MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE DOUGLAS SHIRE COUNCIL HELD AT THE DOUGLAS SHIRE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 64-66 FRONT STREET, MOSSMAN ON TUESDAY, 24 MARCH 2015, COMMENCING AT 10.00 AM PRESENT Cr Julia Leu, Cr Abigail Noli, Cr David Carey, Cr Bruce Clarke, Linda Cardew (Chief Executive Officer), Darryl Crees (General Manager Corporate Services), Paul Hoye (General Manager Operations), Kerrie Hawkes (Executive Officer), Rebecca Assman (Manager Governance), John Rehn (Manager Finance & IT), Donna Graham (Manager Development and Environment), Neil Beck (Planning Officer) and Nicole Barton (Mayor & Councillor Support Officer). ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY Cr Leu acknowledged the Kuku Yalanji people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land and paid respect to their Elders both past and present and extended that respect to other Indigenous Australians present. SUSPENSION OF STANDING ORDERS Moved Cr Clarke Seconded Cr Carey “That Standing Orders be suspended to allow for Agenda Item 5.1 to be considered as the first item of the meeting.” Carried unanimously. 5.1 CR MELCHERT TO ATTEND THE MEETING VIA TELECONFERENCE Rebecca Assman, Manager Governance: #450811 Darryl Crees, General Manager Corporate Services Moved Cr Clarke Seconded Cr Noli “That Council resolve to allow Cr Melchert to attend the Council Meeting via teleconference.” Carried unanimously. ATTENDANCE CR MELCHERT Cr Melchert joined the meeting via telephone at 10.05 am. RESUMPTION OF STANDING ORDERS Standing Orders were resumed. APOLOGIES There were no apologies. 1 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, 24 MARCH 2015, COMMENCING AT 10.00 AM CONFLICT OF INTEREST/MATERIAL PERSONAL INTEREST Cr Melchert referred to the following agenda items: Item 5.3 – Request for Negotiated Decision Notice for Infrastructure Charges Associated with a Development Permit for Operational Works- Prescribed Tidal Works – Reef Marina Wharf Street, Port Douglas; and Item 5.7 - Request for Council Consent for Reef Marinas Short Term Lease of Lot 96 on SP 134234. and advised that he has formed a view that he has a material personal interest in these items, as prior to becoming a Councillor he provided advice to the Fuel Supply Company (Marano Enterprises Pty Ltd) which operates the fuel supply service at the Marina and which is associated with entities which provide Marine services in Dickson Inlet. Cr Melchert therefore declared this interest and advised of his intention to leave the meeting during Council consideration of Agenda Items 5.3 and 5.7. (Where there is reference to Cr Melchert withdrawing from and re-attending the meeting in these minutes, Council staff muted or unmuted the teleconferencing equipment ensuring compliance with the declaration of interest was achieved). MAYORAL MINUTE Nil CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETINGS ORDINARY MEETING HELD ON 3 MARCH 2015 Moved Cr Carey Seconded Cr Noli “That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday 3 March 2015, be confirmed subject to the following amendment on page 2:- Under the heading ‘5.1 Exhibiting Non Native Fauna on Council Parks and Reserves’ the deletion of the first paragraph – ‘Moved Seconded That Council not restrict circuses utilising Council Land for events subject to any applicant holding all necessary State Government licences pertaining to exhibiting animals’.” Carried unanimously. SPECIAL MEETING HELD ON 6 MARCH 2015 Moved Cr Noli Seconded Cr Carey “That the Minutes of the Special Meeting held on Friday 6 March 2015, be confirmed.” Carried unanimously. 2 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, 24 MARCH 2015, COMMENCING AT 10.00 AM AGENDA ITEMS 5.2 COMMERCIAL OTHER SUBSIDIARY ON PREMISES LICENCE ‘BARBADOS’, REEF MARINA, WHARF STREET, PORT DOUGLAS – Susanna Andrews: 450237 Moved Cr Carey Seconded Cr Clarke “That the applicant and the Office of Liquor & Gaming Regulation, Department of Justice & Attorney-General, be advised that Council does not object to the Application for Commercial Other Subsidiary on Premises Licence for ‘Barbados’, Reef Marina, Wharf Street, Port Douglas.” Carried unanimously. WITHDRAWAL – CR MELCHERT Cr Melchert declared a Material Personal Interest in Item 5.3 and left the meeting at 10.15 am. 5.3 REQUEST FOR NEGOTIATED NOTICE FOR INFRASTRUCTURE CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH A DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR OPERATIONAL WORKS - PRESCRIBED TIDAL WORKS – REEF MARINA, WHARF STREET, PORT DOUGLAS Neil Beck: MCUC 449/2014: (450439) Moved Cr Noli Seconded Cr Clarke “That Council, in accordance with Section 643 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, issue an amended Adopted Infrastructure Charges Notice as detailed in Appendix 2 associated with the Material Change of Use for the expansion of the existing Marina over land described as Lot 146 on SP861, located at Wharf Street, Port