2015 Radical Australia Cup Sporting and Technical Regulations Version 1 Date Published: 05/02/2015 Version 2 Date Published: 23/03/2015 2015 Radical Australia Cup Sporting Regulations S1 S1.1 S1.2 S2 S2.1 S3 S4 S4.1 S4.2 Classes Replacement Automobiles DRIVER ELIGIBILITY S5.1 S5.2 S5.3 Driver Classification/Status Driver Entries Substitute Drivers SERIES ROUNDS / REGISTRATION SERIES CALENDAR ROUND FORMAT Variations to Timetable GRID DETERMINATION Grid Determination Driver Qualification Grid Format START PROCEDURE AWARDS and POINTSCORE Prizes and Trophies Series Pointscore - Radical Australia Cup Series Pointscore - Radical Masters EVENT OPERATIONS S5 S6 S7 S8 S8.1 S9 S9.1 S9.2 S9.3 S10 S11 S11.1 S11.2 S11.3 S12 S12.1 S12.2 S12.3 S12.4 S12.5 S12.6 S12.7 S12.8 Registration and Entry Driver/Team Manager Briefings Impound/Parc Ferme Qualifying Races Pit Lane Removal of Automobiles from the Circuit Practice Starts TYRES FUEL IN-CAR CAMERAS RAIN LIGHT DATA LOGGING AUTOMOBILE MARKINGS S18.1 S18.2 Automobile Markings Competition Numbers COMPULSORY PIT STOPS (CPS) Maximum Driving Time (Pro Drivers) SEALING OF AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS COMPETITOR/DRIVER CONDUCT APPENDIX 1 - NOMINATION FORM APPENDIX 2 - TYRE FORM APPENDIX 3 - RESERVED SIGNAGE S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S19.1 S20 S21 TITLE and JURISDICTION Title Authority / Jurisdiction ADMINISTRATION Personnel COMPETITOR ELIGIBILITY AUTOMOBILE ELIGIBILITY 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 16 17 17 18 19 20 Page 2 of 26 2015 Radical Australia Cup Technical Regulations T1 PREAMBLE 21 T2 ELIGIBILITY 21 T2.1 Eligible Models 21 T2.2 Parts Supply 21 T2.3 Racing Weight 22 CHASSIS 22 T3 T4 ENGINE 22 T4.1 Eligible Engines 22 T4.2 Engine Rebuilds 22 T4.3 Engine Output Power Testing 232 T4.4 Electronic Engine Control Unit (ECU) 23 TRANSMISSION AND FINAL DRIVE 23 T5.1 Transmission 23 T5.2 Final Drive 23 SUSPENSION 23 T6.1 General 23 T6.2 Shock Absorbers 23 T6.3 Ground Clearance 243 T7 BRAKES 24 T8 COCKPIT 24 T9 WHEELS 24 T10 BODYWORK 24 T11 ENGINE AND DIFFERENTIAL FLUIDS 24 T12 COOLING SYSTEM 25 T13 EXHAUST SYSTEM 25 T14 FUEL SYSTEM 25 T15 TIMING TRANSMITTER 25 T16 DATA LOGGING 25 APPENDIX 1 – TECHNICAL REQUEST FORM 26 T5 T6 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 3 of 26 2015 Radical Australia Cup Sporting Regulations S1 TITLE AND JURISDICTION S1.1 Title This Series shall only be known as and referred to as the “2015 Radical Australia Cup.” S1.2 Authority / Jurisdiction (a) Each event in the 2015 CAMS Radical Australia Cup (Series) shall be conducted under the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA); the National Competition Rules (NCR) and Race Meeting Standing Regulations (RMSR) of the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd (CAMS); the Sporting and Technical Regulations issued by CAMS; Supplementary and Further Regulations issued by the Organiser at each round; Bulletins issued by the Stewards of the Meeting, and any Driver Briefing Notes issued by the Clerk of the Course at a meeting. (b) The Series has been sanctioned by CAMS. (c) Radical Australia Pty Ltd has been appointed as the Category Manager (CM) by CAMS for this Series. Contact Details: Radical Australia Pty Ltd. (ABN 90 128 935 160) Mike Barry Level 3, 47 – 49 Murray St Pyrmont NSW 2009 Ph: 0438 438 435 Website: www.radicalsportscars.com.au Email: category@radicalaustralia.com.au S2 ADMINISTRATION S2.1 Personnel The following personnel have been appointed to the Series by CAMS and/or the CM and have the authority to administer the various aspects of these regulations as detailed in the RMSR. (a) Technical Advisor (TA) Eden Simonini & Chris Papadopoulos (b) Driving Standards Advisor (DSA) George Miedecke/Karl Reindler (c) Category Administrator (CA) Mike Barry 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 4 of 26 S3 COMPETITOR ELIGIBILITY To be eligible to compete in the Series, each Competitor must hold a current CAMS Competitor’s Licence and be a party to a current agreement with the CM S4 AUTOMOBILE ELIGIBILITY Each automobile must comply with the provisions of the 2015 Radical Australia Cup Technical Regulations and be approved by the CM to be eligible to compete in the Series. S4.1 Classes (a) The two (2) classes eligible for the Series shall be as follows: (i) SR3 Class (ii) SR8 Class (b) Other Radical models such as the RXC (V6 model) and SR1 may be approved to compete in the Series by the CM but shall not be eligible for points in the 2015 Radical Australian Cup. (c) Refer to Article T2 of the 2015 Radical Australia Cup Technical Regulations for eligible models. S4.2 Replacement Automobiles Following the commencement of the first qualifying session of each round of the Series, any automobile that has been entered to compete at that round may not be replaced with another automobile. S5 DRIVER ELIGIBILITY To be eligible to compete in the Series, each Driver must hold a current CAMS Provisional Circuit Licence (PC) or higher, unless noted otherwise in the supplementary regulations for a particular round of the Series. To be eligible to score points in the Series, each Driver and Competitor must have paid all fees required by the CM. Each Driver must be registered with the CM no later than five (5) days prior to the commencement of a round of the Series and shall be subject of driver classification by the CM. If a registration is accepted by the CM later than five (5) days prior to the commencement of a round of the Series, the Driver shall be classified as Professional for that round. S5.1 Driver Classification/Status (a) Each driver shall be assessed by the CM prior to entering the Series, or not later than five (5) days prior to the commencement of an event and shall be classified into one of the following classifications based on the following guidelines: (i) Amateur (Am) – A driver who takes part in the RAC as a hobby or pastime, or pays to take part. 