Accession list February 2015 ( IMU Seremban CS) Author Title QU 145 .Bau 2016 Bauer, Kathleen D. QU 145 .Siz 2014 Sizer, Frances. Human Anatomy Anatomy & physiology made incredibly visual / clinical editor, Janyce Dyer. Physiology Exercise physiology : nutrition, energy, and human performance / William D. McArdle, Frank I. Katch, Victor L. Katch. Bioengineered nanomaterials / edited by Atul Tiwari, Ashutosh Tiwari. Biochemistry. Cell Biology and Genetics Nutrition counseling and education skill development / Kathleen D. Bauer, Doreen Liou, Carol A. Sokolik. Study guide nutrition : concepts and controversies / Frances Sizer, Ellie Whitney ; prepared by Jana R. Kicklighter. Carotenoids and vitamin A in translational medicine / edited by Olaf Sommerburg, Werner Siems, Klaus Kraemer. Pharmacology Study guide to accompany Roach’s introductory clinical pharmacology / Susan M. Ford, MN, RN, CNE, Sally S. Roach, MSN, RN, CNE. Pharmacy ethics and decision making / Joy Wingfield, David Badcott. Call Number QS 39 .Ana 2014 QT 260 .Mca 2015 QT 36.5 Bio 2014 QU 167 .Car 2013 QV 18 .For 2014 QV 21 .Win 2007 Ford, Susan M. Wingfield, J. (Joy) QV 26.5 Aba 2013 Abate, Marie A. QV 39 .Han 2014 QV 39 .Kar 2015 QV 55 .Fox 2014 QV 704 . Rem 2013 QV 704 .Per 2012 QV 737.1 Don 2012 Hansten, Philip D. Karch, Amy Morrison, 1949Fox, Shelley Chambers. QV 737.1 Too 2012 Tootelian, Dennis H. Drug information and literature evaluation / Marie A. Abate, Matthew L. Blommel. Rules and guidance for pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors 2014 / compiled by the Inspection, Enforcement, and Standards Division of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Rules and guidance for pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors 2014 / compiled by the Inspection, Enforcement, and Standards Division of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Roach's introductory clinical pharmacology / Susan M. Ford, Sally S. Roach. Basic pharmacokinetics/ Sunil S. Jambhekar, Philip J. Breen Drug interactions analysis and management 2014 : facts & comparisons/ Philip D. Hansten, John R. Horn 2015 Lippincott's pocket drug guide for nurses / Amy M. Karch. Pharmaceutics / Shelley Chambers Fox. Remington: essentials of pharmaceutics / edited by Linda Felton Pharmaceutics - drug delivery and targeting / Yvonne Perrie, Thomas Rades Social and cognitive pharmacy : theory and case studies / Parastou Donyai. Essentials of pharmacy management / Dennis H. Tootelian, Albert I. Wertheimer, Andrey Mikhailitchenko. QV 778 .Lan 2012 Langley, Christopher A. Pharmaceutical compounding and dispensing / Christopher A. Langley , Dawn Belcher. QV 33 .Rul 2014 QV 33 FA1 .Rul 2014 QV 37 .For 2014 QV 38 .Jam 2012 Ford, Susan M. Jambhekar, Sunil S. Perrie, Yvonne Donyai, Parastou. Edition Item Class Second edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf 8th edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Third edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Thirteenth edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Tenth edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Eighth edition. 10th ed. 2nd ed. 2nd ed. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf 2nd ed. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf 2nd ed. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf QW 65 .Sam 2012 Samaranayake, Lakshman P. QY 95 .Tax 2014 Taxy, Jerome B. QZ 17 .Dia 2014 QZ 17 .Dia 2014 QZ 18.2 Pau 2014 Paulson, Vera A. QZ 4 .Mcc 2014 McConnell, Thomas H. QZ 4 .Pat 2014 W 18.2 Com 2014 W 18.2 Phy 2014 W 32.5 FA1 Jac 2013 Jackson, Emily, 1966- WA 100 .Ess 2013 Microbiology and Immunology Essential microbiology for dentistry / Lakshman Samaranayake. 