YEARS Family-run business An ambitious and entrepreneurial guy founds a business, Tousek Gate Automation, which developes from a simple one-man show to an internationally successful and innovative company. What can be better for such an entrepreneur and his enterprise than the successive generation following in the footsteps of the founder, Mr Eduard Tousek. This way the company - specialized in gate operators, barriers, electronics and radio remote controls - is continuously supplied with fresh ideas, thanks to one dautgher and three sons, and further enlarged and improved due to this intensive cooperation. The name „tousek“ , well-known in the relevant sector, stands for innovative and quality products and is gradually more and more familiar also to end users. The international trade exhibitions help Tousek to distribute their gate automation to the whole world. That was also Mr Tousek´s goal, to achieve not only a regional but also an international degree of a awareness. 0 0 7 s r u o h nd ing a ebration. n n a l l the p -years-ce o t a n i e 40 ted inves tion of th e r e a w ment imple x. ppro 0 4 Numbers und facts 1.9 s pagteion mauals 36 e f pag ber o num total ing k r o w rs yea mployee struc ur in s of o 7 3 9 . 4 1 e 6 4 exists y n a omp sek c u o T since 5 5 3 . 1 7 3 ay ws/d e r c s 650 orkin are w 2 7 8 . 17 t rthes s nu twee e b e c ur fa and o km mer custo n dista 7 s year ent ploym ers m e rk ge avera ousek wo e h t is fT ion o t a r u d 4 4 2 . 4 5 d ivere l i d e r u by To 5 lse u p im ters emit in ustria A k e s tes a i l affi rope Eu in all 9 d in 2 use were k Vien r for ou a t o t qu plain m o c is the perator o Pull T the er of tors b m c nu g dire on n i g a man foundati since ) g in ouse the T % 7 0, 1 s w e r c s . rox. 1 app 014 ( o the T s e e y mplo na days te nges s lo usek´ s e g a ngu d oken are sp la t n e iffer any comp r u o n i 2014 5 5 8.7 we 21 xtern ke Touse n me orce f s e l al sa km tria in year y r e go ev Aus 60 s e i r t coun r our ive e del w s e i rd r ount x. one thi c f o ro ber num cts to (app tries) n u prod world cou e of th History 2004 1975 Tousek has been the fi rst manufacturer to introduce a two-line display control unit with multilingual clear text menu on the market. This was the beginning of new era of operating comfort, and is until today still unique in the world. With the foundation of tousek Gate Operators in Austria in 1974 Eduard Tousek prepared the ground for today´s company group and was already at that time considered trend setting by the branch. 2005 Tousek Germany has moved to its new office. 1988 1975 In 1988 the single member company was transformed into a private limited company and moved to Zetschegasse 1, where it remained until today. 1990 2006 All operators got equipped with the display controls. 2008 Ground-breaking ceremony for the new company building in Poland. A great change for the Tousek Ges.m.b.H. took place: from commercial enterprise to producer. 2009 1991 Tousek Poland moved to its new location. 2015 We have founded our business establishment in Germany. 1993 We have opened a branch office in Prague. Our first establishment outside the German speaking countries. 1998 2010 The new sliding gate opener PULL T, equipped with a high sensitive sensor technology for maximum safety, has been tested and approved by TÜV-Süd. 2012 the existing headquarters in Austria got modernized and its capacity expanded. We have extended our product range by introducing the cantilever system for sliding gates. 2001 We have opened the Polish branch. 2003 The aluminum cantilever system LWA115 has been awarded the “Innovation Prize” at the R + T fair in Stuttgart, among others, due to its “insertable” rack. 2012 Tousek Switzerland was founded. 2015 We founded our branch in Benelux. 2015 Tousek celebrates 40 years of success. My workplace is good and right. I appreciate the silence at my workplace, here I can quietly do my job. Christian Schinnerl / CNC specialized worker (serving the noisiest machine) From the 40 years celebration I expect a great party with happy guests. Philipp Daublebsky / Exportmanager Bertram Maier / purchasing department My boss is a role model for and I really enjoy working with him. Bertram Maier / purchase (to Mr. Gaiswinkler) Some colleagues are also friends. My colleagues should stay as they are. Georg Grigorijevits / External Sales Force Employees Richard Mandowski / control units development An operator is really advantageous, when it lasts three times longer than cheap ones. Thomas Fischer / Sales Manager A nice day begins without a traffic jam on the expressway. Dmitrij Paskar / Internal Sales Force For me a nice day begins with a cool business appointment. Roland Hackl / External Sales Force …are the most valuable capital of each company, this is the reason why we are consciously concentrating on long-term belonging and permanent training. The consequence is a high level of knowledge and experience of our employees and our customers can feel it at any time. Team work and a strong sense of cooperation – like in a big family- are not just words but reality experienced day by day. I really appreciate the direct customer contact at my workplace. Victoria Hölzl / Sales Administration When I see a Tousek operator on a gate, I can say proudly: we have produced it! Alexander Maj / quality control The highlight of my day is when I get a good idea! Vladimir Tranzik / mechanical development My motto: be friendly to everybody, and everybody will be also friendly to you. Ulrike Neudorfer / accounting department Our customers buy the right operators. I feel really connected to the company Tousek. Robert Böhm / mechanical workshop My colleagues are mainly cool and partially nerve-racking. Stefan Schmitzhofer / control units development Richard Mandowski / control units development I will never give my workplace away. Carina Perl / reception and telephone exchange I am really happy when a customer is satisfied and he also says it. Georg Siegl / External Sales Force When I see a Tousek operator on a gate, I slow down to see who has installed it. Roland Hackl / External Sales Force 9 Storage Since all our branches have their own and well organised storehouses, we can quickly dispatch the desired products to our customers. 