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 5 of 26 (ii) Professional (Pro) – A driver earning income as a race instructor, or is/has competed at a professional level, or who is being paid to race in this or any other championship, or who is receiving his/her RAC drive free of charge in return for instruction. In addition, a driver who has previously won a CAMS National Championship or Series, or a previous Radical Australia Cup may be classified as a Pro. A driver’s classification may be changed at any time and shall be advised by the CM at their discretion. S5.2 Driver Entries (a) Each automobile may have a combination of Amateur and Professional drivers as follows: (i) One Amateur driver only (ii) Two Amateur drivers (iii) One Professional driver plus one Amateur driver (b) For each Driver in a dual driver entry to be eligible to be awarded points in accordance with Article S11.2 (h) of these Regulations, the driver combination must be nominated as a team with the CM at least five (5) days prior to the commencement of the relevant Round. S5.3 Substitute Drivers Prior to the commencement of the first qualifying session at each round of the Series, a Competitor may nominate a substitute driver (who has already been classified) who shall be permitted to compete in the remainder of the meeting subject to the approval of the Stewards of the Meeting. S6 SERIES ROUNDS / REGISTRATION The Series shall be conducted over six (6) Rounds as detailed in the Series Calendar below. Each race conducted as a part of the Series shall count in determining the final results. Each Competitor participating in all or part of the Series must be registered with the CM and pay the relevant registration fee. S7 SERIES CALENDAR The Series shall be conducted over the following rounds: Round Date Location Type (see section S8) 1 278-289 March Sandown Park Nationals 2 2 May Sydney Motorsport Park NSW Supersports 3 20 June Wakefield Park NSW Supersports 4 19-20 September Philip Island Nationals 5 24 October 14-15 November Sydney Motorsport Park NSW Supersports Sydney Motorsport Park Nationals 6 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 6 of 26 S8 ROUND FORMAT The number, length and format of track sessions shall ultimately be negotiated between the CM and the event organiser prior to a round of the Series and shall be advised in the relevant Supplementary / Further Supplementary Regulations issued for a meeting. Generally the format for each round of the Series shall be as follows: Round Round Type Practice Qualifying Non-Enduro Races Enduro Races 1 Nationals Unofficial 2 x 15 min 2 x 20 min 1 x 40 min 2 NSW Supersports Unofficial 1 x 15 min 3 x TBC* 3 NSW Supersports Unofficial 1 x 15 min 3 x TBC* 4 Nationals Unofficial 2 x 15 min 2 x 20 min 5 NSW Supersports Unofficial 1 x 15 min 3 x TBC* 6 Nationals Unofficial 2 x 15 min 2 x 20 min 1 x 40 min 1 x 40 min 1 x 40 min 1 x 40 min * TimeDuration of each race to be specified in event regulations S8.1 Variations to Timetable The number and type of races, race durations, and sequence may be varied at any time due to exceptional circumstances, but only with the prior approval of the Stewards of the Meeting. If race durations are changed more than 15 minutes prior to the start of a race, corresponding changes to pit stop duration, and/or pit stop window, may or may not be made at the discretion of the CM. Any changes shall be communicated to each Competitor as soon as practicable. If the race duration is changed by Race Officials within 15 minutes of the race start, or during the race, any necessary changes shall be communicated to each competitor as soon as known. S9 GRID DETERMINATION S9.1 Grid Determination The grid for each race shall be determined based on the results of the relevant qualifying session(s) or race as detailed below with the automobile with the fastest qualifying lap time or highest finishing position on grid position 1, the second fastest qualifying lap time or second highest finishing position on grid position 2 and so on. If two or more drivers record equal lap times in qualifying, the first driver to record the time shall take precedence in regards to starting positions for the grid. (a) For Rounds 1, 4 and 6 (i) Race 1 from Qualifying 1 (Q1) (ii) Race 2 from Qualifying 2 (Q2) (iii) Race 3 from sum of Q1 and Q2. (b) For Rounds 2, 3 and 5, (i) Race 1 from Qualifying (ii) Each subsequent race from finishing order of previous race 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 7 of 26 S9.2 Driver Qualification If a driver fails to qualify and is permitted by the Stewards of the Meeting to compete, he/she shall start their first race or leg from the rear of the grid. If there are multiple such drivers, each driver shall be gridded in the order of approval from the Stewards of the Meeting. S9.3 Grid Format A “Non-Fill-up” grid shall be used at each Round. That is, if one or more automobiles do not make the published grid, then their spots shall be left vacant. As rolling starts are used, drivers must stay alongside the