Douglas.” For:- Cr Noli Against:- Crs Leu, Carey and Clarke. Lost. Moved Cr Carey Seconded Cr Clarke “That Council decline to issue an amended infrastructure charge notice due to there being insufficient justifications provided to council relating to the reduction of the charge.” Carried unanimously. RE-ATTENDANCE CR MELCHERT Cr Melchert re-attended the meeting at 10.27am. 3 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, 24 MARCH 2015, COMMENCING AT 10.00 AM 5.4 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR PERIOD ENDING 28 FEBRUARY 2015, INCLUDING 2014/15 REVISED BUDGET FIGURES Darryl Crees – General Manager Corporate Services Moved Cr Carey Seconded Cr Noli “That Council: 1. Notes the Financial Report for the period ended 28 February 2015. 2. Adopts the 2014/15 Revised Budget figures.” Carried unanimously. 5.5 CONVERSION OF ROLLING TERM LEASE TO FREEHOLD – LOT 242 SP154003 Robert Donovan: Property Officer #450733 Darryl Crees: General Manager Corporate Services Moved Cr Noli Seconded Cr Carey “That Council resolve: 1. to advise the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) that Council has no objection to the application under the Land Act 1994 for the purchase of the Unallocated State Land described as Lot 242 SP154003; and 2. to delegate authority to the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer in accordance with section 257 of the Local Government Act 2009 to finalise all matters associated with this matter.” Carried unanimously. 5.6 REPORT FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Linda Cardew – Chief Executive Officer Moved Cr Noli Seconded Cr Carey “That Council receives and notes the report.” Carried unanimously. WITHDRAWAL – CR MELCHERT Cr Melchert declared a Material Personal Interest in Item 5.7 and left the meeting at 10.58 am. 4 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, 24 MARCH 2015, COMMENCING AT 10.00 AM 5.7 REQUEST FOR COUNCIL CONSENT FOR THE REEF MARINA - SHORT TERM USE OF LOT 96 ON SP134234 Rebecca Assman, Manager Governance #450967 Darryl Crees, General Manager Corporate Services Moved Cr Carey Seconded Cr Noli “That Council resolve to: 1. support the application to use this site for the storage of the new pontoons to be installed and all associated equipment; 2. send a “Statement of Council Consent” to Department of Natural Resources & Mining and the applicant subject to: Council having clear and unobstructed access to the water and wastewater infrastructure and more specifically access to the waste water pump station (SP SYC) for maintenance purposes at all times. A bond/bank guarantee lodged with Council to the amount of $5,000 to replace any damaged infrastructure. that the activities will not adversely interfere with the operation of the Closehaven Marina the Permit issued by DNRM be from 1 May 2015 and expire 30 June 2015 the site to be returned to the trustee in a clean and tidy state by the expiration of the temporary permit being 30 June 2015 the operations do not degrade the seawall a dilapidation report is prepared by Reef Marina in conjunction with Council staff and a copy provided to Council and DNRM prior to occupation. to be cost neutral to Council. 3. delegate authority to the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer in accordance with Section 257 of the Local Government Act 2009 to negotiate, determine and finalise any and all matters associated with the request from Planz Town Planning Pty Ltd regarding the irregular use of the reserve being Lot 96 on SP134234.” Carried unanimously. RE-ATTENDANCE – CR MELCHERT Cr Melchert re-attended the meeting at 11.00am. 6. NOTICES OF MOTION Nil. 7. URGENT BUSINESS Nil. 5 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, 24 MARCH 2015, COMMENCING AT 10.00 AM 8. CLOSED SESSION Moved Cr Noli Seconded Cr Clarke “That Council resolves to move into Closed Session to discuss the following matters: 8.1 - Prejudicial Matter S275 (1)(H) Local Government Regulation 2012 – Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Funding Recommendations 2014-15 Round Two; 8.2 - Contractual Matter – Contract FNQ004 Collection & Removal of Ferrous Metal & Used Lead Acid Batteries; 8.3 - Prejudicial Matter S275(1)(H) Local Government Regulation 2012 – Application to Purchase Unallocated State Land – Lot 202 SP222765; 8.4 - Contractual Matter S275(I)(E) Local Government Regulation 2012 – Daintree Gateway and Ferry Artwork and Signage; 8.5 - Prejudicial Matter – Paws and Claws Kennels Port Douglas; and 8.6 - Contractual Matter S275(1)(E) Local Government Regulation 2012 – Bloomfield Track Interpretive Signage Project – Appointment of Prescribed Body Corporate” Carried unanimously. OUT OF CLOSED SESSION Moved Cr Clarke Seconded Cr Carey “That Council resolves to move out of Closed Session.” Carried unanimously. 