Good News! From the Welcome Place Welcome Lutheran Church Pastor John R. Sutton, Jr. February 2015 Number 132 A congregation of the North American Lutheran Church Office: 979-251-7576 Audit Committee Pastor’s Letter The Audit Committee will be auditing the church books on Sunday, February 8th. They would like the books that need to be audited in the Council Room by February 1st. Audit Committee Lori Krchnak, Kim Hulsey, Amy Herbrig “What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not withhold His own Son, but gave Him up for all of us, will He not with Him also give us everything else?” Romans 8:31-32 Pastor’s Letter So does God take an interest in sports? The truth is, I don’t think so. When the Apostle Paul talks about disciplining your body like a runner or a boxer, he doesn’t give any indication that God is interested in who wins or who loses. On the other hand, God wants you to be a winner. No, that doesn’t mean you will win every cross country race, get the ball through every hoop, or always make that winning touchdown or knock the ball out of the park for the winning homerun. With God on your side, you are a winner. Not because of your athletic ability, your good works, your success in life, or your accomplishments. You are a winner because of what Christ has done for you. Christ won the victory over sin and death. Christ has opened the way to everlasting life through the resurrection on Easter Sunday morning. By God’s grace, through faith, you are saved. God’s Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, bought the forgiveness of sins by His victory over sin, death and the devil with His Holy and precious blood. Christ not only came into this world, He overcame it. Through God in Christ we are on the winning team. May you enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday. I must admit, I have never really been a big fan of football. From time to time I will watch it on television or go watch the high school football games in Bellville. But I am not a “die-hard” fan like my friend, Mike, in Columbia, South Carolina, who always pulls for Alabama. “Roll Tide Roll!” Almost every time I talk to my friend Mike, he reminds me how good the “Crimson Tide” is doing during football season, especially when they played Texas A & M. I will admit, though, I do watch the “Super Bowl” every year, regardless of who is playing. I think most people watch the “Super Bowl” just for the commercials. Anyway, the “Super Bowl” is the most analyzed, scrutinized, inspected and dissected game on television. It generates statistics. For instance: Did you know that 42 percent of Americans watched the game, even though they normally do not watch sports on tv? Did you know that 55 percent said that football not baseball, is America’s favorite sport? And are you ready for this? Roughly 3 out of every 10 Americans believe that God is involved with picking the winning team, and more that 53 percent believe that God rewards faithful athletes. In His Service, Pastor John 1 Congregational Meeting Congregational Meeting Call to Order by Dwayne Schulz. 41 voting members were present. Approve Minutes from meeting on October 27, 2013 – Minutes were in the newsletter. A motion was made by Eddie Marx to approve the minutes and seconded by Marian Balke. Motion passed. Approve New Council Member replacing Harold Rinn – Scottie Schubert volunteered to serve on council. A motion was made by Marian Balke to approve Scottie Schubert as a council member and seconded by Edwin Kuehn. Motion passed. Audit Committee Report – Erich Glenewinkel made a motion to accept the audit committee report and it was seconded by Cynthia Kuehn. Motion passed. Approval of Standing Committee Reports – Copies of reports were in the newsletter. A motion was made by Anneta Buenger to accept the reports and seconded by Erich Glenewinkel. Motion passed. Election of Representative to NALC Convocation on July 24-25, 2014 in Charleston, South Carolina. Pastor Sutton will attend and Dorothy Dierking volunteered as a representative. Nominating Committee for 2014. Eligible will be outgoing council members Dwayne Schulz, Ronnie Wittner, and Mary Hohlt. Two of these three will be needed and determined at a later date. Alan Kuehn and Erich Glenewinkel volunteered to serve. Building Expansion Committee Update As of January 31, 2014 there was $149,000 in the building fund with a commitment of $25,000 if $175,000 is reached. At date of this meeting, there is $11,250 in addition to the $149,000. Memorial