automobile shown beside them on the grid sheet until the race start signal is shown. S10 START PROCEDURE The start procedure for each race shall be as detailed in RMSR 6.4 (steps 2 & 4) – NonChampionship Start – Rolling Start. S11 AWARDS and POINTSCORE S11.1 Prizes and Trophies (a) Prizes, trophies and awards shall be as determined by the CM and shall be advised to each Competitor. (b) The winner of the Series must be present at the annual National CAMS Motorsport Awards Prize Giving Ceremony. Failure to attend the ceremony by the winner shall be deemed an infringement of these regulations unless prior agreement has been given by CAMS and may result in the loss of Series points and/or awards. S11.2 Series Pointscore – Radical Australia Cup (a) Points shall be awarded to each driver based on their finishing position relative to the other drivers within their Class of the Series for each race as follows: Finishing Position in Class Points for four (4) or more automobiles in the relevant Class 20-39 min races 40-50 min races 20-39 min races 40 - 50 min races st 30 45 26 39 nd 26 39 24 36 rd 24 36 22 33 4 th 22 33 5 th 20 30 6 th 18 27 7 th 16 24 8 th 14 21 9 th 1 2 3 12 18 10 th 10 15 11 th 8 12 12 th 6 9 13 th 4 6 2 3 th Points for three (3) or less automobiles in the relevant Class 14 & over 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 8 of 26 Note: Points awarded for each race depend on the number of automobiles that qualified to start Race 1 in each class at that round. (b) Points awarded for each race in Round 6 shall be 50% more than shown in the table above. This does not apply to additional points to be awarded for fastest qualifying and fastest race laps as described in S11 (g) and (h). (c) Points shall only be awarded to drivers classified as finishers in the final results of each race. (d) Any race which is stopped, and not restarted, and during which less than 50% of the race time has been completed by the leader shall be deemed a non-race in respect of Series points and no points shall be awarded. (e) Any race which is stopped, and not restarted, during which 50% – 75% of the race time has been completed by the leader shall be deemed to have been completed in respect of Series points but only 50% Series points shall be awarded. (f) Any race which is stopped during which 75% or more of the race times has been completed by the leader shall be deemed to have finished and full Series points shall be awarded. (g) In addition to the above, one (1) Point shall be awarded to each Driver (but not to his team-mate) that achieves the fastest lap time in each Class in each Qualifying session at each Round. (h) In addition to the above, one (1) Point shall be awarded to each Driver (but not to his team-mate) that achieves the fastest lap time in each Class in each Race of the season. (i) In the case of dual driver entries that have correctly nominated as a team, each driver shall be awarded the same number of points as per the table above for each race, irrespective of who drives in each race. If the drivers have not correctly nominated as a team, the partner shall not receive points for races driven solely by the other driver. (j) The results for each round of the Series shall be determined by the number of points scored by each driver in each Class at that round. (k) In the event of a tie at the end of any round of the Series, the final positions for that round shall be determined by comparing the results of each of the tied drivers in the final race of that round. The higher place in the round results shall be awarded to the driver with the higher finishing position in the final race. (l) The Winner of the 2015 Radical Australia Cup shall be the driver (from either class) gaining the highest points total from their best five (5) rounds. If a driver races in both classes during the Series, the class with the higher number of points scored shall be used to determine the Series position. (m) In the event of a tie at the end of the Series in which each tied driver was paired together in the same dual driver entry for all rounds of the Series, final positions shall be determined as follows: (i) For Pro-Am pairings - the Amateur driver 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 9 of 26 (ii) For Am-Am pairings - by comparing the race results achieved by each tied driver, with the driver with the highest number of first places in Class being awarded the higher Series position. If at this stage a tie still exists, it shall be resolved by comparing the number of second, third or fourth places (and so on) achieved by each tied driver until all positions have been determined. (n) In the event of a tie at the end of the Series in which each tied driver was not paired together in the same dual driver entry for all rounds of the Series, final positions shall be determined by comparing the race results achieved by each tied driver, with the driver with the highest number of first places in Class being awarded the higher Series position. If at this stage a tie still exists, it shall be resolved by comparing the number of second, third or fourth places (and so on) achieved by each tied driver until all positions have been determined. S11.3 Series Pointscore – Radical Masters (a) Each driver born in the year 1964 or earlier shall be eligible for the Radical Masters. (b) Class points shall be awarded to each eligible driver for each race as detailed in S11.2 above, based on reduced average lap times, leading to adjusted finishing