HDTC-BIA NEWSLETTER 2015 SPRING / SUMMER Issue# 3 Historic Downtown Chatham BIA Newsletter 2015 Spring / Summer UPCOMING EVENTS DOWNTOWN CHATHAM for 2015: Volunteer for Events OBIAA Convention planning Anyone who would like to volunteer for any event, please call the HDTC-BIA Office or email info@downtownchatham.com The BIA’s within Chatham-Kent was looking at hosting the 2018 OBIAA Convention here at the John D. Bradley Centre. However, due to CK hosting the International Plowing Match in 2018, we decided to wait for the next opportunity to apply. The next chance to apply will be 2019 or 2021 as Toronto was 2020 for their Anniversary. Pitch In Week: April 19th to the 25th. The focus of this beautification project is to clean up the “Parkland, Greenbelts and Downtown Areas” throughout the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. The HDTC-BIA and other volunteers on April 22 will go around and cleaned up litter, clean out our ash pots, and refilled them with sand. For more information go to: http://www.pitch-in.ca/PIW Thank you to all the Volunteers that are helping to clean up Downtown Chatham. Barrypatch Collectibles is Celebrating their 21st Anniversary Downtown Chatham! On May 1st and 2nd, bring in a can good for the Food Bank and receive 20% off of your purchase. International Plowing Match The last time the event was held in CK was 1979. They expect to draw 70,000 t0 100,000 people to the event and they’re looking for about 1,500 volunteers. People who are interested can email Rob Sterling at ckplowing@outlook.com On Wednesday May 6th come to the Satellite Restaurant at 145 King St. 12:15 – 12:50. Fashions by The Loft and donations to Meals on Wheels. Issue# 3 HDTC-BIA NEWSLETTER 2015 SPRING / SUMMER | 33 RetroFest™ May 22 & 23 Friday afternoon, May 22nd: The streets remain open. The OLG Classic Car Cruise leaves the John D. Bradley Centre at 6pm and reaches downtown Chatham at approximately 7pm. Families will line the streets to watch all the cars loop King Street. In the Tecumseh Park, we will have our Family Open Air Movie Screen. Movie to be determined. Street will also be close for the Soap Box Derby Racing. KHAC Car Show pre-registration on-line on the website www.downtownchatham.com and at King/5th Street at 9am. Soapbox Derby registration on William Street at 9am. Entertainment in the Tecumseh Park from 10am until 5pm with lots of Vendors. The Kent Havoc Rugby Team will having a Southwest Rugby Cup Championship against the Windsor rugby team at the: CCI Football Field 215 Murray Street, Chatham, Ontario N7M 3L3 Some of the sponsors for RetroFest™ 2015 are: OLG; RM_Sotheby’s; Collector Car Production; Everlast Group; & Popper’s Kettle Corn, 99.1, Leadwave Technologies; Dillon Consulting, MicroAge and others are still coming in. You can view a full sponsor list on our website: www.downtownchatham.com There will also be entertainment on the Kings Commons. Sidewalk Sales and Dogloversdays: CK Animal Rescue has secured DogLoversDays for June 27th and 28th, 2015. They anticipate 1000 people and their pets to come out to Tecumseh Park for this event. They will help the Downtown by encouraging people from the park to King Street for our Sidewalk Sales. The Street will be closed off for Saturday only to put up tents for anyone who wishes to participate. We will host a doggiebest-dressed fashion show on King Street and any merchant on the side streets off King are welcome to set up a tent on King Street to help inform people of your location and the products you sell. CK Branding Be an Ambassador for ChathamKent with free photos, videos and graphics! Watch for new photo’s produced by the Municipality of CK to show up on their website this spring. Saturday May 23rd: Streets will be closed. It is recommended that you post a notice in your business one week ahead of the event for your customers. King Street West and all side streets up to Wellington. William The Maple City Classic Car Auction will take place on July 18, 2015 at the John D. Bradley Convention Centre. If you would like to put your car in on consignment, go to www.ccpauctions.com Page 2 of 4 Promote your personal webpage, enhance your advertising, or beef up your next speech or trade show presentation with good quality photos, videos and graphics - all about ChathamKent? http://www.chatham- Issue# 3 HDTC-BIA NEWSLETTER 2015 SPRING / SUMMER | 33 kent.ca/CAO/Pages/CKBrandingT oolkit.aspx Streetscape Planning Ryan Jacques, a municipal planner, said the design capitalizes on Chatham's assets, including the river, the park and historic buildings. More than beautification, it's a capital infrastructure project that could take a couple of years to complete. This is the link to the streetscape plan: http://www.chathamkent.ca/SiteCollectionDocuments/Studies PlansStrategies/2_ChathamKent/2014/Downtown%20Chatham%20St reetscape%20Study%20Design%20Brief/ Downtown%20Chatham%20Streetscape %20Study%20Design%20Brief.pdf Most of CKs completed studies are in a central database at this link: http://www.chathamkent.ca/StudiesPlansStrategies/Pages/St udiesPlansStrategies.aspx Changes in Businesses Downtown: Studio 519 58 Fourth Street, Chatham, Ontario (519) 401-1284 C-K Clearance Zone 151 King Street West Chatham, ON 519-401-8125 Chatham Pharmacy Centre 100 King St W Chatham, ON 519-380-9000 Lorri’s Country Nook 7 Fourth Street, Chatham, Ontario 519-354-4652 Regine Chocolates 137 King St. W. Chatham, Ontario 519-354-5393 info@reginefinechocolate.com Any updates, please email info@downtownchatham.com. Council members for your Ward 6 – Chatham Darrin Canniff Michael Bondy Doug Sulman Derek Robertson Bob Myers Brock McGregor: BIA Council Representative. If you need to contact either the Mayor or the Council members, call the Civic Centre 519-360-1998 or email all Councilors council@chatham-kent 2015 Board of Directors: CHAIR – Paul Shettell, contact: downtowndeli@cogeco.ca Paul has been part of Downtown Chatham for 5 years owning the Downtown Deli. Board Members: Jaclyn Gillier from the Downtown Chatham Center, and Nancy Labadie. Council Member is Brock McGregor; Chatham Police Rep is Sergeant Jim Lynds and Office Administrator/Project Coordinator, Connie Beneteau and our Bookkeeper is Michelle Houtmeyers. By-law updates: The CK BIA By-law was passed at the March 23, 2015 Council Meeting. The new by-law will govern the actions and relationships of all the BIA’s in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. IMPORTANT LINKS Municipal Act on BIAs Section 204 http://www.elaws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/engli sh/elaws_statutes_01m25_e.htm# s204s1 BIA HANDBOOK http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/Page15 29.aspx Municipality of CK BIA By-law http://www.chathamkent.ca/bylaws/Pages/default.aspx Visit our website at http://downtownchatham.com/ VICE CHAIR – Ben Srokosz, contact: ben.srokosz@gmail.com And now, follow us on Twitter: SECRETARY – Jim Carrington, contact: jim@collinsformalwear.com Jim works at Collin’s Formal Wear Like us on Facebook at TREASURER- Lesley Grand, contact: Lgrand@stclaircollege.ca from St. Clair College Capitol Theatre Page 3 of 4 https://twitter.com/ChathamBia https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hi storic-Downtown-ChathamBIA/193303627374216 Also: https://www.facebook.com/Retrofes t?ref=tn_tnm HDTC-BIA NEWSLETTER 2015 SPRING / SUMMER 2015 You should have a 2015 sticker to add to your certificate. Place it next to your 2014. If you require a new certificate, email the office and we will get you a new one. HDTC-BIA Issue# 3
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