DOERRE SMOKE SIGNALS MARCH 2015 DOERRE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL From the desk of Mrs. Patin Dear Warrior Parents and Students, I hope that all of you were able to spend some time with your friends and family making wonderful memories during Spring Break. As we begin to enter the final stretch of the year, I know it is no surprise to everyone how busy our days seem to get from here on out. The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) tests are just around the corner and Doerre is ready! Our Warrior faculty and staff are putting a lot of time and effort into the next several months getting our students ready for what lies ahead. I have no doubt that our students will make us proud on their STAAR exams and will continue to build future successes for Doerre! We have several important dates and special events on campus in the coming months that I want to make sure you are aware of. Please mark your calendars for these important dates: Monday, March 30th STAAR Test- 7th grade Writing (Day 1) Tuesday, March 31st STAAR Tests- 7th grade Writing (Day 2) and 8th grade reading nd rd Thurs & Fri, April 2 – 3 Student Holiday Tuesday, April 7th McTeacher Night @ Gleannloch McDonald’s, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM th Saturday, April 11 Edgenuity Saturday School th Tuesday, April 14 NJHS Induction Ceremony, 6:00 PM th Saturday, April 18 Edgenuity Saturday School Monday, April 20th STAAR Test- 8th grade Math Tuesday, April 21st STAAR Tests- 6th & 7th grade Math, 8th grade Social Studies Wednesday, April 22nd STAAR Tests- 6th & 7th grade Reading, 8th grade Science th Friday, April 24 Report Cards Saturday, May 2nd Edgenuity Saturday School Saturday, May 2nd KISD Family Fitness Fair @ Klein Memorial Stadium, 8:00- Noon th Tuesday, May 5 STAAR Test- Algebra I th Friday, May 8 Campus TPSP GT Showcase Tuesday, May 12th KISD District TPSP Showcase @ KMPC th Thursday, May 14 Progress Reports th Saturday, May 16 Edgenuity Saturday School th Tuesday, May 19 Choir Pop Show, 7:00 PM Wednesday, May 20th 8th grade awards, 6:00 PM st Thursday, May 21 6th grade awards (9:15 AM) & 7th grade awards (10:15 AM) th Thursday, June 4 School’s out for the Summer! Please contact us at 832-249-5700 if you have any questions regarding any of the above information! Sincerely, Nicole Patin Doerre Intermediate Principal Page 2 DOERRE SMOKE SIGNALS Attendance Policy As students reach intermediate school, absences pose a greater problem academically. Students who are frequently out of school for trips or other non-illness absences often experience a drop in grades and/or STARR performance. Please be reminded that, for excused absences, students are given as many days as they were absent to make up work. Parents may check the teachers’ websites each day to get work missed due to illness or other reasons. Due to the number of student absences each day, work will be gathered by the office only after a student has missed three days due to illness. ***Students taking high school courses may not miss more than 9 days per semester.*** For any questions concerning attendance procedures, parents should read the student handbook or contact the child’s grade-level principal: 6th Grade — Ms. Karen Kulhanek-Rochin 7th Grade — Ms. Ursula Johnson 8th Grade — Mr. Laurence Domino Parents should call the attendance office after 8:30 a.m. each morning that their child will be out to make the attendance secretary aware of the absence. The attendance office may be reached by dialing 832-249-5676, or 832249-5700, and pressing 3 for the attendance office. Please note the following in regards to student absences: Parent notes need to come in within 5 days of a student's return. A parent phone call will no longer suffice. Remember that high school credit courses can only have 9 absences, all other courses can only have 18 absences total. The only exception to this is if there is a valid medical note. Tardy Procedure Tardies 1-6 per semester will carry no consequences. (A student who arrives late to first period is considered tardy.) Tardies 7-12 will carry one hour detention, each, to be served before/after school Tardies 13-18 will carry one day of ISS each Tardies 19 or more will carry multiple days of ISS each Missed before/after school detention *Parent may reschedule in advance *Student may miss detention and be rescheduled once with no penalty *Repeat instances will result in assignment to ISS Page 3 DOERRE SMOKE SIGNALS KISD Birthday Snack Guidelines Pursuant to state law, KISD permits parents/guardians to bring a birthday snack for their child’s birthday. The following guidelines apply to such snacks: Birthday snacks will be distributed at the end of the lunch period, after students have had a nutritious meal as defined by the School Lunch Program and Texas Department of Agriculture. Written consent from a parent/guardian must be obtained before a student will be permitted to share a birthday snack. Parents/guardians are encouraged to obtain birthday snacks through the Klein Food Service Department. With advance notice, the Food Service Department will prepare cupcakes or cookies. Any parent/guardian who provides a birthday snack from elsewhere must: 1. Provide a list of ingredients. In the case of commercially prepared food, the list on the product label will be acceptable. 