NATIONAL ONE DAY EVENT CHAMPIONSHIPS 8th & 9th November 2014 National Equestrian Centre, McLeans Island, Christchurch OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM AND SCHEDULE OF CONDITIONS Enquiries to the Event Secretary: Claudia Wilson, P: 03 386 2837 M: 0274 764 976 Email: Website: Entries close: Friday 24th October 2014 Online entries: CLASSES: 1. CIC3*: National One Day Event Championship (Forest Gate Trophy) Dressage test: FEI 3* A (2009) EF: $120 (incl $30 ESNZ levy &$15 Ground Fee) PM: Rug & $600, $400, $300, $200 2. CIC2*: National One Day Event Championship (Waiteko Trophy) Dressage test: FEI 2* A (2009) EF: $120 (incl $30 ESNZ levy & $15 Ground Fee) PM: Rug & $600, $400, $300, $200 3. CIC1*: National One Day Event Championship (Ferndale Salver Trophy) Dressage test: FEI 1* A (2009) EF: $120 (incl $30 ESNZ levy & $15 Ground Fee) PM: Rug & $600, $400, $300, $200 4. CNC105: National One Day Event Championship (Tait Trophy) Dressage test: B4 (2009) EF: $120 (incl $25 ESNZ levy & $15 Ground Fee) PM: Rug & $250, $125, $75, $50 5. CNC95 Dressage test: B1 (2009) EF: $75 (incl $20 ESNZ levy & $15 Ground Fee) PM: Rug & $250, $125, $75, $50 CNC80 Dressage test: L1 (2009) EF: $75 (incl $15 ESNZ levy & $15 Ground Fee) PM: Rug $250, $125, $75, $50 6. ADDITIONAL FEES: ESNZ Casual Equine day registration (Classes 4, 5 & 6) - $5/horse (for non-registered Horses). Eventing Equine Flexi Start Levy for Class 4 only - $15/horse (for Horses without a graded start). Administration fee $5 per rider. Online entry fee $3 per entry. Camping on grounds (hot showers available) $20 per duration/truck. Open yards (including Eventing Canterbury Training Ground yards) $5/day. Covered yards and stables $20/day. 1 OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM & SCHEDULE OF CONDITIONS - NATIONAL ONE DAY EVENT CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 NOTES TO CLASSES: Article 674 – New Zealand One Day Event Championships: In each year, the ESNZ Eventing Board will select the date and venue of the New Zealand One Day Event Championships at which championship competitions will be held to determine the winners of the following trophies: 1. Forest Gate Trophy. Awarded to the winner of the championship class run under 3* conditions. 2. Waiteko Trophy. Awarded to the highest placed eligible Horse of the championship class run under 2* conditions. 3. Ferndale Salver Trophy. Awarded to the highest placed eligible Horse of the championship class run under 1* conditions. 4. Tait Trophy. Awarded to the highest placed eligible Horse of the championship class run under CNC105 conditions. In 2, 3 and 4 above, the respective National One Day Event Championship title will be awarded to the highest placed combination where the Horse has achieved no more than two MERs at a level higher than that for which the National Championship title is being awarded. Course designers: Class 1 – CIC3* Mr John Carmichael Classes 2 & 3 – CIC2* & CIC1* Mr Nick Pyke Classes 4, 5 & 6 – CNC105, CNC95 & CNC80 Mr Richard Crowe Area Athlete Representative: Brent Jury Ph: 027 237 6979 Associated competitions: This is the final competition for the Eventing Nelson & Eventing Canterbury Spring 2014 Accumulator. See Eventing Canterbury and Eventing Nelson websites for more details. FEI CODE OF CONDUCT: The Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) expects all those involved in international equestrian sport to adhere to the FEI’s Code of Conduct and to acknowledge and accept that at all times the welfare of the horse must be paramount and must never be subordinated to competitive or commercial influences. At all stages during the preparation and training of competition horses, welfare must take precedence over all other demands. This includes good horse management, training methods, farriery and tack, and transportation. Horses and Athletes must be fit, competent and in good health before they are allowed to compete. This encompasses medication use, surgical procedures that threaten welfare or safety, pregnancy in mares and the misuse of aids. Events must not prejudice horse welfare. This involves paying careful attention to the competition areas, ground surfaces, weather conditions, stabling, site safety and fitness of the horse for onward travel after the event. Every effort must be made to ensure that horses receive proper attention after they have competed and that they are treated humanely when their competition careers are over. This covers proper veterinary care, competition injuries, euthanasia and retirement. The FEI urges all involved with the sport to attain the highest levels of education in their areas of expertise. 