DVBIA Graffitti Removal Form

Danforth Village BIA
Graffitti Removal Program
Pressure washing and / or repain ng
ly the actual area of gra
will be painted or pressure washed Glass
surfaces are not included
emoval at the front of your property up to 10 feet hig For corner prope
the sid ank will be
*Commercial Property owners who choose not to par cipate in the
emoval Program
must remove g
on their property within the amount of me determined if a
emoval No ce is issued
by the City of Toronto’s unicipal Licensing By-Law
c pursuant to City of Toronto unicipal Code Chapter
4 Gra
Property Owner/Represen
ve Name:_______________________________ Company Name (if applicable) ________________________
Property Address within BIA area:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ___________________ Fax Number: _____________________ Email Address: __________________________________
Property Owner/Represen
ve Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________________
Shoppers World Postal Outlet
3003 Danforth Avenue
Danforth Village BIA
Graffitti Removal Program
______YES, I/We do give permission to have g
emoval Program.
removed from our property by the Danforth Village BIA
In exchange for inclusion on the DVBIA’s g
removal program, I/we hereby authorize the BIA, through a licensed, insured and
bonded contractor of its choosing, to access my/our property(ies) and remove g
from those building facades on my/our
property(ies) that are visible from the street and public alleys at no cost to me/us. The term “g
” shall have the meaning set out in
Chapter 485 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code.
I/we understand and agree that the method or methods of gr
removal may include but are not limited to the applic on of paint,
chemical solvents, steam cleaning, hydroblas ng, and/or media blas ng. As a result of the g
removal, I/we understand and agree
that a faded outline of the g
may result when the g
is removed. I/we understand and agree that it may not be possible to
remove all g
present on the building façade due to factors beyond the BIA’s control, such as but not limited to pas
empts to
remove the g
is removed. In the event
I/we understand and agree that an an g
co ng may be applied to the building façade a er the g
that paint is applied to already painted surfaces on the building façade, I/we understand that the paint colour used will match the
primary colour of the building façade as closely as is reasonably possible. Alterna vely, I/we understand that I/we can supply paint at
my/our cost for this purpose.
I/we understand and agree that in no event will the BIA be liable to me/us or any other person or en ty, nor will I/we bring any legal
proceeding regardless of form, for loss or damages of any kind, including but not limited to damage to my/our property(ies), loss of
goodwill or business pro ts, and work stoppage, arising directly or indirectly from any acts or omissions of its employees or its
designated contractor in rela on to the g
removal process and / or the accessing of my/our property(ies) for the purpose of
removing g
I/we understand that this authoriz on shall remain valid un l I/we revoke it in wri ng, except that the preceding paragraph will survive
the revoc on of this authoriz on with respect to any loss or damages arising prior to the revoc on. The BIA reserves the right to
cancel its G
emoval Program in wri ng at an me for any reason, at its sole discre on. In the event that the property owner(s)
is/are a corpo on, the undersigned represents and warrants that s/he has authority to bind the corpo on.
I/we understand that the contracted company doing the removal will do everything within reason to match the building colour.
emoval will consist, if needed, of pressure washing prior to repain ng. Only the actual area of gr
will be painted or pressure
Property Owner/ epresen
ve Name:_______________________________ Company Name (if applicable) ________________________
Property Address within BIA area:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ___________________ Fax Number: _____________________ Email Address: __________________________________
Property Owne
ve Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________________
Danforth Village BIA
Shoppers World Postal Outlet
3003 Danforth Avenue
P.O. Box 93617
Tora Home Design, 2686 Danforth Ave.