4th ed. Clinical Pathology Biopsy interpretation : the frozen section / Jerome B. Taxy, Aliya N. Husain, Anthony G. Montag. Second edition. Pathology Diagnostic pathology : nonneoplastic pediatrics / [edited by] Angelica R. Putnam [and 16 others]. Diagnostic pathology : familial cancer syndromes / [edited by] Vania Nose̕ . Study guide to accompany the nature of disease / by Vera Paulson, Mark Valasek The nature of disease : pathology for the health professions / Thomas H. McConnell ; contributing editors, Vera A. Paulson, Mark A. Valasek. Porth’s pathophysiology : concepts of altered health states / [edited by] Sheila C. Grossman, Carol Mattson Porth. General Medicine. Health Professions A comprehensive review for the certification and recertification examinations for physician assistants / editor, Claire Babcock O'Connell. Physician assistant examination review : pearls of wiscom / editor-in-chief, Daniel Thibodeau ; associate editor, Scott H. Plantz. Medical law : text, cases, and materials / Emily Jackson. Public Health Essential public health : theory and practice / [edited by] Stephen Gillam, Jan Yates, and Padmanabhan Badrinath. Practice of Medicine Step-up to USMLE step 1 : 2014 / Brian Jenkins, Michael McInnis, Samir Mehta, Chris Lewis, Sonia Mehta, Sonul Mehta, Adam J. Mirarchi. Clinical rotations / Lois Elaine Thomson, M.Ed., M.T. (A.S.C.P.), Cathy Trocquet, M.T. (A.S.C.P.). IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Second edition IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Second edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Ninth edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Fifth edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Fifth edition. Third edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Second edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf WB 18.2 Jen 2014 Jenkins, Brian, 1977- WB 18.2 Tho 2014 Thomson, Lois Elaine WB 18.2 Vie 2014 WB 330 .Pha 2009 Viera, Anthony J. Crosswards USMLE step 2. board review / by Anthony J. Viera, Matthew A. Sutton. Pharmacy case studies / edited by Soraya Dhillon and Rebekah Raymond. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf WB 354 .Wei 2014 Weinstein, Sharon. Plumer's principles & practice of infusion therapy / Sharon M. Weinstein, Mary E. Hagle. Ninth edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf WB 39 .Bel 2015 Be̕ langer, Alain Therapeutic electrophysical agents : evidence behind practice / Alain-Yvan Be̕ langer. Communicable Diseases Oxford textbook of zoonoses : biology, clinical practice, and public health control / edited by S.R. Palmer ... [et al.]. Disorders of Systemic, Metabolic or Environmental Origin, etc. Third edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Second edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf WC 950 .Oxf 2011 IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Second edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf WD 375 .Kra 2014 Kransdorf, Mark J. WE 141 .Beg 2014 WE 185 .Min 2014 Beggs, Ian. WE 39 .Hos 2014 WE 725 .Spi 2014 Hoshino, C. Max WE 750 .Mus 2015 Muscolino, Joseph E. WE 810 .Con 2014 WF 17 .Chu 2014 Churg, Andrew WF 980 .Mas 2014 WG 140 .Wag 2014 Wagner, Galen S. WG 141.5 .C2 Gro 2014 WG 141.5.M2 Mri 2013 WG 18.2 Com 2014 WG 39 .Dia 2014 WG 500 .Abr 2014 WG 595.C2 Ber 2014 Berguer, Ramon WH 120 .Dol 2014 Doll, Donald C. WH 140 .Kno 2014 WH 600 .Dia 2014 Imaging of soft tissue tumors / Mark J. Kransdorf, Mark D. Murphey. Musculoskeletal System Musculoskeletal ultrasound / Ian Beggs. Minimally invasive orthopaedic trauma / by Michael