Panda` Principal Post - Spann Elementary School

On our way, on the MOVE every day, to be WORLD class!
ht t p : / / s p a n n . d d t w o . o r g
Volume 40, Issue 9
May 2015
Panda’ Principal Post
Shane Sanford, Principal
Marcy Brown, AP
WORLD CLASS THANKS: I want to thank all parents, students, and staff
Important Dates
May 7-8
PASS testing 4th-5th
May 14
PTA/SIC Meeting 6pm
May 19
Splash into Kindergarten 6pm
May 22
Terrific Kids 8am
Reading Carnival
5th Grade Dance 2-4pm
for making our new theme come to life this year. We are truly “on our way, on
the MOVE every day, to be WORLD class.” Our students have shown Wisdom, Organization, Responsibility, Leadership, and Discovery daily. You, parents, have supported our instructional and social programs. Our STEAM
Night/Book Fair Night was attended by hundreds! We are looking forward to
more WORLD class happenings at Spann in 2015-16!
2015-16 UPCOMING DATES/INFO: Join our official Spann Elementary
School FACEBOOK page (the one with Spanndy the traveling panda as the
profile picture) for up to the minute updates and info. We’ll keep it full of
news over the summer, too. Facts and Fees registration will be 7 am to 7 pm
on Aug. 4-5, Meet the Teacher is Aug. 13 from 6 pm to 8 pm, and the first
day of school is Aug. 17. Remember that school hours will be 7:15 to 2:15
next year. Everyone will have to adjust their alarm clocks so that students
are not tardy to school and miss instruction! Have a Spanntastic summer!
May 26
Field Day 4th/5th
May 27
into K
Field Day 2nd/3rd
will be in Kindergarten next
May 28
school year
Field Day K/1st
May 29
Spann Spirit Day
Report Cards Go Home
LAST Day of School
4 year olds who
Please join us for an information session
about your child entering Kindergarten.
Prizes will be given away!
Spann Media Center
May 19th at 6pm
Dorchester School District Two will assume management of school bus operations at the end of the
school year
At the April 13th school board meeting, the Dorchester School District Two Board of Trustees voted to take
over the operation and maintenance of the school bus transportation system at the close of the 2014-2015 school
year. The district will not renew the contract with Durham School Services who has managed bus transportation
service for the district since 2011-2012.
After an extensive review of district bus operations over the past months, district officials reported that the
district could operate the bus transportation system more efficiently and more economically. By taking over
bus operations rather than outsourcing this service, it is projected that the district would save approximately
$200,000 in the proposed district operating budget. In addition, the school district and school board have
worked toward improvement of student bus service this year with several initiatives, such as the purchase of 15
additional school buses for next year.
Preschool Story Time at the Spann Parent Involvement Center!
What Fun!!! Stories, music and movement,
games and crafts and sometimes snacks! Children get a free book/material to take home each time! Preschool story time
meetings help give parents the skills needed to promote early literacy development for their children. Children also learn to
interact with other children from this group experience.
Resources available!!! Materials are available for check out from the parent involvement center for preschool and older
children. Our next story time will be May 6th from 9-10:00 am! Please call 843-695-2995 or email to reserve your space.
Field Day schedule:
Tuesday, May 26th -8:30-10:30-4th grade
11:45-1:45-5th grade
Wednesday, May 27th - 8:30-10:30-2nd grade
11:45-1:45-3rd grade
Thursday, May 28th -8:30-10:30-Kindergarten
11:45-1:45-1st grade
Volunteer needed to make SNO-CONES,
please call Myranda Foether at 843-513-0907.
From the
Dorchester School District Two is proud to announce the launch of our new website
platform. On June 8th, 2015 we will transition from our current School Fusion platform
to Edline. In order to make the transition successful for all of our users, we are encouraging parents, students and staff to save any personal files currently stored on School
Fusion to an alternate location. As of June 8th, you will no longer be able to access
websites or files on School Fusion.
Thanks to community feedback, we have organized our new websites to allow for
ease of navigation in order to effectively communicate with the Dorchester School
District Two community. Parents will have the ability to quickly access up-to-date
information on what is happening in the district and their child’s school. We will keep
you informed regarding web site features and the progress of the transition.
If your student has medication at the school,
Elijah Smith
Ricardo DeCastro
Jacquez Flott
Chandler Trinidad
Elijah Flatt
Jozia Hicks
The Spann PTA has many positions that are open or soon will be. We need your help to
keep doing all the things that the PTA does at Spann.
Chloe Carr
Hospitality chair: (training available) main responsibility is managing 3 events per
year… the Grandparents breakfast in September, Donuts for Dads in November and
Muffins for Moms in April
Bryce Kuhl
Lily Stecko
Caleb Jenkins
Jayden Bryan
Alexander Thompson
Katlyn Walsh
Deisy Gonzalez
Karmen Nelson
Aiden Pickett
Makayla Briggs
Aubrey Rillorta
Kyle Weathers-Brown
Robert Sumersett
Caleb Yeager
J’Metrius Stanley
Ahyanee Bronson-Villarreal
please pick it up by end of school year. For safety reasons, we do not send
medication home with students. A parent or guardian must pick up the medication. If your child’s medicine is not picked up, it will be discarded. Please
stop by the Nurse’s Office to pick up your child’s medicine by MAY 29, 2015.
Help Wanted
Spirit day popcorn member: (NEEDED ASAP-training available) 2 or more people
needed to make popcorn for all classrooms on Spirit days: May 22nd.
Membership chair: (training available) the bulk of this position is in August, September
and October. Managing PTA memberships and sending in a monthly statement telling
how many members our PTA has.
Dorchester Two’s GATE Summer Reading List Summer 2015
Reading is an essential skill for all academic work, and the more students read, the better readers they become! Wide recreational reading can extend vocabulary, increase comprehension,
and stimulate higher order thinking. We want the best learning experiences for our children in
Dorchester Two!
Every student participating in Dorchester Two’s Gifted & Talented Education (GATE)
program has been asked to read the following novels this summer:
Rising 4 grade GATE students – Choice of one of the following: The Sign of the
Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare, Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell, Indian
in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
Cuahutemoc Ramirez
Shaelyn Pugh
Grace Bower
Ja’Davion Hicks
Hannah Turnbull
Morgan Lewis
Joshua Barrus
Dedrien Medlock
Zakkary Culleny
Jayden Diaz-Jones
Gavin Smith
Campbell West
Amari Johnson
Katy Hernandez
Drake Pickett
Qi Lin
Dominic Thompson
Emily Tartt
Abigail Murray
Rising 5 grade GATE students – Choice of one of the following: Wonder by R.J.
Palacio, Buddy by M.H. Herlong, Ungifted by Gordon Korman
Rising 6th grade GATE students – The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen
If you would like to order a copy, you may place an order using the form in your child’s
red folder. Please make checks out to Spann Elementary .
It’s the end of the year! Please return all library books by May 15th. If you have lost a
book or owe for damages, please take care of this by May 22nd. You will be notified via
library notice if your child owes for any outstanding books or fines.
Our 3rd annual Reading Carnival is coming up on May 22nd! Each grade
will have a designated time to play at the carnival and all students will
get to participate! However, students in grades 2 – 5 should be working
hard to meet the quarterly reading goals they set with their teacher. This
will help them earn extra games and passes to slides and jump castles!
Meeting the goal involves not only reading books, but also passing the
Reading Counts quizzes. Special thanks to our PTA for funding our
Spanntastic day! We will need lots of volunteers to help out that day. If you
can help, please contact our media specialist, Donna Merrithew, at or 873-3050.