THE Spirit of Christ at Los Altos Lutheran Church Worship Service, 10:00 a.m. 460 South El Monte Ave., Los Altos, CA 94022 Coffee Fellowship, 11:00 a.m. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. David K. Bonde, Pastor Vol. 61, No. 5 Office: 650.948.3012; Fax 650.948.3098 E-Mail: May 2015 + THE GREAT FIFTY DAYS The Sundays of Easter The continuing celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. God’s kingdom is dawning. The reign of sin and death is broken. THE FESTIVAL OF PENTECOST Sunday, May 24 The celebration of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the believers and the ongoing ministry of Jesus through their witness to the world. CELEBRATION OF MUSIC Sunday, June 7 UPCOMING YOUTH EVENTS Congregation Meeting June 7 Youth Group Movie Night: Friday, May 15 Mother-Daughter Tea: Sunday, May 17 Kidz Club: Sunday, May 24 Youth Group Crafts: Sunday, May 31 (See page 6 for details) Contents: From the Pastor ................................................................ 2 Summer Programs ............................................................ 6 Upcoming Events .............................................................. 2 Missions ........................................................................... 7 News ................................................................................ 3 Notes & Announcements .................................................. 8 Worship............................................................................ 4 With Our Ministry ............................................................ 9 Study ................................................................................ 5 Prayer & Pastoral Care .................................................... 10 Ephesians 1:16.................................................................. 5 Serving in May ................................................................ 10 Youth & Family Ministry .................................................... 6 May Calendar ................................................................. 11 Page 2 Los Altos Lutheran Church May 2015 FROM THE PASTOR perfect peace,” but it doesn’t. It says the peace of God will keep you in Christ Jesus. A note: I recognize that I am writing this on Wednesday evening for a newsletter to be printed Friday and distributed Sunday. Events will probably overtake this reflection, but I believe it retains its meaning despite this. There is not as much comfort there as I would like. And yet, there is a great promise: the promise that we will be kept in Christ. Whatever happens, we will be kept in Christ. As I sit down to write, Robbin Kawabata’s nephew is missing. There are some emotions I can’t imagine. Others I don’t want to imagine. This is the promise to which I cling. In the midst of all the pain, sorrow, struggles, fears, anxieties, hopes, desires, delights, griefs, guilts, terrors and frustrations of life, we will be kept in Christ. We will Life in Detroit was filled with too much tragedy. I be kept in the one who bears in his feel like I experienced it all there. “In his anguish body the scars of tragedy. We will But life never fails to surprise us. be kept in the one whom God did he prayed more earnestly, The ache of a world that is not leave in the grave. We will be sustained by infinite love but and his sweat became kept in him who is our way, truth alienated from that love. like great drops of blood and life. We will be kept in the one Connor is a high school student in who brings peace to the world. We falling down on the ground.” Cupertino. You may have seen it in will be kept in the one who will the news. You may have helped in (Luke 22:44) bring perfect peace to the world. the search. You may have already – Complete peace. prayed for his family. He this, just after an angel And sometimes, when I am disappeared after first period on had appeared to him mindful of this – that I am kept in Monday morning. and given him strength. Christ – sometimes I can taste I didn’t know Anna was missing something of that peace to come. until I received the early morning Pastor Bonde phone call from the policeman that she had been killed; I was away at a youth retreat. Deb, I learned later, had gotten a call in the night from Sally’s PCOMING VENTS mother to ask if she had heard from the kids. They were supposed to arrive at Sally’s home late that PENTECOST SUNDAY IS MAY 24TH night but hadn’t shown up. I don’t want to think Can you read a foreign language? Can you fake it? about that anxiety. Again this year on Pentecost Sunday, May 24th, we It’s easy to imagine God as above all such anxiety. are looking for people to read a single verse in But then there is the story of Jesus praying in multiple languages. Gethsemane in that dark night when his fate was Dutch, English, Finnish, sealed, yet before the mob arrived to seize him. French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Luke says his sweat was like drops of blood. Italian, Japanese, Latin, Norwegian, When Paul writes, “have no anxiety about anything” Spanish, Swahili, Swedish… he is not suggesting that a family like Robbin’s We need volunteers! If you are interested please should not