2 OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM & SCHEDULE OF CONDITIONS - NATIONAL ONE DAY EVENT CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 A full copy of this Code can be obtained from the Fédération Equestre Internationale, HM King Hussein I Building, Chemin de la Joliette 8, 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland. Telephone: +41 21 310 47 47. The Code is available in English & French. The Code is also available on the FEI’s website: CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: a) ALL CANTERBURY RIDERS MUST provide assistance details with entries on the correct form or in special requests box for online entries (eg fence judges, writers, working bees). Condition of entry. b) The Organising Committee reserves its rights, as laid out in the wording of ESNZ Articles 610 and 611. c) Classes 1, 2 & 3 will be run under all applicable FEI Rules and Regulations. Classes 4, 5 & 6 will be run under all applicable ESNZ Eventing Rules and Regulations. d) Entries preferred online at or must be on rider’s official ESNZ form if registered or Eventing Canterbury entry form with casual equine registration fee included. Contact Event Secretary for information. e) Incomplete or incorrect entries will be returned and will be deemed as not received. Faxed entries will not be accepted f) Late entries will incur $20 late fee from the date of closing, and will not be entitled to refunds. g) For Classes 1, 2, 3 & 4 details of qualifying competitions must be included with entries. Qualification details are required for each Rider and Horse. Please refer to the MER Table on the ESNZ website - under Eventing/Competition/Rules/Minimum Eligibility Requirements. If in doubt, contact ESNZ Eventing Sport Manager first and then the Event Secretary. h) Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6: All Riders need to be full ESNZ members. First year of Full Membership is FREE for new members. i) Classes 4, 5 & 6: Horses not registered with ESNZ may enter under ESNZ Casual Equine Registration. j) All Riders and Horses competing in Classes 1, 2 & 3 must be registered with the FEI. k) All Riders & Horses in Classes 1, 2, 3 & 4 must have their Official ESNZ Identification Papers fully completed (ie must have appropriate stickers and the back cover identification completed and verified by ESNZ) and available for inspection. l) CIC3* Horses must have an FEI passport. m) All Horses competing in Classes 1, 2 & 3 must complete an Arrival Inspection. n) All Horses in Classes 4, 5 & 6 that will be stabled must complete an Arrival Inspection. o) All Riders must wear fully and correctly completed medical cards on both Cross Country and Show Jumping tests. Medical card armband holders are available for purchase ($18) at the Event Secretary’s office. p) Back number holders are required for Riders in all Classes and can be pre-ordered from the Event Secretary ($25.00). q) Payments must be made on entry; failure to do so will result in no entry. This will be strictly enforced. Cheques to be made out to "Eventing Canterbury". Payments can also be made by Direct Credit to 03 0855 0371245 00 - use your name, the event name and date for identification. Direct Credit payments must be made by close of entries or a late fee will be charged. r) Scratchings as per Art 646. Requests for a refund to be made in writing within 7 days of the event. s) Please supply a current email address for draw, event information and results. Event information also available at and t) Only Riders with more than one Horse competing will be permitted to ride out of order. u) Prize money will be awarded as per Art 619. v) Dogs must be on a leash or under control at all times. w) Tentative timetable (subject to change): Friday 7th Nov: Official course inspection. Arrival examination for classes 1, 2 & 3 & other stabled horses. Saturday 8th Nov: Arrival examination for classes 1, 2 & 3 & other stabled horses. Dressage and Show Jumping - all classes. Sunday 9th Nov: Cross Country - all classes. Mounted prize giving – all classes. x) Acceptances will be notified by email as soon as practicable after close of entries, and will include further details on timetables, etc. 3 OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM & SCHEDULE OF CONDITIONS - NATIONAL ONE DAY EVENT CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014
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