positions. The adjustment depends on the driver’s age at the start of the Series, as follows: Age 50-54 – 1% reduction in average lap time Age 55-59 – 2% reduction Age 60-64 – 3% reduction Age 65-69 – 4% reduction Age 70+ - 5% reduction (c) The winner of the Radical Masters shall be the eligible driver gaining the highest points total from their five (5) best rounds. (d) In the event of a tie at the end of the Series in which each tied driver was paired together in the same dual driver entry for all rounds of the Series, final positions shall be determined as follows: (i) For Pro-Am pairings - the Amateur driver (ii) For Am-Am pairings - by comparing the adjusted race results achieved by each tied driver with the driver with the highest number of first places in Class being awarded the higher Series position. If at this stage a tie still exists, it shall be resolved by comparing the number of second, third or fourth places (and so on) achieved by each tied driver until all positions have been determined. (e) In the event of a tie at the end of the Series in which each tied driver was not paired together in the same dual driver entry for all rounds of the Series, final positions shall be determined by comparing the adjusted race results achieved by each tied driver, with the driver with the highest number of first places being awarded the higher Series position. If at this stage a tie still exists, it shall be resolved by comparing the number of second, third or fourth places (and so on) achieved by each tied driver until all positions have been determined. 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 10 of 26 S12 EVENT OPERATIONS S12.1 Registration and Entry The Series will operate under the CAMS Series Registration and Entry Process. Series Registration and Entry Forms will be available from the CM with document checking being conducted by the CM and the Secretary of the Meeting prior to the first official track session at each round of the Series. S12.2 Driver/Team Manager Briefings Each Driver and Team Manager (i.e. an appropriately authorised representative of the Competitor, other than the Driver) must attend the compulsory Driver/Team Manager briefing. The time and location of this briefing shall be detailed in the Supplementary or Further Regulations for the meeting. The attendance sheet must be signed by each Driver and each Team Manager to confirm attendance. Other compulsory briefings may be convened as required and shall be advised to each Competitor accordingly. S12.3 Impound/Parc Ferme (a) If advised by Race Officials and/or the TA, each automobile, including those remaining in pit lane, must proceed directly to the designated impound/Parc Ferme area via the most direct route (or as directed by Race Officials) at the conclusion of qualifying, without returning to pit or paddock areas and without interference from any third party (other than an Official of the Meeting). (b) Each automobile directed by Race Officials must proceed directly to the designated impound/Parc Ferme area via the most direct route (or as directed by Race Officials) at the conclusion of each race, without returning to pit or paddock areas and without interference from any third party (other than an Official of the Meeting). (c) Automobiles may not be removed from impound/Parc Ferme except with the express permission of the Chief Scrutineer (or his nominee). S12.4 Qualifying (a) During qualifying, automobiles may not return to the paddock/garage area without the express permission of the Chief Scrutineer (or his nominee). If an automobile exits pit lane to the paddock/garage during qualifying it shall not be permitted to re-join that session. (b) For dual driver entries, each driver to participate in each qualifying session must be nominated to the CM not less than 30 minutes prior to the commencement of Q1. Nomination must be on the 2015 Radical Australia Cup Nomination form (see Appendix 2). (c) Only one driver may participate in each qualifying session unless otherwise advised by the CM. (d) For dual driver entries, one driver must nominate for Q1 and the other driver must nominate for Q2. S12.5 Races (a) Each race shall be classified as a Non- Enduro Race or Enduro Race as specified in Article S8 of these regulations 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 11 of 26 (b) At the end of each timed race the chequered flag shall be displayed to the leading automobile the first time it crosses the Control Line on the track after the race time has elapsed. (c) The starting time of a race shall commence when the first car crosses the Control Line after the signal to start is given. S12.5.1 Rounds 2, 3 and 5 Only one amateur driver, who shall compete in each race, may be entered per automobile. S12.5.2 Rounds 1, 4 and 6 (a) The driver that participated in Q1 must participate in Race 1 and the driver that participated in Q2 must participate in Race 2. (b) The driver to start Race 3, must be nominated to the CM at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the race S12.6 Pit Lane (a) Each Pit Crew member is required to sign a Pit Lane Indemnity Form prior to the first track session and to display identification as and if required by the meeting organiser. (b) Each Competitor must appoint a car controller who will be responsible for the stopping of, and the safe release of the automobile at all times whilst the automobile is in pit lane. The car controller is not permitted to perform work of any kind on an automobile during