Governmentof Pakistan Ministryof Communication BIDDINGDOCUMENT (Volume- l) FOR BIDDINGDOCUMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTTON OF MAINL|NK ROAD(Access Controlled)TO NEWTSLAMABAD TNTERNATTONAL AIRPORT(13.5Km) tNCLUDtNcFLYOVER, TOLLPLAZAS ANDSERVICEROADS (SingleStageTwo EnvelopeBidding procedure) May-2015 Icifxo.rrri$n'^4r5 NationalHighwayAuthority 28-MauveArea,G-9/1,lslamabad - Fax051-926041 Phone:051-9032727 9 z o F F z 1A o E, o o lr ti; lL1 til IE l< t6 IE t= t9 tg tg t1 t: IE t= ti IE l? J5 t: IE t: lr .= 3 (-) ; E A E = .TFNNE\I6 - DIF:r-^'A!IoNAL '.E-PAPER kaEchi Edition Lahore Edition >\+'Fet.ut\^'\ >o\f ISsN!561-9479 f'ome lla.g Online | ).r4 Mlldmedia l3ro9 CONSTRUCTIONOF M.{IN LINK ROAD (ACCESSCONTROLLED) TO NEW ISLAMABAD INTERNATTONALAIRPORT (13.5Kivr), INCLUDING FLYOVER, TOLL PLAZAS AND SERVICE ROADS lre-eid ivleeting Dite: Deadline forSubmission ofBids: srh.March.?015nt 1100hou.s 2 5 ' "M a r c h . 2 0 1 5a t 1 1 3 0h o u r s The..National .HighwayAurhoriryQ{HA) invites sealedbids from eligiblebidderswho can provetheir eligibility and qualificationas menrionedin the Bidding Documenrsfof the captionedpioject.The estimated costofthe projectis Rs. I1.5 Billion. 2. . Biddingwill be carri€dout by adopting,.SingleSta,ge Trvo Envelope"procedure. Biddersare requir"dto be registeredwitb PakistanEngineeringCouncilwirh a valid registrationCertidcate in CategoryC-A rvith specializationin CE-o1& 0Zifor the yeai z0 i S. Bidderscanpurchaseihe bidding documenrsftom ihe adriressgiven bclorvrr..e.f'.25rhFcbrugry?01i, upon submissionof application1r'ifha non ret'undableDemandDraft / pay order amountingtb'nr. lo,ooor(RupeesTen ThousandOnly) in favor of Na[ional Highway Autho;ity, Islamabad6eing costof the biddingdocuments.Allernativelybiddingdocumbnrs can a]so be down-loaded from NHA websiteanci submittedto the under.mentioned addressalongwi!h the abovementionedfee. ,4 Prc-bidmeetiogshall take placeon 5'h it'l&rch 2015 at I100 at the NHA Audirorium.zg-MauveArea-c9/1,Islamabad. The biddersareadvisedto visitthesitebeforeattending thepre-bidmeeting. The bids shallbe receivedin NHA Auditorium,28-lvlauve Area,C-9/1, Islamabad on ZSthX,tflrch2015 untii I 130hours-The envelope TechnicalBidswill be openedon the samedayat 1200hoursin containing the presenceof bidder's reprcsentatives who choosero atend. SecondenveiopecontainingFinancialBids of technicallyqualifiedbiddersrvill be openedlater. the date of r.vhichrvill be com"municated afrer evaluation ofthe TechnicalBids. Eids must be accompanied by bid securityamountingto Rs,z30Miliion in the form mentionedin the biddingdocuments validfor 148daysfiom rhedafeofsubmission oftrids. The firnrs providingunsubstantiated and / or incorrectinformationare iiable to lesal actionand d isqualiiicarionTbe ,{ulhority reservesthe righl to rejeetany or all tbe applicarionsas per ppRA Rules INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ':t' ' ' ': -,..-:. .'.. .'t:. i:';i :::j-..: 1,. :,':i. / ,r-r /li '" \L'\' - .:, il lr 'ti'. ...,.--.'.,'.,i'' ''.,.,. r ; -,,;.,;*;).,' Bi l Description INSTRUCTIONSTO BIDDERS General IB.I tB.2 IB.3 IB.4 IB.5 IB.6 B. Scopeof Bid Sourceof Funds EligibleBidders OneBid PerBidder Costof Bidding SiteVisit BiddingDocuments IIj.7 Contents of BiddingDocuments IB.8 Clarification of BiddingDocuments IB.9 Amendment of BiddingDocuments C, Preparationof Bids IB.l0. IB.l I IB.l2 IB.l3 IB.l4 IB.l5 IB.l6 IB.l7 IB.l8 D, Submissionof Bids IB.l9 IB.20 IB.21 I8.22 E, Language of Bid Documents Accompanying theBid Bid Prices Currencies of Bid andPayment Bid Validity Bid Security AlternateProposals by Bidder Pre-BidMeeting FormatandSigningof Bid Sealing andMarkingof Bids Deadline lor Submission of Bids LateBids Modification, Substitution andWithdrawalof Bids Bid Openingand Evaluation 18.23 Bid Opening 1B.24 Process to be Confidential I8.25 Clarification of Bids I8.26 Examination of BidsandDetermination of Responsiveness I8.27 Correctionof Errors I8.28 Evaluation andComparison of Bids F, rt>" ij'n['. , ,.\ Award of Contract i-'\ \ -."--4. I8.29 Award I8.30 Employer'sRightto AcceptanyBid andto Rejectanyor ali Bjdd'ne D, Pase I of2 , ',,,! , i t lw, n 1 , 't! nzj ll IB.3I IB.32 I8.33 IB.34 I8.35 IB.36 Notificationof Award Performance Security Signingof ContractAgreement GeneralPerlormance ofthe Bidders IntegrityPact Instructions Not PartofContract BIDDING DATA FORM OF BID AND APPENDICES TO BID FORM OF BID LetterofTechnicalBid Letterof PriceBid Appendix-Ato Bid Appendix-B to Bid Appendix-C to Bid Appendix-D to B id Appendix-E to Bid Appendix-F to Bid Appendix-G to Bid SpecialStipulations ForeignCurrencyRequirements PriceAdjustment (UnderCIause70) Bill oflQuantities Proposed Construction Schedule Methodol Performing the Work - Related List of MajorEquipment Items Construotion CampandHousing Facilities List of Subcontractors EstimatedProgressPayments OrganizationChart of the Supervisory StaffandLabour IntegrityPact Financial Competence& Access to FinancialResources Past Performance, QuaJification & Experience of Key Staff Qualification CurrentCommitments Appendix-Hto Bid Appendix-lto Bid Appendix-J to Bid Appendix-K to Bid Appendix-L to B id Appendix-M to Bid Appendix-Nto Bid Appendix-O to Bid Appendix-Pto Bid FORMS BID SECURITY PERFORMANCE SECURITY CONTRACTAGREEMENT CREDITI,INEFACILITY MOBI LIZATION ADVANCE GIJARANTEE/BOND PART-I: GENERAL CONDITIONSOF CONTRACT PART-II: PARTICULAR CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS - SPECIAL PROVISIONS SUPPLEMENTRY SPECIFICATIONS SUPPLEMENTRY ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS TENDER DOCUMENTS (DRAWINGS) D o c u m e n tlso r C o n s t r u c t i o0nf M a i n R a a d( A c c e s sC o n h o l l e dr)o ;!i)i'"::: "$-.'; InstructionsTo Bidders INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (Note: TheseInstructionsto Biddersalongwith Bidding Data Sheetwill not be part of the Contractandwill ceaseto haveeffectoncethe contractis signed.) A. GENERAL IB.1 Scopeof Bid 1.1 The Employer as defined in the Bidding Data Sheethereinaftercalled ,,the Employer"wishesto receivebidsfor the constructionandcompletionof worksas describedin theseBidding Documents,and summarizedin the Biddine Data Sheethereinafterrefenedto asthe "Works". 1.2 The successfulbidderwill be expectedJo completethe works within the time specified in Appendix-Ato Bid. IB.2 Sourceof Funds 2.1 The Employerhasappliedfor/receiveda loan/creditflom the source(s) indicated in the Bidding Data Sheetin variouscurenciestowardsthe cost of the project specifiedin the BiddingDatasheetand it is intendedthat part of the proceediof this loan/creditwill be appliedto eligiblepaymentsunderthe contraci for which theseBiddingDocumentsareissued. IB.3 EligibleBidders 3,1 This Invitation for Bids is open to all bidders meeting the requirementsas described in thebiddingdatasheet: a. Duly licensedby the PakistanEngineeringCouncil(PEC)in the categoryrelevant to thevalueof the Works. IB.4 One Bid per Bidder 4,1 Eachbiddershallsubmitonly onebid eitherby himsel{or asa partnerin ajoint venture.A bidderwho participatesin more than one bid (otherthan altematives pursuant to ClauseIB. l6) will bedisqualified. IB.5 Costof Bidding 5.1 the biddersshall bearall costsassociated with thepreparationand submission of their respectivebidsandthe Employerwill in no casebe responsible or liablefor thosecosts,regardless ofthe conductor outcomeofthe biddingprocess. Construclion of Main Link Road(AccessControttcd)ro New Islamabad Airport(13.5Km) I i.i.,.-':.. . '{;'1"='- tl, N' t:;'"t' '..' t1,; ;.t.-v-"'/' ,t i\:i.11.:.,::1I.r..n InstructionsTo Bidders IB.6 SiteVisit o.l The bidders are advised to visit and examine the Site of Works and its surroundings andobtainfor themselves on their own responsibilityall information that may be necessaryfor preparingthe bid and enteringinto a contractfor constructionof the Works. All cost in this respectshall be at the bidder'sown expense. 6.2 Thebiddersandany of their personnelor agentswill be grantedpermissionby the Employerto enteruponhis premisesandlandsfor the purposeof suchinspection, but only uponthe expressconditionthat the bidders,their personneland agents, will releaseand indemnify the Employer,his personneland agentsfrom and againstall liability in respectthereofandwill be responsible for deathor personal injury, loss of or damageto propertyand any other loss, damage,costs and expenses incurredasa resultof suchinspection. B. BIDDING DOCUMENTS lB.7 Contentsof BiddingDocuments 7.1 The BiddingDocuments, in additionto invitationfor bids,arethosestatedbelow and shouldbe read in conjunctionwith any Addendaissuedin accordance with ClauseIB.9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 7.2 Instructionsto Bidders. BiddingDataSheet. GeneralConditionsof Contract,Part-I(GCC). ParticularConditionsof Contract,Part-II(PCC). - SpecialProvisions. Specifications - Technical Specifications Provisions. Formof Bid & Appendices to Bid. (Appendix-D Bill of Quantities to Bid). Formof Bid Security. Formof ContractAgreement. Forms of PerformanceSecurityand Mobilization AdvanceGuarantee/ Bond. Drawinss. The biddersare expectedto examinecarefully the contentsof all the above documents. Failureto complywith the requirements of bid submissionwill be at the Bidder'sown risk. Pursuantto Clause18.26,bids which arenot substantially responsive to therequirements of the BiddingDocumentswill be rejected. Instructions To Bidderg IB.8 Clarificationof BiddingDocuments 8.1 Any prospectivebidderrequiringany clarification(s) in respectof the Bidding Documentsmay notifr the Employer in writing at the Employer's address indicatedin the Invitationfor Bids.TheEmployerwill respond to anyrequestfor clarificationwhich he receivesearlierthan 28 daysprior to the deadlinefor submission of bids. Copiesof the Employer'sresponsewill be forwardedto all purchasersof the Bidding Documents,including a description of the enquiry but withoul identifoingits source. IB.9 Amendmentof BiddingDocuments 9.1 At anytime prior to the deadlinefor submission of bids,the Employermay,for any reason!whetherat his own initiativeor in response to a clarificationrequested by a prospective bidder,modifytheBiddingDocuments by issuingaddendum. 9.2 Any addendumthusissuedshallbe part ofthe BiddingDocumentspursuantto IB 7.1 hereofand shallbe communicated in writing to all purchasers of the Bidding Documents.Prospectivebiddersshall acknowledgereceiptof eachaddendumin writing to the Employer. 9.3 To affordprospectivebiddersreasonable time in which to takean addenduminto accountin preparingtheir bids, the Employer may extend the deadlinefor submission of bidsin accordance with ClauseIB.20 C. PREPARATIONOFBIDS IB.l0 Language of Bid 10.1 The bid andall correspondence anddocumentsrelatedto the bid exchanged by a bidder and the Employershall be in the bid languagestipulatedin rhe Bidding Data Sheetand ParticularConditionsof Contract.Supportingdocumentsand printedliteraturefumishedby the biddersmay be in any otherlanguageprovided the sameare accompanied by an accuratetranslationof the relevantparls in the bid language,in which case,for purposesof evaluationof the bid, the translation in bid language shallprevail. IB.11 Docriments Comprisingthe Bid I 1.1 The Bid shallcomprisetwo envelopes submittedsimultaneously, onecalledthe TechnicalBid and the otherthe PriceBid, containingthe documents listedin BiddingData Sheetunderthe headingof IB ll.l A & B respectively.Both envelopes to be enclosed together in anoutersingleenvelope calledtheBid. Each biddershallfumishall the documents as specifiedin BiddingDataSheetl1.l A &B. Construction of Main Link Road(Aoc€ssControlled)to New Islamabad Airport(13.5Km) Instructions To Bidders 11.2 Bids submittedby a JV shall includea copy of the Joint VentureAgreement enteredinto by all partners. Alternatively,a Letter of Intentto executea Joint VentureAgreementin the eventofa successful bid shallbe signedby all partners and submittedwith the bid, togetherwith a copy of the proposedagreement. The role to be playedby eachparlnerto be specifiedtherein.Bids submittedby ajoint ventureof two (2) or morefirmsshallcomplywith thefollowingrequirements: ll.3 (a) The bid and in caseof a successful bid, the Form of ContractAgreement shallbesignedsoasto belegallybindingon all partners. (b) One of the joint venturepartnersshall be nominatedas being in charge; and this authorizationshall be evidencedby submitting a power of attorneysignedby legally authorizedsignatoriesof all the joint ventue partners; (c) The partner-in-charge shall alwaysbe duly authorizedto deal with the Employer regardingall mattersrelated with and/or incidentalto the executionof Worksasper the termsandConditionsof JV Agreementand in this regardto incur any and all liabilities, receiveinstructions,give bindingundenakings andreceivepaymentson behalfofthe joint venture; (d) All partnersof the joint venture shall at all times and under all circumstances be liable jointly and severallyfor the executionof the Contractin accordance with the Contractterms and a statementto this effectshallbe includedin the authorization (b) mentionedunderSub-Para aboveaswell as in the Form of Bid andin the Form of JV Agreement(in caseof a successful bid):and (e) A copyof JV agreement shallbe submittedbeforesigningofthe Contract, statingthe conditionsunderwhichJV will function,its periodof duration, the personsauthorizedto represent and obligateit andwhich personswill be directly responsiblefor dueperformanceof the Contractand can give valid receiptson behalfof thejoint venture,the proportionate participation of the severalfirms formingthe joint venture,and any otherinformation necessary to permit a full appraisalof its functioning.The JV Agreement shall be made pan of the contract.No amendmentsi modifications whatsoeverin thejoint ventureagreement shallbe agreedto betweenthe joint venturepartnerswithoutprior writtenconsentofthe Employer. The Biddershall fumish,as part of the TechnicalBid, a TechnicalProposal includinga statementof work methods,equipment,personnel,scheduleand any otherinformationas stipulatedBiddingForms,in sufficientdetailto demonstrate the adequacyof the Bidders' proposalto meet the work requirementsand the completion time refenedto in Sub-Clause 1,2hereof. Const.uctjon of Main Link Road(AccessControlled)to New Islamabad 4 InstructionsTo Bidders IB.12 Bid Prices l2.l Unlessstatedotherwisein the BiddingDocuments,the Contractshallbe fot the wholeofthe Worksasdescribedin IB 1.1hereof,basedon the unit ratesand/ or pricessubmittedby thebidder. 12.2 The biddersshallfill in ratesandpricesfor all itemsof the Worksdescribedin the Bill of Quantities.Itemsagainstwhichno rateor priceis enteredby a bidderwill not be paid for by the Employerwhenexecutedand shallbe deemedcoveredby ratesandpricesfor otheritemsin the Bill of Quantities. 12.3 All duties,taxesandotherleviespayableby the Contractorunderthe Contract,or for any othercause,ason the date28 daysprior to the deadlinefor submission of bidsshallbeincludedin theratesandpricesandthetotalBid Pricesubmitted by a bidder. Additional/ reducedduties,taxesand leviesdue to subsequent additionsor changesin legislationshall be reimbursed/ deductedas per Sub-Clause 70.2 ol' the GeneralConditionsof ContractPartl. 12.4 The ratesand pricesquotedby the biddersare subjectto adjustmentduringthe performance ofthe Contractin accordance with the provisionsof Clause70 ofthe Conditionsof Contract. The biddersshallfumishthe prescribed inlormationfor the price adjustmentformulaein AppendixC to Bid and shall submitwith the bidssuchothersupportinginformationasrequiredunderthe saidclause. I8.13 Currenciesof Bid and Payment 13.I ' Theunit ratesandthe pricesshallbe quotedby the bidderentirelyin Pakrupees. A bidder expectingto incur expendituresin other currenciesfor inputs to the Workssuppliedfrom outsidethe Employer'scountry(refenedto asthe "Foreign CurrencyRequirements")shall indicatethe samein Appendix-Bto Bid. The proporlionof the Bid Pdce (excludingProvisionalSums)neededby him for the payment of such Foreign Currency Requirementseither (i) entirely in the cunencyof the Bidder'shomecountryor, (ii) at the bidder'soption,entirelyin Pak rupeesprovidedalwaysthat a bidder expectingto incur expenditures in a currencyor currenciesotherthanthosestatedin (i) and(ii) abovefor a portionof the foreigncurrencyrequirements, and wishingto be paid accordingly, shall indicatetherespective portionsin his bid. 13.2 The ratesof exchangeto be usedby the bidderfor currencyconversionshall be theTT & OD SellingRatespublishedor authorizedby the StateBank of Pakistan prevailingon thedate28 dayspriorto thedeadline for submission ofbids.Forthe purposeof paymeuts,the exchangeratesusedin bid preparationshall apply for thedurationofthe Contract. Construction olMain Link Road(AccessControlled)to New Islamqbad 5 Instructions To Bidders IB.l4 Bid Validify 14.1 Bids shallremainvalid for the periodstipulated in the BiddingDataSheetafter theDateof Bid Openingspecified in ClauseIB,23. 14.2 rn exceptionalcircumstances, prior to expiry of the original bid validity period, the Employermay requestthat the biddersextendthe period of validity for a specifiedadditionalperiodwhich shall in no casebe more than the originalbid validity period.The requestandthe responses theretoshallbe madein writing. A bidder may refuse the requestwithout forfeiting his Bid Security.A bidder ' agreeingto the requestwill not be requiredor permittedto modify his bid, bur will be requiredto extendthe validity of his Bid Securityfor the period of the extension, andin compliance with ClauseIB.15in all respects. IB.l5 Bid Security 15.1 Each bidder shall fumish,as part of his bid, a Bid Securityin the amount stipulatedin the BiddingDataSheetin Pak Rupeesor an equivalentamountin a freelyconvertiblecurrency. 15.2 The Bid Securityshallbe, ar rheoptionof the bidder,in the form of Depositat Call or a Bank Guaranteeissuedby a ScheduledBank in pakistanor from a foreignbankduly counterguaranteed by a Scheduled Bank in pakistanin favoro1' the Employervalid for a period28 daysbeyondthe Bid Validity date. 15.3 Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable Bid Securityshall be rejectedby the Employerasnon-responsive. 15.4 The bid securitiesof unsuccessfulbidders will be returnedas promptly as possible,but not later than 28 days after the expirationof the period of Bid Validity. 15.5 The Bid Securityof the successful bidderwill be returnedwhenthe bidderhas fumishedtherequiredPerformance Securityandsignedthe ContactAgreement. 