Committee will give $10,000 when a CD matures. New building plans were presented with construction to be part of a four phase project. Phase 1 to include construction of new entrance, offices, restrooms, and shell for fellowship hall. Estimated cost is $495,000. Phase 2 to include completion of interior of fellowship hall and new kitchen. Estimated cost is $185,000. Phase 3 to include remodeling of existing fellowship hall. Phase 4 to include remodeling of existing women’s & men’s restrooms, existing secretarial office, and council room. Eddie Marx made a motion to approve the plans and was seconded by Melissa Glenewinkel. Motion passed. Other building expansion issues discussed included: -Need for additional parking - Time frame for completion of fellowship hall - Fundraising -Need for special congregational meetings in the future Marian Balke made a motion to have formal plans designed once $200,000 is raised. Motion was seconded by Ken Grebe. Motion passed. Marian Balke made a motion to adjourn. Cynthia Kuehn seconded the motion. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned. February 23, 2014 February 23, 2014 Respectfully submitted, Ronnie Wittner Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 22nd 9:00 a.m. Financial Report Assets December 31, 2014 Current Assets Checking/ Savings Welcome Church $77,954.12 General Savings $55,247.09 Welcome Savings $10,059.17 Building Fund $456,641.69 Total Checking/Savings $599,902.07 Total Assets $599,902.07 December Attendance Date 7:45 10:00 3 Advent 07 62 69 10 Advent 14 65 81 17 Advent 21 Christmas Program one service 24 Christmas Eve Candle Light Service 28 35 72 Total 162 382 2 Total 44 131 45 146 49 160 241 107 923 Church Council Meeting Church Council Meeting December 16, 2014 New Business: The bank loan for the expansion has been signed. The Women of Welcome is working on 2015 Project Activities and were granted the use of the Fellowship building for such activities. LED light options for the steeple cross are also being studied. 2015 council positons were determined and are as follows: President: Melissa Glenewinkel Vice President: Sherry Kutch Secretary: April Poncik Treasurer: Anneta Buenger Parish Ed: Janice Rinn Cemetery: Scottie Schubert Building & Grounds: Reese Schmidt Memorial: Cynthia Kuehn Worship: Rena Abel Evangelism: Anneta Buenger A motion was made by Anneta Buenger and seconded by April Poncik to accept the new council positions. Motion passed. Two signatures on all checks are also needed. A motion was made by Cynthia Kuehn and seconded by Dwayne Schulz for check signature authorization to be granted to Janice Rinn, Anneta Buenger, and Melissa Glenewinkel. Motion passed. With no further business, the meeting adjourned. Present: Ronnie Wittner, Cynthia Kuehn, Anneta Buenger, Reese Schmidt, Pastor Sutton, Mary Hohlt, Melissa Glenewinkel, and Dwayne Schulz. Incoming 2015 members: Janice Rinn, Sherry Kutch, & April Poncik. Call to Order: Dwayne Schulz Opening Prayer: Pastor Sutton Approve November Council Minutes: Motion was made by Anneta Buenger to accept the minutes and seconded by Mary Hohlt. Motion passed. Treasurer’s Report: Motion was made by Anneta Buenger to approve the Treasurer’s Report and seconded by Cynthia Kuehn. Motion passed. Pastor’s Report: Pastor had 8 homebound visits, 2 nursing home visits, and 4 home visits. There was one meeting with local clergy and one mission district meeting in Rosenberg, Texas. Confirmation classes will begin again on Jan. 7, 2015. Pastor stated the dishwasher in the parsonage was not working and a motion was made by Anneta Buenger to replace the dishwasher and seconded by Reese Schmidt. Motion passed. Parish Education Report: Submitted by Mary Hohlt. The Parish Education Committee will evaluate the format of Sunday School openings as well as looking into giving pins for attendance. Worship Committee Report: The Committee will purchase 150 hymnal book markers. The bulletin format and special and contemporary music will also be further considered. Acolyte training will begin in January and some time was spent working on service schedules for 2015. Evangelism Report: Pastor Sutton provided the Committee with online resources to help the Committee procure new members. Worship service dates for January-June 2015 were also completed. Building & Grounds: Reese Schmidt stated there were some concerns with the church sound system. Also, Bluebonnet Electric will need right-of way to access the new transformers. A motion was made by Reese Schmidt