a pit stop. (c) The number of pit crew members permitted to work on each automobile during a discretionary pit stop (DPS) is free except for a tyre change operation which is limited to two (2) pit crew members not including the car controller. S12.7 Removal of Automobiles from the Circuit Following the commencement of the first qualifying session, it is not permitted to remove any automobile from the circuit prior to the release of all automobiles from the impound/Parc Ferme established following the final race of that round of the Series without the prior express written approval of the Chief Scrutineer. S12.8 Practice Starts Practice starts are only permitted at the pit lane exit. S13 TYRES (a) Each automobile must only be fitted with Dunlop tyres marked with the Radical trademark as supplied by Radical Australia (or a supplier nominated by the CM) at all times during a meeting. Dry tyres Size Compound Wet tyres Front Rear Front Rear 200/580 R15 C29D 265/605 R16 E40D 200/580 R15 A22W 265/605 R16 A22W 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 12 of 26 (b) A maximum of eight (8) dry tyres (4 front & 4 rear) for each automobile shall be permitted from the commencement of the first qualifying session for each round of the Series. (c) Thirty (30) minutes prior to the commencement of the first qualifying session at each round of the Series, each competitor must present the 2015 Radical Australia Cup Tyre Form (see Appendix 2) containing the serial number of each nominated tyre to be used at that round to the Chief Scrutineer (or his nominee). (d) With the exception of treaded tyres used on a damp or wet track, these tyres are the only tyres permitted to be used on that automobile during any qualifying session or race at that round. (e) Replacement tyres shall only be permitted if the Chief Scrutineer (or his nominee) is satisfied that due to exceptional circumstances, the nominated tyre in question can no longer be used. (f) Should a competitor be permitted to replace a nominated tyre, in addition to the maximum number permitted for the round, the automobile concerned shall incur a loss of 5 Series points per tyre for the next race at that round of the Series, irrespective of whether the tyre is used or not. (g) The use of any tyre heating, heat retention devices or chemical treatments are prohibited. (h) The quantity of wet tyres permitted is free. (i) Each Competitor is responsible for ensuring that each tyre is marked as appropriate at all times. If each tyre is not marked for any reason, or the markings become ineligible, each Competitor must advise the TA or Chief Scrutineer (or his nominee) immediately. (j) With the exception of wear resulting from normal usage, each tyre must remain unmodified. (k) Tyres may only be cleaned by using manual tools. (l) If a Competitor is found to have been running on tyres that have not been nominated as required, the following penalties shall apply: ` (i) During Qualifying – Start from rear of grid for the relevant Race (ii) During a Race – Exclusion from the point score for that relevant race Please note: The Chief Scrutineer (or his nominee) shall be the sole arbiter with regard to the interpretation and application of these tyre regulations and any decisions made by the Chief Scrutineer (or his nominee) in this regard shall not be the subject of any protest or appeal. S14 FUEL For the duration of the meeting, each Competitor must only use 98 octane premium unleaded fuel as supplied by one of the fuel suppliers listed below and nominated by the CM prior to each round. Race Fuels Pty Ltd Radical Australia Pty Ltd A fuel log shall be kept by the nominated fuel supplier at each round. Please note: With the exception of ambient atmospheric air and the specified fuel detailed, no other substance may be added to the intake charge of the engine. 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 13 of 26 S15 IN-CAR CAMERAS (a) In-car cameras are permitted, subject to their installation being approved by the Chief Scrutineer. (b) In-car video footage must be made available to the CM, DSA, TA or race officials (or their nominee) at any time upon request. S16 RAIN LIGHT The fitment of a rain light on each automobile is compulsory. The rain light must be illuminated at all times whilst the automobile is fitted with wet weather tyres and is being driven on the race circuit or as otherwise directed by Race Control. S17 DATA LOGGING Access to any data logged must be provided to the TA and DSA, or their nominee, at any time upon request S18 AUTOMOBILE MARKINGS S18.1 Automobile Markings In addition to the requirements detailed below, each automobile must comply with Schedule K of the CAMS Manual of Motor Sport: Each automobile must display the Series markings as supplied by the CM in accordance with Appendix 3 of these regulations at all times during each round of the Series. S18.2 Competition Numbers The allocation of a competition number for each automobile is solely the responsibility of the CM, which shall maintain a register of all competition numbers allocated to, or reserved for, any automobile. S19 COMPULSORY PIT STOPS (CPS) Each automobile is required to complete one (1) CPS in each Enduro race at Rounds 1, 4 and 6. Each CPS shall be generally conducted in accordance with RMSR Article 11.4. The following shall apply: (a) The CPS window shall open fifteen (15) minutes after the commencement of each Race, and close after thirty (30) minutes of each race has been completed. If the race time is altered for any reason prior to the race start, the pit window may be adjusted, and if so shall be opened at 30% of the race time and closed at 70% of the race time, calculated to the nearest minute. A board shall be shown, and a siren sounded when the CPS window opens and closes. 