2. All snacks must be wrapped and packaged in a disposable container. Schools will not be responsible for parents’ personal kitchen items. 3. All snacks must be delivered by the parent to the campus Food Service Department, where a written receipt for the item will be prepared. Children will not be permitted to carry snacks to school. 4. Snacks for individual consumption, such as bagels, muffins, cupcakes, etc., must be individually wrapped. In keeping with the KISD wellness policy, parents are encouraged to provide a healthy treat for students, such as fresh fruit, yogurt, granola bars, etc. Doerre Traffic Here are a few reminders, which, if followed, will make traffic better for everyone: When waiting for your child, please be reminded that cars behind you may have loaded their students and cannot get out if both lines of cars are blocked by someone still waiting. Please be courteous and, if necessary, circle back and enter the parking lot again while waiting on your child. If exiting through the bus exit, please be prepared to stop beginning at 4:05 p.m. as the buses are dismissed. As soon as the completely loaded buses have pulled out, car traffic may proceed. Because of safety issues with cars/buses, carpoolers are not permitted to load cars along the curb by the bus loading area. Please do not park, drop off, or drive through the bus loading area. Safety is always our first concern. That area is for bus traffic only between 8:15 — 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 — 4:15 p.m. Cars wishing to exit through Theiss Mail, must enter/drive through the lanes closest to Warrior Way (lanes painted with blue arrows.) Cars wishing to exit through Red Holly (by the tennis courts,) must enter/drive through the lanes closest to the school (lanes painted with red arrows.) Page 4 DOERRE SMOKE SIGNALS Guidelines for Using Metal Detectors The Klein Independent School District has a deep concern for the safety and security of its students and employees. To address these concerns video cameras have been installed, random parking lot drug searches before and during the school day have been implemented, human-canine teams make regular visits to the campus, and each high school campus has full time police officers and a parking lot monitor on duty during the school day. An additional procedure has been implemented to further secure the high school and intermediate campuses. All high schools and intermediates have been provided with hand-held metal detectors, which will be used solely on a random basis. Students in randomly selected classrooms and/or buses will be scanned using the hand-held metal detectors. Should there be an alert, students will be asked to cooperate in determining the cause of the alert. If requested, this may be done in an area other than the classroom. Walk through metal detectors may be used on some campuses in a similar manner. The purpose of implementing these security measures is to prevent any student from bringing guns or illegal weapons into the school building. Zero tolerance of guns and illegal weapons means that the KISD will not accept excuses. Therefore, those who possess these objects will be arrested. Your cooperation and support are greatly appreciated. Citations for Possession of Tobacco State law prohibits the possession of tobacco products by minors. The law states, “An individual younger than the age of 18 commits an offense if they possess, purchase, consume, or accept a cigarette or tobacco product.” Violation of the law is punishable by a fine not to exceed $250. Klein ISD Police Officers will issue citations to any students, who are minors, found to be in possession of tobacco products. It is important to realize that this law is not specific to school campuses. Minors can be cited for being in possession on or off school property. In addition to a citation, students will be processed according to the student handbook for possession of tobacco on campus or at school sponsored activities. As always, we encourage you to make good choices and abide by state law and the policies of the Klein School District. If you have any questions regarding the tobacco law or KISD policy, please see your assistant principal or principal. Net Cash in Cafeteria KISD Food Service is continuing a cashless system called NetCash. This system benefits students by helping the lines move more quickly, thereby, giving the students more time to eat. The NetCash machine allows