and seconded by Cynthia Kuehn to grant the right-of-way. Motion passed. Building Committee Update: Anneta Buenger stated contractors will need to make draws and no approval will be needed up to the budgeted amount. There was a motion by Melissa Glenewinkel to remove the Chinese Tallow trees and seconded by Cynthia Kuehn. Motion passed. A potential LCRA grant is also being studied. Respectfully Submitted, Ronnie Wittner Stewardship Committee 2014 The Stewardship committee members are: Doris Glenewinkel, Judy Schulz, Ronnie Hohlt, Gina Miles and council representative Melissa Glenewinkel. In 2014, the Stewardship committee implemented two new programs. The first program was collection of nonperishable goods to help needy families in the community. One family was helped when their house burned. The second program started was a recycling program. Both programs were successful and will be continued in 2015. Respectfully submitted Doris Glenewinkel Secretary 3 Altar Guild 2014 Memorials The Altar Guild consisted of 10 members: Carol Schroeder, Joyce Warmke, Dorothy Dierking, Dolores Meier, Bonnie Bolcerek, Judy Schulz, Lois Schubert, Rena Abel and Doris Glenewinkel. The Altar Guild has an annual meeting in November to take care of all business matters and set the schedule for the following year. Building Fund: In honor of Mary Martha Circle members: By: Floradell Boecker, Ada Eben, Viola Merz, Elsie Vierus, Viola Warmke, Loraine Glenewinkel, Dolores Oberrender The Altar Guild is responsible for setting up for communion, placing the hymnal numbers on the board, making sure the candles are filled, changing out paraments, setting up for baptisms, preparing the funeral pall for funerals and making sure there are enough supplies for communion. In memory of Bernice Buddenberg By: Diana and Donald Lampe Respectfully Submitted, Cemetery: Doris Glenewinkel Chairman In memory of Mrs. Elton (Evelyn) Thielemann: By: Sandra and Douglas Borchardt Diana and Donald Lampe Lois and Allen Schubert Scholarship Committee 2014 During the year the Scholarship Committee met to see if there were any worthy scholarship candidates from the South Texas Mission District of the NALC who would qualify for our scholarship. There is one seminarian from St. John Lutheran Church in Boerne, however her tuition, room and board is already paid for. As a result there is no qualified candidate to the NALC Seminary currently in our Mission District. The committee is looking at other options that are available to use these funds. A couple of options would be to give the money directly to the Seminary and earmark it to help with tuition for any seminarian that may have financial need or give it directly to the Seminary for programs and operating expenses. In 2015 the committee will study these options and other options and continue to look for a qualified candidate before a decision is made. Snowman Cups 2 packages (3.9 oz. each) Chocolate Instant Pudding 1 4 cups cold milk 20 OREO Cookies, crushed (about 2 cups) divided 2 Cups thawed Cool Whip Topping Assorted decorating gels. The Scholarship Committee Alan Kuehn, Juli Kaase, Lori Krchnak, and Erich Glenewinkel Beat pudding mixes and milk with whisk 2 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes. Stir in 1 cup cookie crumbs. Spoon remaining cookie crumbs into 10 (6 to 7 ounce) paper or plastic cups; cover with pudding mixture. Drop spoonfuls of Cool Whip onto desserts to resemble snowmen. Decorate with gels for the eyes, noses, and scarves. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. February 18, 2015 4 Women of Welcome 2014 Women of Welcome General Fund Balance as of January 1, 2014 Income: LWR Noisy Collection Easter Breakfast Camp Deposits - 11 Donations Camp Refund Fundraiser Total Expenses: Office Supplies Conference Donation LWR Supplies LWR Shipping LYO - Easter Breakfast Confirmation Camp - Ebert Ranch 11 Students, 1 Adult Fundraiser Women of NALC Donation Mission Meals Total Women of Welcome began 2014 with a social at Los Cabos in February, meetings in June and October, and a Christmas Open House hosted by Marian Balke. March 8th five women attended the Women of the NALC Spring Gathering in Fredericksburg, Texas. Collection of canned and non-perishable food items for Washington County Bread Partners in June and for WECCO in November. (Thank You Flora Marek) Three pounds of cancelled postage stamps were shipped to Stamp Camp USA in Pennsylvania. Five boxes (4- personal care kits and 1 soap) were shipped for Lutheran