On our way, on the MOVE every day, to be WORLD class! ht t p : / / s p a n n . d d t w o . o r g Volume 40, Issue 8 Ap r i l 2 0 1 5 Panda’ Principal Post Shane Sanford, Principal Marcy Brown, AP 843-873-3050 Important Dates March 30– April 3 Spring Break April 8 Final Math Wizards Testing, Testing, 1,…2,…3! In an effort to keep you informed, we have prepared a snapshot of the state required assessments for this spring. The state has chosen to administer the ACT suite of assessments for English, writing, reading, and math in Grades 3 through 8. The state will continue to administer SCPASS in science and social studies. Below is the testing schedule for this spring: 2014-2015 Assessment April 9 PTA/SIC Meeting 6pm April 13-17 Volunteer Appreciation Week April 14 Red Cross Blood Drive 2014-2015 Testing Dates Tested Grades ACT Aspire Writing April 28 Grades 3 - 8 ACT Aspire English April 28 Grades 3 - 8 ACT Aspire Reading April 29 Grades 3 - 8 ACT Aspire Math April 30 Grades 3 - 8 SCPASS Science May 7 Grades 4 - 8 SCPASS Social Studies May 8 Grades 4 - 8 April 15 Early Release 11am Club Day We invite you to visit the State Department of Education web site for additional information on the new state testing program at http:// www.ed.sc.gov/agency/pi/act/. April 21 Muffins for Mom (K-2) 7 am April 23 Muffins for Mom (3-5) 7am April 24 Spann Spirit Day DD2 also requires that schools have monitors present in the classroom to assist the teacher during the administration of SCPASS and ACT. DD2 adopted this policy based on a recommendation by the state of South Carolina. The estimated time frame for this volunteering opportunity is 7:30 -10:30 a.m. Please contact the Kathy Corless or Naysha Lucarelli in the front office at 873-3050 if you are able to volunteer. April Birthday Celebration Terrific Kids 8am April 27-May 1 Teacher Appreciation Week April 29 Interims Go Home April 30 Help us make your student feel confident and comfortable as he/she tests this spring. Be sure your student goes to bed early, gets a good night’s sleep, eats a good breakfast, and arrives at school on time. Please note that students are not allowed to have cell phones, tablets, or other electronic communication devices in their possession during testing. Thank you for your support in encouraging your student to put forth his/her best effort. 4K/K PTA Program 6pm Family Volunteer Opportunity Katie’s Krops Garden – Spann Elementary is partnering with Katie's Krops and Bosch to expand our garden with a vision to help people in need. We will have a family friendly garden work day on Saturday, April 25th at 9:00 a.m. Meet at the black gates between the 5th grade learning cottages and John McKissick Way. The mission of Katie's Krops is to start and maintain vegetable gardens of all sizes and donate the harvest to help feed people in need, as well as to assist and inspire others to do the same. The problem of hunger is real, Katie's Krops mission is simple, we all can help because...It only takes a seedling! Preschool Story Time at the Spann Parent Involvement Center! What Fun!!! Stories, music and movement, games and crafts and sometimes snacks! Children get a free book/material to take home each time! Preschool story time meetings help give parents the skills needed to promote early literacy development for their children. Children also learn to interact with other children from this group experience. Early Release Days for April 15th Children will be dismissed at 11 am. Any changes to transportation need to be sent in writing. Resources available!!! Materials are available for check out from the parent involvement center for preschool and older children. Our next story time will be April 15th from 9-10:00 am! Please call 843-695-2995 or email PD am Jerahmiah Jackson PD pm Regginae Pringle PDK Aaliyah Teer 4K1 Edward Gibson 4K2 Bartholomew Vanderhorst KA Kaylee Amos Spirit day popcorn team: (NEEDED ASAP-training available) 2 or more people needed to make popcorn for all classrooms on Spirit days: April 13th, April 24th and May 22nd. KB MyKhail Adams Hospitality chair: (training available) main responsibility is managing 3 events per year… the Grandparents breakfast in September, Donuts for Dads in November and Muffins for Moms in April. KC Molly Johnson KD Miley Mae Shepherd KE Bryce Kuhl Teacher Appreciation chair: (needed immediately) main responsibilities center on one week in April/May (April 27th - May 1st.) KF Helicia DeCastro 1A Holley Brown 1B Haiden Stokes 1C Ava Kline 1D Xander Hudson 1E Elissa Morris 1F Ajani Horry 1G Yaritza Gamez 1H Ethan Perez-Perez 2A Landon Burbage 2B Naomi DeCastro Please plan to attend one or all of the following meetings and workshops: 2C Hannah Miller DATE & TIME 2D Mariah Dew 2E Jaiden Esver 2F Ashton King 2G Caraline Boomhower 5:00 p.m. 3A Sophia Morse Wednesday, May 13 Public Hearing: Budget Presentation District Office Board Room 6:00 p.m. 3B Lily Myrick 3C Mary Carlson 3D Josiah Gaddist 3E Lillian Brodbeck 3F Isabella Schreiber 4A Brandon Driggers 4B Yaquelin Perez– Morales 4C Mackenzie Hutchison Our 3rd annual Reading Carnival is coming up on May 22nd! Each grade will have a designated time to play at the carnival and all students will get to participate! However, students in grades 2 – 5 should be working hard to meet the quarterly reading goals they set with their teacher. This will help them earn extra games and passes to slides and jump castles! Meeting the goal involves not only reading books, but also passing the Reading Counts quizzes. Special thanks to our PTA for funding our Spanntastic day! We will need lots of volunteers to help out that day. If you 4D Malorie Brown 4E Kahlil Law 4F Autzen Hallock 5A Tyler McArthur 5B Kathryn Brodbeck 5C Jaden Keys 5D Sarah Ward can help, please contact our media specialist, Donna Merrithew, at dmerrithew@dorchester2.k12.sc.us or 873-3050. 