8 Completion A correct installation is important for the proper operation. For this reason we write and print the instruction manuals of our products in-house. Manufacturer 7 Exit control Customer Needs Before leaving our company every single operator is subject to a detailed examination. This permits early identification of potential faults and saves unnecessary costs for our customers. 1 There are the customer wishes in forefront in the beginning of every development. We transpose these market demands into innovation. 6 Manufacturing 2 Prototypes The single components are finally joined together to form the fi nal product. The initial raw models are used for the simulation of the required features. Thereafter comes the designing of the housing as well as the production of a wooden model in scale 1:1. And finally the 3D-prototyping, before assigning the production of the needed tools. Tests 3 5 Finishing To recognise possible weak points we intentionally take our openers to their load limits. We test their functionality on real gates and under extreme conditions. The knowledge achieved during the tests flows immediately back into the developement process. In order to provide the highest level of quality, also the finishing of raw casting pieces is completed by our in-house machining centres. 4 Electronics To guarantee a high quality level in every detail, also the control boards are developed in-house. The developement teams for electronics and mechanics cooperate constantly hand in hand. Product-quality TÜV-TEST Our sliding gate operators Pull T as well as our swing gate operator Slim CLR have gone through the initial test by TÜV Süd for EN 132 41-1 regulation underlying EN 12453 and EN 12445. For a gate installation according to our specification with these operators, an active safety sensing edge at the main closing edge is not applicable. Control book and test certificate for your gate installation are available on our internet site. Patent Finally we became a widely recognized and well-regarded manufacturer on the market. This fact is confirmed by the appreciation of our customers and everytime that the competition trys to copy us. This is the reason why we protect the unique features that bring us technological advancement and competitive benefits. We are very proud of our patented sensor-system. With this unique sensor-system we adjust the force and the self-learning end positions of our operators. An unbelievable amount of 6200 signals are processed every minute. Although highly complex, it is simply constructed: without mechanical components, which would be susceptible to faults and malfunctions and maintenance demanding. During the development it was really important to us to create a system that would meet the increasingly stricter requirements relating to operating forces and, on the other hand, a fail-proof operator with automatic adjustment for summer and winter conditions, able to regulate the force in real time. Although many thought this was an impossible task, we´ve made it in the end. Our customers We concentrate all our efforts and concerns on the success of our customers. Business was made in the past, is made in the present and will always be made in the future between people. That is why we always approach our customers politely, helpfully, friendly and respectfully. We want them to feel in trustworthy and competent hands. Our future is in the stars . . . What does it mean? a/ Our future will be bright like a starlight. b/ Our future is written in the stars in astrological sense. c/ The humans will finally conquer the universe, colonize other habitable planets and Tousek wants to be part of it. Who else should open the gates of the new possibilities…. Which answer is correct ? . . none ! ! Instead, we prefer to keep both feet on the ground and further develope and improve our technology. Actually this is the most attractive aspect of the whole thing: to combine the gained know-how with energy, aspiration and enthusiasm to work and to steer toward the way of the never-ending innovations. As long as we can rely on this kind of audacity in our company, we don´t need to be afraid of the future. before now and in the future The driver had to get out of his car to open the gate manually, also under strong rain, snowstorm and in case of heavy traffic density. All passengers remain in the car. The gate gets opened, securely, comfortably and reliably, by means of a Tousek operator. The Tousek technology is taking good care of everything concerning gate automation. We will be able to easily reach Mars or any point of the galaxy by a space ship. And things like tousek-SPACEGATE, tousek-SPACE PORTAL, tousek-INTERDIMENSIONAL GATE, tousek-ANTIGRAVITY OPERATOR will work entirely without radio or rolling code just by tousek-TELEPATHY. . . . how painful the world sometimes was . . . how impressingly moving . . . how disturbing for our new beautiful remote control (Here there are no illustrations of the technology used because everything has been developed under the strictest secrecy.) Our success everything has to match . . If you succeed only once, it might have been by chance. If you succeed twice, you might have had luck. If you succeed three times, it is definitively hard work and industriousness. proverb from Normandy Unsuccessful people waste their time, successful people use their time. unknown author „What you do with a good mood, will not be hard for you.“ Hungarian wisdom tousek Ges.m.b.H. Zetschegasse 1 A-1230 Wien +43/ 1/ 667 36 01
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