feel what they are feeling. He is talking contact the church office, or watch for the clipboard about how we live in the midst of anxiety. “In in the entryway soon. Other languages are very everything, by prayer and supplication, let your requests welcome if you can get a copy of the text. be known to God, and the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Christ MARK YOUR CALENDARS: A Celebration of Music! Jesus.” Join us on Sunday, June 7th, for a Celebration of I wish it said “don’t be anxious, God won’t let Music held during our 10:00 a.m. worship service. anything bad happen,” but it doesn’t. It says that Contact the office by May 15th if you have a musical the peace of God will keep you in Christ Jesus. I talent you would like to share with the congregation wish it said “the peace of God will keep you in at this annual tradition. U E May 2015 Los Altos Lutheran Church SUMMER DAY CAMP Registration is open for both the Pre-K/Kinder and Elementary age groups. See page 6 for details. NEWS WELCOME NEW MEMBERS On Sunday, April 19th we welcomed six adults and six children as members of the congregation. During worship they were formally received, and a reception followed in Luther Hall. We are pleased they have joined our life and ministry and hope they will be welcomed warmly by all! The Feller family, Dinah, Malte and their four kids Anna (11), Livia (9), Filip (7) and Ella (3), moved to Los Altos 18 months ago. Originally, Malte and the three older children are from Berlin, Dinah grew up in Duesseldorf, Germany. They moved to Sydney, Australia six years ago where they lived for almost three years and where little Ella was born. After moving to London, UK, for another 1 ½ years the Fellers are now very excited to call Northern California their home. No more moving for the Feller-tribe ;-) They decided to settle here given the optimistic and positive people, the sunshine and the great outdoors lifestyle. All family members enjoy various sports – from tennis to swimming, basketball and cycling, even karate! Malte works for HP, which brought the family to the U.S. The three oldest kids go to Loyola Elementary School and Ella attends a lovely pre-school a few days a week or enjoys just staying a bit longer with ‘mom’. The Meyer-Colón family, has lived in Los Altos since 2004. Paul met Iris while she was completing her Fellowship in Maternal-Fetal Medicine at Stanford. They are both High Risk OB Doctors. Paul practices at Kaiser and Iris at Valley Medical Center. They got married in 2006 at Iglesia Luterana Divino Salvador in Catano, Puerto Rico. Iris is originally from the island and has been Lutheran all her life. Paul has an older son, Nicolas, who is a senior at St. Francis High School. Their children are Paul Cecilio, a first grader at Santa Rita School and Mini, who recently celebrated her 4th birthday and attends preschool at Action Day. Their family enjoys Cub Scouts, Little League Baseball, and traveling to Phoenix, Los Angeles and Puerto Rico, where they have their extended families. They are very happy Page 3 to have joined the Los Altos Lutheran Church and feel very welcomed in this community of faith. Dell Bleiler: Though born in Boston, Massachusetts, Dell has become a longtime resident of Los Altos and loves California! He has lived in California since his graduation from North Easter University as a young adult. Through his career of aerospace engineering, he has worked at Lockheed, FMC Corporation and the Westinghouse. Currently, he is the Master of the Los Altos Masonic Lodge, and is and has been greatly involved in many other organizations. His personal interests revolve around the subjects of space and technical information. He is also knowledgeable about earthquake preparedness after his membership in the San Antonio Hills Homeowners Association, and gives educational messages about home protection. Even with the many facets he is involved in, he has jumped on board at Los Altos Lutheran, attending the Men’s Bible Study and Breakfast on Wednesdays, and serving as an usher during worship. Karin Herndon is already actively involved in the congregation, and we were pleased to formally welcome her. Karin’s willingness to serve over recent months includes being an assisting minister and lector during worship, bringing communion bread, and helping with Sanctuary Arts. GROWING OUR MUSIC PROGRAM OUR NEW MUSIC DIRECTOR We are very pleased to announce that Lynda Alexander will be joining our congregation as Music Director beginning in July. Lynda is an accomplished organist and musician with great experience in church music and many contacts in the area. Her responsibilities will include developing a new choir, directing the bells and providing music for our worship services. We will see Lynda around prior to her start in July. We have arranged for her to help in planning a celebration of music on June 7th and, at Elaine Hansen’s request, to begin directing the bell choir on April 28th. (She has already played for us at our Good Friday Tenebrae service and the memorial service for Devonne Crick.) Lynda has a Bachelor of Music degree in Church Music/Organ Performance, a Master of Arts degree Page 4 Los Altos Lutheran