April 19, 2015
Third Sunday of Easter
Lutheran Church of Hope proclaims Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior by
 Worshipping together
 Making disciples of all members
 Reaching out to spread God’s Word
 And providing loving support to all.
elcome to worship at Lutheran Church of Hope
today, and we are glad that you are here. It is our
hope and prayer that God’s grace will surprise you in a
new way today. You are invited and welcome to stay
with us after worship for fellowship time, as well as to
participate in the many ministries of our faith
All are welcome to Holy Communion at Lutheran
Church of Hope. If you or your children do not
commune in your own tradition, you are invited to come
forward to receive a blessing.
Communion will be distributed by stations; the ushers
will direct you forward via the center aisle. Wheat-free
and gluten-free wafers are available at the station
served by the pastor. White grape juice is available in
the center of each tray.
Prayer Ministers will be available during Holy
Communion on either side of the chancel to the sides of
each communion station for individual prayers of
concern, support, and/or thanksgiving. Simply go to
them after communing.
If they are praying with
someone, form a line and wait for your time. A prayer
minister will also be available in the library after worship
today for individual and extended prayers as well.
Please note, other than congregation members
needing continuing prayers, names appear for two
weeks unless notified.
From LCH — Art Gercken, Kent Sperry, Carrie RoseMatens, Eva-Marie Kleinert, McKenna Papacek, Jim
Haugen, Joyce Severson, Cathy Pyle, Mike Rajewich,
Larry Lindblom, Amy Berg.
Friends of LCH — Annalene Reece (Wanda Hidy’s
mother), Derek Adams (Wanda Hidy’s brother-in-law),
Irene Howell (Wanda Hidy’s aunt), Glenn and family
(family of Wanda Hidy), Inge Yochum (Wanda Hidy’s
friend), Marty Clever (Carol’s husband), Beth Kautz
(Kathy Henson’s sister), Uli Koester (Dennis & Kathy
Henson’s brother-in-law), Joan Drews (Deb
Kazmierski’s mother), Matt Wenstrom and family (Anna
Jordan-Helser’s friends), Cathy Million (friend of Bob
and Sharon Grow) Jennifer Potter (friend of Rich
Nelson), Bob Terrill (Terry Terrill’s father), Betsy
Stettner (Petey Webster’s cousin), Nancy Perlmutter
(former member of LCH),
Those serving in the Armed Forces — Alecia Mesch,
Danny Moore (Joanna Moore’s husband) and Andrew
God will bless you in your worship life today.
Rostered leaders of the church who are members of
LCH in active ministry: Pastor Randy Pabst, Interim
Pastor - Trinity Lutheran, Loveland.
Pastor Ken
Thurow, Interim Pastor - Prince of Peace, Denver.
Pastor Scott McAnally and
the Entire Community of Lutheran Church of Hope
The congregations and rostered leaders in the Metro
East Conference and Rejoice Lutheran.
To place a prayer concern or prayers of thanksgiving on
the prayer chain, please contact the church office at
“Sharing and Transforming faith, hopes, and lives”
The new baptismal font is in construction and is
scheduled to be dedicated on Pentecost Sunday. The
new font will be made from the old altar-table. The new
baptismal font is given in memory of Leona Gardalen.
Family Story Starter for Passing on the Faith: That
Reminds Me...Tell your own personal story of happiness
right now. “I’m especially happy today. I went to the
doctor yesterday. I had some tests. Everything turned
out OK,” Our children will be more prepared to deal
with their own vulnerabilities as they participate in ours.
And they’ll be thrilled that you included them in your
happiness. If your child lives far away, share happiness
long distance. Perhaps you will begin with “I wished
you were here with me today when…”
Connecting Hope activities have
Connecting Hope Schedule
Bible Study
Connecting Hope DinnerFellowship Hall
Tone Chimes-Nave
Knitting Ministry
Bells of Hope-Nave
Children’s Activity
High School Youth Group-Annex
Join us for Women of Hope Bible Study this coming
Wednesday, April 22, beginning at 9:00 for check-in and
Bible Study from the current Gather magazine at
9:30am. Sign on the response sheet if you plan to
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is coming in June.
