April 2015
175 Bridge St.
Carleton Place, ON
K7C 2V8
Project Manager
Cathie McOrmond
BIA Board of Management meetings are held
the second Wednesday
of each month.
Meetings are located in
Town Hall at 7 pm.
BIA advertising
Business events
BIA website
BIA promotes
If your business would like to participate and is not on this list contact the BIA
office by April 9th at noon. cmcormond@carletonplace.ca or 613-257-8049.
Retail opportuniBIA Business ex-
pansion profiles
Business Information
Who is participating
Reads Book Shop, Treasures n More, The Granary, Tania and Ricks Dance
Studio The New Queens and Kings Kitchen, The Chamber of Commerce, The
Carleton Place Library, Grahams Shoes, Ballygiblins, Nancy’s Impressions,
Apple Cheeks, The Carleton Place Winery, The Blossom Shop and the Good
Food company. The BIA will pay for 50% of the cost of the comic books with
the shop owner paying $50 which will be collected when you pick up the Comic Books at Reads Book Shop.
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The BIA and the The Humm
Are Partnering to support you Downtown BIA Business.
TheHumm and the Carleton Place BIA happy to be partnering again this year to help promote businesses and events in the downtown area. The BIA has agreed to fund full-page colour ads for three
of the 2015 major BIA-sponsored events, and also to contribute to the cost of series of member
profile ads that will run in the paper over the spring, summer, and fall months.
Member Profile Ads each profile ad will be 4" wide by 13.5" tall in colour, and will feature profiles of two participating businesses. these ads will include write-ups and photos taken by
theHumm, as well as your business logo and contact information. theHumm will create blog and
Facebook posts each month featuring the business profiles for that month. These will be featured on
our home page, be sent to our blog subscribers, and appear on our Facebook feed (which will be
shared and promoted by the BIA as well). TheHumm will also offer a 5% discount on any other
print ads that participating businesses take with us for the rest of 2015. The cost to participate in
a member profile ad is $200 plus HST. If you would like to be part of
this promotional opportunity, please contact us at your earliest convenience, especially if you wish
to reserve space in a particular issue. TheHumm is looking forward to working with the BIA and its
members to promote downtown Carleton Place this year!
Kris Riendeau
Editor & Publisher
(613) 256-5081
The BIA encourages all Downtown Business to participate in
their events regardless of the location at no cost to them.
Businesses should partner with other business to promote themselves at the BIA Lambs Down Park
Festival on Saturday June 20th. A shared booth can offer a chance to promote and share the staffing
costs or perhaps you can find a volunteer. You do not have to pay but you do need to sign a registrations/waiver to participate registrations can be found on www.downtowncarletonplace.com
or by emailing cmcormond@carletonplace.ca.
The public is viewing our website.
BIA businesses are asked to review their business information and if it is needs to be updated
including a new business profile please send the details by email to cmcormond@carletonplace.ca so that the site can be accurate.
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Retail Opportunities Downtown
Metroland Media and the Carleton Place BIA are teaming up to promote Downtown Carleton Place
Retail Recruitment.
This project is called In Your Neighborhood and will profile
Carleton Place with six editorial and colour advertisements
promoting the downtown community and what it has to offer in small business opportunity.
These articles will be posted on Insideottawavalley.com and
in the Canadian Gazette.
The articles will also be made available to the Carleton
Place BIA to post on the BIA website. .
Expanded BIA Businesses Are being profiled!
The Carleton Place BIA has teamed up with well known journalist Dianne Pinder-Moss to have
business profiles created on BIA businesses that have expanded.
The downtown community consistently has businesses who
expand their footprint and the BIA believes we should be all
proud of these local businesses who are growing. Businesses
who are undertaking or have completed an expansion of their
operations will be contacted by the BIA to initiate the process
of being profiled. Once contact has been made by the BIA,
the business contact information will be directed to Dianne
and she will be contacting you to discuss and write the business feature. The article, along with photos if requested, will
be reviewed by both the BIA and the business and, once completed, both parties will have use of the
information. The profile will be linked to the home page of the BIA website.
If you are planning to expand the footprint of your please contact the BIA office so together we can
ensure your business is profiled.
2015 PAGE 4
Volunteering can be Fun! The Carleton Place BIA is the host of many community events
throughout the year and you can obtain your mandatory 40 hours of High School Community Service
by volunteering with the BIA.
Payment for your Market Square signage space was due February 28th. Business who have purchase a
sign for only $226 each year with a five year commitment will receive one.
There are a few sign spaces still available if your business is interested in purchasing one contact us today.
Further information about the sign requirements, specifications and applications are available at the BIA Office. If you have any questions about the program or wish to obtain an application
contact Cathie by email cmcormond@carletonplace.ca or phone 613-257-8049.
Welcome Wagon for NEW
Business and
Do you wish to reach new businesses and
professionals as they are finding suppliers
and establishing their buying
patterns? Find out how you can do this
easily and affordably by contacting LARA
LAFRENIERE at 613-253-1802 or email at
Great way to promote your businesses to
new businesses in Carleton Place, Beckwith, Pakenham, Almonte and Mississippi
Mills! Check out our website
at www.welcomewagon.ca
- Does your business have Questions about
Accessibility Guidelines for Ontario?
1-866-515-2025 or 1-416-325-3407
or visit ontario.ca/accessON
Important web sites for your Business to
The BIA office is located in the Town Hall at 175 Bridge Street
Cathie McOrmond
Carleton Place BIA Project Manager
Town Hall
175 Bridge Street