15.6 TheBid Securitymaybeforfeited: (a) Ifthe bidderwithdrawshis bid exceptasprovidedin IB 22.1; (b) If thebidderdoesnot acceptthecorrection of his Bid Pricepursuant to IB 27.2hereof:or (c) In the caseof successful bidder,if he failswithinthe specified time limit to: (i) (ii) (iii) FumishtherequiredPerfomanceSecurity; Signthe ContractAgreement,or Fumishthe requiredJV agreement within 7 daysof thereceiptof letterof acceDtance. Conskuction of Main Link Road(AccessControlled)ro Ncw lslamabad Airport( 13.5Km) InstructionsTo Bidders IB.16 AlternateProposalsby Bidder 16.I Shouldanybidderconsider thathe canofferanyadvantages to the Employerby a modificationto the designs,specifications or other conditions,he may, in additionto his bid to be submittedin stricr compliancewith the Bidding Documents,submit any Altemate Proposal(s)containing(a) relevantdesign calculations; (b) technical specifications; (c) proposed construction methodology;and (d) any other relevantdetails/ conditions,providedalways that the total sum enteredon the Letrer of Price Bid shall be that which representscompletecompliancewith the Bidding Documents.The technical detailsand financialimplicationinvolved are to be submittedin two seDarate sealed envelopes asto befollowedin mainbid proposals. 16.2 AltemateProposal(s), if any,of thelowestevaluatedresponsive bidderonly may be consideredby the Employeras the basisfor the awardof contract to sucir bidder. 18,17 Pre-BidMeeting 1 7. t The Employermay! on his own motion or at the requestof any prospective bidder(s),hold a pre-bidmeetingto clarify issuesandto answerany questionson mattersrelatedto the BiddingDocuments.The date,time and venueof pre-bid meeting,if convened,is as stipulatedin the BiddingData Sheet,All prospective biddersor their authorizedrepresentatives shall be invited to attendsucha prebid meeting. t7.2 The biddersare requestedto submitquestions,if any, in writing so as to reach theEmployernot laterthanseven(7) daysbeforethe proposedpre-bidmeeting. t].3 Minutesof the pre-bidmeeting,includingthe text of the questionsnised andthe repliesgiven,will be transmittedwithout delayto all purchasers of the Bidding Documents. Any modificationof the BiddingDocumentslistedin IB 7.1 hereof. whichmay becomenecessary asa resultof the pre-bidmeetingshallbe madeby the Employerexclusivelythroughthe issueof an Addendumpursuantto Clause IB.9andnot throughtheminutesof thepre-bidmeeting. 17.4 Absenceat the pre-bid meeting will not be a causefor disqualificationof a bidder. IB.l8 Format and Signingof Bid 18.1 Bidders are particularly directed that the amount entered on the Letter of price Bid shall be for performing the Contract strictly in accordancewith the Bidding Documents, 18.2 All appendices to Bid areto beproperlycompleted andsigned. Construction ofMain l-ink Road(AccessConrrolled) to New Islamabad AirDon j. 7 7-.' 3 { InstructionsTo Bidders 1 8 . 3 No alterationis to be madein the Lettersof PriceandTechnicalBids nor in the Appendicesthereto exceptin filling up the blanks as directed.If any such alterationsbe madeor if theseinstructionsbe not fully compliedwjth, the bid may be rejected. 1 8 . 4 The Bidder shall prepareone original of the TechnicalBid and one original of the PriceBid comprising the Bid asdescribed in BiddingDataSheeragainstIB I I and clearlymark ir "ORIGINAL - TECHNICALBID', and ,.ORIGINALPRICEBID". In addition,theBiddershallsubmittwo (2) copiesof the Bid and clearlymarkeachofthem "COPY."In theeventofany discrepancy between the originalandthecopies,theoriginalshallprevail. 18 , 5 The originaland all copiesof the Bid shall be typed or written in indelibleink andshall be signedby a personduly authorizedto signon behalfof the Bidder. This authorizationshall consistof a written confirmationas specifiedin the BiddingDataSheetandshallbe attached to thebid. Thenameandpositionheld by eachpersonsigningthe authorizationmust be tlped or printed below the signature.All pagesof the Bid, exceptfor unamended printedliterature,shal.lbe signedor iniLialed by thepersonsigningthebid. ' 1 8 . 6 Any amendments suchas interlineations, erasures, or overwritingshall be valid only if theyaresignedor initialedby thepersonsigningthebid. 1 8 . 7 Biddersshall indicatein the spaceprovidedin the Letterof Technicaland Price Bids, their full andproperaddresses at which noticesmay be legallyservedon them and to which all correspondence in connectionwith their bids and the Contractis to be sent. 1 8 . 8 Biddersshouldretaina copyofthe BiddingDocuments astheirfile copy. D, SUBMISSIONOF BIDS FOR SINGLE STAGE TWO ENVELOPE BIDDING PROCEDURE I8.19 Sealingand Marking of Bids 19.I Eachbiddershallsubmithis bid asunder: (a) ORIGINAL andeachcopyof the Bid shallbe separately sealedandput in separate andmarkedassuch. envelopes (b) The envelopes containing the ORIGINALand copieswill be put in one sealed envelope andaddressed / identifiedasgivenin IB 19.2hereof. (c) The technicalbid shouldcompriseof documents listedin IBl1.1 (A) & ' the price bid shouldcompriseof documentslisted in IB 11.1 (B) which shallbe placedin separate envelopes in accordance with IB I I .1. Construction of Main Link Road(AccessCont{olled)10New Islsmabad Airpon (13 5 Km) 8 ''''il' \,i: ti ',,.: ' InstructionsTo Bidders 19.2 Theinnerandouterenvelones shall: (a) Be addressed to the Employerat the addressprovidedin the BiddingData Sheet; (b) Bearthe nameand identificationnumberof the contractas definedin the BiddingDataSheet;and (c) Providea wamingnot to openbeforethe time anddatefor bid opening,as specified in theBiddingDataSheet. 1 9 . 3 ln additionto the identificationrequiredin IB 19.2hereo{ the inner envelope shallindicatethe nameandaddressof the bidderto enablethe bid to be retumed unopened in caseit is declared "late"pursuant to ClauseIB.21 19.4 If the outer envelopeis not sealedand markedas above,the Employerwill assume no responsibility for themisplacement or premature openingof theBid. 18.20 Deadlinefor Submission of Bids 20.1 (a) Bids must be receivedby the Employerat the addressspecifiedno later thanthetime anddatestipulatedin theBiddingDataSheet. (b) Bids with chargespayablewill not be accepted, nor will arrangements be undertakento collect the bids from any delivery point other than that specifiedabove.Biddersshallbearall expenses incunedin thepreparation and delivery of bids. No claims will be entertainedfor refund of such expenses. (c,) Wheredeliveryof a bid is by mail andthe bidderwishesto receivean acknowledgment of receiptof suchbid, he shall makea requestfor such acknowledgment in a separateletter attachedto but not includedin the sealed bid package. (d) 20.2 Uponrequest,acknowledgment of receiptof bidswill be providedto those makingdeliveryin personor by messenger. The Employer may, at his discretion,extendthe deadlinefor submissiono1Bids by issuingan amendment in accordance with ClauseI8.9, in which caseall rightsand obligationsof the Employerandthe bidderspreviouslysubjectto the originaldeadlinewill thereafterbe subjectto the deadlineasextended. I8.21 LateBids 21. (a) Any bid receivedby the Employerafter the deadlinefor submissionof bids prescribed in ClauseIB.20will be returned unopened to suchbidder. Canstruction of Main Link Road(AccessControlled)to New Islamabad Airpon (t3.5 Kn) 9 Instructions To Bidders (b) Delaysin the mail, delaysof personin transit,or deliveryof a bid to the wrongolfice shallnot be acceptedasan excusefor failureto delivera bid at the properplaceand time. It shall be the bidder,sresponsibility to determinethe mannerin which timely delivery of his bid will be accomplished eitherin person, by messenger or by mail, 18,22 Modification,Substitutionand Withdrawalof Bids 22.1 Any bidder may modifu, substituteor withdraw his bid after bid submission providedthat the modification,substitutionor w tten notice of withdrawalis received by theEmployerpriorto thedeadline for submission ofbids. 22.2 Themodification,substitution,or noticefor withdrawalofany bid shallbe prepared, sealed,markedanddeliveredin accordance with theprovisionsof ClauseIB.l9 with theouterandinnerenvelopes additionally marked "MODIFICATION","SUBSTITUTION" or "WITHDRAWAL"asappropriate. 22.3 No bid maybemodifiedby a bidderafterthedeadlinefor submission of bids exceptin accordance with IB 22.1and27.2. 11 A Withdrawalof a bid duringthe intervalbetweenthe deadlinefor submissionof bidsandthe expirationof theperiodof bid validityspecifiedin the Formof Bid mayresultin forfeitureof theBid Securityin pursuance to ClauseIB.15. E BID OPENINGAND EVALUATION FOR SINGLE STAGETWO ENVELOPEBIDDING PROCEDUR IB.23 Bid Opening 23.1 The Employerwill openthe TechnicalBids in public at the address, dateandtime specifiedin the Bidding Data Sheet in the presenceof Bidders' designated representatives and anyonewho chooseto attend.The Price Bids will remain unopenedandwill be held in custodyof the Employeruntil the specifiedtime of , theiropening. 23.2 First,envelopes marked"WITHDRAWAL" shallbe openedandreadout andthe envelopewith the correspondingbid shall not be opened,but returnedto the Bidder. No bid withdrawal shall be permitted unless the conesponding WithdrawalNoticecontainsa valid authorization to requestthe withdrawalandis readoutat bid opening. 23.3 Second,ouier envelopesmarked"SUBSTITUTION"shall be opened.The inner envelopes containing the Substitution Technical Bid and/orSubstitution PriceBid shall be exchanged for the conespondingenvelopesbeingsubstituted, which are to be retumedto the Bidder unopened.Only the SubstitutionTechnicalBid, if Construction of Main Link Road(AccessControlled)to Ncw lslamabad Airport(13.5 10 Instructions To Bidders any,shallbe opened,readout, andrecorded. Substitution PriceBid will remain unopenedin accordance with IB 23.1.No envelopeshallbe substituted unlessthe conesponding Substitution Noticecontainsa valid authorization to requestthe substitutionandis readout ard recordedat bid opening. 23.4 Next.outerenvelopes marked"MODIFICATION"shallbe opened. No Technical Bid and/orPriceBid shall be modifiedunlessthe corresponding Modification Noticecontainsa valid authorization to requestthe modification andis readout and recordedat the openingof TechnicalBids. Only the TechnicalBids, both Originalas well as Modification,areto be opened,readout, and recordedat the opening.Price Bids, both Original and Modification,will remain unopenedin accordance with IB 23.1.The Bidders'representatives who are presentshall be requestedto sign the record.The omissionof a Bidder'ssignatureon the record shall not invalidatethe contentsand effect of the record.A coov of the record shallbedistributed to all Bidders. 23.5 Otherenvelopes holdingtheTechnical Bidsshallbeopenedoneat a time,andthe followingreadout andrecorded: (a) (b) (c) (d) lhe nameofthe Bidder; whetherthereis a modificationor substitution; thepresence ofa Bid Security, ifrequired;and Any otherdetailsastheEmployermayconsider appropriate. No Bid shallbe rejectedat theopeningof TechnicalBids exceptfor latebids,in accordance with IB 21.1. Only TechnicalBids read out and recordedat bid opening, shallbeconsidered for evaluation. Prelrmrnarry of Technical Examinat:on Bids 23.6 a) The Employershall frst examinequalificationand experienceDataas per appendix M and N submittedby the Bidder, The technical proposal examination ol thosebiddersonly shall be takenin handwho meetthe minimum requirementas menrionedin appendixM and N. Only substantiallyresponsivequalification shall be consideredfor further evaluation. b) The Employershall examinethe TechnicalBid to confirmthat all the documents havebeenprovided, andto determine thecompleteness of each document submitted. 23.7 The Employershall confirm that all the documentsand informationhave been provided for evaluationof Technical bid as required under these bidding documents. Construction of Main Lihk Road(AccessControlled)to New Islamabad Airport(l3.5 Krn) Instructions To Bidders 23.8 At the endof the evaluation of the TechnicalBids,theEmployerwill inviteonly thosebidderswho have submittedsubstantiallyresponsiveTechnicalBids and who havebeendeterminedas beingqualifiedfor awardto attendthe openingof thePriceBids. The da1e,time, and locationof the openingof Price Bids will be advisedin writing by the Employer.Biddersshallbe givenreasonable noticefor the opening of PriceBids. 23.9 The Employerwill notiff Biddersin writing who havebeenrejectedon the grounds of their Technical Bids being substantiallynon-responsiveto the requirementsof the Bidding Documentand retum their Price Bids unopened before inviting others,who are determinedas being qualified, to attendthe openingof PriceBids. 23.10 The llmployershall conductthe openingof Price Bids of all Bidderswho submittedsubstantially responsive TechnicalBids,publicallyin the presence of Bidders' representatives who chooseto attend at the address,date and time specifiedby the Employer.The Bidder'srepresentatives who arepresentshallbe requested to signa registerevidencingtheir attendance. 23.11 AII envelopescontainingPrice Bids shall be openedone at a time and the following readout andrecorded: (a) (b) (c) (d) Thenameof the Bidder; Whetherthereis a modificationor substitution; TheBid Prices,includinganydiscounts andalternative offlers; and Any otherdetailsastheEmployermayconsider appropriate. Only PriceBids anddiscounts, readout andrecorded duringthe openingof Price Bids shallbe considered for evaluation.No Bid shallbe rejectedat the openingof PriceBids. pricesfor different 23.12 lf this BiddingDocumentallowsBiddersto quoteseparate contracts,andthe awardto a singleBidderof multiplecontracts,the methodology to determinethe lowestevaluatedpriceof the contractcombinations is thatwhich is mosteconomical to theEmployer. IB.24 Processto be Confidential relatingto the examination, 24.1 Information clarification, evaluation andcomparison for theawardof a contractshallnot be disclosed of bid andrecommendations to biddersor any otherpersonnot officiallyconcemed with suchprocess beforethe of bid evaluationreportwhich shall be doneat leastten l0 days announcement prior to issueof Letter of Acceptance.The announcement to all Bidderswill includetable(s)comprisingreadout prices,discountedprices,price adjustments made,final evaluatedpricesandrecommendations againstall the bids evaluated. Any effortby a bidderto influencethe Employer'sprocessing of bidsor award decisionsmay resultin the rejectionof suchbidder'sbid. Whereasany bidder Consrruction of Main Link Road(AcccssControlled)to New Islamabad Airport(l Q;: le +/ r 9r^--{ \{sr,-;si ll:., To Bidders Instructions feelingaggrievedmay lodgea written complaintnot later than fifteen (15) days after.the announcement of the bid evaluationreport. However mere fact ofIodginga complaintshallnot warrantsuspension process. of theprocurement I8.25 Clarificationof Bids 25.1 To assistin the examination, evaluation and comparison of bids,the Employer -his may, at his discretion,ask any bidderfor clarificationof bid, including breakdowns of unit rates.The requestfor clarificationandthe response shallbe in writing but no changein the priceor substance ofthe bid shallbe sought,offered or permittedexceptas requiredto confirm the correctionof arithmeticerrors dissoveredby the Employerin the evaluationof the bids in accordancewith ClauseI8.28. 25.2 Ifa Bidderdoesnotprovideclarifications of its Bid by thedateandtimesetin the Employer's request for clarification, its bid may be rejected. 18.26 Examinationof Bids and f)eterminationof Responsivencss 26.1 Priorto thedetailedevaluation of bids,theEmployerwill determine whethereach bid is substantially responsive 1otherequiremer.rts of theBiddingDocuments. 26.2 A substantially responsive bid is one which(i) meetsthe eligibilitycriteria;(ii) hasbeenproperlysigned;(iii) is accompanied by the requiredBid Security;(iv) Includessigned Integrity Pact where requiredas per clause 18.35 and (v) conforms to all the terms, conditions and specificationsof the Bidding Documents"without materialdeviationor reservation.A materialdeviationor reservationis one (i) which affect in any substaatialway the scope,quality or performanceof the Works; (ii) which limits in any substantialway, inconsistent with the BiddingDocuments, the Employer'srightsor the bidder'sobligations whereofwould affectunfairly the underthe Contract;(iii) adoptior/rectification competitivepositionof otherbidderspresenting responsive substantially bids. rcsponsive Onlysubstantially bid shallbeconsidered for furlherevaluation. 26.3 If a bid is not substantially responsive, it may not subsequently be made responsiveby correctionor withdrawalof the non-conformingmaterialdeviation or reservation.The Employermay, however,seekconfirmation/clarificationin writing whichshallbe responded in writing. 18,27 Correctionof Errors to be substantially responsive 27.1 Bids determined will be checkedby the Employer for any arithmeticerrors.Errorswill be correctedby the Employerasfollows: (a) (b) Wherethereis a discrepancy betweenthe amountsin figuresand in words,theamountin wordswill govenr;and Wherethere is a discrepancybetweenthe unit rate and the line item total resultingfrom multiplyingthe unit rateby the quantity, the unit rate as quotedwill govern,unlessin the opinion of the of Main Link Road(Acc€ssControlled)to New Islamabad Construction Airpon ( l3.5 Krn) l3 Instructions To Bidders Employerthereis an obviouslygrossmisplacement of thedecimal point in the unit rate,in which casethe line item total as quoted will governandtheunit ratewill beconected. 2'7.2 Theamountstatedin the Letterof PriceBid will be adjusted by the Employerin accordance with the aboveprocedurefor the correctionof errorsand with the concurrence of the bidder,shall be considered as bindinguponthe bidder.If the . bidderdoesnot acceptthe conectedBid Price,his Bid will be rejected, andthe Bid Securityshallbe forfeitedin accordance with I8.15.6(b) hereof. I8.28 Evaluationand Comparisonof Bids 28.1 The Employerwill evaluateand compareonly the Bids determinedto be substantially responsive in accordance witli ClauseIB.26. 28.2 In evaluating the Bids,the Employerwill determine for eachBid the evaluated Bid Priceby adjusting theBid Priceasfollows: (a) Makingany correctionfor enorspursuantto ClauseIB.27; (b) Excluding ProvisionalSums and the provision,if any, for contingencies in the SummaryBill of Quantities, but including competitively pricedDaywork;and Making an appropriateadjustmentfor any other acceptable variationor deviation. (c) 28.3 The estimatedeffect of the price adjustmentprovisionsof the Conditionsof Contract,appliedover the periodof executionof the Contract,shallnot be taken intoaccount in Bid evaluation. 28.4 If the Bid of the sucoessfulbidder is seriouslyunbalancedin relation to the Employer'sestimateof the costof work to be performedunderthe Contract,the Employermayrequirethebidderto producedetailedpriceanalyses for anyor all itemsof the Bill of Quantities to demonstrate the intemalconsistency of those priceswith the construction methodsandschedule proposed. After evaluation of thepriceanalyses, theEmployermayrequirethattheamountofthe Performance Securityset forth in ClauseIB.32 be increasedat the expenseof the successful bidderto a level sufficientto protectthe Employeragainstfinancialloss in the eventofdefault ofthe successful bidderunderthe Contract. F. AWARD OF CONTRACT 18.29 Arvard 29.1 Subjectto Clauses IB.30andIB.34,the Employerwill awardthe Contractto the Construclion of Main Link Road(AcccssControlled)to New lslamabad Airpon ( 13.5Km) t4 Instructions To Bidders bidder whosebid has beendetermined to be substantially responsive to the BiddingDocumentsandwho hasofferedthe lowestevaluatedBid Price.orovided that such bidder has been determined to be eligiblein accordance with the provisions of ClauseIB.3andqualifypursuant Io IB 29.2, 29.2 The Employer,at any stageof the bid evaluation,havingcrediblereasonsfor or primafacieevidence of anydefectin bidder'scapacities, mayrequirethe bidders to provideinformation concerning theirprofessional, technical, financial,legalor managerial competence whetheralreadypre-qualifiedor not: Providedthat suchqualificationshall only be laid down after recordingreasons in writing.Theyshallform partofthe recordsofthat bid evaluationrepofi. 