St vetop - Morrisville State College

Stovetop to Storefront | April 22, 2015
Tentative Agenda
Welcome and Introductions
Food Safety & Sanitation
Creating a Viable Product
Marketing your Product
Creating an Effective Label
Choosing a Container
Nutrition Labeling
Product Distribution
Product Development, Creating an Effective
Business Plan, Product Tasting & Viewing
St vetop
For more information, contact
Kristi Cranwell, Director of Nelson Farms
(315) 655-8831 x2
Introductory Food Processing Workshop
April 22, 2015 | 10:00am - 2:00pm
3261 Route 20 | Cazenovia, NY 13035 | 315-655-3301 | /NelsonFarmsCountryStore
3261 Route 20 | Cazenovia, NY 13035 | 315-655-3301 | /NelsonFarmsCountryStore
Welcome to Nelson Farms, an FDA
inspected Food Processing Incubator
and Pride of New York Retail Country
Store. For twelve years we have
been committed to providing product
development opportunities to those
desiring to bring a product from the
Stovetop to the Storefront. Our Country
Store sells Pride of New York products,
many of which became a possibility
though our product incubator. With the
anticipation of an FDA inspected Shared
Use Facility, Nelson Farms can provide
Kristi Cranwell,
many services to help you get your
Director of Nelson Farms
product from a thoughtful idea to the
dinner table of homes throughout New York and the U.S.
Denise Szarek,
Owner, “Old Goat Salsa”
This Introductory Food Processing Workshop, Stovetop to Storefront, will
cover topics such as: navigating food regulations, appropriate packaging,
designing a label for aesthetics and legality, purchasing the correct
insurance, developing an effective business plan, the how & why of
safety and sanitation of food production, building a viable commercial
product from your recipe, nutrition labeling for the consumer, and product
development for your product.
We ask that you bring a small sample of the food product(s) you wish to
develop and the recipe with any brand-specific information (this will not be
shared with the class unless you request it).
We are excited about your interest in this class and hope that we can help
get you on your way to SUCCESS in the food industry! Space is limited, so
don't delay! See you on April 22!
- Kristi
Amanda Hewitt, Food Product
Development Specialist
Speaker: Denise A. Szarek
is the owner of Szarek Farms, LLC,
which produces a line of salsas (Old
Goat Salsa) using hydroponic tomatoes
that she and husband Bernie grow,
among other products. Together they
operate a 65 member CSA (Community
Supported Agriculture) program called
Three Goat Farm-CSA in Clinton, NY.
Denise is VP of the Mohawk Valley
Farmers Market Managers Alliance and
serves on the Agricultural Advisory
Committee of the Oneida County
Farmland Protection Board. She and
Bernie are also the Market Managers
for the Westmoreland Farmers Market
and are active members of Slow Food
Mohawk Valley and NOFA-NY.
Each attendee must complete a registration form, a processor information
sheet, and read & sign Nelson Farms' Confidentiality Agreement. We ask that
you also bring a small (one cup) sample of the food product(s) you wish to
develop and the recipe with any brand-specific information. All registration
fees are due at time of registration.
Speaker: Amanda Taranto
is the Marketing Manager at the
Morrisville Auxiliary Corporation.
She has a Bachelors degree in Visual
Communications from Cazenovia
College and has years of experience
designing aesthetically appropriate and
effective product labels.
Registration Fee: $150
Deadline: April 15, 2015
Submit Forms & Payment to:
Nelson Farms
ATTN: Stovetop to Storefront
3261 US Route 20
Cazenovia, NY 13035
Business Name:_______________________________
Type of Product:_______________________________
Please indicate any dietary restrictions or allergies:
Amanda Taranto,
Marketing Manager
Select Payment:
Speaker: Amanda Hewitt
Speaker: Claudia Ynsuela
has been involved with Nelson Farms’
mission of NY Quality Food Product
Development since its inception in
2003. Amanda holds a degree in
Dietetics from Morrisville State College
and has worked with clients to develop
viable food products for twelve years.
Her Cooperative Extension experience
coupled with her 25+ years in the
restaurant industry make Amanda an
obvious asset in developing quality
is the Sales Manager at Nelson
Farms. For years she has developed
relationships with customers, local
vendors, retail establishments and
clientele while working closely with
the NY Department of Agriculture and
Markets and Pride of New York program
to promote NYS products.
☐ Cash/Check
Amount Enclosed: $________
Checks made payable to Morrisville Auxiliary Corporation.
☐ Credit Card:□ Visa□ MasterCard
□ Discover□ American Express
Name (as it apears on card): __________________________
Card No: ____________________________________
Exp. Date: _____ / _____
CVV (3-digit security code):
Signature: ____________________________________
Claudia Ynsuela,
Sales Manager
Signature authorizes Nelson Farms/Morrisville Auxiliary Corporation (MAC) to charge your card
for registration fees.