J. Gardner, Jodi Siegel. Orthopaedic office and emergency procedures / C. Max Hoshino, John V. Tiberi, III, Thomas G. Harris. The spine / edited by Thomas A. Zdeblick and Todd J. Albert. Manual therapy for the low back and pelvis : a clinical orthopedic approach / Joseph E. Muscolino. Controversies in shoulder instability / editors, Christopher C. Dodson, David M. Dines, Joshua S. Dines, Gilles Walch, Gerald R. Williamsm Jr. Respiratory System Atlas of interstitial lung disease pathology : pathology with high resolution CT correlations / Andrew Churg, Nestor L. Müller. Mastery of cardiothoracic surgery / editors, Larry R. Kaiser, Irving L. Kron, Thomas L. Spray. Cardiovascular System 3rd ed. Third edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Marriott’s practical electrocardiography / Galen S. Wagner, David G. Strauss. Grossman & Baim's cardiac catheterization, angiography, and intervention / editor, Mauro Moscucci, MD, MBA, professor of medicine, chairman, Department of Medicine (Acting), Chief, Cardiovascular Division, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida. Twelfth edition IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Eighth edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Third edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf MRI and CT of the cardiovascular system / [edited by] Charles B. Higgins, Albert de Roos. Third edition. Complex cases in echocardiography / editor-in-chief, Robert J. Siegel ; editors, Swaminatha V. Gurudevan, Takahiro Shiota, Kirsten Tolstrup, Nina Wunderlich ; assistant editor Roy Beigel. Diagnostic imaging : cardiovascular / [edited by] Suhny Abbara. Second edition. Abrams' angiography : interventional radiology / editors, Jean-Franc̜ois H. Geschwind, Michael D. Dake. Third edition. Function and surgery of the carotid and vertebral arteries / Ramon Berguer ; illustrations by Lorie Gavulic. Hemic and Lymphatic Systems IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Hematology case review / Donald C. Doll, Radwan F. Khozouz, Wes Matthew Triplett. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Knowles neoplastic hematopathology / [edited by] Attilio Orazi, Kathryn Foucar. Diagnostic pathology : spleen / [edited by] Aaron Auerbach. Digestive System Third edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf CT and MRI of the abdomen and pelvis : a teaching file / editors, Pablo R. Ros, Koenraad J. Mortele ; associate editors, Vincent Pelsser, Smitha Thomas. Third edition. WI 17 .Cta 2014 Esophageal surgery / edited by James D. Luketich ; associate editors, Rodney J. Landreneau, Arjun Pennathur ; illustrations by BodyScientific International, Anne Rains. Advances in surgical pathology : Colorectal carcinoma and tumors of the vermiform appendix / [edited by] Rhonda K. Yantiss. WI 250 .Eso 2014 WI 529 .Adv 2014 WI 650 .Del 2014 Delaney, C. P. (Conor Patrick) WJ 140 .Uro 2014 WJ 141 .Eps 2014 Epstein, Jonathan I. WK 100 .End 2014 WL 17 .And 2014 Anderson, Jeffrey S. WL 704.6 Wal 2014 Waldman, Steven D. WM 105 .Car 2012 Carr, Alan, 1957- WM 105 .Spe 2012 WM 270 .Mai 2015 Sperry, Len. Maisto, Stephen A. WM 300 .Imp 1995 WM 34 .Sad 2014 WM 460.5.T7 Ste 2014 Sadock, Benjamin J., 1933Stewart, Ian, 1940- WN 17 .Aun 2014 WN 180 .Rad 2014 WN 200 .Lin 2014 Linn-Watson, TerriAnn Operative techniques in laparoscopic colorectal surgery / Conor P. Delaney, Justin K. Lawrence, Deborah S. Keller, Bradley J. Champagne, Anthony J. Senagore. Second Edition. Urogenital System Urological pathology / [edited by] Mahul B. Amin, David J. Grignon, John R. Srigley, John N. Eble. Differential diagnoses in surgical pathology : genitourinary