Church May 2015 in Music Literature (with emphasis on organ performance) from Mills College in Oakland and a DMA from Stanford with an emphasis in early music and organ performance. She has served a number of area churches and was between positions when we had the opportunity to interview her. filled in for us and will fill in for us, including: Jim Skoog, Jeff Kabel, and Alice Yau. She is married to Keith Klemba and they live in Palo Alto. Keith is a tenor, bass bell player, page turner for the organist, long time Lutheran, having taught confirmation for over 25 years and works as a Vice President of System Engineering at SAP Labs, Palo Alto. More information about Lynda is posted on the staff page of our church website. Welcome Reception On Sunday, May 3rd Lynda will be our guest organist and we will formally welcome her to our congregation. Some have met her when she played for us at our Good Friday Tenebrae service or the memorial service for Devonne Crick, through her work with bells or when she has been here rehearsing on Friday mornings. Thanks to Elaine Hanson We are especially grateful to Elaine Hanson for her wonderful work renewing and sustaining the Bell Choir over this last year. Their contribution to our Easter worship was wonderful, and she has done a terrific job not only with the quality of the music but the spirit of the group. April 20 – May 24 10:00 AM Worship Service Elaine has been eager to return to being a player rather than a director – and we are glad to make that possible – but not without a little regret. Thanks, Elaine! Celebration of Music On Sunday, June 7th, we will have a special worship service celebrating the power of music to touch, inspire and bear witness to the reign of God. The harmony of voices is a welcome relief to the too often discordant sounds of our broken world and a sign of God’s promise of a world restored to its true identity as God’s garden. Cecelia Lung We are very grateful to Cecelia Lung for her faithful and dedicated service to us in our interim. She will be playing for us through May and we will recognize her service to us on May 31st. We have also appreciated the service of others who have WORSHIP THE SUNDAYS OF EASTER Easter Sunday is only the first day of the 50 day celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. The joy of the season echoes through the hymns and decorations for a week or weeks until the season culminates with the celebration of the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost – Sunday May 24th. You may notice that we have continued a verse of the day on our web site under the theme “Fifty Days of Joy”). HOLY WEEK & EASTER Thank you to all who were able to attend our special services and activities during Holy Week and on Easter Sunday. The assistance given from so many of our members and friends made the week a beautiful experience. We thank all of our Assisting Ministers, Lectors, Readers, Acolytes, Musicians, Ushers, and Sanctuary Arts Committee, as well as the many people who helped “behind the scenes”. Though all cannot be named, we especially thank: Ann Crane for coordinating the events from Palm Sunday, through Holy Week, and on Easter Sunday Axel and Clara Michaud for filling in last minute as acolytes at the Easter Vigil service Lucy Carter for singing the Lamentations of Jeremiah at the Tenebrae service The handbell choir for their beautiful music on Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday, and Elaine Hanson for the bell tolling at the Tenebrae service For Karin Herndon serving as Assisting Minister for the Good Friday service For our vigil readers: Anna Michaud, Scott Stanfield, Karin Herndon, Rob Robinson, Ann Crane, Gloria Germo Elaine Hanson, Dianne Wiklander and Ann Crane for baking dozens of Hot Cross Buns for Palm Sunday May 2015 Los Altos Lutheran Church Dianne Wiklander, Ann Crane, and Team for the decorating, coordinating, and setting up of the Easter breakfast Eileen Robinson for her care tending the many palm bushes throughout the year, and overseeing the sanctuary’s decorations Scott Stanfield, Dean Hanson, and Rick Showecker for running the audio equipment Carl Gutekunst for all of the lovely photos he always provides Kate Burdekin for organizing the creative Children’s Easter Egg Hunt on a ‘blustery’ Easter morning We are also grateful for the lovely lilies that individuals and families donated to decorate our sanctuary during this season of Easter, our Friday Folders who stuffed the bulletins for each service, and those who brought egg dishes and fruit to the Easter Breakfast. For those who helped and were not mentioned, please know your support and efforts in our congregation are always appreciated. Pastor Bonde & Los Altos Lutheran’s Staff STUDY BROWN BAG BIBLE STUDY On Wednesdays we meet for Brown Bag Bible Study in Luther Hall. Bring a bagged lunch and join us at 11:30 a.m., with the Bible Study beginning at 12:00 p.m. Coffee and dessert will be provided. Bring your Bible, or if needed the church can provide one. MEN’S BREAKFAST Wednesday mornings, the Men’s Breakfast continues its tradition of food, fellowship and learning. All men are welcome to come by and enjoy the company. Join us