INVITATION The 2 qualifier for the Alpe Adria Dressage Trophy (AAT

Stud Farm Lipica
Lipica 5
6210 Sežana SLOVENIA
T: ++386 5 7391 580
F: ++386 5 7391 750
The 2 qualifier for the Alpe Adria Dressage Trophy (AAT)
will take place in the Stud Farm Lipica, from
Friday,1st May 2015 to Sunday 3rd May 2015
Stud Farm Lipica
From Friday, 1st May 2015 to Sunday 3rd May 2015
Stud Farm Lipica, Lipica 5, SI- 6210 Sežana, Slovenia.
Contact person:
T: ++386 57391580 ;T: 00386 5 7391 718; Fax: 00386 5 7391 750
Mrs. Sonja Guštin E-mail:
Nominated entries: Monday 13th of April 2015
Definite entries: Monday 20th of April 2015
Entries send to: Stud Farm Lipica
Lipica 5 SI-6210 Sežana
T: ++386 57391580;++38657391718;F: ++38657391750
Timetable of the Event
Friday, 1st May 2015 start foreseen at 8 a.m.
1. KAT. A/L
FEI WDC PRELIMINARY TEST (A) up to 16 years( born 1999 and younger); over
16 years,( born 1998 and older); Ed.2014 update2015 valid from 1.1.2015
FEI CHILDREN INDIVIDUAL TEST, Ed.2014; update2015 valid from 1.1.2015
3. KAT M
FEI PRELIMINARY TEST JUNIORS, Ed.2009; update2015 valid from 1.1.2015
4. KAT S
FEI PRELIMINARY TEST YOUNG RIDERS, Ed.2009; update2015 valid from 1.1.2015
5. Competition OPEN
FEI Preliminary Dressage test for 5 Year old horses; Ed. 2004, update 2009
6.Competition OPEN
FEI Preliminary Dressage test for 6 Year old horses; Ed. 2004, update 2009
Saturday, 2nd May 2015 start foreseen at 8 a.m.
7. KAT A/L
FEI PRELIMINARY TEST CHILDREN ( A) up to 16 years( born 1999 and younger);
over 16 years,( born 1998 and older); Ed.2014 update2015 valid from 1.1.2015
8. KAT L/M
9. KAT M
FEI TEAM TEST JUNIORS, Ed.2009; update2015 valid from 1.1.2015
10. KAT S
FEI TEAM TEST YOUNG RIDERS – St. Georges, Ed.2009; update2015 valid from 1.1.2015
11.Competition OPEN
FEI Dressage test for 5 Year old horses FINAL, Ed. 2004, update 2009
12.Competition OPEN
FEI Dressage test for 6 Year old horses FINAL, Ed. 2004, update 2009
19. Competition OPEN
FEI Intermediate II
Sunday, 3rd May 2015, start foreseen at 8 a.m.
13. KAT A/L
FEI TEAM COMPETITION TEST CHILDREN up to 16 years( born 1999 and
younger); over 16 years,( born 1998and older); Ed.2014 update2015 valid from
14. KAT LM
15. KAT M
FEI INDIVIDUAL TEST JUNIORS, Ed.2009; update2015 valid from 1.1.2015
16. KAT S
FEI INDIVIDUAL TEST YOUNG RIDERS, Ed.2009; update2015 valid from 1.1.2015
17.Competition OPEN
FEI Intermediate I Ed.2009, Rev. 2014 update2015valid from 1.1.2015
18. Competition OPEN
FEI Grand Prix Ed. 2009, update2015valid from 1.1.2015
The organizing committee reserves the right to modify the schedule in order to adjust to the number of
officially registered competitors or due to unforeseen circumstances. Any such changes will be notified on the
starting lists.
All tests are open, performed according to the regulations of the AAT, the FEI general regulations and the FEI
Rules for the Dressage Events.
Allocation of prizes
Allocation of prizes will be in all categories as follows:
All award ceremonies take place with the leading 3 riders on horses. They will receive honours prizes and
ribbons. At least 25 % of the participants will be placed. The 4th places to the least placed rider must attend the
award ceremony in riding habit, walking. The organizer will present the latter with ribbons. In the category A/L
the ceremonies take place for rider to 16 year and for riders over 16 year.
ENTRY FEE on competitor / horse for AADT participation
Entry fee on competitor / horse for participation in the AA DRESSAGE TROPHY is to be paid only once of
couple on the first AA Dressage Trophy Event.
A/L;L/M ,
40,00 €
45,00 €
60,00 €
An Alpe Adria amount is to be paid to organizer of final event AA Dressage Trophy.
Entry fee and Starting fee
Starting fee for every competition per horse and rider:
20,00 €
Entry fees, Starting fees and boxes are to be settled at the secretariat of AA, where all other costs are settled
before leaving.
The boxes should be reserved by the Organizer till Tuesday 21st April 2015. Stud Farm Lipica, fax: 00386 5 7391
750; E: We ask you to give dates of arrival and departure of the horses.
First bedding: free.
Box-price for the competitors on the AAT( include the first padding-shaving from Thursday 30th April to Sunday
3rd May 2015) :
€ 110,00
Tack box
€ 90,00
Additional shaving (cca 20 kg)
€ 8,00
Additional hay (20 kg)
€ 8,00
Electric supply (upon reservation)
€ 50,00
Withdrawals after the date of definite entries or no-shows will be held liable to reimburse the OC for the
actual financial loss incurred by the OC ( i.e. stabling € 90,00) as a result of the late withdrawal or no- show.
Stabling arrangements from Thursday 30th of April.
Competition and practice arenas
Outdoor, sand with textile arena, dimensions 20 x 60 m. The practice arena is also sand with textile arena,
dimensions 20 x 60 m.
The draw
Competitors must declare your intention to participate in the AADT before drawing. The competitors, taking
part in a competition on Friday, must confirm the names of the horses till 17.00 hrs on Thursday. The draw of
the order will take place foreseen at 17.00 hours in the secretariat of the event with presence of the president
of Grand Jury and a Chef of Equip of the each country and one competitor from each country.
For the next competitions, the draw of the order will take place at 17,00 hours. Competitors must confirm the
names of the horses till 17.00 hrs. Start list should be ready at 21,00 hrs.
Ground jury
The ground jury consists of judges from Austria, Italy and Slovenia.
The president of the ground jury
Mrs. Anica Rojec
Mrs. Victoire Mandl 4*
Italian judge
Mrs. Dora Mrkun
Additional judges in the case that is at the start more than 65 pairs.
Mrs.Nataša Gorišek
Health requirements
All horses must have valid FEI passports or IDE documents:
IAK- Coggins test, not more than one year before arrival to Lipica.
Vaccination against equine influenza; date, (brand) name of the vaccine and serial number, not more
than 6 months ( +21 days) before arrival to Lipica in accordance with the rules FEI.
Veterinary documents to be submitted in the Stud Farm Lipica at the arrival in the stables.
Cars, trailers and truck park – by the competitions stables.
Hotel Maestoso and holiday flats in Lipica
Lipica 5 SI-6210 Sežana, Slovenia
Tel: 00386 5 7391 580; 00386 5 7391 790
Fax: 00386 5 7391 728; E:;
Room reservations have to be made directly to the hotels with the following reference: reservation AA –Dressage
Trophy – Lipica.
Accommodation at the expense of athletes.
President of the OC AADT 2015
Director of event
Acting Director of Lipica Stud Farm
Stud farm Director
Dr. Boštjan Bizjak
Mag. Janez Rus dr. vet. med.