students to add cash to their account prior to entering the food line either before or during lunch. They simply enter their PIN number and insert cash. Their balance is immediately updated. Students will also be able to check their balance and get a receipt when they utilize the machine. Students with checks will make their deposits with a food service employee in one of the open lines before school. Deposits by check should always include the student’s name and PIN number somewhere on the check so it gets credited to the correct student account. Parents may continue to check their child’s balance or make a deposit to their account using a credit card on PayPAMS. The website is Money remaining in a student’s account at the end of the school year will immediately be available to students at any KISD school on the first day of school, including high school. Page 5 DOERRE SMOKE SIGNALS Dress Code To maintain a standard of appearance which is a positive factor in the learning environment, the following dress code will be in effect: Pants that hang on the hipbone, frayed pants, unhemmed pants, or those that result in a bare midriff are not acceptable. No low-cut, backless or see-through tops will be allowed. Clothing with improper advertising or slogans will not be permitted. Any garment or design of a garment which is too short or too revealing and would tend to provoke a suggestive or uncomplimentary remark may not be worn to school. Appropriate undergarments must be worn. Any hair style or color that is distracting will not be permitted on school property. Designs and insignias cannot be cut in the hair. No hats or head coverings may be worn. No student will wear exposed rings, studs, or other jewelry associated with body piercing. Students may, however, wear earrings or ear studs. Fighting on Campus We are proud to say that Doerre is a wonderful place for students to attend school. It is our goal, as a faculty and staff, to continue to provide a safe learning environment for all students and teachers. With everyone’s cooperation, we know this can be accomplished. We believe all students can learn and refuse to allow a few to interfere with the learning environment. There are many teachers, counselors, and administrators who will assist students with any problem they may have. We are confident that all problems can be solved if a student will include staff members in the process. There is no reason to resort to physical or verbal abuse. Fighting will not be tolerated under any conditions. Students should ignore the so-called friends who will encourage them to make a poor decision. If a fight should occur two questions will be asked. They are as follows: What did you do to prevent the fight? What school official did you ask for help? The response to these questions will assist in determining student responsibility. In past years our students have been most cooperative. We know that the 2013-2014 school year will be no different. Alcohol Prohibited at Campus Events Klein ISD is an alcohol-free school zone. Please be advised that alcohol is not allowed at any campus related or campus sanctioned event/activity whether held on or off school property. This includes booster club functions. Alcohol is prohibited when employees may be present, even if the event/activity is for adults only and is held off campus. See Texas Education Code Section 38.007 and KISD Board Policies DH (Legal), FNCF (Legal), and GKA (Legal). DOERRE SMOKE SIGNALS Page 6 Student Deliveries and Messages Please review with your child the following Klein ISD Student Handbook policies/procedures. Only messages of an emergency nature can be relayed to students. It is hoped that parents can plan ahead with their children for unusual weather conditions or other situations that would alter the method by which students return home. Deliveries of a personal nature, such as flowers, gifts, etc. are not made. Please help us minimize classroom disruptions, thereby, maximizing instructional time, by planning ahead with your children to see that they are leaving home with all their homework, books, library books, lunch or lunch money, P.E. uniforms, musical instruments, etc. Thank you for your assistance. Teacher Websites Every teacher at Doerre has a website on which they will place information about lessons and homework. This is an excellent way for students and parents to access information, especially when a student is absent. Organizations and Clubs Doerre Intermediate offers a wide variety of activities in which students may become involved. Membership in a club or organization is a great way for sixth graders or new students to acclimate themselves to Doerre and to begin to, “feel at home.” The following list is a sampling of activities but is not meant to be all inclusive: Student Council National Junior Honor Society Chess Club Anime Club Math Club Intramurals Culture Club Warriors