at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesdays. WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY AND LUNCH The Women’s Bible Study and Lunch meets the third Sunday each month at 11:45 a.m. in Luther Hall. All women are invited. This is a social time and chance to enhancing our religious experience. We will next meet on Sunday, May 17th. MEN’S FELLOWSHIP LUNCH All men are welcome to join us for lunch on the first and third Friday of each month. Gather in the office Page 5 at 11:30 a.m. to carpool to a local eatery. We will next meet on Friday, May 1st. Ephesians 1:16 “I have not stopped giving thanks for you…” We are ever mindful of the many volunteers and participants who make life here in the Los Altos Lutheran Church Community such a wonderful and welcoming experience. From those who assist in the foreground, to those who help “behind the scenes”, you all deserve a great thank you! For many years Carl Gutekunst has provided the church with photos of our memorable occasions. From social functions, to festival worship services, to new member receptions, he has kindly documented these events, and made them digitally available to the church. Though a thank you is long overdue…thank you Carl! Your artistic talent of capturing a moment is noticed and appreciated. Over the past two months we have had several memorial services and receptions. A warm statement of gratitude is extended to Elizabeth Showecker and Dianne Wiklander for coordinating both Ralph and Marion Bridge’s, and Devonne Crick’s receptions. From setting up tables, to providing and plating food and table flowers, the receptions were all lovely. Thank you for your willingness to volunteer when the occasions arise. On Sunday, April 19th, we welcomed 12 new members into our congregation. During the service, Gloria Germo and Helen Christenson presented each adult with a lovely rose – provided kindly from Eileen Robinson’s garden. Kate Burdekin created gift bags for the youth. Following worship, Shar Thorson, Kay Reed, and Gloria Germo hosted a special coffee hour. Thank you all who attended. Would you like to acknowledge someone for their service? Let the office know, anonymous submissions are welcome! Page 6 Los Altos Lutheran Church YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTRY May 2015 SUMMER PROGRAMS YOUTH GROUP MOVIE NIGHT SUMMER DAY CAMP (AUGUST 3 - 7) Since the second movie in the Divergent series came out last month, let's re-watch the first! Youth Group Movie Night will be on Friday, May 15th, at 6:30 p.m. We will gather upstairs in Luther Hall to cook dinner together and then venture to the room 7 to watch Divergent, a popular dystopian adventure movie. Bring a friend! All middle and high schoolers are invited. Join us for our annual Summer Day Camp! Campers will celebrate and share in the gifts of the Spirit through games, crafts, singing, and much more. The camp is led by trained and accredited counselors from Mt. Cross Lutheran Camp, and has adult onsite supervision at all times. Tons of fun will be had by all! MOTHER-DAUGHTER TEA • • • Would anyone like a spot of tea? On Sunday, May 17th, the week after Mother’s Day, the youth will be preparing a tea for their mothers. The young ladies will work together to make tea sandwiches and savories, and then we will all sit down and enjoy tea and fellowship. Please mark your calendars now so you don’t miss this opportunity to spend time with your daughter. All mothers and daughters are welcome. RSVP required by Sunday, May 10th to either Kate Burdekin, or Natalie in the church office. KIDZ CLUB Dust off the board games and join your friends to play your old favorites! We will spend the afternoon playing old and new games. The games will begin as Catechism class ends, or around 12:15 p.m. on Sunday, May 24th. Lunch will be served. Please bring a game to play! All second through seventh graders are invited. YOUTH GROUP: AFTERNOON CRAFTS You will need a Nimbus 2000 for this month’s craft…we will be making tiny golden snitches! Meet on Sunday, May 31st after church, or around 11:45 a.m. for an afternoon of lunch, chatting, and lots of glue! All middle and high schoolers are invited. SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School classes are held during the worship service after the Children’s Sermon, from approximately 10:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., with youth returning to the service before Communion. They meet in the Fireside Room and rooms 3/4. The weekly lessons include reading the bible, art and science projects, songs, games and much more! It's fun and a great way to learn about God's love. Pre-K/Kinder Group: 3 years old (potty trained) entering K 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. $75/camper* Elementary Group: • • • Entering 1st through 6th grade 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. $150/camper** *Fees include t-shirt, snacks and materials. **Campers need to bring a healthy lunch every day. Register now! Space is limited. Registration and health forms are available on our website (, in the church office, and on the table in the entryway to the sanctuary. CULINARY CAMP This year our educational outreach program