What is Carnivelo?

In association with
What is Carnivelo?
Carnivelo is an event to showcase bikes/cycling in
the Nelson Tasman region and biking in general. This
is part of the larger event, Bikefest Nelson.
13 February 2015
4pm - 9pm
Trafalgar Park, Nelson
Why exhibit?
 Gather contact details from attendees to grow
your database
 Promote your organisation or product to a broad
range of the community
 Promote special offers in a pre event e-newsletter
to database of over 1,000 Bikefest Nelson
This event will include:
 Promote new season gear
 Bike expo
 Be listed on Bikfest Nelson website and linked to
 A city cross course - open to the public followed
by racing
 Children’s skills courses and activities
other stakeholders websites
 Be promoted at the event throughout the day by
the MC onsite
 Bicycle art exhibition and parade
 Increase your membership
 Music, food, bar
 Listing in onsite programme with exhibitor map
 Registration for the Santa Cruz Coppermine event
 Inclusion on event flyer distributed around region
 And more….
In association with
Exhibition Information
Exhibition space
 3m wide x 3m deep
 Power available on request. You must provide
your own extension cords.
Allocation of spaces
Sites will be allocated in order of signed application
forms, confirmation and payment received, with
major sponsors having first choice.
Multiple spaces are available for purchase.
Exhibition hours
You must provide your own marquee, display stands/
tables and signage.
13 February 2015 from 4pm - 9pm
We encourage you to be innovative with your space
using unique designs and offering giveaways to draw
in potential customers. This will improve the look and
appeal of your display.
Exhibitor pack in
Exhibition costs
$75 plus GST per space
Queries and booking your exhibit space
Please complete the attached form and return it to:
Jane Miles, Sport Tasman / 03 923 2317
Friday, 13 Feb 9am - 2pm
Exhibitor pack out
Friday, 13 Feb 9.15pm - 10pm
On receipt of the application form, the event
organiser will issue a letter of confirmation together
with an invoice for the amount payable.
In association with
Application Form
Please complete this form, keep a copy for your records and return to:
Jane Miles - Sport Tasman
PO Box 3197 , Richmond, Nelson 7050
Phone: 03 923 2317
Email: jane.m@sporttasman.org.nz
Company Name:
Postal Address:
Contact Name:
Job Title:
Exhibit Space $75 each plus GST
# of spaces required: _______
On receipt of the application form Sport Tasman will issue a letter of confirmation together with an invoice
for the amount payable. Cheques should be made payable to Sport Tasman.
I hereby agree to exhibit, as detailed in this proposal, for Carnivelo in Nelson on 13 February 2015.
Signed: _____________________________
Dated: __________________________