18.30 Employer'sRight to Acceptany Bid and to Rejectany or all Bids 30,I Notwithstanding ClauseI8.29,theEmployerreserves rherightto accepror reject anyBid, andto annulthebiddingprocess andrejectall bids,at anytimepriorto awardof Contract,without therebyincurringany liability to the affectedbidders or any obligationexceptthat the groundsfor rejectionof all bids shall upon request be communicatedto any bidder who submitted a bid, withoul justification of grounds.Rejectionof all bids shall be notified to all bidders promptly. I8,31 Notificationof Award 31.1 Priorto expirationof the periodof bid validityprescribed by the Employer,the Employerwill notifythe successful ("Letter bidderin writing of Acceptance") that his Bid has been accepted. This letter shall name the sum which the Employerwill pay the Contractorin consideration of the executionand co:npletionof the Works by the Contractoras prescribedby the Contract (hereinafter andin the Conditionsof Contractcalledthe "ContractPrice"). 31.2 No Negotiationwith the bidder having evaluatedas lowest.responsiveor any otherbiddershallbepermitted. 31.3 The notificationof awardand its acceptance by the bidderwill constitute the formationofthe Contract,bindingthe Employerandthe biddertill signingof the formalContractAsreement. tt_+ lJpon furnishingby the successfulbidder of a Performance Security,the Employerwill promptlynotify the other biddersthat their Bids have been unsuccessful andretumtheir bid securities. I8.32 PerformanceSecurity 32.1 The successful biddershallfurnishto the Employera Performance Securityin Construction of Main l,iDk Road {Acccss Controlled) 1()New lslamabadAirpon ( l3. j t5 To Bidders Instructions the form andthe amountstipulatedin the BiddingDataSheetandthe Conditions of Contract wilhina periodof28 daysafterthereceiptof LetterofAcceptance. 32.2 Failureof the successful bidderto complywith the requirements of IB.32.1or IB.33 or 18.35shallconstitutesufficientgroundsfor the annulmentof the award andforfeitureofthe Bid Security. I8.33 Signingof ContractAgrecmcnt 33.1 Within 14 daysfrom the dateof furnishingof acceptable Performance Security underthe Conditionsof Contract, the Employerwill sendthe successful bidder the Contract Agreementin the form provided in the Bidding Documents, incorporating all agreements between theparties. 33.2 The formalAgreement betweenthe Employerandthe successful biddershallbe executedwithin 14 days of the receipt of the Contract Agreementby the successful bidderfrom the Employer. IB,34 GeneralPerformance ofthe Bidders The Employerreservesthe right to obtaininformationregardingperformanceof the bidderson their previouslyawardedcontracts/works. The Employermay in poorperformance caseof consistent of any Bidderasreportedby the employers of the previouslyawardedcontracts,interalia,rejecthis bid and/orrefer the case to the PakistanEngineeringCouncil (PEC). Upon such reference,PEC in accordancewith its rules, proceduresand relevantlaws of the land take such action as may be deemedappropriateunder the circumstancesof the case includingblack listingof suchBidderand debarringhim from participation in futurebiddingfor similarworks. I8.35 IntegrifyPact TheBiddershallsignandstamptheIntegrityPactprovidedat Appendix-Lto Bid in the BiddingDocumentsfor all FederalGovemmentprocurement contracts exceeding Rupeesten million.Failureto providesuchIntegrityPactshallmake thebiddernon-responsive. IB.36 Instructionsnot Part of Contract Bids shallbe preparedand submittedin accordance with theseInstructionswhich areprovidedto assistbiddersin preparingtheir bids,anddo not constitutepartof theBid or theContractDocuments. of Main Link Road(Acoess Controlled)10Ne{' lslamabad Airpon (13.5Km) Construction l6 ffi** \*.ii.,l-i"; F o \.7 z o o co BiddingData BiddingData The following specific data for the Works to be bided shall complement,amendor supplement the provisionsin the Instructionsto Bidders.Whereverthereis a conflict,the provisionshereinshallprevailoverthosein the Instructions to Bidders. lnstructions to Bidders L iausc Kctefcnce l.l Nameand addressof the Employer: NaiionalHighwayAuthority 28-MauveArea.G-9/l . Islamabad IslamicRepublicof Pakistan - Email: smpca@nha.sov,nk Tel: 051- 9032727 Fax: 051- 9260419 1,1 Nameof the Project& Summaryof the Works: Constructionof Main Link Road (AccessControlled)to New Islamabad IntemationalAirport ( I 3.5 Km) including Flyover, Toll Plazas and Service Roads. 2.1 Nameof the Borrower/Source of Financing/Funding Agency: The Employeris funding the project through funds availableunder PSDP of Government of Pakistan. J. EligibleBidders Elieibilitv criteriafor detailedtechnicalevaluationareasunder: Firms(SingleEntity) registeredwith PakistanEngineefingCouncil(PEC) in constructor'scategoryC-A with specialization CE-01 andCE-02.Joint Ventureshavingleadpartnerregisteredwith PEC in Category'Specified for single entity' are also eligible if the other JV member(s)havethe registrationin PECaccordingto their sharein JV agreement. lnt€mational Airport(13,5Km) Construction of Main l,ink Road(AccessControlied)to New Islamabad Page 1 of 10 Bidding Data ii) iiD iv) v) Hascompletedat leastone(01)projectof similarsizeandcomplexityasa contractor or management contractor with a value of minimum Rs. 71024 million duringlastfive (05)years. Hasanaverage annualturnoverof minimumRs.8,781million. Hasa minimumcashflow of Rs,3,902million. Pastor presentperformance of contractoris satisfactorywith NHA or any otherexecutingagencyand the conhactorhasnot beenblacklistedearlier by any govemmentagency/authority/organization. In caseofjoint venture,the LeadPartnermustfulfill at leasl70 Vo of the above conditionmentioned in clause- 3 (iD, (iii) and(iv) andmusthave50yoor more sharein the Joint Venture(JV) agreement, while the other membersof the JV must fulfill the aforementionedcriteria with respectto its share in the JV Agreement.However,if any onepartneralonefulfills the conditionin IB - 3 (ii) above,then the otherpartnersare not requiredto fulfiII the conditionof IB - 3 rii). 7,l Contentsof BiddingDocuments The BiddingDocuments,in additionto invitationfor bids,arethosestatedbelow and shouldbe readin conjunctionwith any Addendaissuedin accordance with ClauseIB.9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I3. 14. Instructions to Bidders. BiddingDataSheet. Formof Technical Bid Formof PriceBid Appendices to Bid (A, C, D, E, ...Pto Bid). Formof Bid Security. Formsof Performance Security. Form of ContractAgreement,CreditLine Facility,MobilizationAdvance Guarantee. GeneralConditionsof Contract,Part-I(GCC). ParticularConditionsof Contract,Part-ll (PCC). GeneralSpecifications. Specifications-Special Provisions&Specificationsof Non-scheduled Items. SupplementarySpecifications Drawings. 8.1 Time limit for clarification: Minimum numberof daysto seekclarificationby the prospectivebidder is 07 daysbeforethelatestdeadline for submission of Bids. l0.l Bid language: The samelanguagein which the BiddingDocumentsare writteni.e English, should be used for preparationof Bid, however if a bidder provides any of MainLink to New lslamabad Page2 of 10 BiddingData supportingdocumentsin language(s) otherthanEnglish,in suchcasethe accurate translationof the documentsin Englishlanguageduly verifiedby the Embassyof relatedcountryin Pakistanshallonly be considered. 1l,l (A) TheBiddershallsubmitwith its Technical Bid (EnvelopeA) thefollowing documents detailed inl l. 1 (C) hereunder: (a) Written confirmation(Powerof Attomey)authorizinga personto submitthe bid. (b) Writtenconfirmation(Powerof Attorney)authorizingthe signatoryof the Bid to signthebid on behalfofthebidder. (c) Letterof Technical Bid. (d) Bid Security. (e) Copyof registration certificate(memorandum ofarticle) ofthe Bidder. (f) Valid Cerrificate of Registration(Constructor'sLicense) from pakistan Engineering Council. (g) Certifiedauditreportsfor lastthree(3) years(2013,2012, and2011) (h) JointVenture/Operation Agreement(if applicable) (i) Pendinglitigationinfomation (i) SpecialStipulations(asfilled by the Employer) (appendix-A) (k) Proposed ConshuctionSchedule (appendix-E) (l) Methodof Performingthe Work (appendix-F) (m) Availabilityof CriticalEquipment (appendix-C) (n) Construction CampandHousingFacilities (appendix-H) (o) List of Sub-contractors (asrequired) (appendix-l) (p) Organization Chartfor Supervisory (appendix-K) Staff (q) IntegrityPact (appendix-L) (r) FinancialCompetence andAccessto financial (appendix-M) Resources (s) GeneralandSimilarExperience (appendix-N) (t) Qualificationof Key Staff (appendix- o) (u) CunentCommitments (appendix- P) I |.l(B) TheBiddershallsubmitwith its PriceBid (EnvelopB) thefollowingdocumenrs: (a) Letterof PriceBid (b) PriceAdjustmentunderClause70 (c) Bill of Quantities (d) Estimated Progress Payments Construction of Main led)ro New lslamabad Page3 of 10 (appendix*C) (appendix-D) (appendix-J) BiddingData ll.l (c) r Writtenconfirmation(Powerof Attorney)authorizinga person1osubmitthe bid a) A Power of Attomey to a person issued by Owner(s)/ Director(s)/Partner(s) of the firm statingnameandCNIC No. of the personto whom Powerof Attomeyhasbeengivento presentthe Bidding Documents,of the company/consortium dwing the Bid, Written confirmation (Powerof Attorney) authorizingthe signatorvof the Bid to committhe Bidder a) A Power of Attomey to a signatoryof the Bid signed by a owner(s)/Director(s)/Partner(s), having name and specimen signatures ofsignatoryto bid shallalsobe submitted. b) In case of Joint Operation Bidder, the owner(s)i Director(s)/ Partner(s) of authorizedrepresentative of JV shallissuethe Power of Attomeyotherconditionswill be sameasin (a) above. ResistrationCertificateof the Bidder a) A copy of registrationcertificate(memorandum of article)of the Bidder authenticatedby the authorities shall be submitted. However,the copy shallindicatethe Bidder'sname,address and personnel. its representative b) In caseof JointOperationBidder,the copyof Firm Registration Certificateof all memberfirms shallbe submitted. c) If thecertificate in Englishis not available, the Biddershallattach a copyofthe accuratetranslationin English. Valid Certificateof Reeistration from PakistanEngineeringCouncil Valid Certificateof Registration (Constructor's License)from Pakistan Engineering Council.In caseof JointVenturewith foreignfirm, specific projeclcertificale of PECis required. Construction olMain Link Road(AccessControlled)to New Islamabad tntemational Airport(13,5Km) P a g e4 o f 1 0 Bidding Data CertifiedAudit Reports The bidderhasto submitalongwith his bid CertifiedAudit Reportsfor last three(3) years(2013,2012and 2011)to demonstrate the current soundnessof the applicant'sfinancialposition and its prospectivelong telm profitabilityto evaluate: a) CashFlow Capacityto havecashflow reasonablyenough1o meet the cash flow requirements of thesaidwork whichis: Rs.3,902Million FollowingformulawilI beusedfor valuation: Min Cash Flow = [lxworkingcapital+ projecrSpccified t-ines li#i*i";t b) 40eloor currentcontract AverageAnnualConstruction Turnover Minimum AverageAnnual ConstructionTurnoveras mentioned below, calculatedas total certified payments received from contractsin progressor completed,within the lastthree(03)years: Rs.8,781Million JointVenture/Operation Agreement a) Attachedto biddingdocumentsshallbe a Powerof Attomeyfrom eacho1'theJoint Operationpartners,appointingand authorizing thenamedpersonto actastheirrepresentative. b) Thispartis applicable onlyto Biddersthatarein JointOperations. In the caseof SingleBidderno submission is requiredby the bidder. Proposed Construction Schedule ProposedConstruction Schedule as per Appendix - E to bid must be enclosedto bid. The biddershall provideas Appendix-Eto bid, the construction schedulein the bar chan (CPM, PERT or any other to specified herein). Road(AccessControlled)to New Islamabad tnternational Airpon Page5 of 10 Bidding Data Methodof Performingthe Work Bidders participafingin this bid are not reguired to submit this Appendix'F.However,it will be submitted only by the successful bidder fo "The Engineer"after the contractagreementis signedand letter of is issued, in thefollowingmanner: commencement (a) Methodof Performingthe Work asperAppendix - F to bid. (b) ConstructionCampandFlousingFacilityasper Appendix - H to bid. (c) Methodology Regarding Safetyof Environment. (d) Quality Controlmethodof bridgeconcreteincludingw/c ratio,air content,slump,etc. (e) SafetyManagement System mentioned shallbe preparedin sequence The narrativedescriptions in important key words be incorporated the above shall above.Any descriptions. / List of MajorEquinmeu! Availabilitvof CriticalEquipment andrelateditemsowned,to Biddersshallsubmit,List of MajorEquipment be purchasedor to be leasedby the Bidder in carryingout the Work in to the attachedformat(AppendixG to Bid). accordance Biddershalllist down the equipmentwhich mustsupportthe construction schedule. Camp& HousingFacilities: Construction The Contractorin accordancewith Clause 34 of the Conditionsof camp'sfacilitiesand ofhis construction Contractshallprovidedescription (SeeAppendix H) staffhousingrequiremenls Chart andOrganization List of Subcontractors for majorworks In addition,Biddersshallsubmitthe list of subcontractors chart(Appendix- K to Bid). (AppendixI to Bid) andorganization andAccessto financial Resources: FinancialCompetence The Bidder must demonstrateaccessto, or availability of, hnancial real assets,linesof credits, suchas liquid assets,unencumbered resources and other financialmeans,otherthan any contractualadvatrcepayments. Conslructrcn lo New Controlled) tn eccss Page6 of 10 Airpo( ( 13.5 Intemalional BiddingData to meetthe financialrequirements of the conhactin the amountofhis bid. Project Specific Line of credits, if any shall only be consideredif submitted asperForm - CL. GeneralandSimilarExnerience GeneralExperience:Experience in the role underconstruction contracts of conlractor,subcontractor contractorfor at leastthe last or management five (5) yearspriorto thebid submission deadline. Lettersof acceptance andCompletioncertificatesof completedprojectsin thisregardmustbe accompanied with Appendix- N to bid. Similar Experience: Participationas contractoror management in at leastI Contractwithinthelastfive (5) years,with a value contractor, as mentionedin Bidding Data Sheetthat has beensuccessfully or is substantiallycompletedand that are similar to the proposedworks. The similarity shall be based on the physical size, complexity, methods, technology or other characteristicsas indicated in these Bidding Documents. Letters of acceptanceand Completion certificates of completed projects in this regard must be accompaniedwilh Appendix-Ntobid. Qualificationof Kev Staff Biddersshall submitCV's of Candidates for ProjectManager/Planning Engineer.Material Engineer,StructuralEngineer,Chief Surveyorand ChiefQuantitySurveyor,on the attachedformat(Appendix-Oto Bid). The minimumoualificationis asfollows: ProiectManager B.Sc.(Civil Engg.)havingminimum15 yearsoverallexperience in roadconstructionprojects. with 08 yearsexperience OR (Civil Engg.)havingminimum12 yearsoverallexpcrience M.Sc. projects. in roadconstruction with 06 yearsexperience b) Conslruclron Engineer Planning (Civil B.Sc. Engg.) having minimum 10 years experiencein planningandconstruction projects. OR M.Sc.(ProjectManagement) havingminimum0Byearsexperience projects. in construction lntemational Airporl( 13.5Km) 10Ncw Islaflabad P a g e7 o i 1 0 BiddingData MaterialEneineer B.Sc (Civil Engg.)or M. Sc (Geology)havingtotal minimum l5 yearsworkingexperience in materialsofroad construction, d) StructuralEngineer B.Sc.(Civil Engg.)havingminimum10yearsworkingexperience in field ofbridge construction andotherroadstructureworks. OR M.Sc.(Civil Engg.)havingminimum08 yearsworkingexperience in field ofbridge construction ard otherroadstructureworks. e) Chief OuantitvSurveyor B.Sc(Civil Engg.)havingminimum10 yearsworkingexperience in quantityanalysisin roadprojects. OR DAE. (Civil) havingminimum l5 yearsworking experience in quantityanalysisin roadprojects. f) Chief Survevor B.Sc(Civil Engg.)havingminimum10yearworkingexperience in roadprojects. OR (Civil) DAE. having minimum I 5 yearsworking experiencein roadprojects. o Currentcommitments The Bidderhasto enclosedetailof Projectsin handwhetherof similar natureor not(detailsmustbesubmitted asrequiredin Appendix- P). 13.1 Currenciesof Bid and Payment: The unit ratesandpricesshallbe quotedby thebidderentirelyin PakRupeesand will bepaidin PakRupees only. 14.1 Periodof Bid Validity: Bid shallremainvalidandopenfor acceptance for a periodof onehundredand 15.1 Page8 of 10 Bidding Data 15.2 Form and validity of Bid Security: The Bid Securityshall be, at the option of the bidder,in the form of Depositat Call or a Bank Guaranteeissuedby a Scheduled Bank in Pakistanor from a foreign bank duly counterguaranteedby a ScheduledBank in Pakistanor an insurancecompanyhavingatleastAA ratingfrom PACRA/JCRin favourof the Employervalid for a period 28 daysbeyondthe Bid Validity datei.e the Bid Securityshallremainvalidfor 148(Onehundredand forfy eight)calendar days beyondthelatestdeadline for submission of Bids. 17.l Venue,time,and dateof the pre-Bidmeeting: Venue; NHA Auditorium Time: I 130hours Date: 1 2 1Mh a y , 2 0 1 5 17.4 Presence at the pre-bidmeeting: Absenceat the pre-bid meetingwill not be a causefor disqualificationof a bidder,howeverthe biddersare askedto attendthe meetingwherethey will be guidedregardingpreparationof thebidsin the light oflnstructionsto Bidders. 18.4 Numberof copiesof the Bid to be completedand returned; Each bidder shall prepareby filling out the forms completelyand without alterationsone (1) original and one (l) copy of the bid and clearlymark them between In the eventof discrepancy "ORIGINAL" and"COPY" as appropriate. given as is under: prevail. The detail ofthe Envelopes them,theoriginalshall (D (iD (iii) (iv) (u) - Envelope-A Envelope-A Envelope-B Envelope-B Bid Bid (Sealed) OriginalTechnical Bid (Sealed) Copyofthe Technical OriginalFinancialBid (Sealed) Copyofthe FinancialBid (Sealed) + Envelope-B (Sealed) Envelope-A Employer'saddressfor the purposeof Bid submission: 19.2(a) Venue:NHAAuditorium.28-MauveArea,G-9/1Islamabad 19.2(b)Nameand the numberof the Contract: Constructionof Main Link Road (AccessControlled)to New Islamabad IntemationalAirpon (13.5 Km) includingFlyover,Toll Plazasand Service Roads. No: .,,;.1ri{il}rir 2(449) 20,1(a)Deadline for submissionof bids: Not laterthan I130 hourson lgrhlqav 2015 Inlemational Airport(13 5 Knl) Construciion of Main Link Road{AccessConrollcd}to New lslamabad Page9 of 10 ft,$;, BiddingData 23.1 Venue, time, and date of Bid opening(,,EnvelopA"): Venue: Time: Date: NHA Auditorium 1200hours 18'nMay2015 32,1 Standard form and amount of PerformanceSecurifr acceptableto the Employer: The performancesecurityshall be of an amountequalto 10% of the Contract Pricestatedin the Letterof Acceptance. Suchsecurityshall,at the optionof the bidder,be in the form of either(a) bank guarantee from any ScheduledBank in Pakistanor (b) bankguarantee from a banklocatedoutsidePakistanduly counterguaranteed by a ScheduledBank in Pakistanor (c) an insurancecompanyhaving atleastAA ratinsfrom PACRA/JCR. Conslruction of Main Link Road(AccessControlled)to New Islamabad Internalional Airpoft (13.5Km) P a g e1 0 o f 1 0 FORMOF BID AND APPENDICES BiddingDocuments ForConstruction ofMain Link Road(AccessControlled) to New Islamabad Intemalional Airport(13.5Km) Letters of Teshnical Bid/ Price Bid and ApDendices to Bid Lettersof TechnicalBid/ PriceBid, And Appendicesto Bid /.