INDIAN RIVER LAGOON NATIONAL ESTUARY PROGRAM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY APRIL 30, 2014 FAU HARBOR BRANCH OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE MEMBERS PRESENT Drew Kendall, US EPA Co-Chair; Drew Bartlett, Deputy Secretary of FDEP, Co-Chair; Doug Bournique, SJRWMD Governing Board; Chris Dzadovsky, St. Lucie County Commission; Rebecca Elliott, FDACS; Ed Fielding, Martin County Commission; Andrea Graves, The Nature Conservancy; Dr. Dennis Hanisak, FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute; Dr. Kevin Johnson, TAC Co-Chair, Florida Institute of Technology; William Kerr, Member Emeritus; Chuck Nelson, Brevard County Commission; Dr. Rich Paperno, FFWCC; Jeff Schmidt, USDA/NRCS; Martin Smithson, CAC Chair; Bob Solari, Indian River County Commission; Dr. Johns Windsor, Member Emeritus PROXIES FOR MEMBERS Janet Zimmerman for Mark Crosley, Florida Inland Navigation District; Kathy LaMartina for Kevin Powers, South Florida Water Management District; Lynne Phillips for John Shaffer, NASA SIGN-IN SHEET Jason Bessey, Dana Maira, Kaylene Wheeler, Mike McCabe, Brian Sharpe, Graham Cox, Pam Gillespie, Kendra Parson, Frank Sakuma, Kathy Hill, Jody Palmer, Andrew Eastwick, Lorraine Guise, Judy Orcutt, Keith McCully, Alexis Thomas, Henry Dean, William Tredik, Doug Smith, Deborah Drum, Liz Alward, Mary Chapman, Amy Adams, Vince Lamb, Gail Meredith, Herb Waittall, Tom Carey, Terry Clark, Virginia Barker WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS After 10:00 am, Drew Kendall, Co-Chair, commenced the meeting of the Indian River Lagoon Advisory Board (Board). Peggy White, St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), introduced Maurice Sterling, the interim Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program (IRLNEP) Director, to the Board. All in attendance introduced themselves. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon a motion by Mr. Fielding, and seconded by Mr. Kerr, the Board unanimously approved the minutes of the February 19, 2014 meeting, as distributed. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA Mr. Kendall asked for any additions to the agenda, and the following were offered: Mr. Bartlett asked for time during the meeting to float an idea to the Board. Mr. Sterling requested approval to prepare, on behalf of the Board, an appropriate service recognition for the outgoing IRLNEP Director, Troy Rice. Upon a motion by Mr. Bournique, and seconded by Mr. Fielding, the Board unanimously authorized Maurice Sterling to prepare, on behalf of the Board, an appropriate service recognition for the outgoing IRLNEP Director, Troy Rice. OLD BUSINESS “2013 Unexpended Cooperative Assistance Funds” - Peggy White notified the Board that SJRWMD would not move forward with the “Be Floridian” project. ADDITION TO THE AGENDA Mr. Bartlett led the Board in discussion about whether the SJRWMD should remain the IRLNEP sponsor, or if another form of sponsorship is appropriate. The Board unanimously passed a motion made by Mr. Bournique, seconded by Mr. Fielding, to commence a meeting of the Board as soon as possible after receiving input from EPA, FDEP, SJRWMD, SFWMD, and others, for the purpose of evaluating viable options to change the sponsorship, and funding, of the IRLNEP. OLD BUSINESS “IRLNEP Communications Plan” and “IRLNEP Web Page” – Maurice Sterling introduced the IRLNEP Communications Plan to the Board for their approval. Joining the discussion of the Communications Plan, Peggy White showed the Board the new IRLNEP web page. Upon a motion by Mr. Solari, seconded by Mr. Fielding, the Board approved the IRLNEP Communications Plan, with Bill Kerr opposed. NEW BUSINESS “IRLNEP 2014-2015 Work Plan” – Alan Weaver, SJRWMD, introduced the IRLNEP 2014-2015 Work Plan to the Board, and requested approval to submit the plan for SJRWMD Governing Board approval, and submission to EPA. Upon a motion by Mr. Fielding, seconded by Mr. Kerr, the Board approved the IRLNEP 2014-2015 Work Plan presented at the meeting, with the condition that if the “Be Floridian” project becomes viable according to the SJRWMD then that project would be added to the plan. Dr. John Windsor and Dr. Kevin Johnson abstained. “IRL TMDL/BMAP Implementation” – Tom Frick, FDEP, provided the Board with an update of the TMDL/BMAP progress within the IRL watershed. “Indian River Lagoon Seagrass Transplanting” – Dr. Dennis Hanisak, FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic, updated the Board on seagrass transplanting being conducted by FAU Harbor Branch in the IRL. “2014 American Assembly” – Dr. Leesa Soto, Director of the Marine Resources Council (MRC), presented information about MRC’s 2014 American Assembly, and requested sponsorship funding from the IRLNEP. Upon a motion by Dr. Windsor, seconded by Mr. Fielding, the Board unanimously voted to provide $2,000 to MRC for sponsorship of the 2014 American Assembly. “2014 American Assembly Delegate” – Upon a motion by Mr. Solari, seconded by Mr. Fielding, the Board unanimously voted for Maurice Sterling to represent the IRLNEP as a delegate to the 2014 American Assembly. CLOSING REMARKS/PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Sterling presented the Board with an update from Congressman Bill Posey’s office on the NEP Reauthorization and other IRL efforts. Mr. Sterling advised the Board that the next scheduled Board meeting had been October 8, 2014. However, based on Board action today, the next meeting will most likely be in the next four to six weeks. He gave the Board his closing remarks and thanked several in attendance for their efforts. Chairman Kendall asked for speaker cards for public comment, none were offered. ADJOURN There being no further business, Chairman Kendall adjourned the meeting.
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