Free Jumping Championship for 3- and 4-yr-old Z-horses Conditions and guidelines | Deauville (F) - 8 March 2015 1. Entry for the Championship for 3- and 4-yr-old Z-horses (stallions, mares, geldings) can be realised by completing and returning the adjoined entry form together with a copy of the ancestry papers and by payment of the entry fee of € 50.- per horse. Closing date is 23 of February 2015. You send these forms to: For Belgium: Studbook Zangersheide V.Z.W., Domein Zangersheide, B - 3620 Lanaken. For France: Z-France, 9 place François Mitterrand, F - 14100 Lisieux Or per email naar: 2. This Championship is open for stallions, mares and geldings born in 2011 and 2012 and registered after birth with Studbook Zangersheide V.Z.W. and which are owned by a member of Studbook Zangersheide V.Z.W. 3. No entry forms will be accepted after the closing date. Late entries will be returned to sender, including the possibly paid entry fee(s). 4. Entry for the Championship will be definite after confirmation by the Studbook. The letter of confirmation will also state the starting time of the class. 5. All starting horses must have been vaccinated against influenza and tetanus. Vaccination certificates should be submitted on request there and then. 6. The 3- and 4 yr-old Z-horses will be assessed by the selection committee of Studbook Zangersheide on jumping talent, specifically the way the horse brings his hind under before the fence, power, the use of back, leg technique, quality, type and suppleness. Maximum points awarded for each of these components is 10. 7. The 3- and 4yr-old horses will be presented individually in hand, at standstill and walk, after which trot, canter and jump are sown in free action. The free jumping consists of jumping a line in free action (specifically an in over a cross with trot pole in front and after that at one stride’s distance an upright, which will later be converted into a sloping oxer. 66 8. The person presenting or accompanying the horse should wear a proper outfit (blue T-shirt and blue jeans). 9. The jumping talent test for 3-yr and 4 yr-old Z-horses is combined with a championship with a champion and two reserve champions. The best ten horses are invited back for the final round, in which all the horses that qualified for the finals will get an individual placing. 10. The findings of the jury are binding. The owner of the 3- or/and 4 yr-old Z-horse will accept this as definite findings that can not be objected to. 11. The prize money amounts to € 2,000-, paid out to the ten horses with the highest number of points in the finals. The prize money includes a breeder’s premium of 10 %, which means that in case the owner and the breeder of the relevant horse are not the same, this breeder’s premium will be deducted from the prize money and made available to the breeder. 12.Costs of travelling and accommodation are for account of the owner. After booking with the Studbook, horses can be stabled at Deauville (France) during these days at € 39.- per day. Since only a limited number of stables are available, we recommend booking in time. 13.Attendance is entirely for the risk of the owner. Neither staff of the organisation nor medics, vets, etc., can be held liable for damage and/or accidents during the event. 14.Any matters not provided for in these conditions will receive a binding decision from the organisation. The organisation also reserves the right to change the programme, cancel, interrupt and/or stop the presentation, as it deems fit. The organisation shall not be liable for possible resulting negative results/costs for the participants. 15.By signing and returning the entry form, the owners/senders declare to agree with these conditions and guidelines for the championship. Entry form Free Jumping Championship for 3- and 4-yr-old Z-horses Deauville (F) - 8 March 2015 Name of owner : Address: Postal code / place of residence : Country: Telephone / fax number : E-mail address : Stabling (€ 39.- per day) : Name of horse : Z-studbook number : Yes No Stallion Gelding Colour: Sex : Date of birth : Ancestry Mare, in foal to: Sire : Dam : Dam’s sire : Breeder: Particulars / relevant sport results of the dam’s line: DO NOT FORGET: to enclose a copy of the ancestry papers! This form should be in the possession of the Studbook before 23 of February 2015! Address: for Belgium : Studbook Zangersheide, Domein Zangersheide, B-3620 LANAKEN for France : Z-France, 9 Place François Mitterrand F-14100 Lisieux Or per e-mail Belgique: IBAN / BE31 3631 0651 7255 - BIC: BBRUBEBB France: IBAN / FR76 3002 7160 1000 0200 2390 175 - BIC / CMCIFRPP Place and date: Signature 67
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