-... ' j i _ _: ,] .., . j,," r, I ltil. :']': r,:1\. .lJ r .'',.i;i t'; '::'*': ',il :il " ".''--,;.)-;' et Page 1 of 38 Lettersot TechnicalBid/ PriceBid and Appendicesto Bid FB.1 Letter of TechnicalBid We, the undersigneddeclarethat: (a) We have examinedand haveno reservations to the BiddingDocuments, including Addendaissuedin accordance with Instructions to Bidders(IB) 9; (b) the We offer to executeand completein conformitywith the BiddingDocuments followingWorks: (c) of theTechnical Bid andthePriceBid shallbe validfor a periodof Our Bid consisting deadline in accordance with the , . . ... . . . daysfromthedatefixedfor thebid submission at any BiddingDocuments, and it shallremainbindinguponus and may be accepted time beforetheexpirationof thatperiod; (d) of the undertakingsand obligations of our bid, rve As securityfor due performance whichis in theamountspecified in BiddingDataSheet, submitherewith a Bid security, valid (at least)28 daysbeyondvalidity of Bid itself. (e) in morethanonebid in this We arenot participating, asa Bidderor asa subcontractor, with IBI6 (as otherthanaltemativeofferssubmittedin accordance biddingprocess, applicable). Letiersof TechnicalBid/ PriceBid and Appendicestq Bid LTB-2 (l) We agreeto perrnitEmployeror its representative to inspectour accounts andrecords and other documents relatingto the bid submission and to havethem auditedby auditors. Thispermission is extended for verification providedin our of anyinformation TechnicalBid which comprises all documents enclosed herewithin accordance with IB.I 1.1 ofthe BiddingDataSheet. Name ln the capacityof Signed Dulyauthorized to signtheBid for andon behalfof Address. eiddinsDocuments ior Co i" li* I Page3 of 38 Lefters ot Technical Bid/ Price Bid and Appendicas tq Bid LPB-I Letter of PriceBid D a t e :. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . B i d R e f e r e n cN eo : , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name of Contact/Works) We, the undersigned, declarethat: (a) We have examinedand have no reservations to the BiddingDoculnents, includhrg Addendaissuedin accordance with Instructions to Bidders(lB)9; (b) Thetotalpriceofour Bid,excluding anydiscounts offeredin item(c) belowis: (c) Thediscounts offeredandthemethodology for theirapplication are: (d) Our Bid shallbe valid for a periodof...,.... daysfrom the datefixed for the bid deadlinein accordance with the BiddingDocuments, submission and it shallremain bindinguponusandmaybe accepted at anytimebeforetheexpiration ofthatperiod; (e) If our Bid is accepted, we committo obtaina performance securityin accordance with theBiddingDocumentsl (0 ' We undersland thal rhisbid, rogether wirh your wrinenacceprance thereoiincludediri. , '.your notificationof award,shallconstitulea bindingcontmctbetweenus,until a tairriii " r,. ' contractis prcpared andexecuted andwe do herebydeclare tharthe Bid is madewithdut,., 1 any collusion.comparison of figurcsor arrangement with any otherbidderrfoi theffiWorks. .' . U '' i"i l1'"" . ..,1,*,,1. .,. 1, -1,1.,,,, -., r*i-i,r ;,..jr., BiddingDocumentsfor Constructionof Main Link Road (AccessControlled)to New IslamabadInternationalAirport (13.5 Km) Paoe4 of 38 Letlers oi TechnicalBid/ Price Bid and Appendicesto Bid LPB-2 bid or anyother thatyou arenot boundto acceptthe lowestevaluated G) We understand bid thatyou mayreceive. (h) to inspectour accountsand records We agreeto permit Employeror its representative relatingto the bid submission and to have them auditedby and other documents providedin our is extended for verification of anyinformation auditors. Thispermission herewithin accordance with TechnicalBid whichcomprises all documentsenclosed IB.l I .l of theBiddingDataSheet. (i) If awarded the contract, the person named below shall act as Contractor's Reprgsentative. N a m e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . I1-r tuk,as n n .d^Li *' L. ,J v 4a P ^f JrBl|rru.,,,,,..,,,..... Duly authorizedto signthe Bid for and on behalfof Address.,.......... em) Page5 of 38 Letters of Technical Bid/ Price Bid and Appendices to Bid Appendix-Ato Bid SPECIAL STIPULATIONS Clause Conditionsof Contract 2. J, 4. Engineer's Authorityto issueVariation 2 . 1 in omergency Amount of Performance Securitv I 0 ,I Tirnefor Fumishing Programme 1 4I. Minimum amount of Third Party ?3.2 lnsurance Timefor Commencement 4t.l 5. Timefor Completion 43.1 a) Amountof Liquidated Damages 18.2 4 1. l b) Amount of Bonr"rs 47.3 DefectsLiabilityPeriod 49.1 Percentage of RetentionMoney 60.2 Limit of RetentionMoney 60.2 6. 7. 8. 9. I0, 17 t3 20/oof lhe ContractPrice statedin the Left€rof Acceptance. I 004of ContractPricestatedin the Letter of Acceptance. Within 42 daysfrom tho dateof receipt of Letterof Acceptance. Rs.500,000peroccurrence with numoer of occunences unlimited. Within 14 daysfrom the dateof receipt of Engineer'sNotice to Commence which shall be issuedwithin fourteen (14) days after signing of Contract Agreement. 270 days from the date of receipt of Engineer's Noticeto Commence. 0.1 percentof ContractPricefor eachday of delay in completionof the Works subject to a maximum of l0% of Contract Price stated in the Letter of Acceptance. 0.05 percentof Contract Price for each day the Works are completed before the specifiedcompletiondate of the Works subjectto a maximumof 5% of Contract Price stated in the Letter of Acceptance (Bonus is not admissibleif the work is completedin EOT). 365 days from the effective date of Taking Over Cer1ificate. 10 % of the amountof Interim Payment Certificate. 5 o/oof Contract Price statedin the Letter of Acceptance. 7 percent of Contract Price except final paymentcertificate Minimumamountof InterimPayment 60.2 Ceftificates(RunnineBills) Time of Paymentfrom delivery of 6 0 . 0 1 42 days Engineer's InterimPaymentCertificate to the Employer. Mobilization Advance(lnterest Free) 60.12 15 To of Contract Price stated in the Letter of Acceptance excluding provisional sums. BiddingDocuments for Conskuction oi Miin Linf noao(AccEss Contrtledlo Newlslarn'aOaO tnternationat lirport (l Page 6 ot 38 ml Lettersof TechnicalBid/ Price Bid and Appendice6to Bid Appendix-B to Bid FOREIGNCURRENCYREQUIREMENTS 1. The Biddermay indicateherein belowhis requirements of foreigncurrency(if any), with reference to variousinputsto the Works. ^\Qn NotApplicabte 6\N)/ ,,.-GV" ( a''/ \N 2. Foreign Currency Requiremenlu, o.r".nrq*.Q$$Vrrice Sums_%o \ ,^\> 3. Tableof Exchange Rates Unil of Currcncy - Australian Euro ."""*'(.r( ( C\\ (O \\\) excludingprovisional R** Equivalent in Pak. Rurrees V v Jlt:":r\\Y/ u.N. roun€- \ u S.DolNq}v -',":r--,i',!\ t_ -.. -.'r' ... ,,. r. ili ff ,.,tj ti r'--'-:.r;"' _.:\-:;:.:r . BiddingDocumentsfor Construction of lvlainLink Road(AccessControlled) to New lslamabadInternational Airport( 13.5Km) Paoe7 of 38 Letters of Technical Bidl Price Bid and Appendices to Bid Appendix-CTo Bid PRICE ADJUSTMENT UNDE-RCLAUSE 70 OF CONDITONS OF CONTRACT The sourceof indicesand the weightagesor coefficientsfor use in the adiustmentformulaunder Clause70 shallbeasfollows: Sr. No (i) (ii) Description Unit Non Adjustable LocalLabour (Unskilled) ( i i i ) Cement(OPC) Steel Billet (iv) (10Ommx10Omm) Grade-40 (vl ApplicableIndex HighSpeedDiesel(HSD) Weightages 0.599 Govemment of Pakistan (GP) Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS) Monthly Per day Statistical Bulletin (Rawalpindi). FactoCementFactory, Metric Ton Sangjani PakistanSteel,Karachi Pakistan StateOil AsphaltCementin bulk Attock PetroleumLimited (vi) (Penetration Grade60/70or Rawalpindi 80/100 Total: 0.035 0.053 Metric Tonne 0.101 Liter 0 .1 0 4 Metric Ton 0 .1 0 8 1.000 Notes: L The basecost indicesor pricesshall be thoseapplying28 daysprior to the latestday for of bids.Currentindicesor pricesshallbethoseapplying28 dayspriorto thelast submission dayofthe billingperiod. Any fluctuationin the indicesor pricesof materialsotherthanthosegivenaboveshallnot be subjectto adjustment ofthe ContractPrice. 3. No adjustmentis to be appliedto provisionalsum items,Bill No. 7 and work valuedon the basisof currentprice. 4. Baseratesaremeantto be ex-factorypricesinclusiveof all kindsoftaxesanddutiesthat can be levieda source. 5. Adjustmentof increase/decrease shallbe admissiblefor thematerialslistedabove. 6. All amountsin PakRupeesonly Bidding Documentsfor Qonstructionof Main Link Road (AccessControlled)to New lslamabadInternationalAhport (13,5 Km) Page 8 of 38 Lettersof TechnicalBid/ Price Bid and Appendiaesto Bid Appendix-D to Bid BILLOF QUANTITIES A. Preamble t. The Bill of Quantities shallbe readin conjunction with the Conditions of Contract, Specifi cationsandDrawings. 2. The quantities givenin the Bill of Quantities areestimated andprovisional, andare givento providea commonbasisfor bidding.Thebasisof palmentwill betheactual quantitiesof work executedand measuredby the Contractorand verified by the Engineerand valuedat the ratesand pricesenteredin the pricedBill of euantities, whereapplicable,and otherwiseat suchratesand pricesas the Engineermay fix as ncr the (1nnfront 3. The ratesand pricesenteredin the pricedBill of Quantitiesshall,exceptinsofaras it is otherwiseprovidedunderthe Contractincludeall costsof Contractor,s plant, labour , supervision, materials, execution,insurance, profit, taxesand duties, togetherwith all generalrisks,liabilitiesand obligations set out or impliedin the Contract.Fudhermoreall duties,taxesand other levies payableby the Contractor underthe Contract,or lor any othercause,ason the date28 daysprior to deadlinefor submission of Bids,shall be includedin the ratesandpricesandthetotal Bid Price submitted by theBidder. 4. A rate or price shall be enteredagainsteachitem in the priced Bill of Quantities, whetherquantitiesare statedor not. The cost of itemsagainstwhich the Contractor will havefailed to entera rateor price shallbe deemedto be coveredby otherrates andpricesentered in theBill of Quantities. 5. Thewholecostof complyingwith theprovisions of theContractshallbe includedin the.itemsprovidedin the pricedBill of Quantities, andwhereno itemsareprovided, the cost shall be deemedto be distributedamongthe ratesand pricesenteredfor the relaleditemsof theWorks. 6. Generaldirections anddescription of work andmaterials arenot necessarily repeated nor summarisedin the Bill of Quantities.References to the relevantsectionsof the Bidding Documentsshall be madebeforeenteringprices againsteachitem in the pricedBill of Quantities. '7. 8. Provisionalsums includedand so designated in the Bill of Quantitiesshall be expendedin whole or in part at the directionand discretionof the Engineerin accordance with Sub-Clause 58.2of PartI, GeneralConditions of Contract. Ratesof eachitem mustbe quotedin figuresaswell as in words,non compliantbidgr*=*.* in thisregardshallbecomenon-responsive. ."-.;]l::., , . i ; . . 7 , , . . - - . , - : - . \.;i\ tll i,'r nl r\l ' ii:i [/ ,*..r\ - Ii j,r "'ll .._,. j/ ' i,.. :: .-- BiddingDocuments PageI of 38 Letters ot Technical Bid/ Price Bid and Appendices to Bid BILL OF QUANTITIES B. Work Items 1. TheBill of Quantities contains thefollowingBills: Summaryof Bill of Quantifies: Bill No. I B i l lN o . 2 Bill No. 3 Bill No.4a Bill No. 4b Bill No.4c Bill No.4ci Bill No. 5 Bill No. 6 Bill No. 6a Bill No. 6b Bill No. 7 2. Earthwork SubBaseandBase SurfaceCourseandPavement (Box Culverts,Underpasses Structures & Causeways) Structures (RetainingWalls) (Bridges) Structures (Soil Investigation Structures for Bridges) DrainageandErosionWorks AncillaryWorks AncillaryWorks(General) ElectricalWorks GeneralItems Biddersshallpricethe Bill of Quantitiesin Pakistani ,/i.{: \ ) ,a''{"Y-"-t il.'i1);-,i;l1u c; Brdd,ng D+ ) Ptda 1n ^f ?R ROADFROM G,T ROAD INTERCHANGEON KASHMIRHIGHWAY TO NEW TNTERNATTONAL TSLAMABADATRPORT(NtrA) SUMMARYOF BILLS OF QUANTITIES MAIN LINK ; Length 13.4Km 1 EARTHWQRK SUBBASE& BASE SURFACECOURSE& PAVEMENT (BOXCULVERTS,UNDERPASSES STRUCTURES & CAUSEWAYS) (RETAINING 4b STRUCTURES WALLS) 4a 4c (BRtDGES) STRUCTURES Aci STRUCTURES {SOILINVESTIGATION FOR BRIDGES) DRAINAGEAND EROSIONWORKS 6 ANCILLARYWORKS 6a ANCTLLARY WORKS(GENERAL) 6b ELECTRICALWORKS 7 GENERALITEMS TOTAI FOR B|LL NO. ({ - 7) I T' .Jt.. r,i;i:-:r_-"r ..- :';Q,',); t\ "f 3s ROADFROMG.T ROADINTERCHANGEON KASHMIRHIGHWA,Y TO NEW TNTERNATIONAL TSLAMABADAIRPORT(NilA) Bill of Quantites BILL NO. 1 : EARTH WORK 101 Clearingand Grubbing SM 1,135,200 1Q2a Removalof Trees 150-300mm Girth Each 2,300 Removalof Trees301-600mm Girth Each 10,400 102b 1Qzc Removalof Trees601mmor over Girth Each 600 Comoactionof NaturalGround SM 1,135,200 CM 194,O40 CM 10,000 CM 2,000 1 0 8 a Formaiionof Embankmentfrom RoadwavExcavationin CommonMaterial 1 0 8 c Formalionof Embankmentfrom Borow Excavationin CommonMaterial CM 264,600 CM 2,274,970 1 0 9 a SubgradePreparationin EarthCut SM 180,400 110 lmprovedSub{rade CM 180.906 Formationof GranularMaterialPlatform CM 5,000 104 1 0 6 a ExcavateUnsuitable/ SurplusCommonMaterial 106bi 1O7c 509h ExcavateUnsuitable/ SurplusUnclassifiedRock StructuralExcavationin UnclassifiedRock Material TOTAL FOR BILL NO.l ,,.iEh' ;#l [o\ 38 ROAD FROMG.T ROAD INTERCHANGEON KASHMIRHIGHWAY TO NEW INTERNATIONALISLAMABAD AIRPORT(NIIA) Bill of Quantites B,LL NO.2 ; SUBBASE&BASE Raie (Rs) Unit 201 Granular Subbase CM 275,836 202 AggregateBaseCourse CM 251,117 203b AsphalticBaseCoursePlantmix (ClassB) CM 65,886 2Oga Breakingof ExistingRoadPavementStructure ct\4 16,084 209b Scarificationof Existingroad pavement SM 41,500 TOTALFOR BILL NO,2 t,6la o{ 38 ROADFROM G.T ROAD INTERCHANGEON KASHMIRHIGHWAY TO NEW INTERNATIONALISLAMABAD AIRPORT(NIIA) Bi of Quantites BILL NO.3 : SURFACECOURSE& PAVEMENT Rate (Rs) 302a Bituminous PrimeCoat 303a Bituminous TackCoat 304c TripleSurfaceTreatment(onshouider) 305b AsphalticConcretefor WearingCourse(Class"8") st\4 857,725 SM 857,725 SIV 137,445 CM 42,790 CM 8,624 Sl\il 30,800 Toll Plaza 6 0 1 d i i ConcreteClassA-1 On ground(PCC) NSt-1 TuffPaver 80 mm including40 mmsand in all respect cushion.Complete TOTALFOREILL NO.3 \q o.( 'ts& RAAD FROMG.T RAA,DINTERCHANGE ON KASHMIRHIGHWAY TO NEW TNTERNATTONAL ISLAMABAD AIRPORT(NilA) Bill of Quantites BILL NO, 4a : STRUCTURES( BOX CULVERTS,UNDERPASS& CAUSEWAYSI Qrantity 107a Structural Excavation in CommonMaterial CM 14,906 107d GranularBackfill 107e Commonbackfill 401azi ConcreteClassA2 (Underground) 401azii Concrete ClassA2 (OnGround) CM CM CM CM CM CM 7,000 12,000 2700.00 400.00 4000.00 9000.00 401 a2iii ConcreteClassA2 (Elevated) CM 3000.00 CM CM CM 1400.00 401a 1 i ConcreteClassA1 (UnderGround) 4O1 alii ConcreteClass41 (on Ground) 401b Concrete Class-B LeanConcrete 4 0 1 h PlumConcrete 401f 1,805 700 404b Reinforcementas per MSHTO M-31Grade-60 Toh 2,800 406a Premoulded JointFiller25mmThickwithBitumastic JointSeal 406d WaterStops 6' Size 800 4,500 509a Rip RapClassA 509 d GroutedRip Rap ClassA SM M CM CM 507a SteelWire Meshfor Gabions Rockfill in gabion Kg 6,000 600 507 b CM 500 12Q .-: -.J .L \s o{ 3& ON KASHMIRHIGHWAY ROADFROMG.T ROADINTERCHANGE ISLAMABAD AIRPORT(NIIA) TO NEW INTERNATIONAL Bill of Quantites (PlumConcrete& RCCtype) STRUCTURES alLL NO.4b : RETAINING 107a Excavation in CommonMaterial Structural CM 52,594 107d GranularBackfill CM 8,035 1O7e CommonBackfill CM 8,035 CM 11 .>E1 4 0 l a 1 i i iConcreteClassA-1 on ground 401b ConcreteClass-B(Parapetwalls) CM 40'tt Lean Concrete CM 4 0 1 h PlumConcrete 404b CM Reinforcementas per MSHTO M-31Grade60 Ton 1014.00 4.579 ?o 4<2 '1,703 TOTAL FOR BILL NO.4b (1,^p (.) \t.{ rr ROADFROM G.T ROAD INTERCHANGEON KASHMIRHIGHWAY TO NEW INTERNATTONALTSLAMABAD A,RPORT (r'rt A) Bill of Quantites BILL NO lc : BRIDGES Rate(Rsl t nil quantittl StructureExcavation(all type of soils includingrock) CM 7972.72 CommonBackftll 401 alii ConcreteClass 'A 1'(Ol{ GROUT{DIApproachSlab, Barrier CM 7972.72 CM 1644.94 't07 1O7e Concrete Class'A 2' (ELEVATED) Transom, DeckSlab,Diaphragm, Curtain 401 a2iii CM wall€ndWinoWall Class'A 3' (ELEVATED) Piers 4O1a3iii Concrete CM ,A GROUND) 401 a3i concreteclass 3'(uilDER Piles ct\4 401 qiv PrecastConcrete(Class Dl) Ulord3 13112.69 1a11.76 9286.42 ctvl 7453.90 CM 87.10 Reinforcementas Der MSHTO M 31 Grade60. TON 6209.61 404h Reinforcement(StructuralShapes)as perASTM A-36. TON 5.00 401 f Lean Concrete 404 b 405 a PrestressingWire Strand,1/2 " dia. Completein all respects TON 400.00 405 b Launchingof Girder TON 't7919.16 406 ei ElastomericBearingPads (Accordingto size & thickness) 2296320.00 407 d3 Cast-inplaceconcretepiles,dia 1200 mm (boringonly) in NormalSoil M 2500.00 407 d4 Cast-inplaceconcretepiles,dia 1200 mm (boringonly) in cravel Strata M 5750.00 407 i 407 h Pile LoadTesls for dia 1200 mm (2.5 times DesignLoad) Pile loadtests for 1.2m Pile lo '1.5 times the DesignLoad (Pfoof Load Test) Tests(SlT)on all Piles NSt-4 SonicIntegrity 509 d GroutedRiprapClassA sP-415 ManufacturedTrade Marks expansioniointsfor roadway25 mm movement SP418 a Galvanizedlron DrainPiDeDia 100 mm TOTAL FOR BILL NO.4c V,{TJ Each 10 Each 10 Each 212.OO CM 5000.00 M 810.00 M s44.00 ,i.,t;-i..