World Relief. Annual fundraiser August 27th a great success. Participated in WE Mission Thanksgiving meals on November 15th, Welcome provided the bananas and cranberries. Two New Testament bibles presented to newly baptized members. Supported a group of confirmation students and leader to summer church camp. Monetary offering of $500 to Women of the NALC Headquarters. Membership Care served for six funeral receptions We are still collecting aluminum can tabs, used greeting cards, and canceled postage stamps. New officers were elected: Co-Chairwomen Marian Balke and Karen Grebe; Secretary, Dorothy Dierking; and Treasurer, Gale Horlen. A great big Thank You if you helped in any way, donation of your time, money and any other resources needed to help our projects. Thanks again and a Blessed 2015. $5,347.83 $81.99 $334.00 $825.00 $90.00 $300.00 $7,630.00 $9,260.99 $200.00 $50.00 $193.69 $20.00 $334.00 $4,675.00 $4,255.00 $500.00 $20.67 $10,248.36 Balance as of December 31, 2014 $4,360.46 2014 Women of Welcome Camp Fund Balance as of January 1, 2014 $4,326.16 Income: Interest Donation Total $26.59 $100.00 $126.59 Expenses: None Total $0.00 Balance as of December 31, 2014 Jean Nell Wittneben Chairwoman 2014 $0.00 $4,452.75 Respectfully submitted, Gale Horlen, Treasurer Congratulations Reese and Rachel Hurtig are proud to announce the arrival of their baby girl, Harper Caroline Hertig, arrived at 4:30 this morning and weighed 7 lbs. and 15 oz. She was 20 inches long welcome her home is big sister Sophie, grandparents Ronnie and Barbara and great-grandmother Mabel Winkelmann. 5 Welcome LYO 2014 Financial Report Balance as of December 31, 2013— Income for 2014: 1/2014-Deposit (Closed Savings acct) 2/2014-Deposit (Garage Sale) 3/08/14-Deposit (Down payment for Florida Mission Trip) 3/08/14-Deposit (Donation) 4/06/14-Deposit (From Baked Potato Fundraiser) 5/06/14-Deposit (Pay for Mission Trip) 5/13/14-Deposit (Easter Lilies) 6/15/14-Deposit (Garage Sale Income) 6/16/14-Deposit (Noisy Collection for food pantry on Mission trip) 6/30/14-Deposit (WOW- Easter Breakfast Donation) 11/27/14-Deposit (Christmas Ornaments) 11/27/14-Deposit (Christmas Ornaments) 12/01/14-Deposit (Christmas Ornaments) 12/01/14-Deposit (Christmas Ornaments) 12/15/14-Deposit (Misc. Donations) 12/15/14-Deposit (Christmas Ornaments) 12/20/14-Deposit (Tejas Reimbursement from kids) 12/22/14-Deposit (Christmas Ornaments) $1,153.25 $1,389.53 $442.00 $400.00 $1000.00 $1,562.50 $439.00 $313.00 $581.84 $181.09 $334.00 $98.00 $408.00 $98.00 $354.00 $122.00 $150.00 $175.00 $445.00 Total Income: +$8,492.96 Expenses for 2014: 3/05/14-Lindemann’s Store (Baked Potato Supplies) 3/07/14-Walmart (Baked Potato Supplies) 3/09/14-Schovajsa Catering (Baked Potato Fundraiser) 3/17/14-ATM-Reimbursement for Movie (Son of God) 3/25/14- Group Mission Trips (Florida Mission Trip payment) 4/07/14-Westwood Cinema 6 (God is Not Dead) 5/02/14-Group Work Camp (Payment for Mission Trip) 5/16/14-Group Work Camp (Payment for Mission Trip) 5/19/14-Find out the Truth (Background check for Mission trip) 6/14/14-Chevron (Gas on Mission Trip) 6/14/14-Subway (Lunch on Mission Trip) 6/14/14-Ramada Limited Biloxi (Mission Trip) 6/14/14-Shaggy’s (Supper on Mission Trip) 6/15/14-TGIFriday’s (Lunch on Mission Trip) 6/15/14-Tom Thumb (Gas on Mission Trip) 6/19/14-Walmart (Donation for Food Pantry) 6/19/14-Walmart (Donation for Food Pantry) 6/21/14-McDonald’s (Breakfast on Mission Trip) 6/21/14-McDonald’s (Breakfast on Mission Trip) 6/21/14-RaceTrac (Gas for Mission Trip) 6/21/14-Chic-Fil-A (Lunch on Mission Trip) 6/21/14-ExxonMobil (Gas on Mission Trip) 7/2014-New Ulm Enterprise (Garage Sale Ad) 9/26/14-Bellville Booster Club (Fall Festival Basket) 12/19/14-Janae Wittner (Reimbursement for ornaments) 12/22/14-Tejas (Lights of Tejas) Total Expenses: Ending Balance as of 12/31/2014 6 $7.95 $11.85 $700.00 $40.00 $1,437.00 $35.00 $479.00 $1,516.00 $14.95 $74.01 $66.05 $285.50 $146.16 $141.90 $58.00 $156.38 $29.76 $36.12 $6.97 $69.50 $60.47 $59.34 $4.25 $50.00 $568.98 $400.00 -$6,455.14 $3,191.07 Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting LYO Activity Report 2014 January-Planning Meeting during Sunday school February-Superbowl Party at Wittner’s house (Jr. High—Quake Conference in San Antonio) March-Bowling, Baked Potato Fundraiser, Movie (Son of God), Battle of the Brazos Mud Run April-Movie (God’s Not Dead) and Ice Cream at Scoops, Sunrise Service at Wesley Brethren Church, Stuffed Easter Eggs for Community Easter Egg Hunt, Cooked