Trinity Christian College Interim 2015: January 6 - 19

Trinity Christian College
Interim 2015: January 6 - 19
On Campus Course’s
INT 102 Behind the Scenes of Nursing Simulation
Tina Decker, Nursing,
Students will get an opportunity to participate in the “behind the scenes” planning and programming of the Nursing
department’s state-of-the-art simulators including SimNewB and SimMom. Students will learn how to operate the
simulators, develop and program actual simulation scenarios. This course offers a unique experience for nursing
students who may be interested in pursuing careers focused in nursing education or medical technology. Afternoons
INT 103 “What do you mean you don’t eat meat?” A Path Toward Conscious Food Citizenship
Prof. Cini Bretzlaff-Holstein, Social Work,
Deciding to not eat meat is a lifestyle choice many people make in a conscious food citizenship. Food citizenship is “the
practice of engaging in food-related behaviors that support, rather than threaten, the development of democratic,
socially, and economically just, and environmentally sustainable food system” (Wilkins, 2005, p.269). The motives for
choosing to abstain from consuming animal products can be varied such as earth-related reasons, out of desire to
promote environmental justice, from a spirit of compassion for non-human animals, out of a conviction that a plantstrong/plant-based lifestyle is an effective way to promote food justice for creating a more sustainable food system, or a
combination of reasons reflective of the food citizenship definition noted previously. This course will explore the
motives for and benefits of a plant-strong/plant-based (aka: vegetarian or vegan) lifestyle. Students will engage in an
experiential learning process toward a conscious food citizenship compromised of eating, cooking, and learning how the
plant-strong/plant-based lifestyle is a growing response to the reality that: you are what you eat, so don’t be fast, cheap,
easy, or fake.” There is a $125 course fee. Both morning and afternoon
INT 104 Coffee in a Sustainable World?
Dr. Abbie Schrotenboer, Biology,
Today coffee sales in the U.S. are estimated to be a $30 billion industry. What drives our consumption? And does our
consumption drive change in other parts of the world? How does the cultivation of coffee plants affect the environment
and the lives of the people growing the coffee? Should our faith inform our beverage choice? Should we be buying fairtrade, shade-grown, or organic coffee? In the course, we will explore these questions as we seek to evaluate how or if
coffee consumption can be a part of a sustainable future. There is a $25 course fee. Both mornings and afternoons
INT 105 Exploring Chicago Business
Dr. Rick Hamilton, Business, and Dr. Deborah Windes, Business,
The Greater Chicago Region is a mega-center of various business models and experiences. This practicum-based course
will explore several dimensions of the Chicago Model. Specifically we will first study and then visit businesses ranging
from entrepreneurial bases “legacy businesses” associated with Trinity, “Blue Chip” companies representing the best of
American free enterprise, and “ministry/service” efforts aimed at meeting unique and critical community needs.
Students will not only learn from the breadth of these experiences, but will also analyze and explore businesses of their
choosing, allowing them to better understand their calling and where they might fit within the Chicago business arena.
Both mornings and afternoons
INT 106 The Culture of New and Used Bookstores in Chicago
Dr. Bill Boerman-Cornell, Education,
Despite the success of large on-line retailers like Amazon, small independent bookstores tend to be a vital part of many
Chicago neighborhoods. This interim will give students the opportunity to visit neighborhood bookstores, browse for
books, try the coffee, and learn about how such bookstores build communities. We will also research bookstores in
other cities and investigate bookstores in literature and film. There is a $50 course fee. Afternoons
INT 119 Black Cinema
Dr. David Brodnax, Sr., History,
This course is an exploration of African-American cinema from the 1910s to the present day. We will discuss the ways
that depictions of African Americans in film have changed over time, the efforts of African American filmmakers to tell
their own story, and the historical context in which these films have been created. Through these films, we will be able
to take a closer look at issues of race, gender, class, and national origin, both within and without the African American
community. Students will also create a short film of their own. Mornings
INT 121 Chicago and the 1893 World’s Fair
Ed Bara, Business,
Held 20 years after a devastating fire, the world will come to Chicago to see the wonders of the age. The White City
showed the world how resilient and forward looking Chicago was. The 1893 city was the city of contrasts, the White
City, and the slums of the Hull House neighborhood. Mornings
INT 123 Hollywood and History
Dr. John J. Fry, History,
Hollywood moviemakers love to depict historical events and people. But how are these depictions? What are historical
films good for? This course will examine how and why filmmakers make historical films. We will watch historical
movies, consider how they are made, and critique their depiction of historical topics. Students will consider and apply a
variety of ways to judge historical films. We will also consider how to think about movies in light of Christianity’s world
and life view. (Please note: some of the movies viewed may be “R” rated and/or include graphic depictions of wartime
violence.) Mornings
INT 131 Roots and Conflict in the Middle East
Dr. George Pierson, Philosophy,
This course will attempt to better understand the on-going conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, which is the root
of much of the conflict in the Middle East. We will start by gaining insight into the historical, geographic, cultural, and
political roots of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Only with this background will we be in a position to critically examine
the positions of the various sides in the dispute. We will also place this conflict within the on-going conflicts within the
Middle East, especially the recent popular uprising demanding more freedom and justice. The course will involve
everything from traditional classroom work to videos and guest speakers to begin to understand how Israelis and
Palestinians see each other, especially in light of events of recent years. Our goals will be two: first, a consideration of
the options for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, and second, an exploration of the parameters of a biblically sound
response to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Mornings
INT 136 Cadaver Dissection
Dr. Bob Boomsma, Biology,
Students will learn human anatomy by dissecting human cadavers. Entry into the course is by instructor approval only.