for Christ Doerre Chiefs Child Safety Awareness Parents should instruct their child to be aware of strangers and to report to them and/or school authorities anyone who improperly approaches them. Athletics All students who plan to try out for any sport will be required to have a current physical and a copy of their birth certificate on file with the coaches prior to the first day of practice. ************************ Shooting fireworks or explosive devices of any kind in the building or on the campus, at any time, during the day or night, is forbidden. Students with such paraphernalia in their possession on the campus will be subject to suspension or expulsion. Page 7 DOERRE SMOKE SIGNALS Community Relations Parents should discuss with their children the seriousness of respecting the property of our neighbors. As part of their character development it is our responsibility to impress on them the importance of positive community relations. Public Information Request Unless we have written notification from the parent, KISD is required by law to release to anyone who makes a formal request through the Public Information Office: student body names, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, awards received in school, and most recent, previous school attended. Campus Visitors A parent who wishes to schedule a conference with a teacher is asked to call the receptionist for an appointment. Parents who wish to visit on campus or eat lunch with their child must sign in at the main office and show a driver’s license to obtain a visitor’s pass. Siblings/guests/students from other schools are not allowed to visit our students. It is essential that these procedures are followed to provide safety and security for all. Lockers and Backpacks Each student is assigned their own locker and may not share with any other student. Students are required to utilize a school lock on their lockers at all times in both the hallway and gym to secure their valuables and textbooks. Doerre locks which were used last year may be used again. Any lock used must be one purchased from Doerre. Locks are $6 for a new lock and $3 for a used one. Backpacks may only be used by students as they travel to and from school; they may not be carried between classes. With the smaller lockers that we have, it would be helpful if students purchase drawstring backpacks instead of heavy, bulky backpacks. This will help accommodate their books and other belongings. Please assist us in the handling of custody related issues. It is the responsibility of the parents to provide the principal a certified copy of the court order affecting any other person’s right to their children. Should you have any questions, please call Mrs. Patin, Principal, at 832-249-5700. Page 8 DOERRE SMOKE SIGNALS Counselor’s Corner Brandi Halverson (Last Names A-G); Dawn Kirk (Last Names H-O); Jennifer Berumen (Last Name P-Z); Joy Bezner, Special Education Case Manager. **Please make note of the alpha breakdown by the last name for counselors** Course Verification Sheet Students will be receiving 2015-2016 Course Verification Sheets the last week of April. ALL STUDENTS must return the form with a parent signature to the Counseling Office by Wednesday, May 6 2015, even if there are no changes made. Look through your child’s courses and make any CHANGES on the Verification List in RED (or colored) ink. Changes will be reflected on the Final Verification Sheet which will be sent home towards the end of May. Final Verification Sheets are due to the Counseling Office by Wednesday, May 27 2015. The last day to make schedule changes for all students is Thursday, June 11, by 3:00PM. Credit by Exam Credit by Exam (CBE) is available for elementary and intermediate students. Students may accelerate an entire grade level or one core course by taking Credit by Examination (CBE) and scoring 80 on the required assessments. Credit by exam is also available for high school credit courses. Students may earn credit for high school courses by scoring an 80 or above on a Credit by Examination (CBE). Students must not have prior instruction in the course they are attempting. Credit will only be awarded for core high school courses after the student has successfully completed both semester exams. CBE parent registration forms and additional information is available on the Doerre website counselor page. Grade Repair Grade Repair is available for eligible students that are in danger of failing academic subjects. In order to be promoted to the next grade level, students must have a year-end average of 70 or higher in all academic courses. Doerre is providing the opportunity to earn a passing average of 70 through an online grade repair program called Edgenuity. (formerly E2020) There will be no summer school this year. Students will be expected to repair grades through Edgenuity during the school year for promotion. E2020 will be