Easter Breakfast May- Fishing at Meier’s house June- Garage Sale, Swimming at Wittner’s house Mission Trip (Pensacola, Florida) (Jr. High—Confirmation Camp) August-Led Rally Day Worship, Swimming at Wittner’s house September-Swimming at Wittner’s house November-Planning Meeting December-Fundraiser (Christmas Ornaments), Lights of Tejas at Camp Tejas in Giddings October 26, 2014 Call to Order: Dwayne Schulz Prayer: Pastor Sutton Approve Minutes of Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting held on February 23, 2014: Motion made by Erich Glenewinkel to accept minutes and seconded by John Rinn. Motion passed. Approve Minutes of June 1, 2014 Special Congregational Meeting: Motion made by Doris Glenewinkel to accept minutes and seconded by John Rinn. Motion passed. Nomination from floor for one council member. April Poncik and Sherry Kutch already accepted nomination prior to this meeting. Janice Rinn volunteered from the floor. Motion made by Ada Eben to accept April Poncik, Sherry Kutch, and Janice Rinn as new council members and seconded by Darlene Konieczny. Motion passed. Mary Hohlt volunteered to serve on the Worship Committee. Erich Glenewinkel volunteered to serve on the Evangelism Committee. Building Committee Report: Council approved Premier Builders to be the general contractor and Schubert Hauling for general site work for the new building expansion project. Other areas to be impacted by construction include electrical service lines, phone service lines, and parking. Initial work to begin soon. Approval of 2015 Budget: A motion was made by Erich Glenewinkel and seconded by John Rinn to accept the budget. Motion passed. Ratification of the NALC Constitution: Amendment to the constitution to read “The Convocation of the NALC will be held annually” (striking the words “to be held in August”). Motion was made by Kenneth Kaase and seconded by Darlene Konieczny to accept this change. Motion passed. Adjourn: Motion made by Marian Balke and seconded by Melissa Glenewinkel. Motion passed. Evangelism Report 2014 AED/CPR training was held January 19, 2014 in the Fellowship Hall. There were 16 attendees and 4 Austin County EMS personnel. The Record of Fellowship Booklets were implemented by the Worship Committee. New member Pot Luck Luncheons were scheduled for March 23rd, June 29th, the September was to be held during the Fall Festival, and December 21st after the Sunday School Christmas Program. The count of the new members for 2014 are 16 new members and 2 Holy Baptisms, brings that count to 18. Darla Schmidt assisted the committee with the mailing of 25 post cards to the visitors that attended in 2014. Juli Kaase did the write-up of our Church in the Brenham Banner-Press in the Area Church Directory. Crystal Hohlt and Pastor John did the radio ad that aired November 24th through December 24th three times a week. The Worship Committee completed the worship service dates for January through June of 2015, and that information was given to Juli Kaase who updates the flyers for the visitor’s bags. Pastor John gave the committee materials, called “The Assimilation Seminar,” that are available on-line that help evangelism committees and churches get visitors back to the church. Respectfully Submitted, Ronnie Wittner Janice Rinn 7 Sun 1 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Worship Service with Holy Communion 7:45 and 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages, 8:45 a.m. Confirmation Class, 8:45 a.m. Flowers: Crystal Hohlt Mon Tue 2 Ground Hog Day 3 Karate ages 6-10, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. All Committees Meet, 7:00 p.m. Ages 11 and up, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Wed Thu Fri 4 5 Confirmation Class, 6:30 p.m. Karatee ages 6-10, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Ages 11 1 and up, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. 6 Sat 7 God Bless Your Service Acolytes 01—7:45— Justin Hulsey 10:00— Talyn Dierking 08—7:45—Wayne Rinn 10:00—Ty Dierking 15 - 7:45 - James Moriarity 10:00— Korbin Dieterich 18 -- Daniel Kutch (Ash Wednesday) 22—7:45—Joe Meier 10:00 -- Daniel Kutch and Leah Kutch Self Defense Class Industry Recreational Park, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Altar Guild 8 Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Worship Service, 7:45 and 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages, 8:45 a.m. Confirmation Class, 8:45 a.m. Flowers: Kay and Eddie Marx 9 10 Karate ages 6-10, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Ages 11 and up, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. 