March 22, 2015 The Fifth Sunday in Lent THE ANCHOR WEEKLY OUR MISSION Lutheran Church of Hope proclaims Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior by Worshipping together Making disciples of all members Reaching out to spread God’s Word And providing loving support to all. WORSHIP TODAY AT LCH W elcome to worship at Lutheran Church of Hope today, and we are glad that you are here. It is our hope and prayer that God’s grace will surprise you in a new way today. You are invited and welcome to stay with us after worship for fellowship time, as well as to participate in the many ministries of our faith community. Holy Communion is offered to all Christians, whatever your denominational affiliation, if you have one. If you or your children do not commune in your own tradition, you are invited to come forward to receive a blessing. Communion will be distributed by stations; the ushers will direct you forward via the center aisle. Wheat-free and gluten-free wafers are available at the station served by the pastor. White grape juice is available in the center of each tray. Prayer Ministers will be available during Holy Communion on either side of the chancel to the sides of each communion station for individual prayers of concern, support, and/or thanksgiving. Simply go to them after communing. If they are praying with someone, form a line and wait for your time. A prayer minister will also be available in the library after worship today for individual and extended prayers as well. God will bless you in your worship life today. Pastor Scott McAnally and the Entire Community of Lutheran Church of Hope IN OUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK… Please note, other than congregation members needing continuing prayers, names appear for two weeks unless notified. From LCH — Kent Sperry, Carrie Rose-Matens, EvaMarie Kleinert, Carol Clever, Vaneta Babcock, McKenna Papacek, Jim Haugen, Joyce Severson, Cathy Pyle, Lillian Simons, Mike Rajewich, Larry Lindblom, Amy Berg. Friends of LCH — Anne Gallentine (friend of the Hensons), Betsy Stettner (Petey Webster’s cousin), Steve Rathmann (Kim & Jay Hohensee’s friend), Cathy Million (Bob & Sharon Grow’s friend), Fred Hanson (Sharon Grow’s brother), Mary Gressler (Bob & Sharon Grow’s friend), Tom McConatha (Betty Webster’s son), Analene Reece (Wanda Hidy’s mother), Bob Fenolia (Wanda Hidy’s friend), John & Jody Lynam & family (friends of PScott), Izzy Babcock (granddaughter of Doug & Vaneta Babcock), Barb Kellogg (Tom & Kathy Schiola’s friend), Mary & Hanna S. (Gregg & Anna Jordan-Helser’s friends), Rich (family of Char Trajkovic), Beth Kautz (Kathy Henson’s sister), Uli Koester (Henson’s brother-in-law), Nancy Perlmutter (former member of LCH), Those serving in the Armed Forces — Alecia Mesch, Danny Moore (Joanna Moore’s husband) and Andrew Adamson. Rostered leaders of the church who are members of LCH in active ministry: Pastor Randy Pabst, Interim Pastor - Trinity Lutheran, Loveland. Pastor Ken Thurow, Interim Pastor - Prince of Peace, Denver. To place a prayer concern or prayers of thanksgiving on the prayer chain, please contact the church office at 303-466-4823. “Sharing and Transforming faith, hopes, and lives” WORSHIP Today we celebrate the Communion Faith Milestone with Hannah Grace Christensen, who recently completed with her parents the Communion Faith Milestone Workshop and today will gather around the table to mark this milestone of her faith journey. Palm Sunday, on March 29, will begin with a combined Procession of the Palms with Episcopal Church of the Holy Comforter in their circle drive to the west of LCH. We will process down at 8:50am, begin our liturgy with them at 9:00am and then process down 10th Ave. towards LCH. Those who may be unable to process are welcome to gather in the Fellowship Hall until the arrival of the procession when we will all process into the Nave. Easter Lilies will decorate our nave for the coming Easter Season. The cost of a 6” lily is $10.00 and forms are available on the ministry wall near the north door. The deadline to order is today. Please place orders and payment in Carolyn Thomas’ mailbox in the church office. See Carolyn Thomas with any questions. Mid-Week Lenten Worship continues this Wednesday, March 25, and will include a 12:15pm Eucharist in the Chapel of the Crosses. This is about a 20-30 minute liturgy. On Wednesday evenings, we will gather and sing the beloved Holden Evening Prayer at 7:15pm in the Nave. A brief scripture will be read as part of Holden. Good Friday Cantata … Please note the strong possibility due to copyright rules and regulations that the Good Friday Cantata may not be available on Livestream. LCH has applied for a broadcast license with the publisher but has not heard back. We are sorry for the potential inconvience to our online viewers. The current altar-table will be decommissioned