INT 139 Traveling Math Triathlon
Dr. Dave Klanderman, Mathematics, and Dr. Mandi Maxwell, Mathematics,
In this course, students will design and administer a mathematics competition for 7th and 8th grade students in Wisconsin
and Michigan. The competition will be modeled after Trinity’s successful mathematics Triathlon. Mornings; some
evening or weekends
INT 146 Health and Fitness Boot Camp
Professor Shari Jurgens, Physical Education,
This course will involve learning about how to work out properly and how to develop a proper fitness program for
yourself based on your health goals. We will divide the group into 2 teams, which will have daily fitness competitions
and also daily workout sessions. Each day will begin with a group presentation on a specific exercise technique in the
classroom, followed by approximately 2 hours of working out in the fitness center and/or gym. Students must have a
strong desire to improve their fitness and health and must be willing and able to be physically active for at least 2 hours
of the class period. A waiver must be completed for participation in this interim (please see Professor Jurgens for this
waiver once you have registered). Open enrollment for all students. Mornings
INT 155 Play to Learn….Learn to Play
Dr. Pete Post, Special Education,
Students will work collaboratively to design a variety of learning games, approve projects submitted by other Trinity
students to share with various schools (by traveling and meeting with middle grade classes), and design field trips for
use at The Little Red Schoolhouse and Brookfield Zoo (involving trips to each). No pay but you get to keep what we
make and contribute to an education program that realizes that fun is a primary motivator for learning. A DVD of the
rules of play will also be developed for classes to see the format in action and share with local teachers. Both morning
and afternoon sessions
INT 165 Chicago’s Role in Contemporary American Theatre 2014
Dr. John Sebestyen, Communication Arts,
Chicago is home to over 200 theatre companies, including 5 recipients of the Tony Award for Best Regional Theatre
(more than any other American city outside of New York). In this course, students will attend at least six live theatrical
productions within the city of Chicago, presented by a variety of theatre companies (both large, thriving, nationallyknown companies, as well as small, grassroots, storefront companies). Additionally, students will study the history of
theatre in North America, as well as how Chicago theatre operates within that context. We will also visit local Chicago
eateries in the neighborhoods where we view the plays. There is a $350 course fee. Afternoons; some evening and
weekend sessions
INT 187 Health and Fitness Basics
Professor Reginald Chapple, Jr., Physical Education,
This course will involve learning how to work out properly, developing proper fitness programs, learning about nutrition
and the value of eating healthy, and expanding the mind by introducing different concepts as they relate to health and
fitness. Each day will begin in the classroom (group presentations and/or video documentaries), followed by 1-2 hours of
working out in the fitness center and/or gym. Students must be willing to improve their health and fitness while gaining
an appreciation for the topic. Students should be willing and able to be physically active for at least 1-2 hours of each
class period. A waiver must be completed for participation in this interim (please see Professor Chapple for this waiver
once you have registered). Open enrollment for all students. Afternoons
INT 190 Eureka Learning Community
Dr. Sharon Robbert, Mathematics, and Dr. Thomas Roose, Physics,
In this problem-based learning course, students work collaboratively under the direction of two faculty mentors to
research how scientific developments can assist Christians in participation in God’s redemption of creation. In this class,
students will complete research begun in the fall semester and generate a proposal to implement aspects from their
research at Trinity and potentially at other institutes. Enrollment in this course is limited to students accepted into the
Eureka Learning Community in the previous fall term. Both mornings and afternoons
INT 195 So, what are you going to do with that major?
Ginny Carpenter, Dean of Student Engagement, and John Baldauff, FYE Director,
Often students choose a major that does not connect immediately with a job or occupation; too often they get the
questions, “So what are you going to do with that major?” This interim course will help first and second year students,
students with a major in liberal arts, and students who are undecided in their major discover personal characteristics
and qualities and connect with those to paths linking their intended major to meaningful work. Both mornings and
Off Campus/Travel Interim
INT 127 A Service Course in Harvey/Restoration Ministries
Eric Vanderschaff and Dr. Mary Lynn Colosimo, Psychology,
The focus of this course is founded on the Christian call to service. Students will minister and live in Harvey, Illinois at
Harvey House (men) and Tabitha House (women) during these two weeks of service. They will participate in multiple
programs providing life-changing opportunities to those living in the poverty of economics, physical and aging issues,
and spiritual concerns. Students are required to serve daily from early morning to late at night. Some service is to
children in the after-school program, to senior citizens in the Harvey YMCA, and to convicts in Brandon House.
Enrollment limited to 11 students: 5 women and 6 men. This course requires instructor approval.