system / Jonathan I. Epstein, George J. Netto. Endocrine System IMU Seremban CS - Textbook IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Endocrine pathophysiology / [edited by] Eric I. Felner, Guillermo E. Umpierrez. Nervous System Specialty imaging : Functional MRI / Jeffrey S. Anderson, Lubdha M. Shah, Jared A. Nielsen. Comprehensive atlas of ultrasound-guided pain management injection techniques / by Steven D. Waldman. Psychiatry Clinical psychology : an introduction / Alan Carr. Case conceptualization : mastering this competency with ease and confidence / Len Sperry, Jonathan J. Sperry. Drug use and abuse / Stephen A. Maisto, Mark Galizio, Gerard J. Connors. Seventh edition. Improving the quality of life : recommendations for people with and without disabilities / edited by David M. Romney, Roy I. Brown, and Prem S. Fry. Kaplan & Sadock's pocket handbook of psychiatric drug treatment / Benjamin J. Sadock, Virginia A. Sadock, Norman Sussman. Sixth edition. Transactional analysis counselling in action / Ian Stewart. Fourth edition. Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Aunt Minnie's atlas and imaging-specific diagnosis / edited by Thomas L. Pope Jr. Fourth edition. Radiology 101 : basics and fundamentals of imaging / editors, Wilbur L. Smith, Thomas A. Farrell. Fourth edition. Radiographic pathology / TerriAnn Linn-Watson. Second edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf WN 206 .Ima 2013 WN 250.5.R2 Pra 2014 WO 517 .Dia 2014 WP 18.2 Bre 2014 WP 39 .Ber 2014 Berg, Wendie A. WQ 210.5 Dia 2014 WR 140 .Tex 2014 Shelf-life pediatrics / editors, Sonali Mehta Patel, Kent Nelson, Stephanie R. Jennings. Handbook of pediatric neurology / [edited by] Katherine Sims, M.D., Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Pediatric Neurologist, Massachusetts General Hospital Director, Massachusetts General Hospital Neurogenetics Clinic, Director, Neurogenetics Diagnostic Lab, Center for Human Genetics Research, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, Juriaan M. Peters, Patricia L. Musolino, M. Zelime Elibol. WS 18.2 She 2015 WS 340 .Han 2014 WS 350.2 Kly 2014 Klykylo, William M. WT 104 .Hea 2014 WU 280 .Bis 2014 Bisen, Prakash S. WV 168 .Hea 2014 WV 18.2 Bai 2014 WV 270 .Hum 2014 CT imaging : practical physics, artifacts, and pitfalls / editor, Alexander C. Mamourian ; contributors, Harold Litt ... [et al.]. Practical essentials of intensity modulated radiation therapy / editor, K. S. Clifford Chao ; associate editors, Tony J.C. Wang, Tim Marinetti. Third edition. Surgery Diagnostic pathology : intraoperative consultation / [edited by] Susan C. Lester [and 9 others]. Gynecology Breast imaging : a core review / editors, Biren A. Shah, Sabala R. Mandava. Diagnostic imaging : breast / Wendie A. Berg, Wei Tse Yang. Second edition. Obstetrics Diagnostic pathology : fetal histology / [edited by] Jessica M. Comstock, Staci Bryson, Parker W. Clemment, Larissa V. Furtado, Fausto J. Rodriguez, Angelica R. Putnam, Lily Marsden, Michael B. Ward, Anthony Chang. Dermatology Text atlas of obstetric dermatology / edited by George Kroumpouzos. Pediatrics Humes, Larry IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Green's child and adolescent clinical psychopharmacology / William M. Klykylo. Geriatrics. Chronic Disease Healthy aging : principles and clinical practice for clinicians / [edited by] Virginia Burggraf, Kye Y. Kim, Aubrey L. Knight. Dentistry. Oral Surgery Biology of oral cancer : key apoptotic regulators / Prakash S. Bisen, Zakir Khan, Saurabh Bundela. Otolaryngology Head and neck surgery / editor, Robert L. Ferris. Bailey's head and neck surgery - : Otolaryngology Review / edited by Jonas T. Johnson, Clark A. Rosen. Fifth edition. Audiology and communication disorders : an overview / Larry E. Humes, Fred H. Bess. Ophthalmology Second edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf WW 17 .Roo 2014 Rootman, Jack WW 39 .Dia 2014 WX 218 .Mar 2014 Marino, Paul L. WX 39 . Irw 2014 WX 39 .Mas 2014 WY 100.1 Car 2014 WY 100.4 Web 2014 Carpenito, Lynda Juall Weber, Janet. WY 100.4 Web 2014 Weber, Janet. WY 150 .Hin 2014 Hinkle, Janice L. WY 150 .Stu 2014 WY 150 .Tim 2014 WY 157.3 Hat 2014 Timby, Barbara Kuhn. Hatfield, Nancy T. WY 157.3 Pil 2014 Pillitteri, Adele. WY 157.3 Pil 2014 WY 160 .Vid 2014 WY 18.2 Lis 2014 Pillitteri, Adele. Videbeck, Sheila L. Lisko, Susan WY 49 .Hin 2014 WY 49 .Web 2014 WY 86 .Hoo 2014 Hinkle, Janice L. WY 86 .Joh 2015 Johnson, Betty M WY 88 .Doa 2015 Doane, Gweneth Hartrick, 1954- Hood, Lucy J. Orbital surgery : a conceptual approach / Jack Rootman ; illustrations by Bruce Stewart. Second edition. Diagnostic ophthalmology / Brian Stagg, editor-in-chief, Balamurali K. Ambati, editor-inchief, James Gilman, image editor. Hospitals and Other Health Facilities Marino’s the ICU book / Paul L. Marino. Fourth edition. Irwin & Rippe's manual of intensive care medicine / edited by Richard S. Irwin, Craig M. Lilly, James M. Rippe. Sixth edition The Massachusetts General Hospital review of critical care medicine / editors, Sheri M. Berg, Edward A. Bittner. Hospitals and Other Health Facilities IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Nursing care plans : transitional patient & family centered care / Lynda Juall Carpenito. Health assessment in nursing / Janet R. Weber, Jane H. Kelley. Lab Manual for Health Assessment in Nursing / by Janet R. Weber, Jane H. Kelley, Ann D. Sprengel. Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing / Janice L. Hinkle, Kerry H. Cheever. Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing / contributor, Leigh W. Moore. Introductory medical-surgical nursing / Barbara K. Timby, Nancy E. Smith. Introductory maternity & pediatric nursing / Nancy T. Hatfield. Study guide for Maternal & child health nursing : care of the childbearing and childrearing family / Adele Pillitteri. Maternal & child health nursing : care of the childbearing & childrearing family / Adele Pillitteri Psychiatric-mental health nursing / Sheila L. Videbeck. NCLEX-RN questions & answers made incredibly easy / Susan Lisko. Clinical handbook for Brunner & Suddarth's textbook of medical-surgical nursing / by Janice L. Hinkle, PhD, RN, CNRN and Kerry H. Cheever, PhD, RN. Nurses’ handbook of health assessment / [edited by] Janet R. Weber. Leddy & Pepper's conceptual bases of professional nursing / Lucy Jane Hood. An introduction to theory and reasoning in nursing / Betty M. Johnson, Pamela B. Webber How to nurse : relational inquiry with individuals and families in changing health and health care contexts / Gweneth Hartrick Doane, Colleen Varcoe. Sixth edition. Fifth edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Fifth Edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Thirteenth edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Thirteen edition. Third edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Seventh edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Seventh edition. 6th ed. Sixth edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf 13th edition. Eighth edition. Edition 8. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf Fourth edition. IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf IMU Seremban CS - Open Shelf
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