11 12 Confirmation Class, 6:30 p.m. Karatee ages 6-10, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Ages 11 1 and up, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. 13 14 Valentine’s Day 01—Lois Schubert 08—Jean Nell Wittneben 15—Rena Abel 18 - Doris Glenewinkel and Tracey Meier 22—Carol Schroeder and Joyce Warmke Assisting the Minister 01—Glenn Miles 15—Greg Buenger Communion Assistants 01—7:45—Doris Glenewinkel 10:00—Diana Lampe and Lori Krchnak 15—7:45—Melissa Glenewinkel 10:00—John and Janice Rinn Financial Committee 15 Transfiguration of Our Lord Worship Service with Holy Communion 7:45 and 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages, 8:45 a.m. Confirmation Class, 8:45 a.m. Flowers: Juli Kaase 16 President’s Day 17 Karate ages 6-10, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Church Council, 7:00 p.m. Ages 11 and up, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. 18 Ash Wednesday LYO Baked Potato fundraiser, 5:30 - 6:30 p. m. 19 20 01—Kenneth Kaase and Reese Schmidt 08—Diana Lampe and Lois Schubert 15—Alan Kuehn and Cynthia Kuehn 18 - Karen and Ken Grebe ---Ash Wednesday 22—Karen and Ken Grebe 25 - Judy Schulz and Shirley Beum 21 Karatee ages 6-10, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. WECCO Distribution, 9:00 a.m. IUMC Fellowship Hall Ages 11 1 and up, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday Worship Service with Holy Communion, 7:00 p.m. Flowers 01—Crystal Hohlt 08—Kay and Eddie Marx 15—Juli Kaase 22—Ada Eben Readers 22 First Sunday in Lent Worship Service, 7:45 and 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages, 8:45 a.m. Confirmation Class, 8:45 a.m. Flowers: Ada Eben Ayla Renee Schubert’s Baptism, 10:00 a.m. Service 23 24 St. Mattias, Apostle Karate ages 6-10, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Ages 11 and up, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. 25 26 Lenten Worship Service, 7:00 p.m. Karatee ages 6-10, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Ages 11 1 and up, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. 27 28 Ushers: 08 - 10:00 - Judy Schulz, Kerry Schulz, Lois Schubert, and Darrell Kolwes 15 - 7:45 -Doris Glenewinkel 10:00 - Larry & Carol Schroeder and Reese and Darla Schmidt 18 - Reese and Darla Schmidt - Ash Wednesday Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting, 9:00 a.m. 22 - 7:45 - Alan Kuehn 10:00 - Larry & Carol Schroeder and Reese and Darla Schmidt 25 - Reese and Darla Schmidt 8 9 01—7:45—Marian Balke 10:00—Diana Lampe 08—7:45—Linsey Meier 10:00—Kerry Schulz 15—7:45—Melissa Glenewinkel 10:00—John Rinn 18 - Melissa Glenewinkel -- Ash Wednesday 22 - 7:45 - Britani Schulz 10:00 - Gina Miles 25 - Britani Schulz --- Lent Ushers: 01 - 7:45 - Erich Glenewinkel 10:00 - Judy Schulz, Kerry Schulz, Lois Schubert, and Darrell Kolwes 08 - 7:45 - Marian Balke Helping Those In Need! The Stewardship Committee would like to continue our project to help those in need in or around our community! Starting in February you will notice a box in the back of the church labeled “Helping Those in Need”. We are asking the congregation to please bring nonperishable food items and other goods to keep on hand so that when we have a family who falls upon hard times, whether it be due to a house fire, the loss of income, a sudden death, etc., the Stewardship Committee can use those items to make a care package to personally deliver to that family, from Welcome Lutheran Church, to help them in their time of need! Also, know that we will make sure all items donated are cycled out every 3 - 6 months to make sure things stay fresh. Examples of items we are asking for are: ♥ Non-Perishable Food Items ♥ House Cleaning Supplies ♥ Laundry Detergent ♥ Toilet Paper ♥ Paper Towels ♥ Paper Plates ♥ Plastic Forks, Spoons, Knives ♥ Bath Soap ♥ Deodorant ♥ Toothbrushes (children & adult) ♥ Toothpaste ♥ Etc… So PLEASE join us in this very worthy cause and help us help others and spread God’s Love! Welcome Lutheran is Going Green! The Stewardship Committee is continuing the Recycling Program and we are asking for you all to participate in our efforts in helping better our environment! What we will be recycling: Cans, Glass, Paper, Plastic There will be a container by the entrance of the church each Sunday morning, for drop off! We ask that you PLEASE rinse out any containers you may have and separate items if possible. Thanks in advance for your participation! 