Australian Dohne Breeders’ Association A.B.N. 81 094 815 559 Postal Address: PO Box 108 GOODWOOD SA 5034 Phone: 08 8210 5229 Fax: 08 8231 4173 Email: Website: 2016 GLOBAL DOHNE CONFERENCE - AUSTRALIA The Global Dohne Conference acknowledges and celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Dohne Merino Breeders Society of South Africa. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (A full program with costs will be available at a later date) Dear Dohne Breeder, The Australian Dohne Breeders Association has pleasure in inviting you to attend a Global Dohne Breeders Conference being conducted from the 15 July to the 23rd July 2016, subject to sufficient level of interest being received from international Dohne Breeders. Please find an outline of the Conference program on page 2. In welcoming your attendance at the Global Dohne Conference, we advise that the program will be educational for both stud and commercial breeders and will provide you with an exciting opportunity to view quality Dohnes, visit associated industry businesses, network with other sheep breeders/industry personnel and have the opportunity to visit Australia. We invite you to join with us and participate in making this Global Dohne Conference a great success. ................................................................................................................................................................... 2016 GLOBAL DOHNE CONFERENCE - AUSTRALIA EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FORM To be assured of receiving further information on the Global Dohne Conference and to assist us with our planning, please let us know about the probabilities of your interest in attending the Conference and tours. (Please enter your details & mark the appropriate box in each section) Name: ............................................................ Country of residence ...................................... Email Address:.................................................................................................................................. If you do not use email, please enter your postal address ................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................................... At this point the level of my interest in attending the 2016 Global Dohne Conference is: Definitely Yes ☐ Likely ☐ Possible ☐ Definitely No ☐ The likelihood of my attending with a partner, guest or other accompanying person: Definitely Yes ☐ Likely ☐ Possible ☐ Definitely No ☐ At this point the level of my interest in participating in a post-Conference Tour is: Definitely Yes ☐ Likely ☐ Possible ☐ Definitely No ☐ Please return this completed form by Friday 12th June 2015 to the ABDA Secretary Rob Martin, email address or post to PO Box 108 GOODWOOD South Australia 5034 COMPLETING THIS FORM DOES NOT COMMIT YOU TO THE CONFERENCE/TOUR OR GUARRANTEE A PLACE ON THE TOUR. DETAILS WILL BE USED TO ESTABLISH INTEREST AND A CONTACT REGISTER FOR FURTHER PROMOTION WHEN DETAILS ARE FINALISED. GLOBAL DOHNE CONFERENCE JULY 2016 PROGRAM Friday 15 July: Arrive Melbourne, Victoria Sat 16 July: Free day in Melbourne, delegates can tour the city at their leisure. Sun 17 July: Bus departs Melbourne at 8:00am for Bendigo where delegates will spend the day at the Australian Sheep and Wool Show; this is the biggest sheep show in the world with more than 3000 sheep on show. Mon 18 July: Delegates to visit the Bendigo lamb sale at 10.00 am to view a yard sale. This venue regularly has in excess of 30 000 lambs for sale. Following the sale delegates will travel back to the showground to view the Merino Ram Sale. At 1.30 pm Delegates depart for Echuca where they will visit Bruce Barnes-Webb’s DD Dohne Stud. Delegates will then spend the night at Echuca Australia’s only inland port on the Murray River. Tue 19 July: 7.00 am depart for Corowa to view a Dohne feedlot at Riverlea. Depart at 11.00 am for Coonong Station owned by Tom and Sophie Holt. This is one of the largest commercial Dohne operations in Australia. Depart at 3.30 pm for Narrandera to spend the night. Wed 20 July: 8.00 am depart the Motel to visit Peter and Margot Hughes Gullendah Stud. Following lunch depart at 2.00 pm to visit the Roseville Park Stud owned by Graham and Susan Coddington. Roseville Park to host an evening meal and entertainment prior to departing for Dubbo at 8.00 pm for overnight accommodation. Thurs 21 July: Morning program. Tour of the Fletcher International Meatworks or visit the Western Plains Zoo to view Australia’s wildlife. Tour Chad Wool and Macwool. Afternoon program. Dohne display by local studs and commercial breeders. Evening program. Cocktail party and Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) Fashion Show. Friday 22 July: Conference commences followed by the NATIONAL RAM SALE and concluding with a Formal dinner on Friday evening with guest speaker. Conference Topics: (may be subject to alteration). Global appeal of the Breed; Genomics and economic significance; Economics of dual purpose, self-replacing sheep flock; Shearer training and animal welfare issues facing the industry. Reports by representatives from South Africa, South America, Russia, New Zealand and Australia. Sat 23 July: Conference concludes at 1.00 pm. Bus departs for Sydney, New South Wales. Delegates can opt for various tours to other states including the following. Option 1. Travel from Sydney to Adelaide and tour South Australian Studs. Option 2. Travel to Western Australia and tour WA Studs.
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