5E Donnaija Williams 5F Charlie Wagener lhuggins@dorchester2.k12.sc.us to reserve your space. Help Wanted The Spann PTA has many positions that are open or soon will be. We need your help to keep doing all the things that the PTA does at Spann. Spirit chair: (NEEDED ASAP-training available) responsible for spirit gear inventory and may be asked to sell items at certain events Membership chair: (training available) the bulk of this position is in August, September and October. Managing PTA memberships and sending in a monthly statement telling how many members our PTA has. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT VOLUNTEERING AT SPANN PLEASE CALL MYRANDA FOETHER 843-513-0907 Dorchester School District Two Public Meetings on the 2015-2016 Budget Employees, parents, and community members are invited to attend a series of public meetings and school board workshops on the proposed Dorchester School District Two 2015-2016 district operating budget. Public comment and input is a very important part of the process in developing the budget for the next school year. Tuesday, April 21 MEETING/WORKSHOP Public Input Meeting LOCATION Knightsville Elementary School 6:00 p.m. Monday, May 11 Monday, May 18 School Board Budget Workshop District Office Board Room Budget Presentation to Dorchester County Council Chambers (Time to be announced) County Council Summerville Parents…Important PASS and ACT Testing news!!! 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Parents: Please make sure that you have PASS and ACT Testing marked on your cal- endar for April 28th-30th and May 7th –8th with makeup testing through May 13th. All 3 rd, 4th and 5th grade students will participate in this testing. It is very important that the students be present to take all of these tests. Please do not plan medical appointments or out-of-school functions for the dates shown. Research shows children perform better on tests when taken with their regular teacher in their own classroom. Students who are absent will be given a make-up test by a different teacher in a different location. Please make sure that your child is at school ON TIME, as tardy students will not be able to join their classmates if testing is already in progress and will have to take a make-up test. In addition, students may NOT bring into the testing location any electronic device that can be used for communicating, timing, or imaging. These tests will help identify skills your child has attained and those that s/he needs to develop. You can help your child by doing the following: Set the alarm clock a little early so that your child can eat and dress without rushing. Be sure your child is not late for school. No student will be admitted to class after testing begins. Prepare a good breakfast, but not a heavy one. Toasted foods help stimulate the brain. Protein and Vitamin C provide energy. Avoid sugary breads and cereals. Make sure your child gets plenty of rest during testing week by going to bed early. This is a time students need to feel their best. Help your child feel positive about taking the test by expressing confidence in your child’s ability to do well. DO NOT tie test results to school grades. This can create a great deal of anxiety for students. Avoid any conversations that may arouse anxiety, conflict or unpleasantness. Don’t schedule appointments on test days. Make sure your child is at school unless s/he is truly sick. Students perform better in their regular testing environment than in a different room on make-up days. Have your child lay out comfortable clothes for the next day before going to bed so that early morning frantic searches for clothing are avoided. Encourage your child to always do their best and NEVER give up. If an item is too difficult, it is okay to make a best guess and go on to the next question. Students and teachers have been working all year to prepare for these tests. Together we are sure to have a successful testing experience. If you have questions about ACT or PASS, please call the guidance office at 873-3050. Kristin Tanner & Mary Gardner, Spann School Counselors ********************************************************** APRIL ACT Schedule Tuesday, April 28th: Writing, English Wednesday, April 29th: Reading Thursday, April 30th: Math MAY PASS Schedule Grades 4-5 Thursday, May 7th: Science Friday, May 8th: Social Studies ********************************************************
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