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 14 of 26 The following shall also apply: (i) After the CPS window is opened each automobile must cross the Control Line on the track proper before entering the pit lane to commence a CPS. (ii) Each automobile must cross the pit lane speed limit line prior to thirty (30) minutes of the race being completed (or the revised pit close time if the race duration has been varied) to be able to conduct the CPS. (iii) For the purpose of measurement, the race time shall commence when the lead car crosses the start line after the start signal (green flag is given and/or red light is extinguished). (b) An automobile shall be deemed to have commenced a CPS when the automobile enters pit lane (crosses the pit lane speed limit line). (c) An automobile shall be deemed to have completed a pit stop when the automobile exits the pit lane (crosses the pit lane speed delimit line). (d) The CPS may not be conducted during a Safety Car period that occurs within the CPS window. However, if an automobile has crossed the pit lane speed limit line prior to the yellow flag and SC board being displayed at the flag point immediately prior to the pit lane entry then the CPS may be completed. At the end of a Safety Car period, each driver may pit only after crossing the Control Line on the track after Safety Car restart. If the Safety Car is in operation when the pit window closes, any driver who has not commenced the CPS must do so within the next two laps after the Safety Car restart to avoid penalty. (e) A Discretionary Pit Stop to change tyres or carry out other work on an automobile may be conducted at any time. (f) The format of each CPS shall be as follows: (i) Each automobile must come to a complete stop in its allocated pit bay prior to the engine being switched off. (ii) The safety harness must remain fastened until the engine is switched off. (iii) A maximum of three (3) pit crew members (including the car controller) are permitted to attend the automobile during the CPS. Should a driver change be performed during a pit stop, the in-coming and out-going Drivers will not be deemed a pit crew member and neither Driver is permitted to perform work of any kind on the automobile during the CPS, however, the Drivers may assist each other to exit and enter the automobile. (iv) All crew, except the Car Controller, and equipment must remain behind the prescribed control line until the automobile has come to a complete stop in its pit bay. (v) Work may be carried out on the automobile, however, the front or rear bodywork must not be removed. 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 15 of 26 (vi) Tyre changing is permitted during the CPS but only after the automobile has been stationary for one (1) minute. A maximum of 3 pit crew members (including the car controller) are permitted. Safety clips shall be installed on each changed wheel before the automobile leaves its pit bay. A penalty of 60 seconds added to race time shall be applied if safety clips are not installed. (vii) For a single driver entry, the Driver may remain seated in the automobile for the duration of the CPS. (viii) Each automobile must remain stationary in its pit bay for a minimum time of one(1) minute.: (ix) The engine must remain switched off for a minimum of 45 seconds. (x) The Car Controller of each automobile shall be responsible for monitoring the time constraints of the CPS. (xi) The safety harness must be fastened before the engine is switched on. (xii) All crew, except the Car Controller, and equipment must return behind the prescribed control line before the automobile can leave its pit bay. (g) Penalties for breach of the CPS rules shall apply as follows: (i) Stationary in pit bay for less than one (1) minute – 5 seconds added to race time for each second, or part thereof, under one minute. (ii) Engine not switched off for a minimum 45 seconds – 10 seconds added to race time. (iii) Removal of front or rear bodywork – 60 seconds added to race time. (iv) Control line not crossed once (after pit window opens) before entering pits for CPS – Pit Lane Drive Through penalty. (v) More than 3 pit crew attending, or pit crew not behind prescribed control line at vehicle arrival/departure – Pit Lane Drive Through penalty. (vi) CPS not conducted– exclusion from results for that race (vii) CPS not commenced during the CPS window – 2 laps subtracted from the race distance achieved, and the finishing position adjusted accordingly. (h) The CPS may not be conducted whilst an automobile is serving a pit lane penalty. Please Note: It is each Driver’s responsibility to be familiar with the location of the Control Line at each track. S19.1 Maximum Driving Time (Pro drivers) The driving time for each Pro Driver is not permitted to exceed 50 percent of the race duration during any race that requires a driver change. Each lap that the Pro driver starts when he/she has exceeded 50 percent of the race duration shall be subtracted from the result. However if a Safety Car period leads to the Pro Driver staying out and exceeding that time, then he/she may stay out without penalty, but must pit on the lap following that on which the Safety Car enters pit lane. i.e. they must pass the Control Line on the track only once at the restart. 