-1,\ ,i.f/c'' \', -ir:f -r1i \-1 dh J6 ROAD FROM G.T ROAD INTERCHANGEON KASHMIRHIGHWAY ro NEw rNTERNATTONAL TSLAMABADATRPORT(NtrA) Bill of Quantites BiLL NO 4ci : sotL INVESTIGATION Page 1 of 2 Unit SP414(a) 6" minimumdia drillingstraightrotary includingbackfilling of holesfrom NSL upto 45m depth(maximum)or till the LM 300.00 rock level which ever is met earlier sP-414(b)PerformSPT at 'l m intervali/c collection, preservation & Transportationof disturbed samples to an approved No. Laboratorv. sP414(b-1 Continuous coredrillingin bedrockup to a maximumof I m depthbelowsoundrockstrikeleve1, includingdetermination of core recovery/RQD, preservation of core samplesin core boxes, labelling,waxingof selectedcore samples, Lt\4 photographyof rock cores and tEnsportationof core samplesto the laboratory.In case coTerecoveryis less 200.00 150.00 than 80o/nreduce run lehoth to 0-5 m SP-414(c) Collection soilsamplesfromboreholesusing of undisturbed Shelby pitcher/denisonsampler i/c preservationand No. 50.00 transoortrtion of samnlcs lo an aonr.rved I ahoraloru sP414{d) Performanceof FDT in test pits through sand replacemenl method i/c moisturecontent determination. Excavationof test pits upto 1.5 m depth along road SP.414(e) aliqnment includino backfillino of oitsto orioinal condition. ,;.r No. 25.00 M 50.00 j'i'--a\1 ,r';cg t)il i.Li:i .,!.,],'/t 't"-i;';;'f : r n1 \\ r\ \8 q 3& BILL NO 4ci : SOIL INVESfldATION Page 2 of 2 Figures sP414(f) Collectionof undisturbedblock samplesfrom test pits at No. approDriate localionas directedbv the Endineer Collectionof compositebulk sample(at teast 60 kg for sP414(fl) No. sandv/clavev soilsand 120ko for oravetusoilsl SP414(s) Collection & preservation of watersamplesfrom boreholes No. & tfansDortation to an aDDroved Laboratorv sP414(h) Laboratory Testing 50.00 50.00 25.00 Grainsizeanalysis. No. 25.00 Hydrometer analysis. No. 25.OO Atterberglirnjts No. 25.00 Specificgravity No. 25.00 Naturalmoisturecontent No. 25.00 Bulkdensity& Drydensity(Soilirockcores) No, 25.00 Directsheartest No. 25.00 Consolidationtest (collapse/swellpotential) No. 25.00 Unconfined compression test (Soilftockcores) No. 25,00 Chemicalanalysisof soil No. 25.00 Chemicalanalysisof water No. 25.OO x[, Submissionof lnvestigationReport (triplicate) No. 25.00 xiii. \,Dt< No. 25.00 ModifiedProctorTest No. 25.00 vili. TOTAL BILL l{O,4c percussionmethodwill be allowedonjyjf graveltystr€tajs en@unteredNote: 1. Pref€ffeclrnelhodof drillingis straightmlary method_ 2 All soil/rocksamplesmust be labeled,storedand tr€nsportedas perASTI\,,1. The afea ralio and clearancerdtioofthe thin watted shouldbe in strictcompliancewith relevantASTMstandard .4 N't- /l t /'a,Lm,..'' q.J ' 1;,t:.'lii;-i\ ..;'/' ii?S' \i,'\ l,.li, \f o.\ 38 r .;i, '\ tzl--/-.r. il\ / t'- i, "'- . ri:.\ ' \ c:-\ ' !r-, _-t"p, i i } l . . - - ) \t ri !\ . ,t a. L.,--. r : s,*\ ey,r l ':.: r : Bt ts*( ..9.i' lr"--:.-,1 '\i:* 2 ; tiroNrrre uol rvror (su)atEU paurl Jo uorlEJolauq9z9-ds ssJnocJelBM 000'z r!s v!s 000'9r t/! erp ujurogt adld Jnd ]o uo[ellelsulg our,{lddngq9t9-ds 000'61. l/!s 1crql ulcg7-g! 6urqc14euolg palnorg 0t9'e jzv'1, v\9 )vz's 009 asjno3JaleMpoullunlo uoltrBJolaHE9U9-dS tq 9 pueernlcn4sJoDu![ueurs!o 0 t 9 uoBonJlsqo u!c 'dPHdru palnoje ,,V,,ssPlC 'deu dr8 ,,9,,sselC q609 ztL'n nc suorqe9urllu lcou q109 vqz'r, 0y suorqeeroj qsaulajrM laels eLog 9V9'4 !\c !e^ln9 aord alajJuoc ,totuauasecuf pue 6utppaqur g sselCalaiouoC qz09 y\ic 9Zr'e !1,1 t6r. uor LgZ'L v!3 zuL'l t/!c p609 sl5np.lo] ruruot6elp ll sse|c0l! $l oIHSW ua^lnc ooldccu lt09 09 aperC1g-y19111gyyjad sBtuauscroJuraU qn0, ,,9,,sselc alaJsuoc qnv solnqSJoJ(punoJ9uo) L-vssPlcolorsuoc !tfe[0t t!un syuo/l r\rolsou3 otlrv Sgvlvrvug : I satBuenop illg MnMtuoauv ovavwvisr lvNouvNuztul tAitNo! AVMH1|H Urr4'HSt/' NO S9NVHCA3jNI OVOA.l'9 WOAJOVOA 'oN 11ta ROAD FROMG.T ROAD INTERCHANGEON KASHMIRHIGHWAY TO NEW TNTERNATTONAL ISLAMABAD A1RqORT(NIIA) Bill of Quantites BILL NO.6 : ANCILLARY WARK9 Rate(Rs) Unit NewJerseyBarrier(SingleFace)Precast 601d1 NewJerseyBanier(DoubleFace)precast ; Figures 3,000 M 6,000 6 0 1 d i i Pre-castConcreteEdgeKerblDyke M 33,000 604a Metal Guard Rail M 10,000 604b GuardRailEndPieces Each 80 604d SteelPostfor cuard Rail Each 4,000 Each 10,000 NSF5 Delineators/Ahgle Reflector NSI-6 Chevrons Each 608c2 PavementMarkingin Reflective Tp paintfor lineof 20 cm Width 500 M 125,400 608d1 PavementMarkingin Reflective Tp Paintfor 4 m arrow Each 609ci ReflectorisedPavement Sluds (Raised profile Single) Reflectorised AluminiumpavementStuds(Raisedprofile 609d Double) 6 1 1 a ChainLink FabdcFencing Each 2,000 '10,000 Each 1,000 M 12,000 M 15,000 NSI- Dismantlingand relocationof Chain Link Fence 607a TrafficRoadSigns,TriangularCategory-1 sides1200mm 607b TrafflcRoadSigns,Circular,Category- 2 diameter12OO mm Each 200 Each 200 607e s.M 800 No 't0 TrafficRoadSignsRectangular Category- 3 Construction of GantrySignsincludingfabrication, installation NSI-7 etc .Completein all respectas per drawings rorAl FoRB|LLNo;!-;ffiir Words .. \ r/'' :' 2\ 04 38 ROADFROM G.T ROAD INTERCHANGEON KASHMIR HIGHWAY TO NEW INTERNATIONALISLAMABAD AIRPORT(NIIA) Bill of Quantites AILL NO. 6a ; ANCIILARYWORKS (TOLLPLAZA,TOLLBOTH,CANOPY,ADMINBUILDING,GgNERATORROOM& ELECTRICWORKS) Words Two numbers Toll Plazas one for south bound and other for northbound having08/12lanesdoubletoll booth(20 Nos), complete structure steel canopy (30 x 40) m, complete lighting arrangement.Pakistan cahle 3 cores & Ai Main 4 cores, also includes transformer 'l00KV each , Admin Link building (covered area 3000 sft, single story), GeneEtor room ('100 sft) and generator Volvo/Caterpillef rnake (100 KV) complete in all respect as per NHA standard of M2. JOO 2.OO TOTALFoR BILL NO,6a r Nole = Contractors in drawings shall also be included in thjs job. ContBctor detaileddrawingpriorto commenceany activityon thisassionment and get approvalframthe Eogineer. utr U 22-s\ !& ROADFROMG,T ROADTNTERCHANGE ON KASHMTR HrcHWAY TA NEWINTERNATIONALISLAMABADAIRPORT(N'IA) Bill of Quantites BILL NO. 6h : ELECTRICAL WORKS {ALONG TOLL \LAZA) Item l{o, Page 1 of 2 Raie {RsJ Unit Figures sP-800 IELECTRICALWORKS I sP-800(0 with Lighting Fixture lPole lSupply, installationand commissioningof singte arm pole ol ldimensionas shownon drawingcompletewith junctionbox, ground lrod. nut-bolts,service cutout, concrete foundationcomplele in all Also including road lightinglixture 120 lrespectas per specificatione. lwatt LED light01 watt multiplesourcehigh intensityUSA diode(140 iumens in one watt ,life of 50,000hours minimum)wjth LED driver and reflector( with adjuslableswing arm for adjustingthe tightangle Each parallelto road and light sensingautomaticon /off capability)make imported cable in poles brackel for mast arm mountinoteminal block,3 x core PVCIPVC2.5 mm' cable betweenjunction box and fixtureearthingteminal etc. completein all respect. 200.00 Cable PVC/SWA'/PVC Supply, laying and commissioningof pVC insulated steel wir€ armoured PVC sheathed, copper conductor (600/1000V grade) cable of followingsizes ditherantrenchor alongflyoverfrom feeder pillar to all the lighting poles. For cable pAKISTAN CABLES,GOLDEN STAR CABLESNEW AGE,-orptONEERCABLE] MAKE shall be used. Using 3 Core .16^mm' size for suppty ofj electricltyto all poles. 4 Core 35 mm- size shall be used forl connectionfrom Wapdato main Feederpillers.Electricitvconnectionl fioff Wapda shatl also be obtained. I >3 0.q 36 )t la bd I -/_Fl /--\ -P (vzvid nor gNol ZJo Z a6ed syao lvcEtcslz : gs 'oN 11/s ROADFROMG.T ROAD INTERCHANGE ON KASHMIRHIGHWAY TO NEW TNTERNATTONAL TSLAMABADAIRPORT(NilA) Bill of Quantites BILL NO.7 : GENERALITEMS Rate{Rs) 7O1a ProvideSurveying& allledinskuments 70'lb MajntainSurveyInstrumentsand provideSurveyTeams tulonth includedheloers 7O2a Providethe Employer'sand Engineefs Representative'sOffice& Residenceaccommodation on rentalbasis PS 4,000,000 702b Furnishand Equip.Employefs& Engineeds Representaliveoffice& Residence. PS 5,000,000 702c MaintainEmploye/sand Engineer'soffice& Residence. Month 703a Provide Material Testing Project Laboratory (on rental hasis) PS 1,000,000 703b Equip& Furnish l\4aterial TestingProiectLaboratory. PS 6,000,000 703c MaintainMaterialTestingProjectLaboratory. SP-708a PS ProvideTransportFacilityfor EmployerlEngineeCs Representative(04 new vehicles) Running& l\4aintenance of Employer/Engineer's SP-708c.i TransDort Engineefs(GraduateCivil Engineer) sP-709-iEmployTrainee includinqBoardinq,Lodginoand food 5,000,000 9 Month PS 14,000,000 Month Month Jt) TOTAL FOR BILL NO. 7 ttff' .'',, I -- ".1',..'.rl ,;:,'G \, 'i',\ i: l.,:.:1);;=1f-i ' tri, J rr:,l >s '.t 3( Lettersgf TechnicalBid/ Price Bid and Appendicesto Bid Appendix-Eto Bid PROPOSEDCONSTRUCTIONSCHEDULE Pursuantto sub-clause43.1 of the Generalconditionsof contract,the works shallbe completedon or beforethe datestatedin Appendix-Ato Bid. The Bidder shall provideas Appendix-Eto Bid, the ConstructionSchedulein the bar chart(CpM, pERT or any otherto be specifiedherein)showingthe sequence of work itemsandthe periodof time duringwhich he proposes to complcteeachwork item in sucha mannerthathis proposed programme for completionof the whole of the Works and partsof the Works may meet Employer,s completion targetsin daysnotedbelowandcountedfrom the dateof receiptof Ensineer's Notioeto Commence. Ihe biddersarerequiredto submitthe Summaryof Schedule asAppendix-E. However,the otherdetailsof schedule mentioned (a),(b) & (c) below,will be submittedby in sub-paras thesuccessful bidderoncetheCommencement Letteris issued. a) Manpower,Equipment,and otherresources must be allocatedto eachactivity according to theircapacity. b) CriticalPathbeidcntifiedin differentcolour. c) CD containingthe sofl copyof schedulein MS Project/Primavera fonlat mustbe provided,in whichthelinkagebetween manpower, equipment andactivitiesmust beprovided. (Attachsheets asrequiredfor thespecified form ofConstruction Schedule): Pescription Time for Comr:letion WholeWorks 09 Months e'O-i"g 135 K,''.y Page 26 of 38 Letters of Technical Bid/ Price Bid and AppendiCes to Bid Appendix-Fto Bid METHOD OF PERFORMINGTHE WORK 'I'he Bidderis requiredto submita narrativeoutliningthe methodof performingthe work. J'henarrative shouldindicatein detailandincludebutnot belimitedto: l. organizationcliart indicatinghead office anclfield office penonnel involved in management andsupervision, engineering, equipmentmaintenance andpurchasing. 2. Mobilizationin Pakistan, the typeof facilitiesincludingpersonnel accommodation, office accommodation, provisionfor maintenance and for storage,communication$, securityand otherservicesto be used.Methodology regardingthe procedures for installationof equipmentand machineryand transportation of equipmentand materials to thesite. 3. ThemethodofexecutingtheWorks,for roadandbridges. 4. Methodology regarding safetyof environment. 5. includingw/c ratio,air contenl,slump,etc. Qualitycontrolmethodofbridgeconcrete 6. Safetymanagement system B) Paqe 27 ol 38 Lette6 of Technical Bi.f Price Bid and Appendices to Bid Appendix-G(i) ro Bid LIST OF MAJOR EQUIPMENT- RELATED ITEMS ['l'heBidderwill provideon Sheet2 of this Appendixa list of all majorequipmentand relaleditems,underseparate headingfor itemsowned,to be purc.hased oi to bi aoangedon leaseby him to cany out theworks.Theinformation shallincludemake,type,capaciiy, and anticipated periodof utilizationfor all equipmentwhich shall be in suificienideiail to demonstrate fully thattheequipment will meetall requirements of thespecifications.l B) Pr^a ,R ^{ ?R Letierg of Technical Bid/ Price Bid and Appendices to Bid Appendix-G(ii) to Bid LIST OF MAJOR EQUIPMENT O'wned Purchasedor Leased I Descriptionof Unit (Make, Model,Year) 2 Capacity HP Rating J Condition 4 a. Owned b. To be Purchased c. '[o be arranged on l"ease Contfolled) P a g e2 9 o f 3 8 Present Location or Source 5 Dateof Deliveryat Site Period of Work on Prolect 6 7 Letters of Technical Bid/ Price Bid and Appendices to Bid Appendix-Hto Bid CONSTRUCTIONCAMP AND HOUSINGFACILITIES 'l-he Contractorin accordance with Clause34 of the Conditionsof Contractshallprovide description of hisconstruction camp'sfacilitiesandstaffhousingrequirements. The contractorshall be responsible for pumps,electricalpower, water and electrical distributionsystems,and seweragesystemincludingall fittings,pipes and other items necessary for servicingtheContractor's consfiuction camp. The Biddershall list or explainhis plansfor providingthesefac,ilitiesfor the serviceof the Contract asfollows: L SitePreparation (clearing, Iandpreparation, etc.). 2. Provision of Services. a) b) c) 3. Power(expected powerload,etc.). Water(requiredamountandsystemproposed1. Sanitation(sewagedisposalsystem,etc.). ConsLruction of Facilities a) b) c) Contractor'sOflice. Workshopand Work Areas(areasrequiredandproposed layout,typeof construction of buildings, etc.). Warehousesand StorageAreas (area required,type of conslructionand layout). Flousing andStaffFacilities(Plansfor housingfor proposed staff,layout,rype of construction, etc.). 4. ConstructionEquipmentAssemblyand Preparation(detailedplansfor canying out thisactivity). 5. (Securityservices, OtherItemsProposed etc.). Page 30 of 38 Lefteraof TechnicalBid/ Price Bid and Appendicesto Bid Appendix-Ito Bid LIST OF SUBCONTRA,CTORS I/we intend to subcontractthe following pads of the work to subcontractors . In my/our opinion,the subcontractors namedhereunder arereliableandcompetentto performthat parr of thework for rvhicheachis listed. Enclosed aredocumentation outliningexperience of subcontractors, thecurriculumvitaeand experience of their key personnel who will be assigned to the contract,equipment to be suppliedby them,size,locationandtypeof contracts carriedoutin thepast. Part of Works (GiveDetails) Subcontractor (With Complete Address) I e'lo'nSOocunren l Paqe31 of 38 Letters of Technicat Bid/ Priqe Bid and Appendices to Bid Appendix-Jto Bid ESTIMATED PROGIIESSPAYMENTS Bidder'sestimate of the valueof work whichwouldbe executed by him duringeachof the periodsstatedbelow,basedon his programmeof the works and the Ratesin the Bill o1' Quanlities. Amounts (RsJ Periodin Months I ) 1'tMonth 2"'Month 3'dMonth 4thMonth 5'n Month 6rhMonth . Month Bid Price ,]1ffi B) Page32 of 38 l Lette.sof TechnicalBid/ Price Bid and Appendicesto Bid Appendix-I(to Bid ORGANIZATION CHART FOR THE SUPERVISORYSTAFFAND LABOUR B) Page33 of 38 Letter8of TechnicalBidt PriceBid and Appendicesto Bid (INTEGRITY PACT) Appendix-Lto Bid DECLARATIONOF FEES,COMMISSIONAND BROKERAGEtrTC, PAYABLE BY THE SUPPLIERSOF GOODS,SERVICES& WORKS IN CONTRACTS WORTH RS. IO.OO MILLION OR MORE Contract No. Contract Value: Contract Title: Dated: o, i",,1,";; ;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;(GoP) ;; ;;;,ll:ff ,;f,:il,:',;JJ, ill ffi"::?':i'l"ri ffil:J":i:1il| I'romGovernment of Pakistan or anyadministrative subdivision or agencythe;eofor anyother entityownedor controlled by GoPthroughanycolruptbusiness practice. without limitingthe generality o[ the foregoing, andwarrants [nameof Supplier]represents thatit hasfully declared thebrokerage, commission, leesetc.paidor payable to anyonea:rdnotgiven or ag'eedto give and shallnot give or agreeto give to anyonewithin or outsidePakistan ejther diiectiyor indirectlythroughany naturalorjuridicalperson,includingits affiliate,agent,assoctate, broker, consultant,director,promoter,shareholder, sponsoror subsidiary,any cornmission, gratification, bribe,finder'sfeeor kickback, whetherdescribed asconsultation leeor otherwise. with the objectofobtainingor inducingthe procurement of a contract,right.interest, privilegeor other obligationor benefitin whatsoever fonn from GoP, exceptthatwhichhasbeenexpressly deciared pursuant hereto. ceftifiesthat it hasmadeandwill makefull disclosure Inameof Supplier.] of all asreemenrs and arrangements with all personsin respectofor relatedto the transaction with CoP uni hu, no, takenany actionor will not takeany actionto circumvent the abovedeclaration, representatjon or warranty. and strict liability for makingany false ['anre of Supplier]acceptsfuJl responsibility declaration, not nrakingfull disclosure, misrepresenting factsor takinganyactionlikelyto defeatthe purposeof this declaration, representation and warran!. It agreesthat any contract,right,interest, privilegeor otherobligationor benefitobtaiRedor procuredas aforesaidshall,without prejudicato any other rightsand remedies availableto GoP underany law, contractor otherinstrument, be voidableat theoptionof GoP. Nohvithstanding anyrightsandremedies exercised by GoPin thisregard,[nameof Supplier] agreesto indemnifyGoPfor any lossor damageincurredby it on accountof its corruptbusiness practices andfufiherpay compensation to GoPin an amountequivalent to ten timethe sumof any commission, gratification, bribe,finder'sfeeor kickbackgivenby [nameof supplier]asaforesaid for thepurpose of obtaining or inducingtheprocurement ofany contract, right,interest, privilegeor other obligationor benefitin whatsoever lorm frornGoP. Name ol' Buyer: Signature: [Seal] N a m eo f S e l l e r / S u p p l. i.e. .r.:. . . . S i g n a t u r e .: . . . . . . . . . . .. [Seat] Note: The term "Buyer" means"Employer"and the term "seller / SupplieC, means.,Bidder/ Contractor". BiddingDocumentsfor Page34 of 38 Lettersof TechnicatBid/ price Bid and Appendicesto Bid Appendix_Mto Bid FINANCIAL COMPETENCE AND ACCESSTO FINANCIAL RESOURCES Thefinancial position of thebidder shallbechecked asperfollowing details: 1. "The Biddermustdemonstrate access to, or availabilityof, financialresources suchas liquidassers, unencumbered real assets,linesof crodits,and otherfinancialmeans,otherthanany contractual advance payments, to meetthe financialrequirements of lhe contractin theamountof his a minimumtheBiddermustshowthathis resources, in termof at teasthis tatestyear;,*".tj"g ."pi"r and lineof credits,will be adequate to aoveran amountequivarent to his bid jrice andcurrJnt*ork commitments i.e. > !t I y,orkiqqcapital+ Projectspecificrinesof credit**4004of currentcontractcommitmentsl Rs3,902million, Working capital is the differgncebetlveencuffent assetsand currentliabilities and measuresthe firm's ability to generatecashin theshortterm.,' *,anl ljle of credit indicated this (tendered) project needsto havebeencertifiedby theBankand for the said ce irtcatu(q)be enclosedwith lhis AppintJi. Criteria Bidders'to list their certifiedyearly turnover for last 3 years Q073,2012,2011) Minimum average annual constructionturnoverof Pak Rupees 8,781 Millions calculatedas total certified payments received for contractsin progressor completed, withinthelast3 years. .ta.t;tf;\ #+# Lettersof TechnicalBid/ PriceBid and Appendicesto Bid Appendix-Nto Bid PAST PERFORMANCE, QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE 1) General Construction Experience Requirement Bidderto Providedetails Experienceunder constructioncontractsin the Certificate of role of contractor,subcontractor, or management regislrationof contractorfor at leastthe last 5 years prior to the finniPEC b i d s u b mi s s i o nd e a d l i n e . registrationalong with experience record Role Contractor, Subcontractor,or Menagement Contractor 2) Contractsof SimilarSizeand Nature Requirement Bidderto providespecific details Role Participation as contractor or managementcontractor,in at least I Contractwithin the last 5 years, with a value of at leastRs. 