as part of the Maundy Thursday liturgy and carried out of the Nave as part of the stripping of the chancel. The new altar will be carried into the Nave as part of the Easter Vigil and dedicated during that liturgy as well. The new baptismal font is in construction and is scheduled to be dedicated on Pentecost Sunday. The new font will be made from the old altar-table. The new altar-table is given in memory of Tommy Terrill, and the new baptismal font is given in memory of Leona Gardalen. DISCIPLESHIP Family Story Starter for Passing on the Faith: Continuing this week we have a new question for helping families pass on the faith. This week invite your child or children to tell stories about people they like to see at church. Who teaches you the most about God at church? Who makes you feel special at church? Who do you have fun with at church? Do you do anything to help others at church? Rainbow Trail has a few openings for many of the camps for this summer! It’s easy—go online and register today so you have the best chance of getting your first choice! Weeks are filling quickly. Go to to register or for more details. Limited campership funds are available. See Ms. Beth Rogers for details. Thank You for supporting the LCH youth by using King Soopers cards. We continue to receive about $300 each month. If you would like new cards, or need a card, let Beth Rogers know. Regular Connecting Hope activities continue this Wednesday, March 25. Please note that some of our times have been revised! Soup Suppers will be featured as the meal during Lent. Evening worship will feature Holden Evening Prayer. CHECK OUT THE NEW CONNECTING HOPE SCHEDULE AS OF 2-25-15 Lent Connecting Hope JOIN US AT LCH ON WEDNESDAYS! 11:00am Adult Bible Study—Fellowship Hall 12:15pm Lenten Noon Eucharist—Chapel 5:00-7:00pm Soup Supper—Fellowship Hall 5:30-6:00pm Children & Youth Tone Chimes— Nave 6:00-7:00pm Confirmation —Annex 6:00-7:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry—Library 6:15-6:45pm Children’s Activity 6:15-7:15pm Bells of Hope—Nave 7:15pm Holden Evening Prayer—Nave 7:30-8:30pm High School Youth Group—Annex 7:30pm Chancel Choir—Nave Just a reminder that due to Pastor Randy’s schedule, there is no adult study in the evening throughout Lent. Taking Faith Home devotional inserts are available online in the e-Anchor and hard copy on the ministry wall in the narthex. REACHING OUT March is the Reaching Out Ministry of the Month. All throughout the month of March, envelopes will be provided if you would like to give a special gift to the Reaching Out Ministries of LCH. Feed the Homeless continues on Saturday, April 4. The social concerns ministry is looking for LCH members to be a part of this exciting ministry on Saturday morning in both the assembly of sandwiches and being a part of the team that goes downtown. For more information on how you can help, email Sign on the response sheet if you can help with this ministry. Supplies for cookies and granola bars are low—next time you are shopping, purchase some cookies and/or granola bars and drop them by the church. Habitat for Humanity has almost completed work on the first Jamestown house and will be starting work on the second one in late April or early May. They hope to start on the Wonder Hill project in Boulder in June. Check the response sheet or see John Bosio if you are interested in helping with these two projects. Habitat also reports that the new ReStore is located at 1 Park Street, just south of the Broomfield recycling center. They hope to be open in the next few weeks. LOVING SUPPORT Thrivent Choice Dollars! Eligible members of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans who have designated Choice Dollars have until March 31 to direct any remaining Choice Dollars. As of the end of 2014, Lutheran Church of Hope had received $5,060 in grant funds from Thrivent. Don’t let your Choice Dollars expire! Go to to donate. Lutheran Church of Hope thanks you for your donation! Be a tither! As you complete your 2014 taxes—take the opportunity if you receive a refund and tithe (give 10%) of your refund to LCH as a special gift! LCH Transportation Ministry is looking for people to drive members to doctor appointments on an occasional basis. If you can help with this ministry, please sign on the response sheet. Call Maja Kaiser at (303) 469-8379 with questions. SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING The Board of Trustees has called a Special Congregational Meeting for today, March 22, at 10:30am in the Fellowship Hall to highlight and review the ministry opportunities for the 2015-16 Ministry Year. Agenda will be: 1. Call to Order and Quorum 2. Opening Prayer 3. Recap of Opportunity for LCH 4. Prayer of Discernment and Commitments 5. Adjournment Keep in prayer both the Financial Management Team and the Board of Trustees as they have begun in earnest the