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 16 of 26 Please Note: The driving time shall be measured from the time when the start signal is given and subsequently from the first time a Driver crosses the control line after exiting pit lane, until the last time the Driver crosses the control line before entering pit lane or until the car crosses the control line at the end of the race. S20 SEALING OF AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS (a) No seal may be removed without the prior permission of the TA, Chief Scrutineer (or his nominee) (b) Where a sealed component has been deemed to be ineligible by the stewards of the Meeting, the Stewards of the Meeting may, at their discretion, exclude the automobile from the results of all previous rounds of the series in which the sealed component was identified as having been used on that automobile. S21 COMPETITOR/DRIVER CONDUCT (a) It is the Competitors responsibility to ensure that the Driver(s) and all associated team member comply with all rules and regulations and conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times. Failure to do so may result in the Competitor being referred to the Stewards of the Meeting with a recommendation of exclusion from the event. (b) For a Competitor or Driver to raise an issue arising from a session or race they must complete a “Request for Investigation” form as distributed by the CM and submit it to the CA or DSA within 30 minutes of the end of that session or race. (c) Within three (3) days of the completion of each Round the DSA shall produce a report documenting the status of all investigations conducted at that round. 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 17 of 26 APPENDIX 1 – 2015 RADICAL AUSTRALIA CUP NOMINATION FORM Date Event Team Car # Driver Nominated Session Signature 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 18 of 26 APPENDIX 2 – 2015 RADICAL AUSTRALIA CUP TYRE FORM Date Event Driver Team Car # Tyre Art Size SLICK FRONT 200/580 R15 SLICK FRONT 200/580 R15 SLICK FRONT 200/580 R15 SLICK FRONT 200/580 R15 SLICK REAR 265/605 R16 SLICK REAR 265/605 R16 SLICK REAR 265/605 R16 SLICK REAR 265/605 R16 Serial # Replacement Tyres COMMENTS: _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Driver’s signature: ______________________________ Date: _______________ Managers signature: ____________________________ Date: ________________ 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 19 of 26 APPENDIX 3 - RESERVED SIGNAGE 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 20 of 26 2015 Radical Australia Cup Technical Regulations T1 PREAMBLE In addition to these Technical Regulations each automobile must conform to the General Requirements of Automobiles in the CAMS Manual of Motor Sport. The requirements of these Technical Regulations apply to each automobile competing in the 2015 Radical Australia Cup. The Series is for Radical Supersport SR3 and SR8 automobiles as supplied by Radical Australia or privately imported automobiles as approved by the CM. If an automobile is privately imported, the automobile shall be issued with a “Compliance Plate” by Radical Australia prior to any entry form being accepted. Unless expressly permitted in these regulations, modification to the standard mechanical and bodywork specification of the automobile, as defined by Radical Australia is strictly prohibited. If in doubt as to meeting the specification, an enquiry must be made to the RAC Technical Committee (addressed to the RAC Administrator) using the form shown in Appendix 1 of these regulations. If changes are made and found to be unauthorised, then the automobile may not be permitted to run until those changes are rectified. Radical Australia reserves the right to make changes to these technical regulations at any time, subject to the prior approval of CAMS, in the interests of safety, fairness and cost containment. T2 ELIGIBILITY T2.1 Eligible Models The following models of Radical Supersport SR3 and SR8 are eligible for competition in the 2014 Radical Australia Cup SR3 Class SR8 Class 1300cc SR3 2600cc SR8 1340cc SR3 2700cc SR8RX 1340cc SR3 Cup car 2800cc SR8LM 1500cc SR3 3000cc SR8XX 1500cc SR3 RS 1500cc SR3 RSX 1500cc SR3 Cup car 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 21 of 26 T2.2 Parts Supply All parts specified in these regulations must be supplied by Radical Sportscars or Radical Australia, and fitted in their original position and as supplied, unless specifically stated otherwise in these regulations. T2.3 Racing Weight The minimum weight of each automobile (including the driver wearing all normal racing apparel including helmet) shall be as follows: SR3 Class - 675kgs SR8 Class – 765kgs T3 CHASSIS (a) Each automobile must be fitted with the frontal protection (impact absorbing) structure to FIA Article 277 as supplied by Radical Sportscars. (b) The fitting of forward facing roll-bar stays is compulsory. They must be equipped with safety cage padding in accordance with Schedule J of the CAMS Manual of Motor Sport. (c) Chassis repair work must be carried out by a Radical Australia approved chassis repairer. T4 ENGINE T4.1 Eligible Engines (a) Each automobile must only be fitted with one of the following engines: SR3 Class 260bhp RPE Suzuki 1500cc short-stroke K8 260bhp RPE Suzuki 1500cc K8 252bhp RPE Suzuki 1500cc K7 210bhp RPE Suzuki 1340cc K8 205bhp RPE Suzuki 1300cc K7 SR8 Class 320rwhp RPE Suzuki 2600cc RPA V8 engine 360rwhp RPE Suzuki 2700cc RPX V8 engine 380rwhp RPE Suzuki 2800cc RPB V8 engine (b) The engine fitted to each automobile must be prepared and sealed by Radical Performance Engines (RPE). T4.2 Engine Rebuilds All engine repairs and rebuilds must be undertaken by RPE. 