after school on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please contact your child’s counselor for more information. Page 9 DOERRE SMOKE SIGNALS Art News The following 6th grade students had their The Color Scheme Project chosen to be on display at McDonald’s: F. Lehwald, M. Khan, T. Crowl, S. Thomas, C. Roche, H. Rosborough, E.Tran, and A. Antar Congratulations! Well done! Also Congratulations to five students who had art work selected to enter the Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts Annual Student Art Contest to compete with students from all over the Region. They are 6th grade; R. Patel and L. Villagran, 7th grade; O. Blume and 8th grade M. Esquivel, and A. Hajdik. The winners will be announced on April 19th, so the best of luck to all our contestants. The Art Department is very proud of the hard work done by all our students! The winner of the Doerre Diversity Calendar Drawing contest this year is M. Zeimer. Way to go! The winner of the Doerre 8th grade Program Design this year is M. Esquivel. Great Job! We also have approximately 25 student entries into the Region 4 Junior Vase Scholastic Art Contest to take place May 2nd. Plans are under way to get these students prepared to interview with judges who will select top art works according to the art work and the student’s knowledge of their subject matter and techniques used to produce the art work. We are looking forward to the results so stay tuned! The Art Department is proud to announce that M. Poduval and J. Vonk won Silver Keys in Scholastic Art and to M. Esquivel won Honorable Mention! Congratulations girls! The results of the Rodeo Art Contest are: Three Finalist for Best of Show are S. Grutzmacher , E. Moore, and M. Poduval. Ten blue ribbon winners are M. Esquivel, N. Goravanchi, A. Hajdik, N. Haung, J. Vonk, J. Calhoun, E. Chiu, M. Coppin, R. Shehzad, and S. Stamos. Red ribbon winners are M. Allison, H. Stiegman, A. Roy, and R. Rueda. The white ribbon winner was C. Satterfield. Three Rodeo art Selections were chosen as favorites by Central Office or KIC. They were M. Esquivel, and M. Poduval and J. Calhoun whose work was chosen by our Superintendent. You all did a wonderful job! The Art Department is very proud of your hard work! Choir – 5th 6 weeks schedule! April 10- 6th grade Solo and Ensemble Contest, Strack Intermediate, 4:30-6pm April 28th – Pop Show Solo Spot Auditions, Doerre Choir Room, 4-8pm April 30th – Donuts with Doerre!, for all incoming Doerre Choir members, Doerre Cafeteria, 4:15pm-5:30pm May 16th – Spring Trip to Schlitterbahn May 18th –Pop Show Dress Rehearsal, 4-6pm, Doerre Cafeteria May 19th – Pop Show!, 7:00pm, Doerre Cafeteria Page 10 DOERRE SMOKE SIGNALS “Note”able News from the Orchestra February and March found the Doerre Orchestra students busy preparing and performing their Solos and/or Ensembles. From the Concert Orchestras, 82 medals were earned and 18 were selected as Outstanding Performers. In the Intermediate, Philharmonic, Symphony, and Chamber Orchestras, 187 students received medals and 54 students were selected as Outstanding Performers. The entire program earned 269 total medals/trophies! For the prestigious “Outstanding Performers” Award, the judges choose these at the end of the day, only after all students have performed, and only to those musicians whose performance was above and beyond the “Excellent” award. Way to go Orchestras! The Orchestras participated in the Galveston Isle Festival on Saturday, March 28th. Each group will also participate in UIL on April 9th and 10th. The 6th grade concert/beginner orchestras will compete in a new festival at Klein High School on May 26th. The final performance of the year, the Spring Concert, will be May 28th at 7:00 p.m. at Klein High School. More details will be forthcoming in class (early May). We hope many family members and friends will be able to attend. This will be our 8th graders final performance with the Doerre Orchestra…. we wish you farewell and please know how much you will be missed! Social events……. The Splashtown outing is set for Saturday, May 16th , with more details forthcoming in class. Also, all of the students who have received the #10 coupon on the Incentive Chart will be enjoying the complimentary Ice Cream Party at the end of May after school! So keep working to earn the weekly stickers in order to fill out your chart before the last week of May! TAKE NOTE: The three activities available during the summer are private lessons, weekly summer camps offered at different universities around the state and Doerre Summer Orchestra in August before school starts. Ms. Multop/Ms. Torres will send home an information later in May regarding private lessons and camp. A letter will be mailed to you in the middle of the summer with more details concerning these two days. Page 11 DOERRE SMOKE SIGNALS
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