8.1 PREJUDICIAL MATTER S275 (1) (H) LOCAL GOVERNMENT REGULATION 2012 – REGIONAL ARTS DEVELOPMENT FUND (RADF) FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS 2014-2015 ROUND TWO Helen Coulthard: Community & Economic Development Officer (#449948) Kerrie Hawkes: Executive Officer Moved Cr Noli Seconded Cr Carey “That Council: 1. approves funding of three Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) 2014-2015 Round Two projects totalling $8,770 detailed in Attachment One of this report; 2. delegates authority to the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009 to finalise any minor amendments in relation to administering the Regional Arts Development Fund applications 2014-2015.” Carried unanimously. 6 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, 24 MARCH 2015, COMMENCING AT 10.00 AM 8.2 CONTRACTUAL MATTER – CONTRACT FNQ004 COLLECTION REMOVAL OF FERROUS METAL & USED LEAD ACID BATTERIES & Donna Graham: Manager Development & Environment Moved Cr Carey Seconded Cr Clarke “That Council resolves to:1. Award Contract FNQ004, separable portion 1, Collection & Removal of Ferrous Scrap Metal to Sims Metal Management Ltd based on the schedule of rates provided for 12 months from 1 May 2015 to 30 April 2016 with the option for a further 12 month extension. 2. Award Contract FNQ004, separable portion 2, Collection & Removal of Used Lead Acid Batteries (ULABs) to Sims Metal Management Ltd based on the schedule of rates provided for 12 months from 1 May 2015 to 30 April 2016 with the option for a further 12 month extension. 3. Adopt the Register of Pre-Qualified Suppliers in accordance with the attached supplier listing for 24 months from 1 May 2015 to 30 April 2017, with the option for a further 12 month extension. 4. Delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009 to negotiate, finalise and execute any and all matters associated with these arrangements.” Carried unanimously. 8.3 PREJUDICIAL MATTER S275 (1) (H) LOCAL GOVERNMENT REGULATION 2012 APPLICATION TO PURCHASE UNALLOCATED STATE LAND - LOT202 SP222765 Robert Donovan: Property Officer #450738 Darryl Crees: General Manager Corporate Services Moved Cr Noli Seconded Cr Carey “That Council resolves: 1. to advise the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) that Council has no objection to the application under the Land Act 1994 for the purchase of part of the Unallocated State Land described as Lot 202 SP222765; and 2. to delegate authority to the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer in accordance with section 257 of the Local Government Act 2009 to finalise all matters associated with this matter.” Carried unanimously. 7 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, 24 MARCH 2015, COMMENCING AT 10.00 AM 8.4 CONTRACTUAL MATTER - DAINTREE GATEWAY FERRY ARTWORK AND SIGNAGE Kerrie Hawkes: Executive Officer (Doc # 450865) Linda Cardew: Chief Executive Officer Moved Cr Carey Seconded Cr Noli “That Council resolves: 1. to purchase the ferry artwork submitted to Council by Lenice Shchonenberger, Loretta Pierce and Ronald ‘Bama’ Bamboo; 2. to implement the last image in attachment three as the signage for the Daintree River Ferry turnoff; and 3. to delegate authority to the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009 to finalise any and all matters associated with this artwork and signage.” Carried unanimously. 8.5 PREJUDICIAL DOUGLAS MATTER – PAWS AND CLAWS KENNELS PORT Darryl Crees: General Manager Corporate Services #450568 Moved Cr Noli Seconded Cr Carey “That Council:1. resolves to release remaining funds held on behalf of Paws and Claws Kennels Port Douglas in the following manner: $10,000 to provide assistance for operational requirements. $30,000 to purchase and install a caretaker’s cottage subject to Paws and Claws Kennels providing a full acquittal of funds expended for this purpose. 2. delegates authority to the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009 to finalise any and all matters associated with this resolution.” Carried unanimously. 8 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, 24 MARCH 2015, COMMENCING AT 10.00 AM 8.6 CONTRACTUAL MATTER S275 (1)(E) LOCAL GOVERNMENT REGULATION BLOOMFIELD TRACK INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE PROJECT – APPOINTMENT OF PRESCRIBED BODY CORPORATE Linda Cardew: Chief Executive Officer Moved Cr Carey Seconded Cr Clarke “That Council resolves: 1. that in accordance with Section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Council is satisfied that because of the specialised or confidential nature of the services that are sought, it would be impractical or disadvantageous for the local government to invite quotes or tenders; and 2. that in its capacity as the Prescribed Body Corporate, Council appoints Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC as the supplier of Traditional Owner consultancy services to the Bloomfield Track Interpretive Signage project.” Carried unanimously. CLOSURE OF MEETING The meeting closed at 11.55 am. CONFIRMED THIS DAY OF 2015 …………………………………… MAYOR/CHAIR 9
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