Discipleship will have a display in the Fellowship Hall
this week. Speak with Sue McKnight or Beth Rogers for
ways to be a part of VBS this year. They are looking for
donations to help decorate and have opportunities for all
to help during VBS week. Mark the response sheet to
be a part of VBS this year.
Taking Faith Home devotional inserts are available
online in the e-Anchor and hard copy on the ministry
wall in the narthex.
Thank You for your continued support of the LCH youth
by using King Soopers gift cards. This is an easy way
to support the Youth at LCH. Every time a K/S gift card
is used to make purchases for groceries, LCH receives
a percentage of those purchases. The cards work the
same as cash—just ‘fill them up’ at customer service or
at the cashier before checking out and use the card for
payment. These cards can be obtained from Beth
Rogers. Pick one up and fill it for your kids away at
college or have an extra one to give to a friend. For for
more information please see Beth Rogers.
Social Concerns has begun a new ministry this April—A
Precious Gift. The goal is to collect small gifts to be
donated to A Precious Child so that parents can give a
birthday gift to their child who would otherwise not
receive one. The yellow tub wrapped in birthday paper
will be in the narthex all during April. Please bring an
unwrapped toy, book, or other small gift and place it in
the tub. Like the Santa Sacks, donated birthday
wrapping paper is always appreciated. If you would like
to help with this ministry or have questions, please
email Deb Kazmierski at
Feed the Homeless continues on Saturday, May 2. The
Social Concerns ministry is looking for LCH members to
be a part of this exciting ministry on Saturday morning in
both the assembly of sandwiches and being a part of
the team that goes downtown. For more information on
how you can help, email
Sign on the response sheet if you can help with this
ministry. Supplies for coffee, cocoa and paper
products are low—next time you are shopping,
purchase some granola bars and/or cookies, sandwich
bags, napkins, coffee, cream, sugar, and drop them by
the church.
The new Habitat Restore located at 1 Park Ave (just
south of the Broomfield recycling center), is now open
for business, both for accepting donations and sale of
Habitat for Humanity has almost completed work on
the first Jamestown house and will be starting work on
the second one in late April or early May. They hope to
start on the Wonder Hill project in Boulder in June.
Check the response sheet or see John Bosio if you are
interested in helping with these two projects.
Are you a quilter? A few hands are being looked for to
help put together quilts with the LCH Quilters! This is
reaching out ministry which warms those in need.
Thanks to this group five quilts have been completed,
but more are needed. If you can help, please speak
with Marlys Thurow or check the response sheet.
Friends of Broomfield invites the community to their
Friends Wine Event on Thursday, May 14, from 6 to
10pm at the FRIENDS’ Place, 11851 Saulsbury Street
in Broomfield. Tickets are $75 online until May 1. $90
after May 1 or at the door. For more information visit or call 303-404-0123. Also
see Tim or Jean Hynek for details.
Thirsty Third Thursdays, or Office Hours with PScott
will be Thursday, May 21 from 3pm—6pm at Big
Choice Brewery here in Broomfield. (7270 W. 118th Pl.,
Broomfield, CO). Come by, partake in a beverage and/
or some food (bring some munchies to share & we’ll go
dutch) and enjoy some time with your pastor and each
LCH Transportation Ministry is looking for people to
drive members to doctor appointments on an occasional
basis. If you can help with this ministry, please sign on
the response sheet.
Why Work? Do we work for fame and fortune or just to
pay back loans we took out to get the job in the first
place? Lutheran Campus Ministry at CU-Boulder is
sponsoring an interfaith panel discussion on the
meaning of work on Wednesday, April 22, at 7:00pm in
the Eaton Humanities Building. The discussion is free
and open to the public! Bishop Jim Gonia of our Rocky
Mountain Synod will be one of the panelists. For more
information, see Steve Kultala.
Bunco For Life!— Please join the “Wishing on a Star
for a Cure” team next Saturday, April 25, at 1:00pm,
here in the fellowship hall at LCH to support the Annual
Broomfield Relay for Life. Lunch is at noon and Bunco
begins promptly at 1:00pm. There is a donation of $15
per player and includes lunch.