sacred, holy, and exciting act of putting the proposed 2015-16 Mission Spending Plan (aka Mission Budget) together in preparations for the Annual Meeting of LCH on Sunday, May 3, 2015. STAFF NOTES Thirsty Third Thursdays, or office hours with PScott for April will be Thursday, April 16, from 3pm—6pm at Westminster Brewery Company (7655 W. 108th Ave in Westminster). Come by, partake in a beverage and/or some food (bring some munchies to share & we’ll go dutch) and enjoy some time with your pastor and each other! Congratulations to PScott who was elected ‘Co-Dean’ of the Boulder/Broomfield Conference of the Rocky Mountain Synod along with the Rev. Zach Parris of Campus Ministry at CU-Boulder. As Co-Deans, Pastor Parris and PScott will share administrative and pastoral care responsibilities in keeping ELCA congregations connected within the Boulder/Broomfield area. GENEROSITY GRATITUDE Thanksgivings for March 15 Worship Attendance 218 Average Attendance 178 General Fund Offering $9,642 Thank you for your continued generosity! 6 Ways to Give Besides Check/Cash in the Offering 1. Give online— 2. Give at the LCH Giving Kiosk in the Narthex 3. Give on your Phone—Download SecureGive App and search for Lutheran Church of Hope. 4. Bill pay—utilize your bank’s bill pay service and have checks automatically sent to the church. 5. Stocks—give appreciated stock as a way to minimize your tax consequences on appreciated investments. Contact for more information. 6. Text Message Gifts—Simply text one of the four following messages to 1-844-4LC-HOPE (1-844452-4673). General (dollar amount) - for General Fund Foundation (dollar amount) - for Foundation of Hope Building (dollar amount) - for Building Fund Principal Youth (dollar amount) - for LCH Youth Fund. Reaching Out (dollar amount) - for Reaching Out Ministry of the Month You will be asked to set up a method of payment the first time giving via text (if you are not registered with LCH’s SecureGive) and a confirmation text will be sent after every gift. You are able to give anonymously. Thank you for your continued generosity to LCH! 1305 W. 10th Ave, Broomfield, CO 80020 Phone (303) 466-4823 Fax (303) 466-1968 Visit our website: Email us at: HOLY WEEK AT LCH Palm Sunday, March 29th 9:00am—Palm Sunday Procession with Episcopal Church of the Holy Comforter Holy Monday, March 30th Chapel of the Crosses 12:15pm—The Passion according to St. Mark 7:30pm—The Passion according to St. Mark Holy Tuesday, March 31st Chapel of the Crosses 12:15pm—The Passion according to St. Luke 7:30pm—The Passion according to St. Luke Holy Wednesday, April 1st Chapel of the Crosses 12:15pm—The Passion according to St. Matthew 7:30pm—The Passion according to St. Matthew Maundy Thursday, April 2nd 12:15pm—Holy Eucharist, Washing of the Feet, Stripping of the Altar—Chapel of the Crosses 7:30pm—Holy Eucharist, Washing of the Feet, Stripping of the Chancel, Removal of the Altar—Nave Good Friday, April 3rd 12:15pm—Good Friday Liturgy w/Seven Last Words— Chapel of the Crosses 7:30pm—Good Friday Liturgy w/Choral Cantata ‘Sanctuary’ - Nave Holy Saturday, April 4th 5:05pm—The Great Easter Vigil led by LCH Youth, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, and the dedication of the New Altar-table Resurrection Sunday—8:00am and 10:30am Worship 8:30-10:00am —Easter Breakfast “Sharing and Transforming faith, hopes, and lives” WHAT’S HAPPENING AT LCHOPE THIS WEEK 3-22 Sunday 3-23 Monday 3-24 Tuesday 9:00am 10:30am 10:50am 3:00pm 6:00pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 10:30am 6:30pm 6:30pm 3-25 Wednesday 3-26 Thursday 10:30am 6:00pm 3-27 Friday 3-28 Saturday 10:00am 3-29 Sunday 8:50am 9:00am 10:30am 10:30am 3-30 Monday 12:15pm 7:30pm Worship Congregational Meeting Cantata Rehearsal Cantata Rehearsal Yoga Class Finance Team Board of Trustees Loving Support Gathering Pastors Text Study Spirit of Hope Rehearsal Boy Scout Troop 767 Connecting Hope Yoga Class Whiz Kids PScott and Beth‘s Day Off Cantata Rehearsal Palm Sunday Processional Palm Sunday Worship Fellowship Hour Cantata Rehearsal Reading of the Passion Reading of the Passion Leading Worship Liturgy Next Sunday Palm Sunday The Rev. Dr. Scott R. McAnally Presiding Minister Karen White Assisting Minister Kim Hohensee Organist/Accompanist Ashley Miller Acolyte Kathy Chabino Crucifer Becky Nyby Lector Shannon Ambrosio Prayers of the Church John Bosio, Carolyn Kern Prayer Ministers Jeanie Beck, Communion Assistants Connor Peterson Kenda Meyer Chancel Choir Director Ruth Delevoryas, Terry Shockey Instrumentalists Kathy Chabino, Norm and Lois Jouett Greeters Joe and Carolyn Kern Ushers Bob Moody, Chuck Meyer Karen Kuhlmann, Carolyn Thomas Altar Guild Kathy Chabino, Becky Young Fellowship Hour Hosts Jetta Baker, Carolyn Thomas Offering Counters Elaina Panknin Open Campus Elaina Panknin Close Campus
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