IMU - OpenROV v2.7 OpenROV IMU - OpenROV v2.7 This guide will direct you through the steps to create the IMU/Depth Sensor Module. Kits for this module can be purchased in the OpenROV Store. Written By: OpenROV TOOLS: Acrylic Cement (1) Applicator for Acrylic Cement (1) Soldering Iron (1) Flush Cutter (1) 2-Ton Epoxy 'Flowmix' (1) Heat Gun (1) Wire Strippers (1) © 2015 Page 1 of 7 IMU - OpenROV v2.7 Step 1 — IMU - OpenROV v2.7 First set up wires accordingly to the IMU, refer to image 1. Red/gray to 3.3v, black/gray to GND, green/gray to SCL, and white/gray to SDA. Have the wires go through the top of the board and solder on the bottom side. Clip the excess wires. Wear safety glasses when clipping excess wires. Step 2 Peel off the backing on the two acrylic pieces shown in image 1. With gloves, acrylic cement the thicker piece on top of the thinner piece. © 2015 Page 2 of 7 IMU - OpenROV v2.7 Step 3 Start the epoxy process by applying some to the bottom surface. This will ensure there is no air trapped under the electronics board. Insert the IMU board into the epoxy. Step 4 With a piece of tape, tape down the wires to the acrylic piece as show in image 2. Keep wires coming out of the board straight or the final piece won't be able to fit. Make sure the entire board is flush to the acrylic. © 2015 Page 3 of 7 IMU - OpenROV v2.7 Step 5 Epoxy the board onto the acrylic. Cover the board but DO NOT cover the white sensor. Refer to image 2. Let the epoxy cure for 4-6 hours. Step 6 On your ROV, remove the polypro fin. Also remove one side of both of your threaded rods. © 2015 Page 4 of 7 IMU - OpenROV v2.7 Step 7 Pull out the IMU wires from your ROV. Should be tucked on the starboard side of your wire bundle. Cut off the heat shrink, and strip the wires. Step 8 Once the epoxy has cured on the IMU, thread the wires through the third piece of acrylic. Refer to image 1. Acrylic cement the pieces together. Refer to image 2. © 2015 Page 5 of 7 IMU - OpenROV v2.7 Step 9 Measure out the IMU wires to the stripped wires on the ROV from the starboard side of the acrylic structure. Refer to image 1. Make sure that the wires will not get in the way of the spinning propeller. Clip the wires at that estimated length. Step 10 Clip 4 pieces of heat shrink and place on the IMU wires. © 2015 Page 6 of 7 IMU - OpenROV v2.7 Step 11 Solder on the IMU wires to the ROV wires. Make sure the wires you are soldering together match in color. After you have soldered all 4, slide the heat shrink over the solder joints and use the heat gun on them. Ensure it is completely sealed by heating it till glue protrudes from the ends. Step 12 Apply super glue to the bottom of the IMU and place on the starboard side of the acrylic structure handle. This document was last generated on 2015-05-01 11:55:46 PM. © 2015 Page 7 of 7
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