INT P101 Hamilton Type Museum in Two Rivers, Wisconsin
Ellen Browning, Art and Design,
During this workshop, students will have the opportunity to review, catalogue, and have hands-on experience working
with and printing wood type specimens dating from the Industrial Revolution. The origin of typography as we know it
today began during this time and the Hamilton Type Museum had the largest collection of wood type in the country.
The print workshop assumes beginning graphic design experience. Cost of Trip: $760-1140
INT T109 Sports Ministry Outreach - Costa Rica
Josh Lenarz, Women’s Soccer Coach, and Kelly Lenarz, Adult Studies,
We will travel to Costa Rica for a time of ministry with an emphasis placed on sharing the gospel through sports. Trinity
students should be prepared to spread the good news of Jesus Christ through street evangelism, worship, various labor
activities, participation in competitive soccer matches, as well as serving at churches, orphanges and schools within the
local communities. Our group will remain open to the Lord's leading throughout the trip. Cost of Trip: $1,900
INT T128 Partnership for Health Promotion in Ecuador
Maureen Sweeny, Nursing, and Lorinda Lindemulder, Nursing,
This interim will focus on partnership with Trinity’s Semester in Ecuador Program to offer health promotion activities to
the people of Ecuador. We will contrast the vast differences between Ecuador’s health care system and nursing
educational process with that of the U.S. We will have numerous opportunities for fun, fellowship, and service
throughout our trip as we take in the beauty of the jungle and mountainous areas. Cost of Trip: $2,527
INT T136 Going for the Gold - an interdisciplinary trip to Colorado
Dr. Lou Sytsma, Chemistry,
After 2 days of library research on campus, the class will travel to Colorado for a combination of field activities,
presentations, discussions, and physical activity. The days will be used for field trips and physical activities (cross
country and downhill sand hiking) while the evenings will be used for presentations and discussions of topics to the
West and man’s quest for gold. The topics studies will include history, science, transportation, economics, and Native
Americans of the areas. We will also cover other topics that are unique to Colorado such as geology, flora, fauna,
astronomy, and environmental issues. Lodging in Colorado will be provided. Cooking and cleaning will be done by
participates to minimize expenses. Cost of Trip: $800 (excluding skiing costs)
INT T137 Scuba Diving Certification and Culture Immersion in Curacao
Dr. Patti Powell, Education and Audra Gray
Students will be living, learning, eating, sleeping, and diving in and from a dive hotel located on the Caribbean Sea in
Curacao. All eating and sleeping will be done at the hotel with daily scuba diving opportunities right off the beach and
via a boat. There will be the opportunity to become certified to open-water scuba dive, receive your advanced scuba
certification if you are already certified, or snorkel if you prefer. Time will also be spent learning about the history and
culture of Curacao. This interim is not for the faint of heart, weak of stomach, or those prone to sickness. Board at your
own risk! Cost of Trip: $2,900
INT T138 Crime in London
Dr. Dennis Connelly, Criminal Justice,
Behind the gorgeous facades of its classic buildings lie the tales of criminal justice and law. Starting at the nearby
millennium-old Tower of London, students will track the evolution of the British legal system, exploring from the inside
the Royal Courts of Justice, and the Inns of Court and the Old Bailey – perhaps recognizable from A Tale of Two Cities or
“Law & Order.” Our modern Criminal Justice System is based on English Common Law and we will explore this journey.
We will also be spending two days in Paris. Cost of Trip: $3,100
INT T139 Cambodia: Church and Culture
Dr. Bill Van Groningen, Chaplain, and Connie Van Groningen, Nursing Administrative
Under the guidance of long-term missionaries (Gil and Joyce Suh), we will become acquainted with Cambodian life and
culture – its history, struggles, and geography – and we will interact with a variety of Christian communities (local
churches, schools, community development initiatives) that are bearing witness to Jesus in the midst of this dynamic
and challenging country. Cost of Trip: $3,027
INT T140 Seville: Where Christian and Muslim, Europe and Africa Meet
Dr. Michael Vander Weele, English, and Mary McKinstry
This course will allow us to see the complex history of southern Spain in all its religious and cultural diversity. We will do
most of the field trips that Trinity’s Semester in Spain (SIS) offers through the course of the semester as well as stay in
the homes that house SIS students during the course of the semester. An SIS faculty member will lead field trips and
discussions. We will engage in journaling, travel writing, and a final project. Cost of Trip: $ TBD
Interim is an important part of Trinity’s general education curriculum. This program provides an opportunity for
alternative educational coursework and emphasizes non-traditional, experiential learning. All full-time freshmen must
register for an interim course in January 2015. Additionally:
 Interim is graded on a Credit/No-Credit basis (credit is granted for grades of C or better). Students who register
for an interim course and do not drop by the end of the third class day, Thursday, January 08, 2015, will receive
a grade which will appear on their transcripts.
 There is no tuition charge for students who are registered as full-time students in either the fall 2014 or spring
2015 semester.
 The College reserves the right to cancel any course for which there is inadequate enrollment. In such cases,
students will be notified so another selection can be made.