigorous selection.
Dedicated since the beginning to solo show for a true
hihlighting of artists presented while greeting the duo gallery /
artist, she has positioned herself as a major event of the art
market season.
Un salon à taille humaine, où les organisateurs, conformes des conditions
Established since 2013 on The Quai Rambaud, in the heartartistes
of thedans
area and
the new
stroll une scéno
dedicated to art (with Le Plateau (Rhône-Alpes) – La Sucrière - The Dark Point Odile Decq - The Museum of
Confluences.) Docks Art Fair takes part in the cultural dynamics of the third city in France.
An Art Fair increased by an exhibition
Patricia Houg
Docks Art Fair this year launch a new format by extending its duration over
three weeks.
Indeed, in the classic "fair" format from 10 to 13 September in the
presence, as it should, of gallery owners and artists, will succeed an
"exhibition" format. A specially trained team of professionals will take over
until the 4th of October to guide visitors through the Solos Shows.
Professional days invitation only :
DocksArtFair™59 Quai Rambaud
September 8 and
9, 2015
: +33 (0)night
789 171only:
- @ : info@docksartfair.co
September 9, 2015
Open to all public:
September 10 - 13, 2015
Exhibition until october 4, 2015
Pavillon 8 - 59 quai Rambaud
69002 Lyon - France
A way to give a longer visibility the presented artworks, to affirm the
involvement of the Docks Art Fair teams, to focus on its didactic approach
claimed since his first editions, to encourage the arrival of the uninitiated
Price CIC "Entrepreneurship for contemporary art"
Partner Docks Art Fair since 2011, the CIC Lyonnaise de Banque, wants
this year to reinforce its involvement with the fair by creating a special
price "Entrepreneurship for contemporary art". Participants composed of a
duo Gallery / Artist showing a solo show project for Docks Art Fair 2017. A
jury composed of personalities from the contemporary art world and a
member of the CIC will distinguish one of these duo by providing a
financial support.
CIC supports althought Docks Art Fair in its willingness to engage to
DocksArtFair™ will be held in the new GL
Events headquarters, a building
designed by the architect Odile Decq.
Ideally located between the Art
Contemporary Biennal of Lyon and The
Museum of Confluences.
General coordinator: Bérengère Ribes
Press Relations: Isabelle Louis
0033 (0) 142 781 804 /
0033 (0) 682 362 134