7,024Mitlions Letter of acceptanee Contractoror Management Contractor that hasbeensuccessfully or is substantially completed and that are similar to the proposedworks.The similarityshallbe based on the physicalsize, complexity,methods, technology or other characteristics as indicated in theseBiddinsDocuments. Completion certificate .,,..,;iffi$;)1 W.,''$ aiablns l Haoe 5b oI 56 Letters of Technioal Bid/ Price Bid and Appendices to Bid Appendix-Oto Bid UALIFICATION OF KEY STAFF Sr. No, i 2 3 4 5 6 Name of Key Staff CNIC No. Designation PEC Registration Qualification No. Experience ProiectManager PlanningEngineer Material Engineer StructuralEngineer Chief Quantity Surveyor ChiefSurveyor Note: The abovementionedstaffsare the minimum requiredkey staff for this project that mustbe availableat constructionsite all the time duringthe cunencyof the contract.In caseany of thesestaffs abandonsthe project site for any reason whatsoever the contractor mustimmediately arrangehis equivalent replacement with priorapproval ofthe employer. The staff other than above mentionedkey staff e.g. supervisors,assistants, operatorsand laborersetc.mustalsobe availablein accordance to the contractors work program. B) Page37 of 38 Lettersof TechnicalBid/ Price Bid and Appendicesto Bid Appendix-Pto Bid PROFORMAFOR LIST OF CURRENTCOMMITMENTS/PROJECTS IN HAND Sr. No. N a m eo f Project Client TotalValueof Work (Rsin Million) Constfuciion Date of Start Dateof Comple tion Road (Access Page38 of 38 Total Yalueof P roject Completed (as per IPC) Average moflthly invoice FORMS BID SECURITY PERFORMANCE SECURITY CONTRACTACREEMENT CREDITLINEFACILITY MOBILIZATION ADVANCE GUARANTEE/BON D Bidding Documenrs nirp"rttf:: f.rnl Forms BID SECURITY (BankGuarantee) BS-I SecurityExecutedon (Date) Nameof Swety (Bank)with Address: Nameof Principal(Bidder)with Address (Scheduled Bankin Pakistan) I)sni.Ll Sunro1'Securirl,Rupees KNow ALL l\4ENBY THESEPRESENTS, rharin pursuan"Jot tt t"r,rrsof th" eid andat " the requestof the said Principal(Bidder)we, the surety abovenamed, are held and firmly boundunto (he_reinafter calledthe lern f which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourseives,our heirs, executors,administratorsand jointly andseverally,firmly by thesepresents. successors, THE coNDITIoN oF THIS oBLIcATIoN IS SUCH, rhat whereasthe Bidder has submittedthe accompanyingBid dated for tJid r.r*o. fbr (Particulars of Bid) to thesaidEmployer; and WHEREAS,the Employerhas requiredas a conditionfor considering said Bid that the Bidderfumishesa Bid securityin the abovesaidsumfrom a Scheduled Bank in pakistanor from a foreign bank duly counter-guaranteed by a Scheduled Bank in pakistan,to the Employer,conditionedasunder: (l) that the Bid securityshallremainin forceup to and includingthe date2B daysafter the deadlinefor validity of bidsas statedin the Instructionsto Biddersor as it may be extendedby the Employer,noticeof which extension(s) to the surety is heieby waived; (2) thatthe Bid Securityof unsuccessful Bidderswill be returnedby the Employerafter expiryof its validityor uponsigningof theContract Agreement; and (3) that in the eventof failure of the successful Bidderto executethe proposedContract Agreementfor suchwork and fumish the requiredperformancesecurity,the entire said sum be paid immediatelyto the said Employerpursuantto clause 15.6of the Instructionto Biddersfor thesuccessful Bidder'sfailureto perform. Now THEREFORE, if thesuccessful Biddershall,wirhintheperiodspecified therefore, , rJ',ll-:ll.r-.:,, BiddingDocuments for construcljon of MainLinkRoad(AccessConkolled) 6 Newlslamabao tnternjijona I Airoortft Page1 of 9 BS-2 on the prescribedform presented to him for signatureenterinto a formal Contractwith the saidEmployerin accordance with his Bid as accepted andfurnishwithin twentyeight(2g) daysof his beingrequested to do so,a performanciSecuritywith goodandsufficienisurety, as may be required,upon the form prescribedby the said Employer for the faithful performance andproperfulfilment of the saidContractor in the eventof non-withdrawalof thesaidBid withinthetimespecified for its validitythenthisobligationshallbevoid andof no effect,but otherwiseto remainin full forceandeifect. PROVIDEDTHAT theSurety shall forthwith pay the Employerthe said sum upon first written demandof the Employer(without cavil or argument)and without requiringthe Employerto proveor to showgroundsor reasonsfor suchdemand,noticeof which shall lbe sentby the Employerb y registeredpost duly addressed to the Suretyat its addressgiven above, PROVIDEDALSO rHAT the Employershall be the sole and final judge for decicling whetherthe Principal (Bidder) has duly performedhis obligationsto sig-nthe contract Agreementandto fumishthe requisiteperformance Securitywithin thetime statedabove,or has,defaultedin fulfilling saidrequirements and the surety shall pay without objectionthe said sum upon demandfrom the Employer forthwith and withoui any refereirceto the Principal(Bidder)or anyotherperson. IN WITNESSWHEREOF,the aboveboundenSuretyhasexecutedthe instrumentunderits sealon the dateindicatedabove,the nameandsealof the Suretybeingheretoaffixed and thesepresents duly signedby its undersigned representative pursuantto authorityof its governing body. SURETY(Bank) WITNESS: Signature l. Name Title Corporate (Seal) Secretary CorporateGuarantor(Seal) 2. Name,Title & Address BiddingDocumentsfOrConstructionof l\,4ain Link Road (Access Controlled)t,ci\tewIslam;U"a f "t"."ti*Jlim"rt Page2 of I tf SS X,r,f Forms PS.I FORM OF PERFORMANCE SECURITY (BankGuarantee) Guarantee No. Executedon Expirydate to theEmployer] ILelterby theGuarantor Nameof Guarantor(Bank)with address: (Scheduled Bankin Pakistan) Nameof Principal(Contractor)with address: PenalSumof Security(expressin wordsandfigures) Letterof Acceptance No. Dated KNOW ALL MEN BY THESEPRESENTS,that in pursuanceof the termsof the Bidding Documentsand abovesaid Letterof Acceptance(hereinaftercalledthe Documents)and at the requestof the saidPrincipalwe, the Guarantorabovenamed,areheld and firmly bound unto the (hereinaftercalled the Employer)in the penalsum of the amountstatedabovefor the paymentof which sum well and truly to be madeto the said Employer,we bind ourselves,our heirs,executors, jointly andseverally,firmly by thesepresents. administrators andsuccessors, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that whereasthe Principalhas Letter of accepted the Employer's above said Acceptance for fName of Contract)for the (Name of Projecl). NOW THEREFORE, if the Principal (Contractor) shall well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings,covenants,terms and conditions of the said Documsnts during the original tems of the said Documents and any extensions thereof that may be granted by the Employer, with or without notice to the Guarantor,which notice is, hereby, waived and shall also well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings,covenantsterms and conditions of the Contract and ofany and all modifications ofsaid Documentsthat may hereafterbe made, notice of which modifications to the Guarantorbeing hereby waived, then, this obligation to be void; otherwiseto remain in full force and virtue till all requirementsof Clause49, DefectsLiability, of Conditionsol Contractare fulfilled. Our total liability under this Guaranteeis limited to the sum statedabove and it is a condition of any liability attachingto us under this Guaranteeihal the claim for payment in nriting BiddingDocumentsfor Constructionof l\,4ain Link Road (AccessConholled)to New lslamabadInternataonal Airport (13.5 Km) Page 3 of 9 Forms PS-2 shallbe receivedby us within the validity periodof this Guarantee, failing whichwe shallbe discharged ofour liability,ifany, underthisGuarantee. we, (the Guarantor),waiving all objections and defencesunderthe contract,do herebyirrevocablyand independently guarantee to pay to the Employerwithout delay upon the Employer'sfirst written demani without cavil or argumentsand without requiringthe Employerto prove or to show groundsor reasonsfor suchdemandany sumor sumsup to the amountstatedabove,againstihe Employer'swritten declarationthat the Principalhas refusedor failed to perform the obligationsunderthe contractwhich paymentwill be effectedby the Guarantorto Employer'sdesignated Bank& AccountNumber. PROVIDEDALSO THAT the Employershall be the sole and final judge for deciding whetherthe Principal(Contractor)hasduly performedhis obligationsunderthe Contractor hasdefaultedin fulfilling saidobligationsandthe Guarantorshallpay without objectionany sum or sumsup to the amountstatedaboveupon first written demandfrom the Employer forthwithandwithoutanyreferenceto thePrincipalor anyotherperson. IN wlrNESS wHEREoF, the above-bounden Guarantorhasexecutedthis Instrumentunder its sealon the date indicatedabove,the nameand corporateseal of the Guarantorbeing hereto.affixed andthesepresents duly signedby its undersigned representative, pursuant to authoriq{ goveming of its body. Guarantor(Bank.; Witness: t. Signature Name CorporateSecretary(Seal) Title 2. Name,Title& Address CorporateGuarantor(Seal) BiddingDocume$ts for Consttuction of MainLinkRaad(AccessContrelled) to Newtslamabad lnternationat nirport{13SKm) Page4 of g Forms CA-1 FORM OF CONTRACTAGREEMENT THIS CONTRACT AGREEMENT (hereinaftercalled rhe 'Agreement")made on the day of (month) 2Q between (hereafter part. called "Employer") of the one part and (hereafter called the "Contractor")of the other WHEREASthe Employeris desirousthat certainWorks, viz shouldbe executedby the contractorand hasaccepteda Bid by the contractorfor the executionand completion of suchWorksandtheremedying of anydefects therein. NOW this Agreementwitnessethasfollows: l. In this Agreementwords and expressionsshall have tlre same meaningsas are respectively assigned to themin theconditionsofcontracthereinafter referiedto. 2 The following documentsafter incorporatingaddenda,if any, exceptthose parts relatingto Instructionsto Biddersshallbe deemedto form andbe readandconstrued aspartof thisAgreement, viz: (i) (ii) (iii) (i") tvJ (vi) (vii) (viii) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) 3. TheContractAgreement; The Letterof Acceptance; ThecompletedFormof Bid (letterofTechnicalBid andLetterofprice Bid): Addendumi Conigendum,if any; SpecialStipulations (Appendix-A to Bid); TheParticularConditionsof Contract- Part-ll; * Parti: TheGeneralConditions ThepricedBill of Quantities(Appendix-Dro Bid); 'l'he conrpletcd Appcndices to tlid (C. tsto P): The Drawings; SpecialProvisions andSpecification of Non-scheduled Items NHA GeneralSpecifications andits Addendum Supp{ementary Specificarions, Any otherdocument In consideration of the paymentsto be madeby the Employerto the contractoras hereinaftermentioned,the contractorherebycovenants with the Employerto execute andcompletethe works andremedydefectsthereinin conformityandin all respects with the provisionsof the Coniracr. The Employer hereby covenantsto pay the Contractor,in considerationof the execution andcompletion ofthe works asperprovisions of thecontract,thecontract Priceor suchothersumasmay becomepayableunderthe provisions of thecontract at thetimesandin lhe mannerprescribed by theContract. BiddingDocuments for Construction of MainLinkRoad(Accesscontrottea) to t'tewtsiam-OaO tntemationat nirfio|.t1t35 11n1 Page5 of 9 , i l j : : . --, !',,: . i'i ;: :i N i. .i' CA,-2 IN wlrNESS WHEREOFthe partiesheretohavecausedthrsAgreernentto be executedon theday,monthandyearfirst beforewrittenin accordance with their respectivelaws. Signature ot theContactor Signature of Employer (Seal) (Seal) Signed,Sealedand Deliveredin the presenceof: Witness: Witness: ()liame,Title and Address) Q.Jame,Title and Address) BiddingDoauments for Construction of l\,4ain Link Road(AccessConkolled)to New lslamabaO tnternation.ateirport (t3S Km) Page6 of I CREDIT LINE FACILITY To, GeneralManager(P&CA) NationalHighwayAuthority 28-Mauve, Area,G-9l1 ISLAMABAD This is to certifythat M/s theirAccountNo. (l.'trame & addressof the client) is maintaining from We alsoceflily that our bank(Bankname& address) hascommitteda creditline facility upto Rs. 1oM/s fl\trame of tlie bidder)for the project(projectName)from to _ on this basisof their financialstrength,marketreputationand securities with us. l. Name l. Name 2. Designation 2. Designation 3. Official Seal 3. Official Seal of AuthorizedSignatory of AuthorizedSignatory BiddingDocumenisfor Construction of I\,4ain LinkRoad(AccessControlled) !o New lslamabadIntetnational Airport(13.5Km) Forms MG-1 MOBILIZATION ADVANCE GUARANTEE Guarantee No. WHEREAS for Date (hereinaftercalledthe 'Employer')hasenteredinto a Conhact (Particulars of Contract) (hereinafter calledthe"Contractor'). with AND WHEREAS,the Employerhasagreedto advance to the contractor, at thecontractors request,an amount of Rupees (Rs _ ) which amountshallbe advancedto theContractorasperprovisionsofthe Contragt. AND WHEREAS,the Employerhasaskedthe contractorto furnishGuarantee to securethe mobilization advance for theperformance ofhis obligations underthesaidContract. AND WHEREAS, (Scheduled Bankin Pakistan acceptable to the Employer) (hereinaftercalled the "Guarantor") at the requestof the contractor and in considerationof the Employer agreeing to make the above advanceto the Contractor,has agreedto fumish the said Guarantee. NOW, THEREFORE,the Guarantorherebyguarantees that the Contractorshall use the advancefbr the purposeof abovementionedContractandif he fails and commitsdefaultin fulfilmentof any of his obligations for whichthe advance paymentis made,the Guarantor shallbe liableto the Employerfor paymentnot exceedingthe aforementioned amount. Noticein writingof anydefault,of whichtheEmployershallbe thesoleandfinaljudge,on the part ofthe Contractor,shallbe givenby the Employerto the Guarantor,andon suchfirst written demand,paymentshall be madeby the Guarantorof all sumsthen due underthis Guarantee withoutanyreferenceto the Contractorandwithoutanyobjection. 'lhis Ilom Guaranteeshall remain in force until the advanceis fully adjustedagainstpayments the Interim Payment Certificates. of the.. Contractor or until . . wnlcnever ts eafl1er. (Dare) 'Ihe Guarantor's liabilityunderthisGuarantee shallnot in anycaseexceed thesumof Rupees (Rs ). This Guarantee shallremainvalid up to the aforesaiddateandshallbe null andvoid afterthe aforesaiddate or earlier if the advancemade to the contractor is fully adjustedagainst paymentsfrom Interim PaymentCerlificatesof the Contractorprovidedthat the Guarantor agreesthat the aforesaidperiodof validity shall be deemedto be extendedif on the above mentioned datetheadvance paymentis notfully adjusted. t MG.2 GUARANTOR l. 2. 3. Signature Name Title WIl-NESS l. ColporateSecretary(Seal) 2. (NameTille & Address) Corporate Guarantor(Seal) BiddiflgDocumentsfor Conslruclionof Main Link Road (AccessControlled)!o New lslam abad lnte'nalianalAimortft:-l fr-r PageI of I PART1- GENERAL CONDITIONS Bi ) GeneralConditionsof Contractpart-l FEDERATIONINTERNATIONALDESINGENIEURS-CONSEILS PART TGENERAL CONDITIONS WITH FORMS OF TENDERANDAGREEMENT "Copiesof theFIDICConditions of Contract canbeobtained from: FIDICSecretariat P.O.Box 86 12 1000Lausanne Switzerland,ibookshop] e-maiI : FOURTFIEDITIONI987 Reprinted1988with editorialamendments PARTII - PARTICULAR CONDITIONS Biddjng DocumentsFor Construqlionof Main Link Road(AccessControllcdjto Islamabad Intemational Airport(13.5Km) Particular Conditions ParHl of Contract TABLE OF CONTDNTS PART II - PARTICULAR CONDITIONSOF CONTRACT Clause LI 2.1 2.2 2.7 2.8 5.2 6.6 o./ 10,I 10.4 I4.l 14.3 14.5 15.2 15.3 16.3 16.4 19.3 t9.4 20.4 21.4 25.5 JI.J 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.5 34.6 34.7 34.8 34.9 34.l0 34.1 34,l2 35 , 2 35 . 3 36.6 4 1. 1 47.3 Tifle Definitions Engineer's DutiesandAuthority Engineer's Repfesentalive Engineer Not Liable Replacement of theEngineer Language(s) andLaw Priorityof ContraclDocuments ShopDrawings As-BuiltDrawings Performance Security Performance SecurityBindingon VariationsandChanges Ptogrammeto be Submitted CashFlow Estimateto be Submitted DetailedProgramme andMonthlyProgressReport Language Ability of Contractor's Representative Contractor'sRepresentative LanguageAbility of Superintending Staffof Contractor Employmentof LocalPersonnel SafetyPrecautions LightingWorksat Night Employer's Risks Exclusions Insurance Company Co-operation with OtherContractors Ratesof WagesandConditions of Labour Employment of Persons in theServiceof Others Flousingfor Labour HealthandSafety Epidemics Supplyof Water AlcoholicLiquoror Drugs Arms andAmmunition Festivals andReligiousCustoms DisorderlyConduct Compliance by Subcontractors Ilecordsof SafetyandI{ealth Reponingof Accidents Useof Pakistani MaterialsandServices Commencement of Works Bonusfor EarlyCompletion of Works BiddingDocumentsfof Construction of lvlainLink Road(AccessControlled) to New lslamabadInternational Airport(13.5Km) Page 1 ot 22 part-ll Particular Conditions of Contract 48.2 5t.2 52.1 52.2 53.4 54.5 59.4 5 9s. 60.r 60.2 6 0 l, 0 6 0 . 1I 63.1 65.2 67.3 68.1 6&.2 70.1 72.2 73.l 73.2 74.1 75.1 76.1 77.1 78.1 l'akingOverof Sections or Parts Instructionsfor Variations Valuationof Variations Powerof Engineer to Fix Rates Failureto Comply Conditions of Hireof Contractor's Equipment Payments to NominatedSub-conractors Evidence of Payments MonthlyStatements MonthlyPayments Timefbr Payment FinancialAssistance to Contractor Defaultof Contractor SpecialRisks Arbitration Noticeto Contractor Noticeto EmployerandEngineer Insrease or Decrease ofCost CurrencyProportions Currencies of Payment for Provisional Surns Payment of IncomeTax Customs Duty & Taxes IntegrityPact Termination of Contractfor Employer's Convenience Liabilityof Contractor .lointandSeveralLiability Detailsto be Confidential BiddingDocumentsfor Constructionof l\/lainLink Road (AccessControlled)to New lslamabadInternationalAirport (13.5 Km) Paae 2 ot 22 part-ll Particular Conditions of Contract PART II . PARTICULAR CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Irl Definitions (a) (i) The Employeris Chairman NHA, 28-MauveArea, G-9/1, National Highway Authority,Islamabad. (a)(iv) The Engineer FilC;-;;qylp;;"#il; ;; E;;;;;;; ;i;"il'hil'!'ffiT,:i$,'":,',1; othercompetentpersonappointedby the Employer,andnotifiedto the contractor,ro act in replacement of the Engineer.Providedalwaysthat exceptin casesof prolessional misconduct, the outgoing Engineers is to formulate his certifications/recommendations in relationto all outstanding malters.disputesand claimsrelatingto theexecution of theWorksduringhistenure. Thefollowingparagraph is added: (a)(vi) "Bidderor Tenderer"meansany personor persons, company,corporation, firm or joint venturesubmitting Bid a or Tender. (b)(v) The following is addedat the endof theparagraph: The word "Tender"is synonyrnous with "Bid" andthe word ,,Tender Documents" with "BiddingDocuments". Thefollowingparagraph is added: (b)(ix) "Programme" means the programmeto be submitted by the Contractor in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.1andanyapproved revisions thereto. (e)(i) Thetextis deletedandsubstituted with thefollowing: "ContractPrice" meansthe sum statedin the Letterof Acceptance as payableto the contractorlbr the execution andcompletion of the works subjectto suchadditions theretoor deductionsthere from as may be madeand remedyingof any defects thereinin accordance with theprovisions ofthe Contract. 2.1 Engineer'sDutiesand Authority With reference to Sub-Clause 2.1(b),thefollowingprovisions shallalsoapply; The Engineershallobtainthespecificapprovalof theEmployerbeforecarryingou1 hls dutiesin accordance u,iththefollovr,ins Clauses: part-ll Particular Conditions of Contract (0 Consenting to the sub-letting ofany partofthe WorksunderSub-Clause 4.1 "Subcontracting". (ii) Certifying additional cost determinedunder Sub-Clause12.2 ,.Not Foreseeable PhysicalObstructions or Conditions',. (iii) Any actionunderClausel0 "Performance Seeurity.'and Clauses 21,23,24&. 