10 Lent & Holy Week Schedule February 18 Ash Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m. LYO Bake Potato Fundraiser -- 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. February, 22nd Non Communion Worship Services 7:45 and 10:00 a.m. February 25th Mid-Week Lenten Service, 7:00 p.m. March 1st Communion Worship Services 7:45 and 10:00 a.m. March 4th Mid-Week Lenten Service, 7:00 p.m. March 8th Non-Communion Worship Services 7:45 and 10:00 a.m. March 11th Mid-Week Lenten Service, 7:00 p.m. March 15 Communion Services 7:45 and 10:00 a.m.. March 18 Mid-Week Lenten Service, 7:00 p.m. March 22 Non-Communion Services, 7:45 & 10:00 March 25 Mid-Week Lenten Service, 7:00 p.m. March 29 Passion/Palm Sunday Communion Service 7:45 and 10:00 a.m. April 2nd Maundy Thursday Service with Holy Communion 7:00 p.m. April 3rd Good Friday Service 7:00 p.m. April 4th Community Easter Egg Hunt April 5th Easter Services -- Sunrise Service 7:00am Regular Service 10:00 a.m. Boy Scout and Pack Troop 299 Annual Turkey Stew and Bake Sale To Go! Sunday, February 22, 2015 11:00 a.m. until all gone Industry Firemen’s Hall $25.00 per gallon Bring your own container West End TEEA’s Annual Taster’s Luncheon Sunday, February 15, 2015 Industry Firemen’s Hall Serving 11:30 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Adults: $10.00 Children 6-12 $4.00 11 Memorial Fund Annual Report December 31, 2014 Balance on hand December 31,2013 Income: Memorial gifts Interest on CDs Interest on savings Total income $39,060.10 23,320.00 223.29 58.20 23,601.49 Balance plus income Disbursements: Christian Copyright License Welcome Lutheran Cemetery Welcome Lutheran Scholarship Welcome Lutheran Building Transfer to Welcome Church for Building Creative Group for memorial cards US. Postal Service for stamps 62,661.59 196.00 665.00 65,00 22,190.00 10,000.00 115.00 98.00 Total disbursements 33,329.00 Total Balance 29,332.59 CDs and Savings CD CD CD (music) Savings 6,478.93 8,044.30 671.68 9,538.09 Total savings 24,733.00 Checking Balance 4,599.59 Memorial Committee: Floradell Boecker, Treasurer; Lois Schubert, Chairperson; Annette Balke, Secretary; Dorothy Dierking; Cynthia Kuehn, Council Representative Help Wanted Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 22nd KITCHEN ASSISTANT for Lutherhill Ministries ( Full-time: May-August; Part-time: September-April. Weekends required. Experience ok, but must be willing to learn. For more information contact Russell at 979.249.3232 or Resumes can be emailed or mailed to POB 99, La Grange, Texas 789 9:00 a.m. 12 LYO Baked Potato Supper Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Serving 5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $9.00 each Drive thru or dine in and attend the Ash Wednesday Worship Service at 7:00 p.m. Purchase from any LYO Member or Sponsors Tickets will also be on sale after the Sunday Morning Worship Services or Contact the Church Office 979-251-7576 Easter Lilies Anyone wishing to place Easter Lilies in the Sanctuary for Easter, please bring them to the church by 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 4th. If you would like to place them in memory or in honor of someone, please contact the church office at 251-7576, or fill out this form and place in the secretary’s box. Please leave all flowers in the back of the church and someone will arrange them. You may take the Easter Lily home with you after the Easter Morning Worship Service. If you wish, you can order the flowers from the LYO through the church office for $12.00 per plant. Please turn your order in to the office by March 27th, along with the information as to whom you are placing the flowers in honor of or in memory of. The flowers will be delivered to the church for you. _______________________________________________________________would like to place an Easter Lily in church In Honor of:__________________________________________________________________ In Memory of:________________________________________________________________ This is my own flower: ________ Order through the church:________ Phone Number:_____________________________________________ 13 Those Serving in March Those Serving in March Acolytes Flowers 01—7:45—Aunnika Wittner 10:00—Megan Nitsch 04 - Colton Kaase Lent 08—7:45—Kinch Schubert 10:00—Wyatt Kohring 11 --- Walker Schulz Lent 15—7:45—Justin Hulsey 10:00—Heather Nitsch 18 -- Joe Meier Lent 22—7:45—Wayne Rinn Lent 10:00—Connor Hanley 25 -- Wayne Rinn 29—7:45—James Moriarity 