Thanksgivings for April 12
Worship Attendance
Average Attendance
General Fund Offering $9,349
Thank you for your continued generosity
The 52nd Annual Meeting of Lutheran Church of Hope
will take place on Sunday, May 3 at 11:15am in the
Fellowship Hall.
On the agenda are ministry
leadership elections, reports of the pastor and
president, and approval of the 2015-16 Ministry
Spending Plan. The Annual Report of LCH will be
made available online this next week via an e-Anchor.
Requests for printed reports may be made to Marlys
Dufour in the office by calling (303) 466-4823. Child
care will be available.
A Forum covering topics presented in the Annual Report
and for any questions will be held next Sunday, April
26 beginning at 10:30 in the Chapel of the Crosses.
The LCH Board of Trustees is reporting that with the
2015 Revised Estimates of Giving, an additional
$34,000 has been committed to the General Fund for
Lutheran Church of Hope. Thanks be to God!
6 Ways to Give Besides Check/Cash in the Offering
1. Give online—
2. Give at the LCH Giving Kiosk in the Narthex
3. Give on your Phone—Download SecureGive App
and search for Lutheran Church of Hope.
4. Bill pay—utilize your bank’s bill pay service and
have checks automatically sent to the church.
5. Stocks—give appreciated stock as a way to
minimize your tax consequences on appreciated
investments. Contact for more
6. Text Message Gifts—Simply text one of the four
following messages to 1-844-4LC-HOPE (1-844452-4673).
 General (dollar amount) - for General
 Foundation (dollar amount) - for
Foundation of Hope
 Building (dollar amount) - for Building
Fund Principal
 Youth (dollar amount) - for LCH Youth
You will be asked to set up a method of
payment the first time giving via text (if you are
not registered with LCH’s SecureGive) and a
confirmation text will be sent after every gift.
You are able to give anonymously. Thank you
for your continued generosity to LCH!
1305 W. 10th Ave, Broomfield, CO 80020
Phone (303) 466-4823 Fax (303) 466-1968
Visit our website: Email us at:
“Sharing and Transforming faith, hopes, and lives”
8:00am Worship
10:30am Fellowship Hour
10:30am Sunday School
6:00pm Yoga-Fellowship Hall
7:00pm Worship and Music Gathering
10:30am Pastors Text Study
6:30pm Spirit of Hope Rehearsal
6:30pm Boy Scouts
9:00am Women of Hope Study
11:00am Adult Bible Study-Chapel
5:00pm Connecting Hope
See Schedule in Announcements
VBS Planning
10:30am Yoga
6:00pm WhizKids Program
PScott and Beth’s Day Off
9:00am Worship
10:30am Fellowship Hour
10:30am Annual Report Forum
10:30am Learning Hour
5:30pm Financial Management Team
6:00pm Yoga
6:30pm Board of Trustees
Leading Our Worship Liturgy Next Sunday
The Rev. Dr. Scott McAnally
Presiding Minister
Mr. John Bosio
Assisting Minister
Ms. Kim Hohensee
Ms. Isabelle Bieber
Ms. Camryn Bieber
Ms. Beth Bosio, Mr. Dave Borreson
Ms. Kristin Anderson
Prayers of the Church
Ms. Kristin Anderson, Mr. Steve Rath Prayer Ministers
Ms. Juli Bassman,
Communion Assistants
Ms. Cindy Green
Ms. Kenda Meyer
Bells of Hope Director
Mr. and Ms. John and Beth Bosio,
Mr. Chuck Meyer
Mr. Anthony Moller, Mr. Milo Olsen
Mr. and Ms. Dan and Jane Guberud
Ms. Jaylene Rich, Ms. Julie Papacek
Altar Guild
Mr. & Ms. Lew and Amy Moir Fellowship Hour Hosts
Ms. Jetta Baker,
Offering Counters
Ms. Cindy Montgomery
Open Campus – Ms. Jeanie Beck
Close Campus— PScott