25 "lnsurance" of sorts. (iv) Any actionunderClause40 "Suspension,'. lv, Any actionunderClause44 "Extensionof Time for Completion". (ui) Any actionunderClause4T "LiquidatedDamages for Delay"or paymentof Bonusfor EarlyCompletion of Works(PCCSub-Clause 47.3). (vii) Issuance of"TakingOverCerljficate" underClause48. (viii) Issuinga VariationOrderunderClause5 l,except: a) in anemergencyt situation, asstatedherebelow,or b) if suchvariationwould increasethe Contractprice by lessthan the amountstatedin theAppendix-Ato Bid. (ix) Fixingratesor pricesurderClause52. (x) Extrapayment asa resultof Contractor's claimsunderClause53. (xi) Releaseof RetentionMoney to the Contractorunder Sub-Clause 60.3 "Payment of Retention Money". (xii) Issuance of"Final Pal,rnentCertihcate"underSub-Clause 60.8. (xiii) Issuance of"DefectLiabilityCerlificate" underSub-Clause 62.1. (xiv) Any changein the ratios of Contractaurrencyproportionsand payments thereofunder CIauseT2"CurrencyandRateof Exchange". (xv) Certifyadditional cos!underClause 6, 20,27,42,65,69and70. (xvi) Issuinginstructions underClause58. - (lf in the opinionof the Engineeran emergencyoccursalfectingthe satetyof life or of the Works.orof adjoiningproperty,the Engineermay, withoutrelievingthe Contractorof any of his dutiesand responsibilities underthe contract,instructthe contractorto executeall such Particular Conditions of contractpart_ll workor to doallsuchthingsas may,in theopinion of theEngineer, benecessary to abate or reduce therisk. Thecontractor shallforthwith complywithanysuchinstruction of the Engineer. TheEngineer shaildetermine anaddition to thecontract-price, in respect of such instruction, in accordance withclauses2 andshallnotifythecontractor accordingly, witha copyto theEmployer) Engineer's Representative Thefollowingparagraph is added: The Employer shall ensurethat the Engineer'sRepresentative is a professional engineer asdefinedin thePakistan Engineering CouncilAct 1975(V of i976) ThefollowingSub-Clauses 2.1 and2,8areadded: ),7 EngineerNot Liable Approval,reviewsand inspectionby the Engineerofany part of the Worksdoesnot relievethe contmctorfrom his soleresponsibility and liability for the supplyof materials,plant and equipmentfor constructionof the works and their parts in accordancewith the contract and neitherthe Engineer'sauthorityto act nor any decisionmadeby him in good faith as providedfor underthe contract whetherto exercise or not to exercise suchauthorityshallgiveriseto anydutyor responsibility of the Engineerto the contractor,any Subcontractor, any of their representatives or employees or any other personperforminganyportionof theWorks. 2.8 Replacement of the Engineer "lf the Employerintendsto replacethe Engineer, the Employershall,not lessthan l4 daysbeforethe intendeddateof replacement, give noticeto the Contractor,ofthe name,addressand relevantexperienceof the intendedreplacement Engineer.The Employershall not replacethe Engineerwith a personagainstwhom the Contractor raisesreasonable objection by noticeto theEmployer, with supporting particulars.,' 5.1 Language(s) and Law (a) (b) <t The ConhactDocuments, shallbedrawnup in the Englishlanguage. The Contractshallbe subjectto theLawsoflslamic Republicofpakistan. Priority of ContractDocuments The documentslistedat (l) to (6) of the Sub-clausearedeletedandsubstituted with thefollowins: (i) (ii) (iii) (iu) (u) TheContract Agreement; TheLetterof Acceptance; Thecompleted Fonnof Bid (LetterofTechnicalBid & Letterof priceBid; Addendum/ Conigendum,if any; SpecialStipulations (Appendix-A to Bid); Bidding Documehtsfor Constructionof Main Link Road (AccessControlled)to New lslamabadlnternationalAirpo( (13.SKm) Page 5 of 22 part_ll Particular Conditions of Contract (ui) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) TheParticularConditionsof Contract- part-ll; The GeneralConditions- PartI; ThePricedBill of Quantities (Appendix-D to Bid); ThecompletedAppendicesto Bid (C, E to p): The Drawings; SpecialProvisionsandSpecifications ofNon-scheduled items; NHA GeneralSpecifications andits Addendum; Supplenienlai.ySpecilicarions. In caseof discrepancies betweendrawings,thoseof largerscaleshallgovemunless they aresuperseded by a drawingof laterdateregardless of scale.All Drawingsand specificationsshall be interpretedin conformity with the contract and these conditions.Addendum,if any, shatl be deemedto have beenincomoratedat the appropriate placesin thedocuments formingthe Contract. ThefollowingSub-Clauses 6.6 and6.7areadded: 6.6 6.7 8;l ShopDrawings The contractorshall submitto the Engineerfor review 3 copiosof all shop and erectiondrawingsapplicableto this contractasper provisionof relevantsub-Clause ofthe Contract. Reviewandapprovalby the Engineershallnot be construedasa completecheckbut will indicateonly that the generalmethod of constructionand detailineis satisfactoryand that the Engineer'sreview or approvalshall not relievethe Contractor of anyof hisresponsibilities undertheContract. As-BuiltDrarvings At the completionof the works underthe contract,the contractorshall furnishto the Engineer6 copiesand one reproduc.ible of all drawingsamendedto conform with the Worksas built. The priceof suchDrawingsshallbe deemedto be included in the ContractPrice. GeneralObligations Followingsentence is addedat theendof Clause8.1 "Howeverthe contractoris requiredto bear the cost of Stamppapersrequiredto execute theContractAgreement. 10,I PerformanceSecurity Thetext is deletedandsubstituted with the following: The contractorshallprovidePerformance securityto the Employerin the prescribed form. The said Security shall be furnishedor causedto be fumished by the Contractorwithin 28 days after the receipt of the Letter of Acceptance.The PerformanceSecurityshall be of an amountequalto 10% of the contract price statedin the LetterofAcceptance.Suchsecurityshall,at the optionof thebidder,be in the lorm ofeither (a) bankguarantee from any Scheduled Bank in pakistanor (b) bankguaranleefrom a bank locatedoutsidePakistanduly counter-guaranteed by a ScheduledBank in Pakistanor (c) an insurancecompanyhavingatleastAA rating from PACRAiJCRacceptable to rheEmployer. Bidding Documentsfor Constructionof Main Link Road (AccessControlled)to New lslamabad InternationalAiipori f13j Kml Page 6 ot 22 part-ll Particular Conditions of Contract The c.os1 of complyingwith requirements of this Sub-Clauseshallbe bomeby the Contractor. ThefbllowingSub-Clause 10.4is added: 10.4 Performance SecurityBindingon Variationsand Changes The Performance Securityshall be bindingirrespectiveof changesin the quantities or variationsin the Worksor extensions in Time for Completionof the Workswhich granted are or agreeduponundertheprovisionsof the Contract. 14.l Programmeto be Submitted The programmeshall be submittedwithin 42 daysfrom the dateof receiptof Letter ofAcceptance.which shallbe in theform of: i) ii) CPM identif,ing the criticalpath/activities. Bar Charlidentifyingcriticalactivities (TheEngineerto selectappropriateone) 14.3 CashFlow Estimateto be Submitted The detailedCashFlow Estimateshallbe submittedwithin 21 davsfrom the dateof receiptof Letterof Acceptaice ThefollowinsSub-Clause 14.5is added: 14.5 DetailedProgrammeand Monthly ProgressReport a) For purposesof Sub-Clause14.1,the Contractorshall submitto the Engineer detailedprogrammefor the following: ( 1) Execution of Works; (2) LabourEmployment; (3) Local MaterialProcurement; (4) MaterialImports,if any;and (5) Otherdetailsasrequiredby theEngineer. (b) During the period of the Contract,the Contraclorshall submitto the Engineernot later than the 8'" day of the following month, l0 copieseachof Monthly Progress ReDortscoverins: (1) (2) (3) A ConstructionScheduleindicatingthe monthlyprogressin percentage; Descriptionof all work caniedout sincethe lastreport; Descriptionof the work plannedfor the next 56 dayssuffrcientlydetailed to enablethe Engineerto determinehis programmeof inspectionand testins: BiddingDocumentsfor Constructionof N4ainLink Road (Access Controlled)to New lslamabadInternationalAirport (13.5 Krn) Paoe 7 ot 22 Particular Conditions of Contract Part-ll (4) (s) (6) (c) Monthlysummaryof dailyjob record; Photographs to illustrateprogress; and Informationabout problemsand difficultiesencountered, if any, and proposals to overcome thesame. Duringthe periodof the Contract,the Contractor shallkeepa daily recordof the work progress,which shall be made availableto the Engineeras and when requested. The daily recordshallincludeparticulars of weatherconditions, number of men working,deliveriesof materials,quantity,locationand assignment of Contractor's equipment. ThefollowingSub-Clauses 15.2and15.3areadded: 15,2 LanguageAbilityofContractor'sRepresentative The Contractor'sauthorizedrepresentative shall be fluent in the English language. Alternatelyan interpreterwith ability of English languageshall be providedby the Corrtractoron full time basis. 15.3 Contractor'sRepresentative The Contractor'sauthorisedrepresentativeand his other professionalengineers working at Site shallregisterthemselves with the PakistanEngineeringCouncil. The Contractor'sauthorisedrepresentative at Site shall be authorisedto exercise adequateadministrative and financial powers on behalf of the Contractor so as to achievecompletionof the Works as per the Contract. 'l6.3 The lollowing Sub-Clauses and 16.4areadded: 16.3 LanguageAbility of SuperintendingStaff of Contractor A reasonableproportion of the Contractor'ssuperintendingstaff shall have a working knowledgeofthe Englishlanguage.If the Contractor'ssuperintending staff are not fluent in English language,the Contractor shall make compctentinterpreters availableduring all working hours in a number deemedsufficient by the Engineer. 16.4 Employmcntof Local Personnel 'fhe Contractoris encouraged,to the extentpracticableand reasonable, to employ stalfand labourlrom sourceswithin Pakislan. 1.hefollowing Sub-Clauses 19.3and 19.4 ale added: 19.3 SafetyPrecautions In order to provide for the safety, health and welfare of persons,and for prevention BiddingDocumentsForConstruction of Main LinkRoad(AccessControlled) to New lslamabadInternational Airport(13.5Km) Paoe 8 ol22 . tlf i" .' t, .t, t t,l, i,':" ftl ' '''1 ':|;''\rlfl ''ll .l.r-lr'1.-* ':,' -:lo;t:;z f.1t;1,!9..-?' particular part_ll Conditions of Contract of damageof any kind" all operatio'sfor the purposesof or in connectionwitli the contract shall be carriedout in comprialcewith the SatbtyRequirements of the Governmentof Pakistanwith such modificationsthereto as the Engineermay authoriseor direct and the contractorshall take or causeto be takensuchfurther measuresand comply.with such further requirementsas the Engineermay determineto be reasonably necessary for suchpurpose. The contractorshall*rake,maintainandsubmitrepofisto the Engineer concerning safety,healthand welfareof personsand damageto property,as ihe Engineermay fromtimeto timeprescribe. 19.4 Lighting Work ar Night In the Eventof work beingcarriedout at night,the contractorshallat his own cosr, provide and maintainsuch good and sufficient light as will enablethe work ro proceedsatisfactorilyandwithoutdanger.The approaches to the Siteandthe works where the nightwork is being carried out shall be sufficientlyrighted.Alr arrangement adoptedfor suchlighting shall be to the satisfactionof'lhe Eneineer,s Represcntative. 20.4 Employer'sRisks TheErrployer'srisksare: Deletethetext andsubstitutewith the (a) (b) insofarastheydirectlyaffecttheexecution ofthe Worksin pakistan: (i) war and hostilities(whetherwar be declaredor not), invasion,act of foreign enemles, ('i) rebeJlion, revolution, insurection,or militaryor usurped power,cr civil war, (iii) ionizingradiations, or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclearfuel, or liom any nuclearwastefrom the combustion of nuclearfuel,radioactive toxic explosiveor other hazardous properliesof any explosivenuclear assembly or nuclearcomponent thereof, (rvl pressure wavescausedby aircraftor otheraerialdevicestravellingat sonicor supersonic speeds. (v, riot, commotionor disorder,unlesssolelyrestricted to the employees of the Contractoror of his Subcontractors and arising from the conductof the Workb: loss ol damagedue 1o the useor occupationby the Employerof any Sectionor part o1'thePermanentWorks, exceptas may be providedtbr in the Contract; BiddingDocuments for construction af MainLinkRoad(Accesscontfolled)toNewtslam"olarnt*nuti*ulTEo,t tf sJ fO Page I ol 22 part-ll Particular Conditions of Contract (c) lossor damageto the extentthat it is dueto the designof the works, otherthan any part of the designprovidedby the contractoror for which the conLractorii responsible: and (d) any operationof the forcesof nature(insofaras it occurson the site) which an experienced contractor: (l) couldnot havereasonably foreseen, or (ii) couldreasonably haveforeseen, but againstwhich he couldnot reasonably havetakenat leastoneof thefollowingmeasures: (a) preventlossor damage to physicalpropertylrom occurring by taking appropnate measures, or (b) insureagainst. 21,4 Exclusions 'I'he textis deletedandsubstituted with thefollowing: Thereshallbe no obligationfor theinsurances in sub-clause21.1to includelossor damage caused by theriskslistedunderSub-Clause 20.4paras.(a) (i) to (iv). 'lhe followingSub-Clause 25.5is added: 25.5 InsuranceCompany The contractor shall be obliged to place all insuranoesrelating to the contract (including,but not limitedto, the insurances referredto in Clauses21,23 and24) with eitherNationalInsurancecompanyofpakistanor any otherinsurancecompany operatingin Pakistanandacceptable to the Employer. Costsofsuchinsurances shallbebomeby theContractor. ThefollowingSub-Clause 3 I .3 is added: 31.3 Co-operation with otherContractors Duringthe execution of the works, the contractorshallco-operate fully with other sontractors working for theEmployerat andin thevicinityofthe site andalsoshall provide adequateprecautionaryfacilities not to make himself a nuisanceto locat residents andothercontractors. ThefollowingSub-Clauses 34.21o34.12 areadded: BiddingDocumentsfor Constructionof lvlainLink Road (AccessConkolled)to New lslamabadinternationalAirport (13j KmJ P a g e1 0 o l 2 2 o'-d;5- ft'''7,i'*;ll', , ',t-, W' 'i!:,i;', !.-.*....-"r 'r-,,,t, .. -.:' , ' 1_- :1..:' ParticularConditionsof ContractPart-ll 34.2 Ratesof Wagesand Conditionsof Labour The contractorshall pay ratesof wagesand observeconditionsof labournot less fa'ourablethanthoseestablished for the tradeor industrywherethe work is canied out. In theabsence of anyratesof wagesor conditions of labourso established. the Contractolshall pay ratesof wagesand observeconditionsof labourwhich are not less l-avourable f'avourablethan the gcnerallevel of wagesand conditionsobservedby other employerswhose generalcircumstancesin the trade or irr industrv in which the Contracloris engagedaresimilar. 34.3 Employment of Personsin the Serviceof Others The contractorshallnot recruithis staffand labourfrom amongstthe personsin the servicesof the Employeror the Engineer;exceptwith the prior written consentof theEmployeror theEngineer, asthecasemaybe. 34.4 Housingfor Labour save insof'aras the contractotherwiseprovides,the contractorshallprovideand maintarnsuchhousingaccommodation andamenities ashe may considernecessary fbr all his supervisorystaff and labour, employed for the purposesof or in connection with the Contractincludingall fencing,electricitysupply,sanitation, cookhouses, fire prevention, watersupplyandotherrequirements in connection with suchhousingaccommodation or amenities.On completionof the Contract,these facilitiesshallbe handedover to the Employeror if the Employerso desires, the temporarycampsor housingprovidedby the Contractor shallbe removedandthe Sitereinstated to its originalcondition, all to theapprovalof theEngineer. 34.5 Healthand Safety Due precautionsshali be takenby the Contractor,and at his own cost,lo ensurethe safetyof his slaff and labourat all timesthroughoutthe periodof the Contract. The Contractor shall further ensure that suitable arrangements are made for the preventionof epidemicsand lbr all necessary welfareand hygienerequirements. 34.6 Epidemics In the event of any outbreakof illnessof an epidemicnature,the Contractorshall comply with and carry out such regulations, orders and requirementsas mav be made by the Government,or the local medical or sanitary authorities,for purposeof dealingwith and overcomingthe same. Jtt. I Supplyof Water -l'he Contractorsha)l,so far as rs reasonably practicable,having regard to local conditions,provide on the Site, to the satisfactionof the Engineer ol his partJl Particular Conditions of Contract representative, adequatesupplyof drinking and otherwaterfor the useof his staff andlabour. 34.8 AlcoholicLiquor or Drugs TheContractor shallnot,otherwise thanin accordance with the Statutes, Ordinances andGovernment Regulations or ordersfor thetime beingin force,import,sell,give, barteror otherwisedisposeof any alcoholicliquor or drugs,or permii or suffer"any suchimportation,sale,gift, barteror disposalby his subcontraciors, agents,staff or labour. 34.9 Arms and Ammunition ]'he contractorshall not give,or otherwisedisposeof ro any personor personsrany armsor ammunition of anykindor permitor sufferthesameasaforesaid, 34,I0 Festivalsand ReligiousCustoms The Contractor shallin all dealingswith his staffandlabourhavedueresardto all recognised festivals, daysofrestandreligiousandothercustoms. 34.1I DisorderlyConduct -fhe contractorshall at all times take all reasonableprecautionsto preventany unlawful,riotousor disorderlyconductby or amongststaff and labourand for the preservation of peaceandprotection of persons andpropedy.inthe neighbourhood of theWorksagainslthesame. 34.12 Compliance by Subcontractors The contractorshall be responsiblefor complianceby his Srrbconrractors of the provisions of thisClause. ThefollowingSub-Clauses 35.2and35.3areadded. 35.2 Recordsof Safetyand l{ealth 'l'he contractorshallrnaintainsuchrecordsandmakesuchreporlsconcerningsafery, healthandwelfareof personsanddamageto propertyasthe Engineermay f'romtirne to timeprescribe. 35.3 Reportingof Accidents The contractor shall reporl to the Engineerdetails of any accidentas soon as possibleafter its occurrence.In the caseof any fatality or seriousaccident,the contractorshall, in addition,notify the Engineerimmediatelyby the quickest available means. 'fhe followingSub-Clause 36.6is added: part-ll Particular Conditions of Contract 36.6 Useof PakistaniMaterialsand Services The contractor shall , so far as may be consistentwith the contract, make the maximumuseof materials,supplies,plantandequipmentindigenousto or produced or fabricatedin Pakistanandservices,availablein Pakistanprovidedsuchmaterials, supplies, plant,equipment andservices shallbeofrequiredstandard. 41.1 Commencement of Works Thetext is deletedandsubstituted with the following: The contractor shall commencethe works on Site within the period namedin Appendix-Ato Bid from the dateof receiptby him from the Engineerof a written Notice to commence.Thereafter,the contractorshallproceedwith the works with dueexpeditionandwithoutdelay. ThefollowingSub-Clause 47.3is added: 47.3 Bonusfor Early Completionof Works fhe contractorshall in caseof earliercompletionfor eitherwhole or part(s)of the works pursuantto Sub-clauses 48.1 and 48.2(a)respectivelyof the General conditionsof contract,be paid bonusup-to a limit andat a rate equivalentto 50% of therelevantlimit andrateof liquidateddamages prescribedin Appendix-A1oBid "SpecialStipulations". The Bonusshallbe paidprovidedthe projectis completed within originalcontractperiodandnot the extendedperiod. 