includes a “Fun of Cooking Camp” for kids, ages 8 and up. Campers will experience a hands-onculinary exploration with their peers and are led by an experienced credentialed culinary instructor. The camp will cover fundamentals such as basic knife skills, how to read and follow a recipe, measuring, mixing and the importance of kitchen safety. Campers will create a menu of fun dishes. Classes are three hours in length so campers can make a main course, a side dish and dessert and then sample their creations. Campers will be making scrumptious meals that include both savory and sweet items and will take home a packet of the recipes to share with their family. Youth will learn fundamental skills for a lifetime of great cooking, work with other campers to prepare each dish, interact with campers and the instructor for a rewarding experience, participate in three hour classes and each camper enjoys tasting each dish, in May 2015 Los Altos Lutheran Church a class led by a credentialed, experienced culinary arts instructor. There are two sessions being offered: June 15 – June 19 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. July 6 – July 10 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The cost is $350 per session. If you are interested in having your children or grandchildren attend, see our website for registration forms, or contact Jan Tuttle (650.949.5426; for details. ALSO HELD ON OUR CAMPUS: JB PRESCHOOL Do you have young children and are looking for a fun way to fill their time this summer? Sign up for summer camps through JB Preschool! The school meets at the Los Altos Lutheran Church campus throughout the year, with special themed camps during the summer. Children from age 2 to 6 are welcome. Sessions are from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., or 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. JB Preschool Summer Camps (650) 941-1662 June 15–19: Horse Camp (horse riding on site) June 22-26: Horse Camp (horse riding on site) June 29-July 2: Science Camp July 6-10: Space Camp July 13-17: Sports Camp July 20-24: Water Play Camp July 27-31: Dinosaur Camp August 10-14: Sports Camp Page 7 by war. At the Life Center, Kurdish women work in a cooperative, profit-sharing business, making traditional flat-weave carpets. This facilitates a culturally appropriate art form while securing an income for their families. The Messenger: A Few Words from the Middle East’s New Generation – “A decade ago, the Noreen Charitable Trust helped LMD establish the Life Center for Kurdish women and girls. It is a center of education, health care and employment for a community where very few girls were allowed to go to school. It became a place where the girls found their own voice and presence in society. We recently asked them to share a few thoughts: Leyla: “Around here they say that they love men more than girls…they receive a lot more support for school and career. For us it is much less. I never went to school. I didn’t study at all. Here, I’ve done a literacy course, a computer course and I’m now continuing in sewing and embroidery course. The meaning of happiness is to love life, to love prayer, to love travel, to love people. It’s to love seeing your friends and to show respect to others. Happiness isn’t comprised of a person or of gallivanting around. Happiness is a sister drawing a picture of you and giving it to you saying, ‘here sister-this is you!’ That’s happiness.” Netice: “The meaning of freedom is to have a world where no one interferes with another, a world where you can speak freely without holding back… Contact the school directly with questions, for pricing and registration. Reserve your sessions now, space is limited! Susan Cretekos, School Director My father doesn’t work…My mother is a housewife. I went to the textile course here. I now make tote bags, and with that money, I make ends meet. Thank God that we have this opportunity. I contribute to the household needs – I am a big help. MISSIONS My dreams…to found a school for street kids [to] take care of them and educate them.” LUTHERAN MIDEAST DEVELOPMENT (LMD) Periodically we receive a newsletter from the Lutheran Mideast Development organization our congregation supports. Below are excerpts from the March/April 2015 edition. The young women quoted are active participants in the Life Center, which offers them a safe and comfortable working environment, and answers the need for meaningful employment for Kurdish women recently displaced Halime: “I’ve been involved the Life Center course since I was 8 years old. I learned to read and write here. I now work here all the time. My dream was like this…I always had the dream to study and become a teacher. I wanted to teach kids to read and write – kids like me who didn’t know how. With education a person becomes someone else.” All the young women mentioned that education was the stuff of their dreams. Through their courage and Page 8 Los Altos Lutheran Church the generosity of LMD’s supporters, they overcame their lack of education to forge a new path for their sisters and one day, their daughter. With a little help from us, the next generation will go to school. The next generation shares the beautiful