10:00—Colton Kaase 01—Newton Peschel 08—Darrell Kolwes 15—Mary and Charles Holtkamp 22—Marian Balke 29—Dolores Meier Readers 01—7:45—Jacque Shupak 04 -- Jacque Shupak 08—7:45—Dwayne Schulz 11 -- Dwayne Schulz 15—7:45—Marian Balke 18 -- Marian Balke 22 --7:45 --Linsey Meier 25 --Linsey Meier 29 -- Melissa Glenewinkel Altar Guild 01—Dorothy Dierking 08—Dolores Meier and Bonnie Bolcerek 15—Judy Schulz and Juli Kaase 22—Lois Schubert 29—Jean Nell Wittneben (Palm Sunday) 10:00—Alyssa Peschel 10:00—Darrell Kolwes 10:00 --Lori Krchnak 10:00 - Greg Buenger Ushers 01—7:45—Gary Shupak 10:00—Gina Miles, Glenn Miles, Alyssa Peschel, and Michelle Peschel 04 -- Gina Miles and Glenn Miles 08—7:45—Dwayne Schulz 10:00—Gina Miles, Glenn Miles, Alyssa Peschel, and Michelle Peschel 11 -- Lois Schubert and Darrell Kolwes 15—7:45—Melissa Glenewinkel 10:00—Judy Schulz, Kerry Schulz, Lois Schubert and Darrell Kolwes 18 -- Judy Schulz and Kerry Schulz 22—7:45—Erich Glenewinkel 10:00—Anneta & Greg Buenger, and John & Janice Rinn 25 --Erich and Doris Glenewinkel 29—7:45—Marian Balke 10:00—Larry & Carol Schroeder, Shirley Beum and Dennis Mahlmann Assisting the Minister 01—Britani Schulz 15—Glenn Miles 29 -- Shirley Beum 10:00—Glenn Miles (Palm Sunday) Communion Assistants 01—7:45—Marian Balke 10:00—Winfred and Ada Eben 15—7:45—Alan Kuehn 10:00—Anneta and Greg Buenger 29 -- 7:45 - Denise Brending 10:00 - Karen and Ken Grebe Financial Committee 01—Judy Schulz and Shirley Beum 04 - Doris and Erich Glenewinkel 08—Doris and Erich Glenewinkel 11 - Diana Lampe and Lois Schubert 15—Diana Lampe and Lois Schubert 18 - Kenneth Kaase and Reese Schmidt 22—Kenneth Kaase and Reese Schmidt 25 - Alan Kuehn and Cynthia Kuehn 29—Alan Kuehn and Cynthia Kuehn Pray for those serving in the military and their families. Pray for our veterans and their families. Lt. Col. Dave Haworth, US Air Force, and his family -Doha, Qatar (Karen & Ken Grebe’s nephew) 14 Those In Need Of Our Prayers 03 - Willy Stoerner 03 - Anneta Buenger 03 - Landon Wolf 04 - Leanord Wittneben 05 - Reece Mahlmann 06 - Verlin Warmke 07 - Sarah Eben 07 - Robert Hurtig 10 - Delphine Merkel 11 - Michael Blezinger 12 - Gloria Schmidt 12 - Brian Schubert 13 - Michael Schovajsa Charles Mahlmann Gladys Herr Mabel Winkelmann Edwin Greak Brenda Herr Mary Lou Craig Viola Merz 14 - Floradell Boecker 14 - Kenneth Kaase 15 - Judy Huff 16 - Jack Lorentz 21 - Mabel Winkelmann 21 - Ronnie Hohlt 22 - Burney Boecker 22 - Linnae Nahlin 24 - Lee Ehler 24 - Charlotte Glaeser 26 - Tom Bourbon 26 - Timothy Klaus 28 - Clemons Faist Those in Assisted Living Jeanie Stoerner—Gazebo Terrace, Brenham Charles and Verlyn Mosley - Kruse Village, Brenham Jay C. Buenger - LaRoche Manor - Kruse Village, Brenham Waldo Dannhaus - Brenham Nursing and Rehab, Brenham Carrie Luedeker - Brenham Nursing and Rehab, Brenham Those Celebrating Baptisms This Month 01 - Kay Marx 01 - Leon Schobel 01 - Travis Herbrig 04 - Mary Lou Craig 04 - MayDell Spiess 05 - Fallon Schovajsa 07 - DeAndra Brandt 08 - Angela Schulz 09 - Shirley Klaus 09 - Reese Hurtig 12 - Tawn Dierking 15 - Ronnie Wittner Verlyn Mosley Loraine Glenewinkel Waldo Dannhaus Carrie Luedeker Dolores Oberrender Ayla Renee Schubert For friends of the congregation in need of our prayers 16 - Byron Balke 18 - Kristina Wolf 19 - Gary Hohlt 19 - Sherry Bright 20 - Elsie Vierus 24 - Heather Nitsch 24 - Ella Winkelmann 27 - Gale Horlen 27 - Nieta Lorentz 28 - Carrie Luedeker 28 - Chase Mahlmann Brenda Flisowski Ronda Pesl Max Derkowski Macie Gardner Joe Mazurkiewicz Tanya Schneider Esther Gaskamp Viola Wittner Susan Brown Sewall Wilde Tamir Ragonis Susan Mead James Love Diane Rhine Mary Price Richard Herbrig Sarah Limon Pete Demuth Marvin Worthington Tamara Wolfe Henry Weirich Karen Markwardt Hubert Hegemeyer February 7, 1958 - Kay & Eddie Marx February 22, 1975 - Ada & Winfred Eben February 25, 2006 - Carrie & Lucas Brending 15 Buddy & Pat Roulston Ted Stardig Emma Schley Randy Berry Earl Gardner Beth Elansari Leo Ponce Samuel Engman Becky Macat Jack Miles Valeria Mueller Marvin Schley Virginia Stark Matt Holtkamp Viola Wilhelmsen Sandra McKeown Charles Kokemor Wallene Ludwig Corky Rackley Jessie Warmke Linda McCants Judith Mikeska Clem Krolczyk Kathryn Voskamp U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 2 Bleiblerville, Texas 78931 NON PROFIT ORG. Welcome Lutheran Church 13636 FM 109 Brenham, Texas 77833 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 2015 16
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