48.2 Taking Over of Sections or Parts Forthepurposes of para(a) of thisSub-Clause, separare Timesfor Completion shall provided be in theAppendix-Ato Bid "specialStipulations". 51,2 Instructionsfor Variations At the endof the first sentence, after theword "Engineer",thewords.,in writing,'are added. 52.1 Valuationof Variations In thetenthline,afler thewords"Engineershall"the followingis added: within a period not exceedingone-eighthof thc completiontime subjectto a minimumof 56 daysfrom thedateof disagreement whichever is later. 52.2 Powerof Engineerto Fix Rates At theendof thefirst paragraph add: Providedfurtherthat no changein the rate or price for any item containedin the Contractshall be considered unlesssuchitem (variedquantityonly) accountsfor an amountmore than 2 percentof the ContraclPrice,and the actualquantityof work for Construction BiddingDocuments of MainLinkRoad(AccessControlled) to Newlslamabad International Airpon(j3.5 Kml Page13 ot 22 particular part_ll Conditions of Contract executedunderthe item exceedsor falls shorl of the quantityset out in Bill of by morethan30% andappricable Quantities to the variedquuniityonly i.e.startrng fronr 130percenfto onward(rn casethe quantityof an item exceeds) providedthe conditionssetabovearefulfilled andif the quantityof a Boe item is reducedmore than 30 (thiny) percentthe changein rate will be applicabieto aI the leftover /remaining quantity. 53.4 Failureto Comply ' ThisSub-Clause is deletedin ils entirety. 54,5 Conditions of Hire of Contractor's Equipmcnt The followingparagraphis added: The contraclorshall,uponrequestby the Engineerat any time in relationto any item of hired contracror'sEquiprnent,forlhwith notify the Engineerin writing the nameandaddress of theownerofthe equipment andshallcerriiythatrheagreeirent tbr the hire thereofcontainsa provisionin accordance with tire requirerients set forth above. 1-hcfollowingSub-Clauses 59.4& 59.5areadded: 59,4 llaymcntsto NominatedSubcontractors The contractorshallpay to the nominatedsubcontractor the amountswhich the Engineer ceflifiesto beduein accordance with thesubcontracr. Theseamounts plus othcrchargesshallbe includedin the contractpricein accordance with clause5g Sums],exceptasstatedin Sub-clause [Provisional 59.5[certification ofpayments]. 59.5 Certificationof Payments& NominatedSubcontracrors Before issuinga Paymer-rt Certificatewhich includesan amountpayableto a nominatedsubcontractor, thc Engineermay requestthe contractorto supply reasonable evidence thatthe nominated Subcontractor hasreoeived all amountsdue in accordance with previousPaymentcertificates,lessapplicabledeductions for retention or otherwise. [Jnless theContractor: a) h) submitsreasonable evidence to theEnsineer. or satisf'resthe Engineerin writing that the Contractoris reasonably entitledto withholdor refuseto paytheseamounts,and ii) submits to the Engineerreasonableevidencethat the nominated Subcontractor hasbeennotifiedof the Contractor's entitlement, then theEmployernray(at his solediscretion) paydireclto thenominated Subcontractor, partor al) of suchamountspreviouslycerrified(less applicable deductions) asareduero thenominated Subconlractor and for whichthe Contraclor hasfailedto submitthe evidence described in sub-paragraphs (a)or (b) above.TheContractor shalirhenreDav. lo Bidding Documents forConstruction of lvlainLinkRoadlaccesscontrotteo; to t,tEw lslamabad tnternationat e"p",t flss f",j Page 14 of 22 Particular Conditions of Contract Part-ll the Employer,the amounlwhioli the nominatedSubcontractor was directlypaidby theEmployer. 60.1 MonthlyStatements thefirstlineaftertheword"shall",thefollowingis added: "on thebasisof thejoint measurement of work doneunderClause56.I ," In Para(c) the words"the Appendixto lender" aredeletedand substituted with the words" Sub-Cause 60.I I (a)(6)hereof'. (in caseClause60.I1 is applicable) 60.2 Monthly Payments In thefirst line,"28" is substituted by "14". Add followingat theendof second paragraph of subparaib) Theamountoffinalbill shallnotbelessthanl0% ofthe contractvalue. 60.8 Final PaymentCertificate 1'hefollowingparagraph is added: 'l'he amountoffinal bill shallnotbelessthanl0% of thecontractvalue. 60.10 Timefor Payment The text is deletedand substitutedwith the followine: Tlre amountdue to the Contractorunder any Interim PaymentCertifioateissuedby the Engineerpursuantto this Clause,or to any other terms of the Contract,shall , subject to Clause47, be paid by the Employer to the Contractorwithin 30 days after such Interim Payment Certificate has been jointly verified by Employer ard Contractor, or, in the case of the Final Certificate referred to in Sub Clause 60.8, within 60 days afler such Final Payment Certificate has been jointly verified by Ernployerand Contractor;Providedthat the Interim Paymentshall be causedin 42 daysand Final Paymentin 60 daysin caseof foreignfundedproject. In the eventof the failure of the Employer to make payment within the times stated,the Employer shall pay to the Contractorcompensationat the 28 days rate of KIBOR+2% per annum for local cunency and LIBOR+I% for foreign currency,upon all sums unpaid 1'romthe date by which the sameshould have beenpaid. The provisionsof this Sub'Clauseare without prejudiceto the Contractor'senlitlementunder Clause 69. BiddingDocumentsfor Constructign of NIainLinkRoad(AccessControlled) to New lslamabadIniernational Airport(13.5Km) Page 15 ot 22 particular part_ll Conditions of Contract 60.11 FinancialAssistance to Contractor Financialassistance shalrbe madeava abreto the conhactorby the Employerby adopting followingMobilizationAdvanceClause: Mobiliz-ation Advance (a) An interest-free MobilizationAdvanceup to l5% ofthe Contractpricestated in the Letterof Acceptancesha be paid by the Employerto the contractor in two equal parts upon submissionby the contractorof a Mob izatron AdvanceGuarantee for the full amountof the Advancein the speci{iedform from a Scheduled Bankin pakistanacceptable to the Employer: (1) First part within 14 daysafter signingof the contract Agreementor date of receipt of Engineer'sNotice to Commence,w]_richever is earlier;and (2) (b) Secondpartwithin 42 daysfrom the dateofpaymentofthe first pan, subject to the satisfactionof the Engineer as to the state of mobilization of theContractor. This .A'dvance sharlbe recoveredin equalinstarments; first instalmentat the expiry of third monthafter the dateof paymentof first part of Advanceand thelastinstalment two monthsbeforethedateof completion of theworks as per Clause43 hereof. 63.1 Defaultof Contractor Thefollowingparais addedat theendofthe Sub-Clause: Providedfurther thar in additionto the action takenby the Employeragainstthe contractorunderthis clause,the Employermay alsorefer the of d"folultof th. "ur" Contractor to Pakistan Engineering Council for punitive action under the constructionand operationof Engineering works Bye-Laws19g7,as amended fromtimeto time. 65,2 SpecialRisks The text is deleledandsubsrituted with the following: The SpecialRisksaretherisksdefinedunderSub-clause 20.4subparagraphs (a) (i) to (a) (v). 67,3 Arbitration ln the sixthto eightlines,thewords"shallbe finallysettled.......... appointed under suchRules"me deletedandsubstituted with thefollowins: BiddingDocuments for const.uclionof MainLinkRoad(Accesscontrotled) to tGw lslamabad International Airportil3J KmJ Pa g e 1 6 o f Z z part-ll Padicular Conditions of Contract shallbefinallysettledundertheprovisions ofthe ArbitrationAct, 1940asamended or anystatutory modification or re-enactment thereoffor thetimebeinein force. ThefolJowingp aragraph is added: Theplaceof arbitration shallbeIslamabad, Pakistan. 68.t Noticeto Contractor The followingparagraphis added: For the purposesof this Sub-clause,the contractorshall,immediatelyafter receipt of Letter of Acceptance,intimatein writing to the Employerand the Engineerby registered post,the address of his principalplaceof business or any changein such addressduringtheperiodof theContract. 68.2 Noticefo Bmptoyerand Engincer Forthepurposes of thisSub-Clause, therespective address are: a) TheEmployer: Chairman, NationalHighwayAuthority 28-Mauve Area,G-9/1,Islamabad 'fhe b) Engineer: fto befilled in bv theEmplojeras appropriate) 70.1 Increaseor Decrease of Cost Sub-Clause 70,l -is deletedln i1sentirety,and substitutedwith the following: 'fhe amounts payable to the Contractor,pursuantto Sub-Clause60.1, shall be adjustedin respectof tlre rise or lall in the cost of labor,materials,and otherinputs to the Works,by applyingto suchamounlthe formulaprescribedin this Sub-Clause, (a) Othcr Changesin Cost To 1l1eextent that full compensationfor any rise or fall in coststo the Contraotor is not covcredby the pror,,isions of this or other Clausesjn the ConI.act,tlre unil ratesand pricesincludedin the Contractshall be deemedto includeamounts10 coverthe contingencyoi suchotherrise or fall of costs. (b) Adjustment Formula 'fhe adjustmentto the monthly statementsin respectof changesin cost shall be detemrinedfrom the followins fomula:Sidd,ngDocumentsfol ConslructjoDof MajDLjnk Road {AccessConirolled)to New lslamabadlntemationalAirpoft (13.5 Km) Page 17 of 22 ."rtfii=.:,. .i11,.:;/.-*-\.. ]. riM ,ii ,' ., :'-. -.. - r'!i.t--_:-:.r-r. ParticularConditionsof Contractpart-ll P n = A + o, L n Lo *" Mn Mo *o En * * Where: Pn is a price adjustmentfactorto be appliedto the amountfor the paymentofthe work carriedou1in the subjcctmonth,dcterminedin accordance with paragranh 60.I (a), and with Paragraphs 60.I (b) and (e), whereany variationsand day-work are not otherwisesubject to adjustment; A is a constant,specifiedin Appendix-Cto Bid, representing the nona justable portion in conkactual payments; b, c, d, etc., are weightagesor coefficients representingthe estimatedproportion of each cost element (labour, cement and reinforcing steel etc.) in the Works or Sectionslhereof,,net of ProvisionalSumsand Prime Cost;the sum of A, b, c, d, etc..shallbe one: Ln, Mn, Bn, etc., are the currenl cost indices or referenceprices of the cost elemenlsfor month "n", determinedpursuant1o Sub-Clause70.1(d),applicable to eachcostelenrent;and l.o, Mo, Eo, etc., are the basecost indicesor referencepricescorresponding to the abovecost elementsat the date specified in Sub-Clause70. I (d). (c) Sourcesof Indiccs and Weightages 'fhe sourccsof indicesshall be thoselistedin Appendix-Cto Bid, as approvedby the Engineer.As the proposedbasis for price adjustment,the Contraclorshall havesubmittedwith his bid the tabulalionof Weightagesand Sourceof Indicesif different than those given in Appendix-C to Bid, which shall be subiect ro approvalby the Engineer. (d) Base,Current, and ProvisionalIndices The basecost indicesor pricesshall be thoseprevailingon the day 28 daysprior to the latestdate lor submissionof bids. Currentindicesor pricesshall be those prevailing on the day 28 days prior to the last day of the period to which a particularmonthly statementis related. If at any time the currenlindicesare not available,provisionalindicesas delerminedby the Engineerwill be used,subject to subsequent correctionof the amountspaid to the Contractorwhen the cunent indicesbecomeavailable. (e) Adjustmentafter Completion If the Contractorfails to completethe Works within the Time lor Completion Bidding Documentgfor Constructionof Main Link Road (AccessControlled)to New lslamabadInternationalAjrport (13.g Km) '--r. Page 18 of22 _i:.r'::',. i'r:9-::..'': '.'r'i'Ql 'j . part-ll Particular Conditions of Contract prescribedunderclause43, adjustment of pricesthereafteruntil the date of completion of theworks shallbe madeusingeitherthe indicesor pricesrelating to the prescribed time for completion, or thecu''entindicesor prices,rvhichevei is morelavorable to theEmployer, providedthatif anextension of timeis granted pursuant to Clause44, theaboveprovisionshallapplyonly ro adjustmenG matle aftertheexpiryofsuchextension of time. (t) Weightages The weightages for eachof the factorsof costgivenin Appendix-cto Bid shall be adjustedif, in the opinion of the Engineer,they'have been rendered unreasonable, unbalanced, or inapplicable asa resultof viried or additionalwork execuledor instructedunderclause51. Suchadjustment(s) shall haveto be agreedin thevariationorder. 1)) CurrencyProportions All payments shallbein localcunencyonly. 72.3 Currenciesof Paymentlbr ProvisionalSums All payments shallbein localcurrency only, ThefollowingSub-C|auses73.1,13.2,74.1,75.t,i6.1,77.1and78.1areadded: 73.1 Prymcntof IncomeTax The contractor,subcontractors and their employeesshall be responsiblefor paymentof all theirincometax, supertax andothertaxeson incomearisingout of thecontraclandthe ratesandpricesstatedin the contractshallbedeemedio couer all suchtaxes. 73.2 CustomsDuty & Taxes The pricestendered by the Contractor shallincludeall imporllicensel'ees.custom duties,exciseduties,saletaxes.surohalges. business taxes,incomeand6thertaxes thatareleviedaccordirrg to thelawsandregulations 01Pakistan on theContraotor's Equiprnenl, materials.and-supplies (both permanent, temporaryand consr.rmable) acquiredlbr the purposeof the contractand o' thg sewiiespirfomed underthe Contract. Nothingin the contractshallrelievethe Contractor lronrhis responsibility, to pal anytax thatmaybe leviedin thecountryon prolitsmadeby him inrespectof theContracl. 74,1 IntegrityPact If the Contractoror any of his Subcontractors, agentsor servantsis found to have violatedor involvedin violationof the IntegrityPactsignedby the conlractoras Appendix-l,to hisBid,thentheEmployershallbeentitledto: BiddingDocumentsfor Construction of l\rainLink Road(AccessControlled) to Ngw lstamabadInternational Aifportif:S f..l Page 19 ot 22 parHl Particular Conditions of Contract (a) r'ecoverfrom the Contractoran amountequivalentto ten times the sum of any commission,gratification,bribe, finder's fee or kickbackgiven by the Contractoror anyof his Subcontractors, agentsor servants; (b) Lerminate theContract; and (c) recoverfrom the Contractorany lossor damageto the Employeras a result of such terminationor of any other corruptbusinesspracticesof the Contractor or anyof his Subcontractors, agentsor servants. fhe termination (b) of this Sub-Clause underSub-Para shallproceedin themanner prescribed underSub-Clauses 63.1to 63.4andthe paymentunderSub-Clause 6j.3 shallbe madeaflerhavingdeducted the amountsdueto the EmployerunderSubPara(a) and(c) of thisSub-Clause. 15,1 Terminationof Contractfor Employer'sConvenience 'fhe Employershall be entitledto terminatethe Contr.act at any time for the Employer's convenience aflergiving56 daysprior noticeto lhe Contractor, with a copyto theEngineer.In theeventofsuchtermination, theContractor: (a) (b) shallproceed asprovidedin Sub-Clause 65.7hereof;and shallbepaidby theEmployerasprovidedin Sub-Clause 65.8hereof. 76.1 Liabilitv of Contractor The Contractoror his Subcontraclors or assignsshall follow strictly, all relevant labourlawsincludingthe Workmen's Compensation Act andlhe Employershallbe fully indemnified for all claims,damages etc.arisingout of anydisputebetween the Contractor, his Subcontractors or assigns andthelabouremployed by them. 77.7 Jointand SevcralLiability ' If the Contractor is ajoint venlureof two or morepersons, all suchpersons shallbe .jointlyand severallyboundto the Employerfor the fulfilmentof the termsof the Contractand shalldesignate oneof suchpersonsto act as leaderwith authorityto joint bindthe venture.Thecomposition or the constitution of thejoint ventureshall notbealteredwithoutthepriorconsent ofthe Employer. 78.1 Detailsto be Confidential 'I-he Contraclor shalltreatthedetailsof theContractasprivaleandconfidential, save in so far as may be necessary for the purposes thereol,and shall not publishor disclosethe sameor any particularsthereofin any tradeor technicalpaperor elsewhere withoutthe prior consentin writingof the Employeror the Engineer.If anydisputearisesasto thenecessily of anypublication or disclosure lbr thepupose of the Contract,the sameshallbe referredto the decisionof the Eneineerwhose awardshallbefinal. BiddingDocumentsfor Conskuctionof Main LinkRoad(AccessControlled) to New lslamabadInternational Ai|port(13.5Km) Paoe20 o122 ParticularConditionsof ContractPart-ll PAIIT II -PAI{TICULAR CONDITIONS OF CONTILACT I ndex Clause AlcoholicLiquor or Drugs Arbitration Arms andAmmr.rnition As-BuiltDrawings Bonusfor EarlyCompletion of Works CashFlow Estimate Submitted to be Certificationof Payment& NominatedSubcontractors Commencement of Works Compliance by Sub-Conrractors Conditions of Hircof Contractor's Equipment Contractor's Representative Co-operation with OtherContractors Currencies of Payment for Provisional Sums CurrencyProportions CustomsDuty andTaxes Defaultof Contractor Definitions DctailedProgramme andMonthlyProgress Report Detailsto be Confidential Disorderly Conduct I{isks Employer's Employment of LocalPersonnel Employrnent of Persons in theServiceof Others Engineer Not Liable Engineer's DutiesandAuthority Representative Engineer's Epidemics Exclusions Irailureto Comply F'estivals andReligiousCustoms fiinancialAssistance to Contractor HealthandSafety Flousingfor Labour Increase or Decrease of Cost Instructionsfor Variations Insurance Company lntegrityPacl Liability JoinlandSeveral Representative Language Ability of Contractor's L,anguage Abilitl,of Superintending Stalfof Contraclor Language(s) andLaw Liabilityof Contraclor 34,8 67.3 34.9 6.'7 47.3 14.3 59.s 4 1. l 34.t2 54,5 I5.3 31,3 72.3 72.2 '73.2 6 31 . Lt 14.5 78.1 3 4 . 1I 20.4 16.4 34.3 2.7 2.1 2.2 J+.O ?1.4 53 . 4 34.10 6 0 . 1I 34.5 34.4 70.I 51.2 25.s 74.1 71.1 I5.2 16.3 5.1 /o.l Bidding Oocumentsfor Constructionof Main Link Road (AccessControlled)to New lslamabadIniernationalAirpon (13.5 Km) Page 21 ot 22 ParticularConditionsof ContractPart-ll Index LightingWorkat Night Monthly Payments MonthlyStatements Noticeto Contractor Noticeto EmployerandEngineer Payment of IncomeTax Payments to Nominated Subconlractors Performance Security PowerofEngineerto Fix Rates Perfbrmance SecurityBindingon VariationandChanges Priorityof ConractDocuments Programme to be Submitted Ratesof WagesandConditions of Labour Records of SafetyandHealth Replacement of the Engineer Reporting of Accidents SafetyPrecautions ShopDrawings SpecialI{isks Supplyof Water TakingOverof Sections or Parts 'fermination of Contractfor Employer'sConvenience 'fime for Payment Useof Pakislani Materials andServices Valnalionof Variations Clause ts.4 60.2 60.1 68.1 68.2 IJ.I 59.4 1 0I. 52.2 10.4 5.2 14.1 34.2 35.2 2.8 35 . 3 19.3 6.6 65.2 34.1 48.2 15.1 6 01 .0 36.6 52.1 BiddingDocumentsfor Construction of Main LinkRoad (AccessControl,ed) to New tslamabacl Internationat Airport(ii.s t<m) Page 22 of 22
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