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 22 of 26 T4.3 Engine Power Output Testing Testing, by rolling dynamometer, to establish the power output of an automobile may be carried out by an independent operator nominated by the CM. T4.4 Electronic Engine Control Unit (ECU) (a) Reprogramming of the ECU is not permitted. (b) The TA may randomly re-allocate the ECU of any automobile at any time (within Class). (c) Heat shielding of the ECU is permitted but must not restrict removal of the ECU T5 TRANSMISSION AND FINAL DRIVE T5.1 Transmission (a) An aftermarket up-changing gear cut is permitted as long as it is fitted to a manual gearstick change, is fully controlled by the standard ECU, and no modifications are made to the standard wiring loom (b) The reverse drive system must be operational by the driver when seated in the driving position. T5.2 Final Drive The final drive ratio for each class shall be as follows: SR3 Class Round 41, 3 and 6 – 2.917:1 Rounds 1, 2, 3, 5 and 62 and 7 – 3.071:1 SR8 Class Round 41 – “Extra-long ratio gear set” as supplied by Radical Australia Rounds 1, 2, 3, 5 and 62 - 7 – “Long ratio gear set” as supplied by Radical Australia T6 SUSPENSION T6.1 General The fitting of front anti-roll bars and rear anti-roll bars, supplied by Radical Sportscars, is permitted. If fitted, they may be disconnected and left installed in the vehicle. T6.2 Shock absorbers (a) Each automobile must be fitted with either AVO or INTRAX shock absorbers supplied by Radical Sportscars. (b) Spring rates shall be as follows: Type Front Rear SR3 AVO 7” x 550lb SR3 INTRAX 7” x 500lb 100mm/80 or 110Nm 100mm/95Nm SR8 INTRAX 100mm/95Nm 100mm/110Nm 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 23 of 26 T6.3 Ground Clearance (a) The minimum ground clearance of the ready-to-drive automobile (with the driver in the automobile) shall be not less than the specified dimensions. (b) For the duration of the meeting, the ground clearance of the bodywork and/or any suspended part of the automobile shall be a minimum of 40mm. T7 BRAKES (a) The fitting of vented 260mm diameter discs or 280mm floating vented discs to SR3 Class automobiles and 280mm diameter discs or 300mm floating vented discs to SR8 Class automobiles as supplied by Radical Sportscars or Radical Australia is permitted. (b) Brake pad material must only be PFC01 or as used in Hawk pads (Radical part no. BD0069) supplied by Radical Sportscars or Radical Australia or as approved by Radical Australia. (c) Brake fluid is free (d) The fitting of a cockpit adjustable brake bias adjuster supplied by Radical Sportscars or Radical Australia is permitted T8 COCKPIT The steering wheel is free. T9 WHEELS Each automobile shall be fitted with Radical cast wheels or three piece wheels as supplied by Radical Sportscars. T10 BODYWORK (a) The fitting of an aerodynamic device manufactured by Radical Sportscars for the particular model and listed on the Radical SR3 and SR8 International order form (2010 or later) is permitted. (b) Heat shielding of the bodywork adjacent to the exhaust system inside the engine compartment is permitted but must be easily removable for inspection. (c) Each SR8 Class automobile shall be fitted with a 100mm wide, fluoro yellow strip to the outer ends of the bottom side of the bi-plane, and a fluoro yellow strip on both side mirrors. T11 ENGINE AND DIFFERENTIAL FLUIDS For the duration of each meeting, competitors must use only the following fluids supplied by the CM: 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 24 of 26 (a) Engine Oil SR3 Class: Shell advance AX7 4t 15W-50; or Silkolene Pro4 15w-50 SR8 Class: Shell Advance 20W-60; or Silkolene Pro4 15w-50 (b) Gear Oil SR3 Class and SR8 Class: Shell Helix Racing Gear Oil 75W-90; or Neo synthetics 75W – 90; or Royal Purple Max Gear 75W-90; or Liqui-Moly GL5 75W-90 T12 COOLING SYSTEM The covering of radiators is permitted. T13 EXHAUST SYSTEM The wrapping and coating of the exhaust system is permitted. T14 FUEL SYSTEM (a) Each automobile must be fitted with a Radical Fuel testing “T” piece plus a Radical dry break valve in the fuel line either before or after the fuel rail. (b) Heat shielding of the fuel lines, wiring looms and wires is permitted but must be easily removable for inspection. T15 TIMING TRANSMITTER Each automobile shall be fitted with a Dorian Data 1 timing transmitter which shall be located such that the leading edge (short side) of the transmitter is a minimum of 300mm behind the leading edge of the bodywork. T16 DATA LOGGING The fitting of data loggers approved by Radical Sportscars/ Radical Australia plus associated sensors and wiring is permitted. 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 25 of 26 APPENDIX 1 – TECHNICAL REQUEST FORM RAC TECHNICAL MODIFICATION REQUEST FORM REQUEST DETAILS Request Date: Requestor: Radical Car Type: Details About Modifications Attached Documentation RADICAL OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIVED BY: DATE RECEIVED: TMR NUMBER: 2015 Radical Australia Cup – Sporting and Technical Regulations – Version 2 © Copyright Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd 2015 Page 26 of 26
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