ambition of these pioneers – the dream of caring for others. There is nothing more important happening in the Middle East today. …Through Lutheran Mideast Development, we feel we are actually helping prayers come true…LMD has been putting books in girls’ hands for over 100 years. The organization has a long track record in many fields: Education, vocational training, support of worshipping communities and reconciliation work on three continents. Right now, LMD is responding to the refugee crisis in Syria, focusing on renewing the hearts of children. Many of those on the team doing this urgent work were once victims of war that LMD helped a generation ago. Los Altos Lutheran Church continues to support this mission as a congregation. You can also make gifts directly to LMD. All gifts are tax-deductible. Visit for more information. THE SUPPORT NETWORK The Support Network provides a shelter in a safe and secure environment where women and their children who are fleeing from domestic violence may take refuge. Our congregation shows ongoing support by donating gift cards which the organization uses to fund their many programs. Gift cards to Target, Safeway, Walgreens, CVS, Lucky’s, or Walmart, as well as gas and phone cards, are all welcome. Donations can be left with the church office. If you would like to know more about their services and ways you can help, please see Kay Reed for an informational pamphlet. SUNNYVALE FISH The Sunnyvale FISH program distributes essential items to local individuals and families in need. Donations can be left in the wooden box in the entryway of our sanctuary. They are gratefully accepting clean clothing for children and adults, towels, bedding, blankets and canned food. Please do not donate appliances or unusable items. If you have a question regarding what type of items you would like to donate, please contact Joyce Taylor. May 2015 NOTES & ANNOUNCEMENTS EXPRESSIONS OF GRATITUDE The Fisher House: Dear Los Altos Lutheran Church, On behalf of the VA Palo Alto Fisher House guests, volunteers, and staff, thank you so much for the beautiful Easter Baskets, gift cards and items from our wish list. Words cannot adequately express just how thankful everyone is for your kindness! WOW – the baskets were over and above beautiful. Thank you for making the Easter holiday extra special. Best wishes, Betsy Striebel, Fisher House Manager The Crick Family: To Los Altos Lutheran congregation, We thank the members of Los Altos Lutheran Church for the love and support given to our mother, Devonne, and our family over the past 50 years. With Love, The Crick Family: Jeff, Joy, Becky & John In honor of Devonne Crick The Bridge Family: Hello Pastors and Los Altos Lutheran, Thank you for everything you have done to help our parents (Ralph and Marion Bridge) and our family. We appreciate every ones support at both Mom’s and Dad’s service, from the food to flowers the programs and the hugs. When we share one another’s burdens they become easier to deal with. “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God” We are sad and happy and relieved all at the same time. And now we enter a different stage in life that will have some challenges. We miss our parents and will try to honor their memory each day. We hope our paths come across Los Altos Lutheran again to visit the kind members. Thank you everyone. From the Bridge Bunch, Bill and Emy; Brittney and Mike; Ben and Kelsey; and Bryce, Blayne, Bryan, Jessica, and Jinger MEMORIAL RECEPTIONS We are in need of volunteers to assist with memorial receptions. If you are willing to be “on call”, please provide Natalie in the church office with your email May 2015 Los Altos Lutheran Church address or phone number. Then when reception needs arise, she will know who to reach out to. The primary types of assistance include bringing a plate of goodies or fruit, helping in the kitchen during the reception, making coffee, or setting out napkins, plates, and food. UPCOMING WORSHIP SERVICE SCHEDULES The schedule for worship service volunteers for July through December will be coming out shortly. If you coordinate one of these areas (lectors, assisting ministers, ushers, acolytes, or coffee hosts) please turn your lists into Natalie in the church office by June 15th. She will then compare the lists, make sure no one is ‘double-booked’, and then distribute them to all participating members. These are wonderful ministries which enhance our weekly worship experience. If you are considering joining one of them, or want to know more about what they entail, please let us know! You can speak with Pastor Bonde or contact the office. We welcome new participation and hope you will contemplate being part of these amazing opportunities. A REMINDER Thank you to all who so diligently keep our building clean and organized. You are all greatly appreciated! To avoid ant attacks, please remember to empty the garbage and recycling from the kitchen and Luther Hall after every use, and to sweep up the crumbs or spills. Thank you! May 24 – Gloria Germo May 31 – Cecelia Lung The arrangements are intended to go home with you following the service. A donation of $30.00 can be written to Los Altos Lutheran Church, and can indicate in the memo line that it is for altar flowers. You may place the donation in the offering plate on Sunday or give to the office. A THOUGHT ON FLOWERS On Sunday, April 19th, we celebrated the addition of twelve new members to our Congregation. With Eileen Robinson’s help, we presented the adults with roses from her garden. I happen to be reading a fascinating novel, “The Language of Flowers”, by Vanessa Diffenbaugh, and in the glossary there is a list of many different flowers and their meanings. In Victorian times, people took these gifts very seriously. So I thought I would list the rose colors and their meanings for our entertainment. Burgundy Rose – Unconscious beauty Moss Rose – Confession of love Orange Rose – Fascination Pale Peach Rose – Modesty Pink Rose – Grace Purple Rose – Enchantment Red Rose – Love White Rose – A heart unacquainted with love Yellow Rose – Infidelity Which color is your favorite??? Gloria Germo ALTAR FLOWERS Our beautiful flower arrangement that sits behind the altar is donated each week by members and friends of the congregation. They are often given in memory of a loved one, in celebration of a birthday or anniversary, in honor of an accomplishment, or in gratitude for one’s blessings. The donor’s dedication statement is then printed in that Sunday’s announcements. A colorful sign-up board is in the entryway, with many Sundays in 2015 available! The upcoming schedule includes: May 3 – Joyce Taylor May 10 – Pastor Bonde May 17 – Gutekunst Family Page 9 WITH OUR MINISTRY CONGREGATIONAL MEETING The annual congregational meeting for voting members will be held on Sunday, June 7th, in Luther Hall at 11:30 a.m. We will be voting on the 2015-2016 budget. COUNCIL ACTIONS On Thursday, April 16th, the church council took the following actions: - Reviewed Ash Wednesday, Lent, Holy Week and Easter Sunday - Received a report on the gifts delivered and thank you received from Fisher House Page 10 Los Altos Lutheran Church - Discussed plans for Pentecost and decided to ask the Men’s Breakfast Group is they would host a Pentecost Breakfast again this year - Transferred $10,000 from the Schwab account, to our operating fund and formally approved a previous transfer. Approved taking a recommendation to the congregation for the accounting of those funds. - Discussed a proposal to use a portion of our tithed benevolence to support the Rwanda educational funding. Decided to go to the congregation for the immediate need of $500 and to bring the proposal to the congregation in the next budget. - May 2015 Received a report from Pastor Bonde on his time and work the previous two months. FINANCE UPDATE: TREASURER’S REPORT Net Income from Operations: March 2015 YTD Results @ 2/28/15 .................................($52,007) Income in March ............................................... $26,237 Expenses in March ..........................................($31,724) Rounding & previous month adjustments ........... $84 YTD Results @ 3/31/15 .................................($57,410) Ann Crane, Treasurer PRAYER & PASTORAL CARE - Discussed water use and our high water bill. IN OUR PRAYERS - Formally approved the offer to Lynda Alexander to be our Music Director beginning July 1. - Approved up to $500 towards a Celebration of Music on June 7th to cover Lynda Alexander’s time and any special music she might be able to incorporate into our service. - Received an update from the Call Committee Thanksgiving for those who have elected to join the congregation and for them to find friendship and ministry within the congregation. For God’s guidance as we search for an associate for outreach and community service. For those ill, recuperating or in special need. For the continued growth and renewal of the congregation. - Discussed voting members for the Synod Assembly SERVING IN MAY MAY 24 MAY 3 MAY 10 MAY 17 Assisting Minister Candace Smith Jan Tuttle Steve Smiley Anna Michaud Gloria Germo Lector Anna Michaud Candace Smith Jack Tuttle Sharon Patterson Rob Robinson Ushers Gloria Germo & Marilyn McCammon Robbin Kawabata & Carl Gutekunst Jim Wenks & Dell Bleiler John & Sharon Patterson Rob & Eileen Robinson Acolytes Axel Michaud Alex Smith Nicole Parsons Reed Showecker Erika Gutekunst Coffee Hosts Bread for our Table John & Sharon Patterson Bill Pataky & Yolanda Faile Bob & Kris Stanfield Steve & Kathleen Smiley Chuck & Sandi Wilkening Kris Stanfield Karin Herndon Waltraud Kelley Shar Thorson Kate Burdekin Pentecost MARCH 31 If you are unable to serve on the date listed, please switch with someone from an upcoming week and contact the office to let them know of the change. Thank you! May 2015 Los Altos Lutheran Church Page 11 MAY CALENDAR Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 26 27 28 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Fellowship Time 12:30 PM Kidz Club 7:30 PM AlAnon Meeting 7:30 PM Room 5/6 in use 10:30 AM Luther Hall 8:00 AM Men's & Picnic area in use Breakfast & Bible (Garden Club) Study 2:00 PM Luther Hall in use (Swedish Church: Worship at 4 PM) 7:00 PM NA Meeting 7:00 PM Handbell Ensemble 7:00 PM Widows & Widowers Group 30 8:00 PM AA Meeting 11:30 AM Brown Bag Bible Study Friday MAY 1 (office closed) Saturday 2 7:00 PM NA Meeting 11:30 AM Men’s Fellowship Lunch 8:00 PM AA Meeting 6:00 PM Room 8 in use (Family AA) 7:00 PM Troop 31 3 4 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Fellowship Time (office closed) 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in 8:00 AM Men's use (Music 7:30 PM AlBreakfast & Bible Together) Anon Meeting Study 7:30 PM Room 7:00 PM Handbell 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in 5/6 in use Ensemble use (Music Together) 7:00 PM Widows & 11:30 AM Brown Widowers Group Bag Bible Study 2:30 PM E-Team Meeting 7:00 PM NA Meeting 5 29 Thursday 6 7 8 9 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 8:00 PM AA Meeting 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 8:00 PM AA Meeting 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 7:00 PM NA Meeting 14 15 16 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 6:00 PM Room 8 in use (Family AA) 7:00 PM Troop 31 10 11 7:30 PM AlAnon Meeting 7:30 PM Room 1:30 PM Room 3/4 in use 5/6 in use (accordion band practice) 7:00 PM NA Meeting 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Fellowship Time 12 13 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in 8:00 AM Men's use (Music Breakfast & Bible Together) Study 7:00 PM Handbell Ensemble 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 7:00 PM Widows & Widowers Group 11:30 AM Brown Bag Bible Study 2:00 PM Sunny View 7:00 PM Church 11:30 AM Men’s Retirement Home Council Meeting Fellowship Lunch Visit 8:00 PM AA 6:30 PM Youth 7:00 PM NA Meeting Meeting Church Movie Night 8:00 PM AA Meeting 6:00 PM Room 8 in use (Family AA) 7:00 PM Troop 31 17 18 19 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Fellowship Time 11:30 AM MotherDaughter Tea 11:45 AM Women’s Bible Study Lunch 7:30 PM AlAnon Meeting 7:30 PM Room 5/6 in use 9:00 AM Green Thumbs 7:00 PM NA Meeting 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast & Bible 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in Study use (Music Together) 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 7:00 PM Handbell Ensemble 11:30 AM Brown Bag Bible Study 7:00 PM Widows & Widowers Group 6:00 PM Room 8 in use (Family AA) 7:00 PM Troop 31 26 27 24 25 Pentecost 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Fellowship Time 12:15 PM Kidz Club (office closed) Newsletter Memorial Day Articles Due 7:00 PM NA Meeting 8:45 AM Fireside Room in use (Bricks 4 Kidz) 7:30 PM AlAnon Meeting 7:30 PM Room 5/6 in use 20 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast & Bible 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in Study use (Musi) 10:30 AM Luther Hall & kitchen in use (Garden Club) 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 7:00 PM Handbell Ensemble 6:00 PM Room 8 in use (Family AA) 7:00 PM Troop 31 7:00 PM Widows & Widowers Group JUNE 1 2 Trinity Sunday 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Fellowship Time 11:45 AM Youth Group: Craft Afternoon 7:30 PM AlAnon Meeting 7:30 PM Room 5/6 in use 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music use (Music Together) Together) 2:30 PM E-Team 7:00 PM NA Meeting 7:00 PM Widows & Widowers Group 22 23 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 8:00 PM AA Meeting 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 8:00 PM AA Meeting 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 2:00 PM Luther Hall in use (Swedish Church: Youth Choir rehearsal at 2 PM, Worship Service at 4 PM) 7:00 PM NA Meeting 28 29 30 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 8:00 PM AA Meeting Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 8:00 PM AA Meeting 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 7:00 PM NA Meeting 4 5 6 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 8:00 PM AA Meeting 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 7:00 PM NA Meeting 11:30 AM Brown Bag Bible Study 31 7:00 PM Handbell Ensemble 21 3 9:00 AM Room 3/4 in use (Music Together) 8:00 PM AA meeting 6:00 PM Room 8 in use Meeting (Family Afterward, AA) 7:00 PM Troop 31 (Luther Hall) Page 12 Los Altos Lutheran Church Easter Sunday May 2015 May 2015 Los Altos Lutheran Church ~ Welcome New Members ~ On Left - Meyer-Colón Family: Paul Sr., Paul Jr., “Mini” Iris Jr., Iris / Dell Bleiler / On Right - Feller Family: Ella, Filip, Anna, Livia, Malte, Dinah Sunday School Activities! Page 13 Page 14 Los Altos Lutheran Church For more information visit May 2015 our website: You will find details about our programs, activities, youth events, and bible study classes throughout the year. You can also reach the office at (650) 948-3012. Pastor Bonde has daily reflections for the weekly readings:, and occasional postings on his blog, Jacob Limping: (Jacob limping towards the Promised Land). Both of these can also be accessed on the church website. Let us know if you would also like to receive our weekly eLetter and/or the monthly newsletter by emailing us at The Spirit of Christ newsletter is published monthly by: Los Altos Lutheran Church 460 South El Monte Avenue Los Altos, California 94022 Postmaster: Send address changes to Los Altos Lutheran Church.
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